fix articles 74761, hamid
Hamid Kahn: Discusses the LAPD SPYING SCANDAL and the LA Council's next move (tags)
The Los Angeles City Human Relations Commission (HRC) met on Thursday, October 10th at City Hall to vote on the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition’s demand to hold public hearings on the LAPD’s Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) program and Special Order 1.
Ex-Taliban Lobbyist leads Afghan vote (tags)
In the much-publicized Afghan presidential "election" of October 8, the leading candidate is none other than U.S.-appointed Hamid Karzai, who was the Taliban's lobbyist to Washington during the mid-1990's, when America was still trying to woo the Kabul regime because of its pipeline potential.
Afghanistan, Now Godforsaken (tags)
The government headed by Hamid Karzai still controls just part of Afghanistan's territory. So-called field commanders who consider themselves heroes for overthrowing the Taliban regime have distributed the authority among themselves. It is not ruled out that only thanks to field commanders the regime was overthrown.