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xavier becerra

How To Contact The 544 Unelected Superdelegates Pledged To Clinton (tags)

7 more weeks remain to prevent a woman more hawkish than Obama from becoming the Democratic nominee

Protesting Xavier Becerra's Support of TPP (tags)

“Hey Becerra, you can't hide—we can see your corporate side!”

HR 676 Cosponsors (tags)


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans (ACFV) and other veterans advocates have rejected the Filner proposal- HR 6897 confident that S-1315 still has a chance of passing. “1315 is alive and well,” stressed Eric Lachica, executive director of the American Coalition of Filipino Veterans. “ The house version of SB 1315 still can pass,” says Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) leader Arturo P.Garcia said: “ If the democrats will do their job, they can pass it. We do not want the Filner’s quitclaim bill. Let our voices be heard loud and clear.”


It’s been 18 years running and with less than a week left, the house version of SB 1315 still hangs in a balance. The democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi have not authorized the bill to be discussed or voted on the floor since April. House veterans affairs committee chairman Bob Filner, running for re-election in California’s heavily ethnic southern San Diego district, has offered a compromise bill that would provide a one-time, lump-sum payment of $15,000 for US-based Filipino veterans and $9,000 for those in the Philippines. JFAV and ACFV and other veterans advocates have rejected the Filner proposal, confident that S-1315 still has a chance. “The way we see it,” says Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) leader Arturo P.Garcia said: “The Democrats are not doing their job. We voted them into office to pass this bill. But now, they are not moving and making the same empty promises.”

“Equity Bill To Be Passed by June 30, 2007”—Filner (tags)

“I wished we could to pass the Equity Bill by April 9, (on Bataan Day,) but we did not make it, I think, we can pass the Equity Bill by June 30.” This was the direct answer of Representative Bob Filner (CA- 51) of San Diego and the Chairman of the Committee on veterans Affairs to the question of JFAV Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia when will Congress pass the equity bill during the Q and A portion of the Forum on Veterans Affair Issue. The forum was held last Monday, April 2 at the American Legion Post 206 in Highland Park, Los Angeles. Congressman Filner also reported “that the appropriations are assured for the equity bill if it passes Congress before the year ends ” because the lower house have passed or earmarked more than $ 13.6 B appropriations for the veterans funding this fiscal year.

Congress Votes 368-31 to Back Mumia’s Racist Frame-up (tags)

Five California Democrats in Congress voted nay while 23 voted for the resolution. Those voting against were Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee, Fortney Stark, Michael Honda, and Maxine Waters. Joining in the racist lynch mob voting for the blood of an innocent black man were California Democrats C. Thompson, Doris Matsui, Nancy Pelosi, Ellen Tauscher, Tom Lantos, Anna Eshoo, Zoe Lofgren, Dennis Cardoza, Lois Capps, Jim Costa, Linda Sanchez, Brad Sherman, Adam Schiff, Henry Waxman, Hilda Solis, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Jane Harman, Juanita Millender-McDonald, Grace Napolitano, Joe Baca, Loretta Sanchez, Bob Filner, and Susan Davis. Not voting were Diane Watson, Howard Berman, and Xavier Becerra. Also voting for blood were California Republicans Walter Herger, Daniel Lungren, John Doolittle, Richard Pombo, George Radanovich, Devin Nunes, William Thomas, Elton Gallegly, David Dreier, Edward Royce, Jerry Lewis, Gary Miller, Ken Calvert, Mary Bono, Dana Rohrabacher, John Campbell, Darrell Issa, Brian Bilbray, and Duncan Hunter. Howard McKeon didn’t vote.

From Congress to union halls: Demand widens: Exit Iraq! (tags)

Lawmakers respond to public outcry WASHINGTON — "Let Conyers in!" the crowd chanted at the White House gate the evening of June 16. Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) and a dozen other lawmakers had come to deliver petitions signed by 566,000 people demanding that President George W. Bush answer for the so-called Downing Street Memo proving that he "fixed" intelligence to justify war on Iraq.

Set the date! Time to bring the troops home (tags)

Lawmakers rejected Bush’s boast in his State of the Union address that the Jan. 30 election in Iraq vindicates his war policy.

Rep. Becerra On Iraq War (tags)

Becerra tells voters Rumsfeld has to go, no blank check for Iraq war, no to draft--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Becerra Supports Draft (tags)

Congressman Xavier Becerra (D Los Angeles) is considering supporting a military draft. This is dangerous. Call him and tell him so.

Rep. Xavier Becerra on Iraq (tags)

Copy of a letter to Rosalio Munoz by Congressman Xavier Becerra on an independent commission on Intelligence about Iraq. With Comments by Rosalio Munozl

Nader Backs Kuccinich For Prez (tags)

Kucinich swore off corporate donations and relies heavily on relatively small fund-raisers such as a breakfast Saturday with about 40 supporters and community activists, where he waved his labor union card in calling for a "workers' White House."

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