fix articles 7600, keep Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : keep



As usual, as ever, peaceful pro-Paletinian student protest gainst the Gaza genocide is being infiltrated...

Elisabeth Bronfen: "What amazes me most is the stubborn ability to repress" (tags)

We've greatly reduced the required reading... Five short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, plus the one compulsory piece of Shakespeare from the basic course and vampire and fantasy stories. If very little is read, diversity goes out the window, too.

Will Orwell's prediction in `1984' become reality? (tags)

Basic elements of a development such as Orwell describes are emerging from the fog of current war propaganda, as it is being pursued by the West, attempts to drive the population into acceptance of a constant exceptional situation where war appears as the guarantor of peace.

The bone of contention (tags)

Russia really wants only one thing: to prevent Ukraine from becoming a full NATO country. Against the background of the current overall political situation, the West's behavior points to one thing above all: Its own population is to be kept in suspense by a succession of shocks.

Pathetric Medical Liars (tags)

Those people who keep saying it is the un-vaccinated who are the problem. Hey, I do not know of any unvaccinated people who have been tested. All that I know, do not believe this hype anyway. We asked 347 unvaccinated people if they had been tested, all answered no. Where are they getting these people from?

S.F. Bay Area Leading The Way (tags)

America plunging into “Venezuela meets Truman Show” as the collapse and gaslighting accelerate

In the USA Women Talk and Men Intimidate (tags)

Women talk - and men kill them. Homicides happen to women at work, from men. Don't like the competition.

Men Committing Suicide (tags)

Men committing more suicide. No jobs, no money, no pussy.

someone Should Work In Hollywood - Good Acting! (tags)

Looks like a movie, just like 911 looked like a demolition movie. Someone needs to be working in Hollywood!

KPFK and Pacifica, more doings, reposted here (tags)

Vital and Need-to-Know information is being reposted from here to inform all KPFK donors, sponsors, stakeholders, listeners and those who care about this Pacifica Radio Station's doing.

The Facade Of California's Governor Jerry Brown Leading Climate Change,continue$.. (tags)

Environmentalists keep protesting Jerry Brown to end California fracking while he keeps laughing all the way to his bank.

KPFK FUND DRIVE drives on and on and on ..... (tags)

no end in sounds of repeat programming, desperate guilt ploys, and asking for money to save what may be a dying old radio station. sad. but may be time for real changes, any how, any time, on air time especially.

FBI inconsistencies in the Boston Marathon bombing (tags)

The Boston Bombing Trial Starts, But Answers Aren’t on the Docket

Los Angeles Joins Nationwide #WaveOfAction Occupation of FCC Offices to #SaveTheInternet (tags)

The #WaveOfAction to #SaveTheInternet swept through twenty cities across the United States on Thursday, May 15, 2014, as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted on new rules to drastically change how the Internet operates.

Southern California Mothers Fight Back Against Foreclosures for Mothers’ Day 2014 (tags)

On Mothers’ Day weekend, Los Angeles families rallied outside Wells Fargo bank to bring attention to the greed and corruption of the banks that continue to fraudulently foreclose on families across the nation.

Occupy Fights Foreclosures and Dance Against Banks protest Wells Fargo and Bank of America (tags)

Citizens outraged over bank crimes, fraud-closures, and on-going corruption rallied outside Wells Fargo and Bank of America in Los Anbgeles on May 1, 2014 for #MayDay2014 #StopWellsFargo #DanceAgainstBanks #opDAB.

RENT may not be Controlled in LA City out ! (tags)

Rent Control may be diluted and rents increased if CC Parks get's his strange way. He often acts as a dissenter but this time [maybe again] it is AGAINST the Renters of his city of LA. Ex-police chief wants to gouge renters so they pay for landowners' expenses for earthquake prevention, that should already be paid thru yearly Rental Increases every single year, regardless of individual improvements made on apartments. UNIFY and LEARN MORE to not allow this proposal to City Council to gain any momentum. [and see other good article w/info here @ Indy that lists City Council members' contact info to immediately start ACTING IN ALL OUR city residents' behalf. NOW !

Birds Who Survived the Holidays and Other Tragedies (tags)

The stories of turkeys, chickens, and geese freed from cruelty and certain death. Besides living happy lives, some even spawned descendants.

Obama's Healthcare Fix (tags)


Obamacare Sticker Shock (tags)


60% of BET readers Urge Alicia Keys to Perform in Israel (tags)


Bilderberg June 6 - 9 Conference (tags)


Israeli Murder by Neglect (tags)


Orthopedic Knees for a Slightly Higher Fee (tags)

As made manifest by the medical profession, nutritionists, and the mainstream media. Note: I left the first draft of this article in my email and "cyberchondria" appeared on the news overnight

Aaron Swartz's Suspicious Death (tags)


Republican Ideas on Copyright Silenced (tags)

A Republican Congressional committee wrote a paper on copyright that strongly aligned with the anti-SOPA movement, but it was quickly yanked after lobbying from the MPAA and RIAA.

Goldman Sachs Free to Keep Stealing (tags)


All Three Holding Hands, Skipping and Dancing (tags)

Politics is such an easy thing to get caught up in. This is especially true when there are issues of such critical importance as we face currently especially with regards to the economy and our military. Right now American politics seem so polarized and in many ways it can be, yet on the larger issues it hasn't been that way at all. The talk has been there, but when actual moves were made regarding the larger issues, the only two parties we have weren't so different at all.

Comprehensive List Of Obama Tax Increases - 3 Years (tags)

Comprehensive List Of Obama Tax Increases - 3 Years In Office & 21 Tax Hikes

Occupy L.A. - UPDATED HOW TO DONATE - what is needed now (tags)

Occupy L.A. - HOW TO DONATE - UPDATED - what is needed right now - Supplies List, Food List, How to Donate Money

Occupy L.A.. - New LEGAL INFO - includes Passing Out Flyers (tags)

Occupy L.A. - New LEGAL INFO - includes the Los Angeles laws on Passing Out Flyers/ Hand-bills. Links to Noise Ordinance. Blog link goes to article, has link to How to Donate.

Occupy L.A.- UPDATED LEGAL INFO (tags)

OCCUPY L.A. UPDATED LEGAL INFO. If you are coming to Occupy LA for a few hours, a few days, or the duration, know these things first. Please also see the other post about Donating to Occupy LA.

Occupy L.A.- HOW TO DONATE (tags)

Occupy L.A. needs donations of food, supplies, and money. This post tells exactly what is needed and how to deliver it.

FBI Muslims and Militancy Considerations --- Heads up By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

The roots of this ?Militancy Considerations? graph in the FBI training presentation for its agents are very distinguished and very deep-seated in doctrinal warfare. It is not merely some ad hoc ?overreaction? to the ?war on terror? against ?militant Islam? by an overzealous state security apparatus' training program to keep the Americans safe from terrorists.

Martyrdom or Victory: Truth Soldiers on The Front Line in Libya (tags)

You too can support this victory! There is no way out and we are OK with that: it is always better to die standing than live on one's knees. Every day we have martyrs.

The Government and the Housing Market (tags)

The housing market has long been the measuring stick of how well the economy is doing or how badly it is doing.

Eric McDavid - 5 Years Imprisonment (tags)

Yesterday marked the 5th year of Eric's arrest and imprisonment...

Looking Forward Towards Change (tags)

Focusing ahead on this coming New Year in many ways is very exciting. We have a new diverse set of viewpoints to shape our legislation. We have promises made by both sides, and as some were kept via last minute legislation this year there is hope momentum will be followed through to 2011. There is a hope through diversity we will see a new vision and even direction arise.

Looking Forward Towards Change (tags)

Focusing ahead on this coming New Year in many ways is very exciting. We have a new diverse set of viewpoints to shape our legislation. We have promises made by both sides, and as some were kept via last minute legislation this year there is hope momentum will be followed through to 2011. There is a hope through diversity we will see a new vision and even direction arise.

Important Eric McDavid Update (tags)

Eric's petition for a rehearing en banc has been denied

HURRAY for courageous Wikileakers (tags)

Wki-leaks has done what many of us wish we could... OPEN UP THE WORLD OF misinformation, lies, deceits, manipulations, fake diplomacy, propaganda and allllll that is spoken, written that is "not in our name" appropriate. Wow, some of us are very impressed and want these computer workers SUPPORTED, complimented, helped, and given any and every service or help we can each offer... to keep them doing the good work they have been so dedicated to providing to all "the people" including "the American People" too... good ! work ! help protect and increase Free Speech as exposure is not intended to harm but REVEAL what is being done for us that is hurtful and against most of us.

A Post-Sentencing Statement From Dave Solidarity (tags)

On June 1, I was sentenced to a 1 month stay in a Federal Prison, starting June 22nd, after being convicted of a 'violation of the terms of my supervised release.' To give a little bit of background, in 2006, I was convicted of damaging United States property' after setting fire to an Army recruiting center in the Bronx, and served 6 months in a federal prison, followed by 3 years of 'supervised release.' Last year, a few months before this term of supervised release was set to expire, I was arrested outside of the second occupation of the New School, and charged with assaulting an officer, rioting, resisting arrest and maybe a couple other things.

Keep Venice Streets Free for All (tags)

Prevent Venice parking permit and vehicle height restrictions proposed implementation on public streets. Keep Venice free for all members of our community. Current settlement of anti-homeless group does not represent the majority of Venice. Venice is love. Love is free. Keep Venice Free.

Napolitano in Claremont (tags)

Sunday, May 16, 2010
CLAREMONT, California - The arrival of Homeland Security Secretary (and former Governor of Arizona) Janet Napolitano to this community at the far east end of Los Angeles county propelled a march and rally of about 300 people in denunciation of the policies of immigration agencies, which fall under her purview.
Leer este artículo en español: Napolitano en Claremont

In the Streets for Human Rights: A People Without Borders (tags)

The recent immigrant rights demonstration in San Diego May 1 was inspiring, but a real solution to the immigration question will come only when we can disenthrall the American people from hateful corporate propaganda that pits disadvantaged groups against each other and convinces millions of Americans that their economic and social problems are caused by people below them, not people above. So-called “illegal” immigrants are just another in the long line of scapegoats corporate and Right-wing propagandists invoke to keep people confused and lead them to challenge each other instead of their corporate overlords.

The Five Dirtiest Businesses in Orange County (tags)

Some Orange County Customers are losing money, funds and worse at some of the OC businesses.

Nazi Covenant - "With Hell are We at Agreement! (tags)

Samaria's Nazi Health Care; Killing You with Kindness - "Woe to Samaria!", for Samaria gets rich treating intentionally induced illnesses! (Amos 6:1)

Imp Tossing! Keelhauling! What Not? 1/24 (tags)

Imp tossing probably started in Ithaca with their favorite imp, Terry Garahan pushing alleged suicides into the gorges from grassy overlooks - "This is my favorite spot!" Now I hear that they have been tossing imps from high rises in the midwest. Is this the rage of the future?

She Did It (tags)

After the 2008 elections many in the Republican party went on the record stating the party needed to reach beyond it's traditional constituency and diversify. The new Chairman of the Republican National Committee said, "there was underlying concerns we had become too regionalized and the party needed to reach beyond our comfort" zones. Many discussed minorities and women as demographics they needed to bring in, but there has been a conspicuous lack of action regarding this. In some cases when they have talked it has seemed the opposite.

Steve Murphy Update - Support Needed! (tags)

Steve Needs Your Support!

Epidemics for Dummies 11/18 (tags)

Epidemics for Dummies 11/18 Sat, 11/18/2009 - 10:18 — ConcernedCanadian The media is still hellbent on terrifying you with their flu hysteria in order to inject you with toxified vaccines or worse; thus I will continue to expose that which has been hidden. (Matt. 10:26)

The Science Of Hostility (tags)

Directable Hostility, Electronic Mind Control, and The Disposable Veteran

ANTIFA VICTORY! Nazi Rally in Riverside Broken Up (tags)

The Nazi rally in Riverside today was broken up by Antifa and Brown Beret demonstrators. Of the 3 nazi flags they had, 2 were torn from their hands, ripped to shreds and burnt, and the only one they kept was almost ripped from their hands and they had to sustain several blows to keep it.

Rob Us If You Must, But Socialism Scares Us (tags)

A possible explanation of why Americans are so complacent about being massively robbed by capitalists time after time.

The Revolution We Need...The Leadership We Have (tags)

A message and a call from the Revolutionary Communist Party. A whole different world, a much better future, is possible. We have what we need to fight for that World, that future. It is up to us to get with it and get to the challenge of making this happen.

California Apocalypse (tags)

Though a lot of so-called “progressives” voted no on the ballot measures on California’s May 19 special election ballot, the overwhelming defeat of these legislative compromises aimed at a short-term solution to California's budget problems has been a boon for the radical Right. For 43 years, ever since they elected Ronald Reagan as governor in 1966 and passed Proposition 13 in 1978, a cadre of radical-Right Republicans have been seeking to destroy the financial basis of California's government and thereby force the elimination of virtually all social welfare programs as well as scorched-earth cuts in education and health care. Now they’ve got their wish: after the budget dust settles, California will now no longer be in the business of helping working-class and lower-income people, and will instead be a low-tax,corporate-privilege Libertarian haven.

Former S&L Regulator: Absolutely A Banking Bailout Coverup (tags)

This Bill Moyers interview is going viral so fast, I can’t even keep up with it. And for a very good reason - former S&L regulator Bill Black explains exactly why the current banking bailout is a mistake. Hat-tip to Crooks & Liars for content!

Obama Breaks His Promises on Outsourcing (tags)

Obama, the man who won the presidency on a platform of reform has reneged on yet one more promise -- the promise to oppose outsourcing.

25 years of UK's miners' strike: Keep on keepin on! (tags)

"The bosses make us pay for their crisis"...

RESISTANCE! Day of International Action Against State Murders - Saturday, Dec. 20th (tags)

At this moment, they fear us, and they will keep on fearing us if we are thousands and everywhere. We are calling everyone to actions of solidarity, to fight for the rights of all of us. Let 20 December be the beginning.

HELP KEEP COPWATCHLA.ORG ONLINE! (tags) is currently down due to lack of funds. Please help us continue this resource.

LAPD suppresses radical art space (tags)

Imagine a place where people can come together to exchange ideas, create art, play music, and otherwise invest in a better world, starting here and now in Los Angeles. Some LA heads went beyond imagining and created it. After many hours of hard work and planning, they finally opened it up to the community to host a hip hop show, a benefit for next month's anarchist bookfair. The crowd was mostly young people from a variety of backgrounds and different parts of the city. Some of us were painting and organizing for the first Los Angeles Really Really Free Market, but mostly people were just bobbing their heads to the beats. We were obviously a threat to the system and the American way of life.


Something really strange happened in the street last night. I don’t know if it was due to the “whiteness” of the crowd, to the fact that there is money in the gay community which potentially gives it power, or maybe it's the fact of the incoming president elect Obama with his promises of “something new”. I don’t understand and can only guess. But the fact is ….the cops backed off last night, and in all scores of demos, anti-war protests, pro-immigrant rallies, and every other kind of social-justice activity I have covered and participated in I have never seen that happen.

ANSWER rally saved by Gay and Lesbian community leaders (tags)

The supposed ANSWER LA Silverlake rally was a mess thanks to ANSWER fortunately for the marchers and all of us there our own Gay and Lesbian community leaders stepped up and saved the day

The Failed Reputation of The United States Federal Government (tags)

The United States Federal Government started destroying it’s reputation decades ago. Property confiscation and forced development because of taxes is "the norm" in the United States. It does not matter how long the property has been owned or who owns it, if you do not pay the government for it’s "new" taxable value, you will have it confiscated. I have watched as many people who have lived on their property for decades and even generations, have it stolen by the United States Federal Government.

Evict 90 year old (tags)

America is now a hellhole

Congress standing up to the bailout (tags)

Transcript of address from Rep. Marcy Kapitur, D-Ohio, Toledo The latest reality game - Wall Street Bailout - has a counter-game called Wall Street Reckoning. The Capitol switchboard is easy and free: 800-270-0309

Bail-Out, Economic Democracy and the Socialist Path (tags)

David Schweickart, political philosopher, discusses the financial crisis, what it exposes about capitalism, how it can set the stage for economic democracy, and open the socialist path.


The new Paulsen-Bernanke package to “rescue” Wall Street will only puff the speculative bubble and trap the working people’s money in it. It hopes to keep the addiction, greed and gluttony for speculative profits going. It’s time to beat down Wall Street capitalism! Time to put working people’s welfare first! Time for real, socialist change.

Huntingdon Life Sciences Collaborators in CA (tags)

Huntingdon Life Sciences kills 500 animals every day and has been caught in 6 undercover investigations abusing animals, including shaking and punching 5 month-old beagle puppies on tape, and has been documented falsifying research data. These companies help keep them in business...

Ross for the high jump (tags)

Obama to shaft Ross

SF Chronicle smears Berkeley animal rights activists (tags)

A sensationalist and trash piece that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle on June 11. Full of flat-out lies and deceptions. Foremost among the deceptions being the portrayal of vivisector Frederic Theunissen's experiments on songbirds as painless and innocent. These birds are immobilized and bolted down in stereotaxic devices, have holes drilled into their skulls, and electrodes inserted into their brains for recording. In most of the studies, the birds are killed to have their brains studied. Another deception is that Ralph Freeman's torture of kittens and cats is shedding light on Epilepsy. I haven't even read Freeman make this claim. No big surprise from Robert Sanders, who has compared animal rights activists to Al-Qaeda.

"Immoral Hazard" (tags)

Economic troubles are broad, deep and worrisome.

George Bush Leona Lewis sing Bleeding Love to Jenna Bush (tags)

From sadist to proud papa in under 60 seconds.

Prop 98 can provoke a city-wide rent strike in San Francisco, LA, and elsewhere.. (tags)

Housing activists have absolutely no plan to effectively confront the passage of Proposition 98, which will abolish rent control statewide.

The economy is not what they are saying!5 (tags)

"And another horror is that the stock market went up, which is Pretty Freaking Strange (PFS) since Barron’s reports that the earnings of the Dow Jones Industrials went down, dropping to $225.53 from $234.49. This has produced the unbelievable price-to-earnings ratio of 57! Earnings are going down, but the stocks are going up! To a P/E of 57! Un-freaking-believable!"

If we all act togeather (tags)

Keep it going

American Axle strikers: Keep on keepin' on! (tags)

The song was made to support the UK miners' strike of 1984 - 1985. But it seems to be created for the American Axle strikers!

Eric McDavid Update - 2.14.08 (tags)

Hearings on Feb. 28th

Is Dennis Kucinich an Alternative for U.S. Workers? (tags)

Millions of U.S. workers and youth have come to reject the inhuman conditions the crisis of capitalism is producing: the War on Iraq, the Katrina disaster, attacks on immigrants, stagnant wages, cuts in social services, the health care crisis, and on and on. On the basis of events, consciousness is changing, starting with the most advanced and active layer of the workers and youth, and is increasingly directed toward a break with the capitalist system and its representatives. It is in this context that Dennis Kucinich, a six time congressional incumbent from Ohio, who is now in his second run for U.S. president, has generated interest among those disaffected with the “business as usual” politicians. Kucinich presents himself as a “progressive alternative”, and to his credit he stands out favorably on many issues when compared to the rest of the mainstream candidates. He has been a vocal and consistent opponent of the War on Iraq from the very outset, calling for a full withdrawal of U.S. troops. He has said that if he wins the presidency, his “first acts in office will be to cancel NAFTA and the WTO”. He is also the only presidential candidate who openly opposes for-profit health care in favor of a national single-payer system.

City finds a clever way to keeps Blacks from renting apartments (tags)

This city gets apartment owners to refuse to rent to convicts, a racist trick to keep Blacks out of it's city limits. Many other cities use the same trick!

Eric McDavid Update - Less than 2 weeks to trial!e (tags)

Funds still needed for legal fees...

Good Bye Bingo: Seniors Go High Tech (tags)

Whether it’s playing the latest Nintendo Wii game or sitting down for a hand of Bridge, seniors engage in a variety of activities – old and new – to exercise their minds. “Good-bye Bingo: Seniors Go High Tech” from the Home Instead Senior Care, serving seniors in Burbank, Long Beach and Hemet. It highlights recent trends as some seniors gravitate toward video games, but also focuses on traditional games and companionship/conversation as ways to challenge the brain.

Fresh & Easy: A Wal-Mart Clone? (tags)

An open letter to Fresh & Easy, Tesco's (UK) upcoming US subsidiary...

Best Diet In The World (tags)

Food is your body's fuel. You should not pour junk into it, any more than your car. If you can afford to be unhealthy, skip this. If you can't, please read on.

A Call For A Nationwide General Strike! (tags)

Shut It All Down! A Call For A Nationwide General Strike!

Why bush demolished the WTCs with explosives (tags)

The "2 birds with 1 stone" story

RNC 2008 Call to Action (tags)

a call to action against the 2008 RNC in Minnesota

War money (tags)

is killing our boys

Cooking the Books: U.S. Banks are Giant Casinos (tags)

This is not good news.

How Do Men Keep Women Out? (tags)

Men Use Women's Looks To Keep Them Out Today.

Sign Petition: Save the Berkeley Housing Authority (tags)

The Berkeley Housing Authority is in a crisis and needs you help!

China UN Ambassador Orders U.S. To Shut Up (tags)

By The Light Of A Burning Bridge -

Aztlan | Lessons in Politics (tags)

Today, and for the present, Aztlan is a spiritual concept, an ideational concept. But what does the future hold for the indigenous peoples of Anahuac?

(English) Atenco Sends Solidarity to South Central Farm w/ fotos (tags)

"From the love arising from the fiery edge of the machete" (see also fotos of Atenco receiving Seeds from SC Farmers, T-shirts after presentation about FArm in San Salvador ATenco)

Encampment at South Central Farm Persists Steadily (tags)

Spirits are high South Central Farm. Encampment persists, and strategies in play to win back the farm~

Legal and Still Tossed (tags)


National and worldwide demonstrations demand US keep hands off Venezuela and Cuba

Ubiquitous NSA Telephone Call Logging: The Practical Significance (tags)

The real significance of NSA spying.

The Hidden Terror of HR4437: No Compromise in the Movement for Migrants Rights (tags)

What We Must Learn Now from the Black Civil Rights Movement


The Republican Party, and the appointee of Schwarzenegger, is resorting to illegal politics to keep third party candidates off the ballot.

Alito's open-minded platitudes (tags)

Judge Alito is really slick, like a bar of soap on a bathroom floor. He'd be a great defense lawyer; and if I were in Jack Abramoff's shoes, Alito would be my first choice. As it is, it looks like Alito will be confirmed for the Supreme Court. No question about his qualifications, Alito will be a justice who can work the U.S. Constitution and fit it to Bush's fancy.

Let's loot Chad (tags)


Support Lincoln Place evicted tenants - Friday night (tags)

The locked-out residents of Lincoln Place Apartments in Venice to invite you to an 'Ecumenical Mass' Friday night (Dec. 9) - this will be a very moving event and your presence will really help Lincoln Place residents keep up their fight and keep the spotlight on this issue.

A Re-publican Nation: the Born-again Publicans (tags)

A new era has descended upon us, indeed: the era of Re-publicanism; an era which is sure to irrevocably determine who amongst us is free. and who will not be.

The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The Making (tags)

shameful is the fact that there are people who seem not to care that such things are taking place in our country

The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The Making (tags)

As a result of nine-eleven’s jarring impact upon our nation, journalists have discovered a near paranoid rise in retaliation against individuals attempting to expose governmental malfeasance.

Animal Rescue Boats Needed - New Orleans (tags)


The Truth about a Mexican hero (tags)

Cesar Chavez was no hero to revolutionary change

US Soldier: Dead heroes can’t pay the bills! Stop killing us and then waving the flag! I (tags)

Interview with a US soldier who was deploying for a second tour in Iraq.



Neo-con's Definition of Freedom (tags)

It is imperative that the American people understand what this word means to the neo-cons.

U.S. can't keep "hands off" policy in Iraq anymore? (tags)

The most amazing spin from the White House today states that, frustrated by the impasse of its own quislings in Baghdad, the U.S. may not be able to keep its "hands off" policy much longer. Well, what about all that brow-beating on the 'sovereign' Iraqi government by Warlord Don 2 weeks ago? Or the barely-concealed threats issued by Ms. 'Chevron' Rice & Halliburton Dick that the Iraqi government better get going, or else?


Wandering troubador Red Hunter begins Spring 2005 tour on Whiskey and Apples Records.

Cops Disrupt Anti War Meeting (tags)

On Saturday March 12, the Pasadena Anarchist Collective was having a meeting to plan for a March 19th Anti-War protest at a gathering in South Pasadena when two cops in their uniform disrupted the meeting.

Actual Astrology for January 26 -31, 2005 (tags)

These predictions, based on Actual Astrology, are rather like a weather report. No matter what your sun sign, these are the astrological conditions of the days ahead.

LA's Media Blitz To Save Social Security! (tags)

Save Social Security From Bush!

The Secret (tags)

An essay about love, truth and world events

A letter to Michael Moore, a message from God (tags)

Hey Mike Right now you're like the junk food, reality TV, generation we're fucked, next best thing we have to Gandhi.

A Note Of Appreciation From The Rich (tags)


Spinning 1000 Dead as Kerry Ducks (tags)

The Bush White House is in full-spin mode trying to minimize the damage as the U.S. death toll in Iraq passes the 1000-mark. Kerry, meanwhile, misses an opportunity to label Iraq “Bush’s Folly.”

Half-Million Marchers Defy N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg to Denounce Bush War and Lies (tags)

Despite threats and intimidation from New York’s Republican Mayor, a record half million protesters marched in New York City against Bush’s war in Iraq and his attacks on civil liberties at home in a disciplined and spirited march past the RNC convention site.

Anyone but Bush? Anyone? THE HYPOCRISY OF REPRESENTATION (tags)

This is a contingent in the anti-war community.

Nader and his supporters have become what they hate! (tags)

Ralph Nader and his supporters exhibiting the same behaviours that they denounce in the Democrats!

Anti-Commuinst Democrats Illegally Challenge Socialist Candidate Petitions (tags)

The outrage of the fascist tactics of the stinking, rotten Democratic Party in keeping socialist, Greeen and the Nader-Camejo ticket off ballots has now reached Illinois, proving again that the only reason the Democratic Party exists is to keep the Reds and Greens out of office so as to perpetuate capitalism and the exploitation of the workingclass.

Will the Fence calm the region or exacerbate the conflict? (tags)

Un-manageable (tags)

Un-manageable Saturday July 24th 2004 at Flor y Canto 6 PM A discussion on the ways in which institutions have been using discipline and normalization as tools to mold the individual into docile and manageable bodies. The primary target of control is no longer just our body but also, if not primarily, our 'soul' ...

Minneapolis Labor Street Fest (tags)

July Street Festival to Commemorate 70th Anniversary of Strikes That Made Minneapolis a Union Town

The Secrete War of Laos (tags)

The Secret War of Laos, Bombies and Abugrave What Does it all mean?

"I want to f--k with Nevada for a while" (tags)

"This was not a smoking gun, this was an audio tape of the bullet coming out of the chamber, hitting the victim and the killer standing over the body and laughing about it." -- Russ Campbell, Nevada Power Company attorney

Lynndie England comix (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Iraqi people and their struggle against foreigner occupation.


911 was not a surprise attack according to testimonies given at this week's hearings. HAMMAS calls for an ARMISTICE with the former US. Barbera Bush threatened her husband. CHINA and JAPAN attempt diplomacy. Tenet and Hamilton commit perjury, ALL ACCORDING TO FOX NEWS CHANNEL.

Insider's secrets of the mass media (tags)

These memo's show how the mass media really works, how badly the war is really going and how the public is lied to and manipulated by what's not reported

Here's The Video (tags)

I had to keep re-trying and recovering "lost download" to get this file showing Silverstein on PBS openly admitting WTC 7 was intentionally demolished and did not collapse from fire as we've all been lied to all this time.

Help keep Mike Malloy on the airwaves! (tags)

IE America is about to end radio boradcasts in February. Let's keep progressive talk show host Mike Malloy on!

Is Bush a bigger liar than Clinton? (tags)

George W. Bush and his sleazy gang have but one guiding principle that dominates all they do. They use public power and influence for private gain and will do just about anything to keep the power in order to keep the gain.

Jewish Lessons on the Environment (tags)

Shabbat is a holy covenant among Jews, but it can also be a holy grail for environmentalists.

Why Men Die First (tags)

The age old question has always been why do men die first? Why do Women tend to outlive men? Here is one answer to this age old question.

2nd Amendment: Right to Keep and Bear Arms (tags)

A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

The Principles of Control (tags)

The first principle of people control is not to let them know you are controlling them. If people knew, this knowledge will breed resentment and possibly rebellion, which would then require brute force and terror, and old fashioned, expensive and not 100 % certain method of control.

Who will be the next Governor of California? (tags)

Keep your tripe to yourself.



Quaker City Rocked by Peace Movement (tags)

Some pics from the Whittier Peace Vigil. A huge crowed turned up to support.

The Police Are Here To Preserve Disorder (tags)

During the Civil War there was no property tax. They were more freee than we are.

Statism Has Replaced Religion (tags)

Check out "The Match" zine. Check out Alex Jones (

State Intervention in Markets Stops Humanity's Progress (tags)

Want a good economy? Get the State out of our lives. Then watch us fly without restrictions, authority and taxes stopping us and making us poor.

'Blood, oil, and tears - and the 2004 Bush campaign strategy' (tags)

Campaign Strategy: Kill more people have the Media portray the Carnage and misery as a humanitarian effort.

Bush in Los Angeles this week (tags)

Bush to visit California some time this week, will anyone turn out in protest?

No Edisons Among The Keepers, Any More Than the Kept (tags)

Alex Jones (

Brave New World (tags)

Alex Jones ( says the State wants to make us peasants, retarded and hating the family. This is what governments have done throughout the history of mankind.

The Real Deal on Iraq (tags)

This e-mail received from a good friend and he vouches for the authenticity of the message. As you read this, think about the murder rate on the streets of every metroplex in this nation. Summed up -- very likely in the double digits-daily. So why is there not the outrage exhibited by the Liberals in the media to match their outrage about our forces in Iraq? Do you suppose it is safer for our troops on the streets of Baghdad than it is for us on the streets of our large cities? Or is it the Vietnam card being replayed?

Our gift to Iraq (tags)

Due to the dreadfully unpatriotic behaviour of Robin Cook and the BBC, many of you are now experiencing what we might call worry

Thank You to Diogenes (tags)

Keep the light on Brother

'Revisionist victory' (tags)

That the President of the United States is being forced to repeat the same inane talking point which was first wielded by Colin Powell and Condaleeza Rice shows precisely how desperate the administration is to keep the truth at bay. They know that if they do not keep up a fevered offensive they are in mortal danger of being squeezed by two very unpleasant pincers.

Revolution = Rocket Ships For All (tags)

Revolution is going to Mars for vacation. Why not? Because governmnent is holding us back. Just like they did to the scientists throughout humanity. Humanity is just as stupid.

America is Rule of Man (Clinton) - Not Rule of Law (tags)

There is no justice in America. it is run by rule of man (bureaucrats, Clintons, government-run media) rather than wht our Founding Fathers intended - the Rule of Law.

The Fulcrum of Evil (tags)

Check it out: We fought the wrong war.


Join us in helping to stop the closure of Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center. Protest at the Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday, April 29, 9:30am. 500 W. Temple Street, room 381B, Keneth Hahn Hall. (Temple and Grand in Downtown LA).

President in 04? (tags)

Dennis Kucinich, John Kerry, Or ?

I love the USA (tags)

As a leftist, I'm getting just a bit weary of hearing how much I "hate America." Ever since the big you-know-what in late 2001, that little zinger has been the comeback of choice for any objections to US foreign policy. Don't like our new wars? Gee, you must really hate this country.

Economic Theory (tags)

Economics is actually a form of voodoo religion. . .

Just Say No To Forced Taxes (tags)

Don' want war? Don't pay forced taxes. Taxes should be voluntary only.

Revolution = The Liberty To Keep (tags)

From Ben Tucker's quotes.

Yankee Doodle, send them up (tags)

A ditty and some worldwide anti-war boycott news

Guantanamo: USA's AUSCHWITZ (tags)

images from USA's Guantanamo Base in Cuba, where they keep their war prisioners

The Origin of Social Dysfunction (tags)

From the book "The Origin of Social Dysfunction" by E. Allie.

29 Reasons to attack Iraq (tags)

There has to be more....please add to the list

WHEN is the next big action? (tags)


Solidarity from San Francisco! (tags)

We want to express our solidarity with all the activists of LA.

Activists' Guide To First Aid/Protective Gear (against tear gas and pepper spray) (tags)

Activists' Guide To Preparation/First Aid/Protective Gear from the Black Cross Health Collective. This info rocks - the healers who put it together draw on their experience at Seattle and all the big North American demos since then They (and their friends) even field tested remedies for pepper spray! First Aid for Radicals and Activists Fight the power, do no harm

How They Keep Us Down (tags)

Ways they keep us down and miserable - so we won't fly. THey are afraid we may go beyond their little dreams.

No Fly Zone (tags)

Don't like the rules? Don't play the game... and you still win.

Rationality vs. Extremism (tags)

As long as you can keep the rats fighting under the table, they will never see the meal going on above them.

chemical and biological weapons are not "weapons of mass distruction". (tags)

Chemical and biological weapons are not weapons of mass distruction. They are not very effective weapons. Far less effective than a 2,000 pounder.


ART AND RESISTANCE! Come celebrate the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the ARTS IN ACTION space! Help support another year of creating an environment, which generates artistic and political dialogue and action. Keep the doors open for another year! Keep this independent cultural center alive! Arts in Action is a cultural and political collective housed in the Westlake/Pico Union area of Los Angeles. Our vision is to create an environment which generates artistic and political dialogue and action.

F15 Hollywood (tags)

Home video taken at the F15 antiwar march in Hollywood, CA. Got some decent shots up above the crowd to show how massive this demonstration was. 20 minutes of video, 60mb.

Nonviolence (tags)

Keep it Peaceful


This is the text from an San Francisco Bay Area anarchist anti-war flyer.

The Space Shuttle and The GPU (tags)

Part II of The Beginning of the End of the American Empire!

War of $$$ (tags)

What we all need to do

Sorry State of the Union (tags)

Brief political rant/inspiration piece I wrote after hearing how unrelated to the facts Bush's speech is going to be.

Call White House-tell them "NO!" to Additional $14 Billion in Aid to Israel (tags)

Call White House-tell them "NO!" to Additional $14 Billion in Aid to Israel

Reportback on the Korean People's Struggle (tags)

Reportback on the Korean People's Struggle for liberation, justice, and democracy. Come support the struggle of oppressed nations.

Reportback on the Koren People's Struggle (tags)

Reportback on the Korean People's Struggle for liberation, justice, and Reunification

Reportback on the Korean People's Struggle (tags)

A night of music, photos, and spoken word concerning the Korean people's struggle for freedom, peace, and justice.


As long as people keep responding to them,

Remembering Wellstone – the soul of the Senate (tags)

The following are speeches and statements made about Sen. Paul Wellstone and his wife Sheila upon their death, Oct. 25, in a tragic plane accident, which also took the life of their daugher Marcia, three campaign workers and the two pilots.

Win the elections for Wellstone! (tags)

MINNEAPOLIS – “Stand up, keep fighting,” the refrain from a Wellstone campaign song, rocked Williams Arena here Oct. 29 as more than 20,000 people packed a memorial service for Sen. Paul Wellstone, his wife Sheila, daughter Marcia and three campaign staff members and crew who died in a plane crash Oct. 25.

Letter and cartoon of support from Latuff to Amiri Baraka (tags)

Copyright-free artwork and text by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Music Freedom (tags)

Corporate Greed trying to stop 11 year award show.

Music Freedom (tags)

Corporate Greed trying to stop 11 year award show.

Music Freedom (tags)

Corporate greed trying to stop 11 year local music awards show

Three New Posters Created for Sept. 11 Anniversary (tags)

Three new posters -- "War on Terrorism/Drugs," "When Will It End?" and "Bush: For Terrorism" have been released for immediate distribution in the days leading up to the 9/11 anniversary. Available online, but you can also write for free copies sent via mail, too.



Artists wanted for Infoshop Benefit (tags)

Artists and performers wanted for a benefit show for the Long Beach Infoshop.

LA Cannabis Reform Coalition Hunger Strike and Vigil (tags)

Medical marijuana is a voter-approved law, and yet the DEA continues to take away the rights of the least healthy among us.

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #11 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st check the LA-IMC webpage for location

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #10 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #09 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #08 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #07 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #06 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #05 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #04 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #01 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #03 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #02 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach #01 (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their bodies of resistance! They keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

NOT IN OUR NAME peace walk in Newport Beach (tags)

A great success, in the belly of the beast 50 activists offered once again their body of resistance! they keep bombing we keep walking and resisting NOT IN OUR NAME! next stop June 1st

The Jenin Massacre Gallery (tags)

We keep hearing the comforting stories on the nightly news, assuring us that no massacre occurred in Jenin. The U.N. murmurs in soft, loving tones in an effort to convince us that no massacre ever happened and it was all Palestinian propaganda. Sadly, the photos tell a different story.

facts about Israelis and palestinians (tags)

zionazis have shot numerous international reporters to keep the truth from getting out!!!!

Strikes Spread in Nigeria (tags)

As Nigeria's economy suffers under the effects of capitalist globalisation, Nigeria's people fight back in a series of strikes.

The making Of More-Death-Rate-Afghan (tags)

Yes..!! More-Death-Rate Afghan been implemented just according to plan.Make no mistake, we want more "More-Death-Rate" Afghan no matter what will it take

Money Drives the World (tags)

Bush Sr. linked to the Bin Laden Family, which in turn means bin Laden family is tied in with US finacial insitutions and companies. drops banner over West Hollywood, "CIA CREATED BIN LADEN ...... (tags) has dropped a wonderful banner over a freeway overpass in west Hollywood for all to see.

Another Homerun (tags)


San Diego Viewpoint (tags)

San Diego folk back cops

Three Cheers for San Diego Police (tags)

San Diego Police hit a home run...

A call for protective gear at BIOJUSTICE (tags)

People who are coming to Biojustice should bring protective padding to keep themselves safe. You are more effective in the streets when you are not laying on the ground with broken bones from the police.



open letter to insidious's political editors (tags)

let us keep on the case of the corporate media. getting in front of eyeballs will bring about mass appeal, as if by magic.

Radio IMC LA (tags)

We established email so you can keep us updated about our stream and it's quality.

I dont blame them (tags)

Did Somebody Say Keep Quiet? (tags)

We must show that when they threaten, we solidify!


I will keep my... (tags)

Keep telling the truth Derg (tags)

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags