fix articles 762, g. w. bush
Ten Years After the Financial Crash (tags)
US economic statistics are dubious since financial markets are based on financial products and money out of nothing. Tax havens, micro-second betting, stock buybacks and corruption through lobbying are market-distorting and cause revenue shortfalls.
Take a Step Back – Robert Tronge (tags)
I’m sure we’ve all heard the statement “walk a mile in his shoes”, but how many people are actually willing to step outside of their comfort zone and do this for a real. Most people are unwilling to see the other person’s point of view, especially when it violates their concept of right and wrong, whether that view of right or wrong is based on past experiences, ethnic, cultural, religious believes or outright bigotry.
Sitting-in for Human Rights, from Jim Crow to Juan Crow (tags)
The struggle for migrant rights--like the struggle against Jim Crow--is a matter of fundamental human rights and equality.
Is this America? A place where 'Men' live? (tags)
a "U.S." soldier was recently asked, why would it support Bush without any evidence to form a conclusion, as irrational, to rob and murder us People indiscriminately, escaping the actual 911 culprits, and the bushite grunted, "I don't care",
Support Our Demands For Open Communications (tags)
CNN "We've learned so much this week." Support my demands for US to arrest CNN, CBC, CTV, and the BBC news producers, for consciously forbidding American families from knowing, scientifically, mercury causes brain damage to YOUR child, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the time.
The Golden Rule - A Man Takes a Stand (tags)
"Taliban fighters are guilty of nothing but standing in defense of the innocent victims of 911."
Life thanks all honorable men who Bill on sight, the bushite God betrayers who bomb people in Iraq indiscriminately to please the neocon zionist enemies responsible personally for the crimes of 911. To save the lives of innocent families is the result of killing a 'lawless' bushite that has no care to defend America in war time.
The Corporate Bush Whores (tags)
The Corporate Bush whores, who lie to die our naive sons and daughters for stolen profits given to those personally who committed 911 must pay with public trials for their contempt of the value of our forsaken lives.
GLORY OF THE CORPS - A Real Man Speaks for Freedom (tags)
The more good than bad Alex Jones says George Norry, (who has Alex on once every six months or a year to say the NWO can't be stopped, never mentioning liquefied iron flowing like water from the towers, Ahmad, or that bush and Cheney are bad guys for officially closing criminal investigations [obstruction]) is heroic, I say, George Norry is an enemy to all Humans being.
A Bushite is an enemy of America (tags)
TO THE UNBELIEVERS : 40,000 pounds of bombs dropped by ANTICHRIST FORCES OF EVIL on a populated City THEY OCCUPY - American Women are Raped by Bushite and American men are too cowardly to call pro-child killer happy George Norry - Corporate News Whores are Evil to All Humans Being - Pentagon Won't Probe KBR [GANG] Rape Charges - "Heaven Won't Take Marines" - American corporations actively attempt to MURDER American women, and American "Men" refuse to phone someone who cares... - I'm willing to Challenge America to a Presidential Debate on successes we've achieved as the governed for enlightenment - Catholic Bishop: 9-11 was inside job - TO CON AMERICA TO DIE AS TRAITORS - Evidence is Everything - Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad - WOW! - 'How Bush misled the world' - WOW!
Heaven Won't Take Marines (tags)
LOOK! The lawless bushite is warring Humanity to bring about near what was there prior to them attacking.. THINK: they are trying to bring about the stability that their continuing conduct decreases through further LAWLESS rape, theft, and murder. Bill a bushite for God and America why don't you do it to save the atheists for Heaven as all included? Bushites are evil enemies of US all my friend, enemies of US all.
Coming to Town for Bushite Nasties (tags)
God is coming to town for bushite nasties on his sled of make believe. A halted bushite, is a mercy on our souls, in defense of ourselves the innocent. The innocent that a 'lawless' bushite holds for ransom in pain dying.
Demand open line communications to defend Freedom through Justice (tags)
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" Defend freedom, and the FBI, by demanding Coast to Coast radio hosts allow free communications, absent their personal contempt for preserving freedom to be our America.
Demand America take our calls for Justice as all (tags)
Did You Know: the bushite is warring Humanity to bring about what was there prior to them criminally invading?
Look, CNN and FOXNEWS Forbid Americans to Know (tags)
Look, CNN and FOXNEWS forbid Americans to know, families are threatened with arrest for not agreeing to cause neurological damage to their children. Will YOU make same demands by refusing US to discuss these matters openly?, or will you side to remain silent while my America dies undefended?
The Whole Truth - Christ Claims Torture Illegal - Get The Enemies of Man (tags)
Torture IS illegal, yet, the TV threat is trying to teach America that We, The People, haven't spoken on this issue since Law came to be. Please, I beg, please fight back for Humanity by not excepting a zionist's betrayal to G-D on this subject.
The Reason's Why - Look, Torture is Criminal (tags)
Look, torture is criminal. Do you physically slap your neighbors, to find out if they did the criminal's crime? Should we slap Rivkin to ask him if he plans to commit crimes against the innocent, and if he then says no, again repeat till he's rightly dead from hearing a liar's denial?
Tranforming Capitalist Schooling (tags)
School is back. So are liberals and conservatives, bickering over how to preserve capitalist schooling. At issue is how to get beyond capital, its promises of perpetual war and meaningless jobs. How shall we keep our ideas, yet teach?
On Jonathan Kozol's "Manifiesto" (tags)
The struggle for social justice can begin in schools, with a mass movement to take direct action in order to overcome racist high-stakes tests, and imperialist wars.
Fundamentalist Christianity Weds the Military (tags)
Fundamentalist Christianity weds the military and their offspring is ecclesiastically induced genocidal war from the command center of Fatherland Patriarchy [1]
Most favored religion bill Must be stopped (tags)
Researcher Sometimes referred to as the “Hate Bill”, Senate number S.1145, if passed will bring TYRANNY to America. President Bush (reacting to Mrs. Mier’s nomination) had the audacity to say, it matters not what the American people think, it matters what Congress does. Please cut and past this letter and send it to your Senators. A closer look at the Bill shows it would end political dissent, and makes jail a possibility for others with different religious beliefs.
CIvil War Rages in Iraq (tags)
Civil war been Sunnis and Shiites has been raging since August 31, yet the Bush administration continues to describe the situation as "pockets of insurgency" and to blame the escalating attacks on its favorite "catch-all" bogeyman: Al Qaeda. (I'm surprised he hasn't blamed Katrina on Al Qaeda)
Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity (tags)
This article is from the by Cary Vigneri Depleted Uranium keeps on killing. Is it nuclear warfare or just death by radiological toxin? Depleted Uranium (DU) sounds harmless. After all, it’s depleted.
The Republican Hypnotic Technique! (tags)
The use generalizations like 911 to occupy the conscience mind and then they plant hypnotic suggestion straight into your subconscious. These are old hypnotic techniques that are used by hypnotists and Carney Side Show freaks, to put you into a trance. They are using them on a mass scale hypnotizing the American people.
There is nothing so in this entire history that more makes me feel sadness for our great love stolen, than the American public's silent contempt expressed for the lives of those innocent People fallen murdered by their cowardly unjust indecision on foregoing the immediate arrest or execution of the "escaping" demon bush and rumsfeld for the crimes of 9/11.
The Real Butchers of Baghdad: G. W. Bush and His Army of Corporate Mercenaries (tags)
Now the real reason that Bush refused to sign onto the International Court and worked so diligently to evade the Geneva Convention comes to light.
CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: To Win in 2004, the Democratic Party Must Reclaim Its Soul (tags)
As Election Day 2004 approaches, Democrats and all liberals must confront the fact that the Bush Reich and neofascists in Congress have pulled the nation's center so far to the right we are about to topple over.
CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Buddy, Can You Spare a Job? (tags)
Re: U.S. Jobs - I've got some bad news and I've got some REALLY BAD news...
CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Bush Anti-Terrorism "Medicine": Only the Drug Lords Win (tags)
While Bush is handing out over $10 billion to "anti-terrorism" programs designed to enrich a few pharmaceutical corporations, cities and states go begging - Just $1 billion has been tossed them, to be divided among all 50 states, to cover the cost of anti-terrorism public health upgrades for over 260 million Americans.
The Constitution is the actual founding document of our Nation. It is important for every Citizen to have a basic understanding of it. It is a covenant between the People and their government which was meant to LIMIT the scope and authority of the Central Government in order to protect our freedom.
Are You Prepared for WAR? (tags)
Switch off your brain to be freaked out - best for warfare
More FARC information needed on IMC (tags)
A reminder to indymedia readers/activists: I usually see at least one piece of news on the Zapatistas every day (which is great) but not much on the FARC, who are just as deserving of our support.