fix articles 75528, contempt
Stopping The Supreme Court Pentocracy by S Shriver 30 Jun 2018 Who is guilty of contempt (tags)
Who is guilty of contempt for our Supreme Court? The entire world.
Hollow Israeli Sorrow Over Palestinian Baby Immolation by Settlers (tags)
Argentina Faces US Contempt Hearing (tags)
US Federal Judge Thomas Griesa scheduled Argentina to appear for a contempt hearing on Monday, September 29. At issue is Argentina's failure to follow a court order to only continue to pay the 92% of bondholders who restructured after the country's 2001 default if Argentina pays a group of hold-out hedge funds. Argentina organized payment to restructured bondholders via an Argentine bank to avoid paying the hedge funds. The hedge funds, popularly known as "vulture funds," are asking the judge to hold Argentina in contempt and fine the South American country $50,000 per day.
Obama's Contempt for Venezuelan Democracy (tags)
New Hearing Set for Sami Al-Arian (tags)
prosecutorial lawlessness
Attorney Richard Fine's Self-Inflicted Wounds (tags)
A great deal of local fanfare has been made of the 15 month-and-running incarceration of Richard Fine by Los Angeles Superior Judge David Yaffe, especially by Leslie Dutton of "Full Disclosure Network." A close examination of the facts and the law suggest that Mr. Fine challenged the Court on the weakest grounds imaginable, and has been wrong on both the law and the facts from the start.
Sami Al-Arian's Long Ordeal (tags)
police state America persecution
Pesante-USA Decries and Condemns the Arrogance of “Butcher” Palparan (tags)
By declaring that the report of the Melo Commission and the initial findings of United Nations Special Rapporteur Philip Alston on the extrajudicial killings are flawed because both purportedly partook of the “propaganda” of the “enemy of the state,” Palparan showed his criminal mind, contempt for law and his fascist kind thereby exposed himself to the people.
Army charges Lt. Watada with contempt towards president; Faces over seven years prison (tags)
On July 5, U.S. Army First Lt. Ehren K. Watada was formally charged with three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: two counts of contempt towards officials (Article 88) - specifically President G. W. Bush, three counts of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman (Article 133), and one count of missing movement (Article 87).
Bush Lies About FORMALDEGATE (tags)
George Bush has committed perjury and contempt of court. In his Harken Energy scandal he got a whitewash from his personal attorney James Doty.
Press gives Arnold a cakewalk re trashing women publicly (tags)
Arnie's dirty details not repeated in corporate wash.
WHEN is the next big action? (tags)
The biggest threat for the world! (tags)
American contempt for mankind
Help Stop John Poindexter's TIA (tags)
Help peg the final nail into the TIA's coffin. Call your representative now!
Canada's "Woodwards 54" Legal Defense Fund (tags)
A legal defense fund has been established to raise support for the defense of the 54 people charged with civil contempt of a Supreme Court order, at the Woodwards building in Vancouver, Canada, on Sept. 21/02.
California lawmakers: Arrest Enron execs (tags)
Houston workers demand justice WASHINGTON – A committee of the California State Senate has demanded that Kenneth Lay and other Enron officials be brought to California to stand trial for contempt for refusing to testify before a California Senate Committee investigating “manipulation of the energy market.”
Update on hearing by Subcommitee on Ecoterrorism (tags)
Question: Ben & Jerry's, Ford Foundation, PETA, Ruckus Society, RAN, and ELF ... what do they all have in common? Answer: They were all denounced today on Capitol Hill as either "terrorists" or "terrorist supporting".
censorship begets censorship
Minister arrested for contempt of court in Butler trial (tags)
Pastor Ron Gibson refused to answer a question, asked by the prosecutor, and was placed in handcuffs and taken to jail, the latest witness in the prosecution of Bernell Butler.