fix articles 75553, meanwhile
Our Triple Jobs Problem (tags)
First, even as unemployment has inched down, the economy has created barely enough jobs to match population growth. Second, this enormous labor-market “slack” has stifled workers’ bargaining power and kept wages low. Third, policies over 30 years have undermined workers
Senator Noynoy Aquino humbly said he will wait for his proclamation by congress before he accepts that he is the "president elect". This is contrary to some media wags who call him the "president apparent", a concoction of some media drunk persons. According to the 12:00 PM COMELEC report with 81 % of the votes counted, Aquino and Binay are leading in the count . Aquino has 13 million votes while Binay is leading Roxas by more than 850,000 votes. But Binay's votes is being continually being chipped down by Roxas.
RP Elections Update, May 2010 (tags)
As the Battle of surveys continues in the Philippines, all the camps of the current presidential candidates redoubled their efforts as the 4o days count down to the elections comes winding. Noynoy Aquino and Mar Roxas is still leading the surveys and seems to pull away as the Villar connection to President Arroyo became more evident with the latest defections from LAKAS-KAMPI.
No to the Bailout of the Capitalist Speculators! (tags)
The financial crisis that has been heating up since early 2007 reached the boiling point in late September. Credit markets virtually stopped functioning. A full-blown panic swept stock markets worldwide. The U.S. economy is in the throes of a recession that could turn into a Depression lasting for years. In these dire straits, the Wall Street speculators who set off this crisis are demanding that the government rescue them with a bailout priced at $700 billion. The actual costs will be far higher, a trillion dollars or more. Meanwhile, the Democrats are pushing hardest for the Bush bailout of the banks. Presidential candidate Barack Obama blames "greed" for the crisis on Wall Street (capitalism without greed?) and says there must be no "blank check to Washington" -- meaning he's for putting in a few conditions as window dressing. Following in the Democrats' footsteps, the AFL-CIO labor bureaucrats called a demo for "No Blank Check for Wall Street." Yet no amount of regulation will stop the boom-bust cycle of capitalism. Meanwhile unemployment lines are growing and a million families were thrown out of their homes by bank foreclosures in the last year. While the fat cats, Democrats and bureaucrats are all going for the Bush bailout to prop up U.S. capitalism, revolutionary Marxists oppose this trillion-dollar giveaway to the Wall Street speculators, calling instead for a program of transitional demands leading to the expropriation of the banks and the entire bourgeoisie through workers revolution.
MILF attacks meant to push peace talks’ revival — AFP (tags)
A senior military official said the Muslim separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is stepping up attacks in Mindanao in a bid to pressure the government into restarting its stalled peace talks with the rebel group. Meanwhile, the MILF blames the AFP for the attacks. According to Regional Army chief Maj. Gen. Reymundo Ferrer, elements within the MILF want to put pressure on the government to resume the talks by launching the attacks.
Dec. 2 Activists Vow Downtown “Tent City” Will Now Battle Against LA’s Newest Evictions (tags)
Ongoing tent city --starting at LA's City Hall lawn on Dec 2 --to now up the protest ante against LA's new, and raging, low-income evictions.
Amazing No Coverage of Jewish Community Center Attack Here (tags)
When Jew Haters burn down a Jewish Community Center It Is Not News to Indy Media, They Sweep It Under the Rug like the Fascists and Fascist Appeasers they are
U.S. Military Fails to Advance in Falluja, Reinforcements Called (tags)
As the people of Falluja continue to appeal to the international community to come to their aid, the U.S. Military announced it was reinforcing its troops surrounding the city.
Prague antiNATO protests (tags)
The NATO summit (November 21-22) in Prague was met by a week of peaceful protests, despite the presence of 2000 CIA Agents and 12,000 Czech police officers.
More stupidity for them to cover up.
Jacob Levich:Bush's Orwellian Address: Happy New Year: It's 1984... (tags)
Seventeen years later than expected, 1984 has arrived.