fix articles 7565, matter
We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. (tags)
Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness Call it socialism - as the wealthy GOP does - or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.
and MEXICAN ATLANTIDA as its capital had a beautiful city called TULAM where it was the envy of all The damned Demi Gods, because in their technology they had already discovered the jump from inert matter to organic matter while the angels remained with square eyes at the continue in The Stone Age.
The mystery of `populism' and The anarchism stereotype (tags)
How many hours would we really have to work to maintain a functioning society - that is, if we got rid of all the useless or destructive jobs like telemarketers, lawyers, prison guards, financial analysts, public relations experts, bureaucrats, and politicians?
The rediscovery of the soul (tags)
How apt are the words of Friedrich Schiller: "The world loves to blacken the radiant and to drag the sublime into the dust". And further he writes: "But fear not! There are still beautiful hearts that glow for the high, the glorious"
BLM and Black Nazis are Evil Like White Nazis (tags)
Black Jew-hating Nazis are just as bad as White Jew-hating Nazis.
Fourth Women's March Los Angeles SET1 (tags)
Despite some significant divisions The Fourth Los Angeles Women's March is still alive and organizing.
Paraphysique de l'Univers, l'anarchie déployée (tags)
Une révolution intégrale des mentalités...
FBI Tracked Activists Involved With Black Lives Matter as They Travelled Across the U.S. (tags)
FBI Tracked Activists Involved With Black Lives Matter as They Travelled Across the U.S., Documents Show
Patrisse Khan-Cullors explains why Black Lives Matter (tags)
Patrisse Khan-Cullors explains why Black Lives Matter in a powerful memoir with Asha Bandele, ‘when they call you a terrorist’
Philippines: Marcos burial forms part of pattern towards authoritarianism (tags)
Akbayan joins the rest of the country in denouncing the unilateral, treacherous burial of the dictator Marcos as a hero.
Black Lives Matter Activist Jasmine Abdullah Sentenced Three Months in Jail on Attempted Lynching Charge (tags)
Wednesday, June 8, 2006
PASADENA - Despite overwhelming community support for the embattled activist Jasmine "Abdullah" Richards, who rose to prominence as a youth organizer in the resource-deprived African-American community residing in otherwise-affluent Pasadena, a jury unanimously convicted her of the charge of "attempt to taking a person from police custody by means of a riot," a charge up until very recently known as felony lynching. At yesterday's court hearing, presiding Judge Elaine Lu sentenced the activist to 90 days in LA County jail, three years' probation, and a year of anger management classes. The the feared stayaway order from La Pintoresca Park, the hub of Black Lives Matter organizing in Pasadena, was averted.
New Book Rips Hillary Clinton (tags)
America's Corrupted Political Process (tags)
Paraphysique de l'Univers, l'anarchie déployée (tags)
Atomes, matière noire, énergie noire, anarchie...
KPFK RADIO is essential to Pacifica, who also umbrellas KPFA that may be falling away (tags)
KPFK is the prime radio station of 5 in Pacifica. KPFA in Berkeley seems to be acting illegally or secretly to separate OUT and away from Pacifica with 1 faction hiding their moves. This is here a repost to inform those who want KPFK in LA to continue and not fall prey to tactics used at it's sister station. Beware non-transparent games even within 'non-profit' corporations owned by stakeholders [ funders, pledge $ givers].this could be a warning of what may also be gamed with KPFKs existence. Learn more and share it too.
Political Debates: Theater, not Substance (tags)
America's Sham Democracy (tags)
police state
Cleveland Police Attack Black Activists (tags)
police state
Hillary Clinton Wants BDS Campaign Undermined (tags)
Slicing and Dicing Greece to Pay Bankers (tags)
The United States of Injustice (tags)
police state
Ignored Palestinian Persecution on Election Day in Israel (tags)
Defiant Netanyahu Pledges No Palestinian State if Reelected (tags)
Putin Bashing Crowd in Overdrive Over Nemtsov illing (tags)
Greece Surrenders to Troika (tags)
Why Palestinian Sovereignty Matters (tags)
Herstory of Blacklivesmatter (tags)
An excerpt from an interview of Alicia Garza of BlackLivesMatter
Heading for Ground War in Syria and Iraq (tags)
Lavrov Counters Irresponsible Western Policies (tags)
Ukraine's President in Ottawa and Washingto (tags)
Israel Obstructs Gaza Rehabilitation (tags)
Elizabeth Warren: Hold the Cheers (tags)
Reviewing James Petras' The Politics of Empire (Part II) (tags)
Planned Turkish False Flag Exposed (tags)
Free Expression on Trial in Israel (tags)
Obama Maintains a State of National Emergency (tags)
Washington Pressures Russia for War Resolution on Syria (tags)
Testimonies Prove Israel Tortures Palestinian Children (tags)
Obama's America: Gangsterism Writ Large (tags)
Ingo Schulze: Ten Theses about the Crisis (tags)
It is the madness that has become self-evident: for years, the public sphere has been plundered and democracy ruined. The German writer Ingo Schulze has had enough. Here he sets out ten reasons to take himself seriously again
Sham Peace Talks Resume (tags)
Spinning the Israeli/Palestinian Peace Process (tags)
Presidential Medal of Freedom Hypocrisy Redux (tags)
police state
Palestinian Prisoners: Petitioning to Block Their Release (tags)
America: Super-Bully Nation (tags)
EU Guidelines on Israel: Part II (tags)
Obama Ups the Stakes in Syria (tags)
Police State America in Good Hands with James Comey (tags)
police state
Defending IMF Financial Terrorism (tags)
class war
Israel's Likely Coalition Partner Government Threatens Humanity (tags)
Never mind! IMF now says austerity mistakes don’t matter (tags)
IMF paper says damage wrought by austerity much greater than expected, but it should continue anyway.
Obama/Netanyahu Post-Election Reset (tags)
Obama's Disposition Matrix (tags)
police state
Paul Ryan's soup kitchen photo-op wrecks charity organization: Doors may close (tags)
GOP vice presidential hopeful Rep. Paul RyanPaul Ryan may have drawn a few chuckles after his somewhat awkward soup kitchen appearance, but what the organization is now facing is no laughing matter.
Thoughts at Perhaps the Most Perilous Time in World History (tags)
America's Sham Electoral Process (tags)
New York Times Promotes War on Syria (tags)
Hypocrisy not Democracy in America (tags)
Beirut Patriarch: EU Doesn't Care About the Fate of Christians in the Middle East (tags)
Murder Inc: Official Obama Policy (tags)
New York Times Promotes War on Syria and Iran (tags)
Goldman Sachs: Making Money by Stealing It (tags)
grand theft
Obama Plans More Middle East Wars (tags)
Banker Occupation and Europain (tags)
class war
Palestinian Freedom Later, Not Now (tags)
Besieging and Terror Bombing Sirte (tags)
Schools Matter: Is CNCA Charter Corporation Poaching Parents and Pillaging Privacy? (tags)
Parent poaching and possible privacy violations by corporate charter school operator Camino Nuevo Charter Academy. Plus, necessary information for filing formal complaints with the district.
On the former Philippine President Marcos burial issue (tags)
Open letter to Vice President Jejomar Binay on the Marcos hero's burial issue
S & P Downgrade Targets Entitlements (tags)
Economic Recessions in America (tags)
The US economy, and for that matter the global economy, is a living, breathing thing. With that analogy in mind, we find that the comparison is closer than most of us would normally think.
Pack Journalism Promotes War on Libya (tags)
America's Dirty Secret: AfPak War Not Winnable (tags)
an unwinnable war
Request for impeachment of RUBY KRAJICK, Clerk of the US Court, New York (tags)
In a matter, where New York Attorney General uncovered alleged criminality by BofA and US government officers, pretense litigation was conducted at the US District Court in New York.
Philippines' Election Campaign Ignores Real issues (tags)
CENSUS needs part time workers...wanna take the test ? (tags)
Census is late but trying to recruit everyone especially people who can speak other languages are the how-to-apply details I encountered doing it today
Alexander: Gov. Schwarzenegger Should Investigate A.G. Jerry Brown’s Office (tags)
Recently, it was discovered that Jerry Brown’s communications director Scott Gerber, had been secretly recording phone conversations with reporters which is a violation of California law. Alexander says, “It is now the responsibility of Governor Schwarzenegger to launch an investigation into this matter to ease public concerns that it is not a cover-up by the attorney general’s office.
The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) in the United States strongly condemns the blantant display of callousness the US-Arroyo Regime on this matter of the highest humanitarian concern wherein more than 2 million people both Moro and Christian population are affected due to the escalating war in Mindanao.
Brazil: mediatic and political/legal linchyng...Do arrest the detective! (tags)
Do still reverberate around the world the scandalous news that is held by the CIA, since the "golden years" of "G.W.Bush's age" the personal archive of "Bangster" or "Gankster" Daniel Dantas.
Does Color Fucking Matter? (tags)
Throughout my lifetime, I have heard many, many times from folks who I am in regular contact with that they do not see color. Their opinion is that we all live in the same world, and if everyone would just “not see color,” then gosh darnit, this ding dang world would be a grand ol’ place to be. Because, they say, color does not matter.
Pat Boone and Proposition 8 (tags)
1950's wimp-rocker Pat Boone recently published an article on the Right-wing Web site World News Daily comparing demonstrators protesting the passage of Proposition 8, which elimnated the right of same-sex couples to marry, with the terrorists who attacked hotels and religious centers in Mumbai, India. To this author, it's appropriate that Pat Boone should be expressing such bigotry and prejudice because he began his career taking advantage of bigotry and prejudice by ripping off great rock songs by African-American artists and having bigger hits with them than their creators did.
South Central Farmers, community members, and progressive organizations call for shutting down the "h" Horowitz Warehouse in South Central Los Angeles
Saving the South Central Farm: Listening to the Land (tags)
To many, it looked like the Struggle to Save the South Central Farm was defeated, a dream buried beneath the treads of the bulldozers that plowed the Farm under following the brutal invasion of an army of LA County Sheriffs crushed the resistor's encampment, turning the land from a liberated zone into an oppressive, occupied one. But all that could change. Here's why, and how you can help make it change.
Did U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes and ICE conspire in illegal activity? (tags)
May 1 - UC Berkeley primate vivisector Jack Gallant home demo report-back (tags)
The campaign in opposition to University of California-Berkeley vivisection continues.
Reply to KPFK General Manager Jim Lafferty's New Years Report to Listeners (tags)
Looks like Jim got a good batch of something.
what made Addington a fascist? (tags)
His abusive, authoritarian father, of course. And now we have to suffer the consequences.
Gov’t downgrades peace talks, MILF says (tags)
Manila-- The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has described the replacement of Secretary Silvestre Afable as government chief negotiator with a non-cabinet member as a deliberate downgrading of the peace process by the government following Afable’s alleged resignation the other day. Jun Mantawil, head of the MILF peace panel secretariat, told Luwaran that while the MILF leadership has the highest respect for Father Eliseo Mercado Jr. as “a person, friend and as a priest” but he does not possess the authority that a cabinet member possesses.
Homo habilis and language (tags)
Two recent discoveries represent a powerful experimental verification for all hypotheses that Marx and Engels brought forward about human evolution from the monkey stage to the productive, thus social one.
is killing our boys
Libby’s Trial Crafted to Protect Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)
Instead of going after the cabal that lied the country into the Iraqi War, Special Counsel, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, focused on only one defendant, Irving “Scooter” Libby. He also made sure no conspiracy count was utilized in the indictment against him. V.P. Dick Cheney will not testify at Libby’s trial. Fitzgerald, who has close ties to Rudy Giuliani, will continue to make sure that nothing comes out to hurt the interests of the Bush-Cheney Gang.
The Truth of the matter is...
50 things I've learned about the Arab-Israeli Conflict (tags)
50 things I've learned about the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Sheriff Joe - One a**hole know world wide!!! (tags)
Kyl dismisses fuss over 'Congressional Record' (tags)
Kyl's right. The 'Congressional Record' is just a bunch of fairy tale propaganda that the house and senate members use to make themselfs looks good. A normal person should view it with a grain of salt.
City of Los Angeles Guilty of Enviornmental Racism in South Central Los Angeles (tags)
A. tearing down South Central Farm (14 acre clean air producing sanctuary) B. replacing this with Warehouses, which bring in Diesel Trucks C. the single most dangerous community to live in for air pollution cancer risks just got more dangerous
When People Become Commodities (tags)
By Jonathan Rowe
Fox Guarding the Firehouse? (tags)
Grievance filed against fire commission president for creating hostile work environment just as panel investigates allegations of harassment and discrimination on LAFD
The Double Standards of the West (tags)
While the West works on developing ver-new nuclear weapons, should Iran be barred from the peaceful use to which it is entitled according to international law?
Not Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose--It's the Whole Ball of Wax (tags)
Americans have been, and remain, all to willing to trade away a heritage of freedom for a false promise of security being peddled by charlatans in Congress and the White House.
Playing down the Deathtoll. (tags)
The mass murder is starting to stink; like the corpses still laying in the sun. Monday, Sept 12 2004 Good morning america.
what REALLY happened in New Orleans!?!? (tags)
is this what really happened in new orleans? i wonder....
The dynamics of tyranny are the same the world over. People with power over people with none abuse that power through intimidation, violence, and coercion. It doesn’t matter if it is a teacher picking on her student when the door is closed or war. Same shit, different pile.
Muggers, Thuggers and Thieves
Remembering Rachel, Recognizing Oppression (tags)
SUMMARY:The West Coastrecently hosted a visit by Amy Goodman, spurring some debate but widespread admiration. On Wednesday March 16, Democracy now spotlights the Corrie killing, also hotly debated in these parts. Stein asks if we recognize "sowing of bitterness, suspicion and intolerance as crimes in themselves".
Natural Disaster, Unnatural Response (tags)
We should all be ashamed that the best our smug, self-satisfied president could offer the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami was $10 million in change and his “heartfelt” sympathy.
Rachel Corrie vs Kobe Mandell (tags)
The latest crime bill has something in it for everyone.
Preparing for a Crooked Election: Angst for Nothin’ (tags)
Question: What good are democratic solutions if democracy no longer exists? Answer: Good question. For one writer’s take on this conundrum, read on.
Slick Dick's pick, 'A Pig with Lipstick!" (tags)
On Nov. 3, Slimy 'Halliburton' Dick will achieve historical notoriety for stealing an old Wyoming adage, "No matter how many times you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a Pig!" Afteer the election, this will become the defining quote on the well-deserved defeat of the Neo-con gang of Oilers & Warmongers at the polls.
November 6th Anti War March!!! (tags)
No Matter Who Wins, Only the People Can Stop the War!!
Sick of the daily bombardment of polls showing Kerry running "neck-and-neck" with Bush? Feeling demoralized? Don't be! Most of the polls are a bunch of baloney. Here are seven reasons not to trust the polls -- along with some insights into why Big Media chieftains oppose and fear the Kerry/Edwards ticket. (Did you know that John Kerry and John Edwards OPPOSE media consolidation?)
Exposure of top mossad spy Ashraf Marwan causes stir in Israel
The Feeling of Existence (tags)
What actually is it that makes an object “feel” the presence of the other object when the two of them collide? Would it be possible for that object to “feel” the presence of the other object, if it were unable to “feel” its own presence? By what means then does it “feel” the presence of others? Take, for instance, that you are one of those who don’t believe that man has “the feeling of existence.” The question now is: “How then do you come to have the feeling that you are ‘always present’ and that you are always at the present?” Obviously, the feeling meant here is one that has nothing to do at all with your sensory feelings and neither does it have anything to do at all with your emotional feelings.
All we can feel about our selves is that we are experiencing "the present time" on and on throughout our lifetime. Could all this possibly be a result of the fact that the basic matter that forms the contents of the universe is "always present" and that all it experiences is but a change of position?
Down with U.S. Imperialism Contingent's Message from A12 (tags)
No Bush, No Kerry, Revolution is Necessary!
Anyone but Bush? Anyone? THE HYPOCRISY OF REPRESENTATION (tags)
This is a contingent in the anti-war community.
Why do we have elections? Does it matter if there is no choice? Has anyone noticed that the political conventions have not been held, and already the parties have decided who the candidates will be with almost no input from any of the largest groups of real people: Does this matter? Hell no how can it matter when people don't actually matter at all, to either of the major political groups, or in any other context in the USA today. We are officially nothing. Welcome to the world of zero influence!
Your Next Vote Will Kill Millions (tags)
...the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, a.k.a. John Kerry — who has “recently discovered” he was half-Jewish on both his father’s and mother’s side after decades of letting people believe he was Irish — basically approves Bush’s policies of continuing preemptive strikes on selected countries...
“Asteroid Hits Earth, Millions Die—GOP Says Clinton Responsible” (tags)
Bill Clinton has been blamed by his detractors for just about everything from curdled milk to genetic mutations. But might there be a more recent president whose own record of misdeeds puts Clinton's to shame? Read the following for why it just may be time for Clinton critics to quit caterwauling.
dispute with Printed Matter, Inc. (tags)
dispute with arts organization that is accused of suppressing book by radical group
Poem and critical commentary about what we need to do to prepare for the possibility of US infantry defection and a resistance by Bush to a nonviolent transfer of power this November.
As for Iraq, if Kerry has a problem with Bush, it's that he didn't drag France, Germany and Russia into the war, preferring to strike a grabby, it's all mine, pose, rather than the "let's divide up the loot" approach the Democrats favor. Apparently, a gang rape is better than a rape carried out by a lone assailant, which, I gather, would make a gang rapist a rapist-lite, and therefore more worthy of our backing than a rapist who goes it alone. But, for the record, Washington hasn't gone it alone in Iraq, managing to cobble together a coalition, though one lacking France, Germany and Russia, whose backing, in some perverted twist of reasoning, is supposed to have invested the rape of Iraq with legitimacy. Apparently, if you can lure other renowned rapists into a gang rape, it gives the whole sordid affair moral weight.
Mbeki questions Aids stats (tags)
Country after country is finally speaking up and questioning 'AIDS' statistics that are based on nothing more then the Bengui Definition which fits EVERY Third World epidemic disease.
(Great article) Greasing the Palms of the Oil Barons (tags)
Oil is often called a "fossil" fuel; the idea being that it comes from formerly living organisms. This may have been plausible back when oil wells were drilled into the fossil layers of the earth's crust; but today, great quantities of oil are found in deeper wells that are found below the level of any fossils. How could then could oil have come from fossils, or decomposed former living matter, if it exists in rock formations far below layers of fossils - the evidence of formerly living organisms? It must not come from living matter at all!
Opposition to Government and Climate, is there a link? (tags)
Is there a link between the level of discontent with the "Government" and the climate? I think there may be.
The Future of America under the American-led Empire: A Realistic Sense of it. (tags)
That it is high-tech, well lighted, air conditioned and instantly gratifying in such a gratuitous fashion, will make it seem, to many, a benign kind of tyranny. A kind of benevolent beast. These four horsemen will seemingly come bearing new gifts for all.
Like the Limbaugh matter, Democrats smell blood, as the administration fumbles its way through the aftermath of the outing of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's C.I.A agent wife.
Regardless of the spin there is only one conclusion that can be reached from an honest appraisal of the facts: Saddam had NO WMD's at the time of Bush's War, and Bush KNEW IT. He LIED.
Report "nonanarchist" to the DIA. (tags)
Nonanarchist, a member of KOBE, is harassing this newswire from his office at SHAW AIR FORCE BASE.
More Bogus Bush B.S. Revealed (tags)
Following news reports that a senior official at the Homeland Security Department appears to have obtained her academic degrees from an unaccredited diploma mill, several members of Congress are seeking to learn how background checks and security clearances failed to flag the questionable credentials.
War - The Final Solution (tags)
The continuing escalation of the never-ending Israeli war against the entire non-Jewish population of mandated Palestine has become the model for the Bush administration's never-ending war against all those who stand in the way of U.S. economic and military hegemony around the world.
Freedom peace and pancake
There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “impressions of the previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.
There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “impressions of the previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.
There is no “past,” “present” or “future”! What is really happening is that we are constantly undergoing “a change of condition.” Apparently we are “being deceived” by those “previous conditions” that have remained imprinted as our memories.
The Rise And Fall Of Empires (tags)
Some thoughts on the future of civilisation, from you favorite crazy sci-fi head, moi. Enjoy!
Antitoxin or how to get an public enemy (tags)
Blair can't smell it and Bush can't catch it. It's on the move
The California Department of Transportation is apparently conducting surveillance along certain highways. CA DOT is contacting motorists with a letter asking them if they were at a certain route at a certain time, and then asking them to answer a survey.
Robert Fisk: War Disturbs Most Dangerous Political Tectonic Plate in the World (tags)
The great unasked question: "The most powerful military force on earth has now begun its bombardment of the world's poorest, most ravaged Muslim nation. And no matter how many loaves of bread are dropped with our bombs, will there be a Muslim who will approve?"
No matter what one's political leaning, something shifted and we all have to deal with a new equilibrium.
Getting Shot in EU Riots: consequences of dichotomisms? (tags)
Maybe it's time we get to the heart of the matter on the idea that the po'lice (police) are the group we should be so hateful of. If we don't begin to get beyond hate of entire groups, no matter the stripe, all we do is play into the hands of policy makers!
Cruise,Travota analyse this. (tags)
Some explaining to
FBI shows up at Seattle IMC, threatens them not to send email in regard to the matter.