fix articles 75460, bilateral
Netanyahu's Latest Demagoguery (tags)
Putin Prioritizes Strong Sino/Russian Ties (tags)
Stop the TTIP - Elephants-Marriage! (tags)
TTIP Is old wine in new wineskins. Free trade- and investor-protection prescriptions from the 20th century according to the style of the WTO are not solutions for current challenges. A transatlantic partnership for social-ecological transformation would look very different.
Obama Shoots Himself in the Foot (tags)
Regime Change Still in the Future (tags)
With the Bush administration, there can be no improvement in bilateral relations. No detente is possible with the mad or insane.
Bilateral Free Trade and Investment Agreements and the US Corporate Biotech Agenda (tags)
This Special Release on “Bilateral Free Trade and Investment Agreements and the US Corporate Biotech Agenda” is researched and written by Aziz Choudry, a New Zealand activist who has been following the negotiations of bilateral free trade and investment agreements between the US and the countries in the South.
US Restrictions Affect Sales to Cuba (tags)
US Restrictions Affect Sales to Cuba
EU and MERCOSUR Foster Negotations (tags)
EU member countries create an association with Brazil to foster commercial relations with MERCOSUR.
Callout to International Mobilization Against the FTAA/bFTA's for April 17 (tags)
This is a callout from the anti-FTAA campaign based in Quito, Ecuador. Recognising that bilateral free trade agreements with the United States have replaced the FTAA as the new and immediate threat for the Andean and Central American nations, we call out for an international network of solidarity to fight neoliberalist politics and mobilize on April 17 international day of peasant struggles.