fix articles 747, become Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : become


Trump and the Danger of Fascism (tags)

Peace is the imperative that should outweigh escalation and the unspeakable risk of global war! The constitutional state must not be confused with the security state or the emergency state as Rousseau and the social contract must not be confused with Thomas Hobbes and the punishing or fearsome state. People would fight endlessly without the state or Leviathan, he said.

All people are reporters (tags)

What is missing in the mainstream media landscape are background reports, essays, longer interviews, travel reports and what is called "investigative journalism". What is perhaps boring are ideology-critical internal debates about the right line, i.e. hermetic, exclusionary language. Many people know that Marxian political economy is back in fashion. But it needs an update.

Qualitative Break: Why a Radical Critique of Work is Necessary Today (tags)

Capital has increasingly decoupled itself from directly expended labor and accumulation is now taking place predominantly on the level of financial markets... In large parts of the Global South, the majority has long since been declared ‘superfluous.’

Elisabeth Bronfen: "What amazes me most is the stubborn ability to repress" (tags)

We've greatly reduced the required reading... Five short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, plus the one compulsory piece of Shakespeare from the basic course and vampire and fantasy stories. If very little is read, diversity goes out the window, too.

The Humor of Jesus (tags)

Jesus made fun of individualism and profit-oriented economic systems. Winning people to trust the infinite, invisible and transcendent God was surely his central goal. “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?”“No sparrow falls to the ground without your Father’s consent..."

The window of opportunity is closing (tags)

Oscar Wilde wrote: "A map of the world in which Utopia is not marked is not worth looking at, for it undercuts the shore on which mankind will eternally land." "Disobedience, for anyone versed in history, is man's true virtue. Through disobedience came progress..." (Wilde 2014)

From Reagan to Trump (tags)

The 1960s, when incomes rose for almost all workers, ended with a massive wave of strikes. Since the 1980s, the incomes of most Americans have fallen, working hours have risen massively, and job security has become a foreign word. But strikes have been extremely rare.

How did Wyoming become a Tax Haven (tags)

Allison Tate, law professor at the University of Richmond, is interviewed. The risk is that money is taken out of the tax base. This is documented in the Pandora Papers.

Those who benefit from Corona should pay too (tags)

It's a dangerous trend for a society that is already tending to drift apart and where tensions could become ever greater: Corona has caused the differences between rich and poor to grow, even in Germany. Those who have anyway will become richer in the pandemic.

A good future beyond the market and the state (tags)

In the midst of a blindly globalized society, we are atomized workers and consumers divided by competition, who are in contact with each other primarily through monetary and labor relations and only exceptionally and temporarily represent common interests. We become increasingly helpless...

Power excess without end: Politics suffers from "long covid" (tags)

"Whoever should once play with the state of emergency to restrict freedom will find my friends and me on the barricades in defense of democracy, and this is meant quite literally," Willi Brandt once said. And what are the citizen sheep of today doing? They are lining up for their second vaccination injection.

The new school and Farewell to capitalism (tags)

"You can never solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them." That is why copyright reform, patent and property law, and many other regulations of the material "goods economy" that have grown up in the industrial age are not suitable for meeting the challenges

"We were paralyzed for a long time" (tags)

Only in dialogue with those who are strangers to us can we become discerning, can we develop political wisdom. If it is true that we are tipping into a particular form of oligarchy, we should consider how we might supplement our representative system - to re-democratize it.

The crown of creation (tags)

The real plague is the pandemic spread of shareholder value to institutions of general interest such as hospitals, nursing homes, old-age care and education. The dogma of "private before state" has become deeply ingrained in official thinking.

The turn to less: Corona and the consumption dilemma (tags)

The Corona crisis could be the beginning of a better normality. Corona could make a turning point in history. The global North has benefited from unequal trade relations. Global employment has lost its role as the center of life. We must get out of the old path dependencies.

The four walls are not what we think they are (tags)

For Arendt, modernity in general is characterized by the loss of the world. The private home cannot compensate for all that is lost. The private home must be a part of the "world." By being imprisoned, we have lost our freedom and the world itself.

Post-lockdown world (tags)

Everything works, nothing has to Is it even conceivable that after the crisis everything will continue as before? 28 realistic-utopian proposals for a completely renewed society after Corona

Antifascists demand that May 8 become a holiday in Germany (tags)

The real goal is a nationwide public holiday anyway, as demanded in the petition. The Berlin Senate could also lobby for such a gesture, that May 8 be considered the day of liberation from National Socialism.

Don't Panic. Solidarity. Read (tags)

Some experts are sure that the only thing that will stop the virus permanently is for everyone to stay at home for a few weeks. Model China. The drastic quarantine has obviously worked, if you believe the Chinese government, the number of inflected people is decreasing.

The Hypnosis of Patriotism (tags)

Patriotism is an unnatural,unreasonable, harmful feeling for our times, which causes much of the evil from which mankind suffers.

Totalitaianism of Self-Optimization (tags)

"Feel-don't think" is the mantra of the illuminated who accept the social dislocations. This is a withdrawal to private solutions in view of the mounting collective problems. Mindfulness therapy fits perfectly into the contemporary I-fixation that rules many lives.

Please Disrupt Capitalism! and The Return of Hope (tags)

The old quotation from Gramsci describes our plight: "The old dies and the new cannot come into the world. It is the time of the monster." The Good News is that the time of no alternatives is over. The Bad News is that the wrong alternatives and discussed.

Please Disrupt Capitalism! and The Return of Hope (tags)

The old quotation from Gramsci describes our plight: "The old dies and the new cannot come into the world. It is the time of the monster." The Good News is that the time of no alternatives is over. The Bad News is that the wrong alternatives are discussed.

Dismantle the ICE Detention System (tags)

The entire detention system, which is a boondoggle for cops, should be dismantled.

Work and Digitalization and A Corpse Governs Society (tags)

On the 2018 Day of Labor, many were worried. No one can deny digitalization affects work. Artificial intelligence greatly changes professions and whole branches. Well-paid jobs become scarcer. Rebuilding the social state seems necessary. Capitalism's blind flight through history is ending.

America, look what you have become (tags)

This report suggests that many Americans are becoming accessories to murder, theoretically.

Living Together Differently! (tags)

Modern politics must fight against excessiveness and inequality. All progress narratives have worn out. The cake will not become larger. The perspective of conviviality aims at abundance, not at tightening belts..

Global Warming / Climate Change has Become a New Religion - What's it all About? (tags)

So, is there, or isn't there, man-made Global Warming / Climate Change?

Gramsci on US President Trump: "Delicate and Dangerous" (tags)

The rulers integrate the ruled in their "hegemony." Our essential task is conquering power for the working class. I believe life means taking sides. Indifference is apathy, parasitism, cowardice and iws the opposite of life.

Our Beautiful New Clothes (tags)

Neoliberalism seems to create "clothes no one can see" when it mystifies the market and competition and uses the austerity-model, the location-model and the adjustment-imperative or extortion to turn economics into nature.

Lumumba Tribunal Weighs Obama Legacy (tags)

On the occasion of the looming presidency change in the Unitedstates facade of the current military-industrial complex, an African sovereignty group which formed after the assassination of Gaddafi has held a tribunal billing Unitedstates policy in the eight years period. It said that for an insight into the change this presidency period made, the assault against Libya was the main benchmark. Not only is it a showcase for its inferior motives, but it also produced considerable fallout upon the election campaign.

A 99-page report "Election fraud" from Election Justice USA (tags)

Thanks to neoliberalism and expansion of the financial sector, checks and balances have been eclipsed by revolving doors. Wars become business opportunities. As the psychologist Rainer Mausfeld explains, propaganda can make facts and alternatives disappear.

Jesuit Priest And War Resister On Ethical Imperative of Vegetarianism (tags)

Ethical, Health, Spiritual and other reasons a Catholic antiwar priest decided to become vegetarian

Iowa Republican Senator Grassley And Methods Of Chicken Murder In the US (tags)

Through smashing, suffocation, electrocution, neckbreaking and other means, innocent baby and adult chickens in the US die by the trillions

America : See what you have become (tags)

America, as I have shown, gives new meaning to the phrase, 'The Living Dead'.

Canada had its best election ever! (tags)

Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party with 184 seats became the Majority Party in O Canada two weeks ago. "When government trusts citizens, citizens trust the government," Trudeau said. With higher taxes on the wealthy and infrastructure investment, Canada will become more inclusive.

Greece May Become BRICS Member (tags)


Wealth is not a Private Affair (tags)

The US faces a revenue- and a war-spending crisis. The top tax rate was over 70% from 1938 to 1982; corporations put trillions in tax havens. Alternative economics emphasize profit maximizing is not profit making. In financial capitalism,Profits explode, not investments.

Fbi and the public are an emerging criminal enterprize (tags)

See how the fbi joins with the public in a now real, formerly science fiction enterprize.

TTIP: A Charter for Deregulation, an Attack on Jobs and an End to Democracy (tags)

The parallel private 3-judge arbitration courts could be used by fracking, nuclear and cigarette companies to sue for lost profits. Laws and regulations in the public interest could be decried as indirect expropriations. A "regulatory chill" will deter communities by fear of lawsuits.

murderous terrorists are fbi (tags)

See my report on the total corruption and criminality of your beloved f b i !

Loretta Lynch for AG: Holder 2.0? (tags)


Neoliberalism has brought out the worst inus (tags)

Bullying used to be confined to schools; now it is a common feature of the workplace. This is a typical symptom of the impotent venting their frustration on the weak – in psychology it’s known as displaced aggression. There is a buried sense of fear, ranging from performance anxiety to a broader social fear of the threatening other.

New Economy and New Prosperity (tags)

Economic structures that form the basis for social prosperity have become dysfunctional. The financial markets have expanded their original function and are now self-financed markets in which protection from risks has become a highly speculative business.

War Winds Near Gale Force (tags)


Veteran and Families of Military hold Press Conference (tags)

Press conference to be held outside Veterans Administration to highlight heath care crisis at the VA. Today, it has become increasingly likely that the U.S. government will once again take military action in Iraq.

The Resilience of Neoliberalism (tags)

Vivien A. Schmidt and Mark Thatcher propose five lines of analysis to explain its resilience: the flexibility of neoliberalism’s core principles; the gaps between neoliberal rhetoric and reality; the strength of neoliberal discourse in debates; the power of interests and the force of institutions...

Geekout's Links: Oct-16-2013 (tags)

The government is shut down, but not in the way the real anarchists want. Against this backdrop of partisan conflict, the world is changing in big ways.

More tobacco, less health care as Trans-Pacific Partnership secrecy tightens (tags)

The secrecy shrouding the TPP text remains in place, with a stronger curtain apparently about to shut out any stray sunshine.

Sweet sound of global philanthropy (tags)

Bernard Hours is an anthropologist and honorary director of research at the Institute of Research for Development (IRD). His latest book is Développement, Gouvernance, Globalisation: du XXème au XXIème Siècle”, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2012

Remembering Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907 - 1972) (tags)


Video: The Communciators with Robert McChesney (tags)

Robert McChesney is a professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign-Communication Department

Russian Company to luanch New Scotch brand after Us film star (tags)

Russian spirts maker to marked Russian made Scotch to world. Branded after a American films stars Character

Workaholics and Burnout (tags)

"Real life is unlived because one has traded oneself and everything one has for a promise of success and career that turns out to be nothing but a race without a goal or end."

A Simpsons' animation works magic on Obama speech (tags)

This election is terrifyingly close, because Mitt Romney has lied his way this far—offering his made up fantasy world where we can have a bigger defense budget, tax cuts for the rich, a smaller deficit, two unicorns in every garage, and all with no pain for the middle class.

Banks, Bankers and Banksters (tags)

An unrestrained speculative capitalism emerged out of investment capitalism. New financing instruments are invented. Risks are trivialized or glossed over to soothe the population. Boundless indebtedness becomes the norm. The new age led to immediate profit eclipsing investment.

Impossible Test Scores (tags)

If you have magnet schools, it's impossible for the remaining students to achieve average test scores.


American films, largely absent in recent years, made a startling comeback to the 69th Venice Film Festival this month with a vivisection of an American society whose moral restraints have become as elastic as a worn rubber band, a malaise which, like American culture, has infected many parts of the world.

Stealth Corporate Coup d'Etat (tags)


The Company Rapes Children (tags)

can't be a perfect nation, there have been none prior to us throughout history, and there will be none after us that are. There is nothing in the universe that is without some flaw or having its own deficiencies. But, it becomes dangerous when people running any great nation become corrupt and take advantage of the good will of the people of a given country for themselves. That behavior in any government can be something that is learned from and put in place through constant checks, or it can become out of control becoming something that siphons huge amounts of a nations treasure, and cause suffering in other ways merely to ensure the power of the corrupt individuals and their ability to continue siphoning treasure from the nation in question's revenue.

Solo geniuses who scorn the society that provides the shoulders they sit on (tags)

Without educational institutions, a court system to enforce their interests, police and military to suppress dissent at home and abroad, and “free trade” agreements that promote corporate interests above human rights, billionaires would not be able to become billionaires.

POOR WEST (tags)

To laugh a lot of idiots who preach the clash of civilizations and the Western superiority.

Solitary Confinement on Trial --An interview with law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell (tags)

On the eve of Tuesday's Senate hearing on solitary confinement, we interview Angela A. Allen-Bell, a law professor at Southern University in Baton Rouge. The newly released issue of the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly features an article by Prof. Bell entitled "Perception Profiling & Prolonged Solitary Confinement Viewed Through the Lens of the Angola 3 Case: When Prison Officials Become Judges, Judges Become Visually Challenged and Justice Become Legally Blind.”

COP WATCH MOBILE ALERT NETWORK (877) 588-0804 (tags)

Report police activity directly from your cell phone. Become a copwatcher and receive local alerts instantly on your cell phone. Start your own local copwatch or join one. Cop Watch Mobile Alert Network is nationwide (soon international)

The Banks Should Serve the Real Economy (tags)

Democracy, risk and liability are turned upside down when trillions bailout the banks and workers, unemployed and pensioners must pay the bill! We live from those who say No to trivialization of crisis, to the state being reduced to a trough or errand boy for the banks (Bill Moyers). The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity.

We are all Greeks (tags)

"We are all Greeks. We are all subjects whose subjectivity is simply being flattened by the steamroller of a history determined by the movement of the money markets. Or so it seems and so they would have it."

2012 Mountain Justice Summer Action Camp May 18-25 (tags)

Come to Appalachia and become part of the movement to end MTR Coal Mining, protect communities and the environment, and build a sustainable new economy.

Mushy Center (tags)

In politics the tendency for candidates to move to the center when things get tough for them has become increasingly popular. The move helps them to side step and deflect heat coming at them from things that they have done or that have been done to them causing their popularity to wane. It also can appease a segment of folks that typically are not their constituency when members of their own base are looking at them unfavorably in hopes of making up lost ground regarding supporters. Come election time this can be especially important as it can help garner support. However, this still requires strong support from at least most of your base, and when they are fed up with a politician it is usually a good idea to get them behind that person to have not only guaranteed votes, but so as to look as if you are who you say you are. Bizarre schizophrenic personality shifts that try and say “I am no longer the person I was just four years ago” can seem – off.

Democrats Are Not Evil (tags)

Whatever we think of the Democratic Party, like it or not, in the current political emergency, we are going to HAVE to align with them and vote for every Democrat on the ballot over every Republican — not because the Democrats are that progressive but because the Republicans plan a sweeping Right-wing revolution comparable to the changes Germany went through when Hitler took power in 1933, and the Democratic Party is one essential vehicle we will need to use to stop them.

Alternative Currency: Let The Era Of Global Prosperity Commence (tags)

Designed on the principle of 'Free Currencies – Free Markets – Free People – Free Planet', on 13 November 2011, the long-awaited Crom Alternative Currency System has finally been opened – in many ways a unique combination of a social network and payment system.

Re-imagining Trade: NAFTA and Beyond (tags)

"Free trade regimes have become charters of rights and freedoms for the corporation.. Free trade is the policy of the powerful after they have become powerful. German economist Frederick List spoke of "the kicking away of the ladder."

Group, Homeowners And Concerned Citizens Band Together To Fight Scammers (tags)

PRESS RELEASE As Banks continue to abuse families with illegal foreclosures and denial of loan modifications, scammers are taking full advantage of unsuspected homeowners. The so called ?foreclosure rescue companies? continue to target seniors, low income citizens and homeowners who speak little or english.

9/11: Who Really Benefited? (tags)

Forget so-called conspiracy theories. Instead look at reality. Dare ask yourselves who actually seems to have benefited from the 9-11 calamity. In light of the debt ceiling debates and continuous politics as usual of Washington D.C., it is time for the American people and individual states of this federation to look at a troubling set of facts. There seems to have been ?several? beneficiaries of 9-11 that don?t exactly fit the story line we were constantly fed by the propaganda machine and mainstream media as to how to connect the dots (which we were rhetorically asked to do).


Pensive meditations on the civilization of consumption.

Should people become vegetarian? (tags)

The Truth About LSD (tags)

LSD is one of the most potent, mood-changing chemicals.

The Attack of Corporations and the Rich on the Rest of Society (tags)

In the last decades, wealth has concentrated in a few hands. The increasing inequality does not offend us; this inequality is the result of an active policy. The rich prevail; they are subsidized and relieved from contributions to the social infrastructure while social benefits are cut.

Are You CERT Trained? (tags)

A Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will be present at Pershing Square for a day of CERT Awareness on Sat. Oct. 16th as part of The Great California ShakeOut program of weeklong events.

realising your dream (tags)

we atrack and created all that happend in our reality by our vibrational state intend emotion and belief.we need a source of thrust in your own self to overcome the the cultural programming that society impose on us .

our true self (tags)

A friend just implied that humans are by nature greedy, agressive, etc etc and said to take a look at the history of the world as an example. And that's all fine and dandy, we definitely haven't done too well so far. But I'm not blaming that on "nature."


Community Centers as a New Beginning (tags)

With $1 billion, the US could build 4000 community centers at a quarter-million dollars each. The network of community centers in Vancouver Canada could be our model. Public spirit could arise to counter the exploding inequality.

The Sherrod Affair and Etta Rosales (tags)

CALIFORNIA, United States—By now, Shirley Sherrod’s fascinating story is well known.

New Heart, New Spirit and New Person (tags)

Jesus calls us to a new language and a new mathematics. "The world will be changed when people speak as Jesus spoke, in a liberating not a religious way so people are shocked and drawn by its power" (Dietrich Bonhoeffer).

Brazil-Paraná-Curitiba: The creation of a new transport company in the big city. (tags)

A very specific historical-political phenomenon has happened here : the bus companies have become so important and powerful, in such a close symbiosis with politicians of the city, that simply was not possible to walk the steps that everyone has walked, in the direction of urban trains, the subways and other solutions universally enshrined.

All Cards on the Table: For a Social Ecological New Deal (tags)

The neoliberal and fossilist finance market capitalism has become a discontinued model. With his New Deal, Roosevelt introduced state pensions, unemployment insurance and the minimum wage, reduced working hours and strengthened unions.

Journalism, Redistribution and Social Generosity (tags)

"The earth does not belong to people; people belong to the earth." (chief Seattle)> Nature is not a free good, external or sink but our living mother and basis for future human life. Alternative economics and community centers could lead us out of the dystopia of imperial wars.

Life After Chemtrails (tags)

The leading horse is white The second horse is red The third one is a black The last one is a green "The four Horsemen" by Aphrodites Child

Barter Is Patriotic (tags)

"The story of American money, which occupies a period of about three centuries, began when the early settlers in New England carried on their fur trade with the indians through the use of wampum, which had been fashioned from mussel shells in the form of beads. Beaver skins, wampum, and in Virginia, tobacco, soon became the common accepted media of exchange for all other available commodities. The immigrants, in fact, had little use for coined money at first, but when traders arrived from foreign lands, coins were usually demanded in payment for goods." Opening Statement of the book "A Guidebook of United States Coins" 17th Edition, 1964 by R.S. Yeoman

War for the Lord (tags)

Drug War, that is.

On the PGMA-Obama Meeting On July 29-31 in the US (tags)

“ I did not become president to be popular”. Taking a cue from the dictator Marcos who said, “I did not become president to preside of the death of the Philippine republic” in 1972, Gloria M. Arroyo made her intentions very clear and went to the United States to seek the blessing and support of the new US president. Like all Philippine presidents before her, she will kowtow and try to impress the chief executive officer of the ruling capitalist class of the United States. She will for sure in the name of “fighting global; terrorism and “climate change” align her interest with the US of the capitalist class.

Zhibin Gu: how China's outsourcing, logistics, tech, manufacturing centers are created? (tags)

Get inside story about Chinese business and management. How is global financial crisis reshaping Chinese and world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? How to profit from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get real investigations from a timely book.

Zhibin Gu: China's illness: self-appointed government vs corruption (tags)

Watch out on the hidden corruption of China! Is China's surging economy to be ruined by a self-appointed bureaucracy? Is China able to escape the deadly traps of lawlessness and corruption? What is really inside Chinese society, government and politics in relation to global financial crisis? Get realistic discussions and forecast on China and the world in the 21st century.

Lessons from the world's least religious nations (tags)

"Many Danes believe that the incredible social-support system provided to citizens is a direct offshoot of the country’s deep roots in the church named after Reformation leader Martin Luther ."

making Pride more real? (tags)

Within the huge SF Pride festival, radical faeries provide a NON-corporate space. Copyright 2009 by ......

Zhibin Gu: how is China's manufacturing center created? (tags)

Get inside story about Chinese business and management. How is global financial crisis reshaping Chinese and world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? How to profit from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? Learn about Chinese multinationals, society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life during a transition period. How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get real investigations from a timely book.

peace and enlightment (tags)

Have you ever wondered how poverty consciousness is created and what you can do to step out of it?

Radical Educator Bill Ayers speaks at Claremont Colleges (tags)

Monday, April 6, 2009 CLAREMONT, California - Bill Ayers, professor of education and co-founder of the radical antiwar organization the Weather Underground--labeled "domestic terrorists" by the FBI--spoke to a crowd of about 300 this evening about activism, Obama, and education. A recurring theme of his talk was the importance of movements (in contrast with the common emphasis on leadership) in bringing about social change, and his exhortation was that we in the audience participate in those movements.

The Grand Old Party Just "Ain't Republican" Any More (tags)

Republican? What's that?

India vs China: cheap labor, business chain, finance, capitalist, outsourcing, hightech (tags)

Why can India and China become top business and finance players in a globalized finance, trade, hightech, investment, and politics? Get latest info and analysis from leading experts on the ground.

China wisdom: Chinese multinationals, stock market vs global financial crisis (tags)

How is global financial and economic crisis reshaping world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? Profiting from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? Learn about Chinese multinationals, society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life during a transition period. How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get real investigations from a timely book.

Chinese multinationals, stock market vs global financial crisis (tags)

How is global financial and economic crisis reshaping world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? Profiting from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? Learn about Chinese multinationals, society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life during a transition period. How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get on-ground investigations from a timely book.

new century war: by Frank, Johnson, George Zhibin Gu (tags)

is global financial crisis leading to a new war? Why is a new world order troublesome? How to move to the next stage world finance, economy, management, jobs, politics and competition in light of emerging giants China, India? Get provocative thoughts from 3 educators Chalmers Johnson, Andre Gunder Frank, and George Zhibin Gu.

mesage from atmos (tags)

Our connection to you is stronger than ever, as your energies reach up and join with ours. The result is that the strength of the Light upon Earth is permeating all around it, affecting the dark energies and lessening their power

mp3 audio: "Grasping the Financial Crisis" (tags)

Sam Girdin and Leo Panitch teach political economy at York University. The Toronto School of Creativity and Inquiry offers this mp3 audio in the hope that thousands of discussion groups will arise in the world.

Tax and Spend Liberalism versus Hyper-Inflation (tags)

Indirect Taxation of packrats

How to Eliminate Poverty Consciousness and Manifest True Abundance (tags)

The good news is that this entrapped cyclical experience is only here to give you an experience of what you don’t want, so that you are inspired to one day become clearer on what you really DO want!

Social Contract and the Emergency Hour (tags)

The financial crisis is also an opportunity to reflect on our priorities and perspectives. Elite consciousness is a frozen consciousness where there are not alternatives and bankruptcy are only normal business practices.

NO MORE BAILOUTS....we have done too much already (tags)

It is FEAR MONGERING, by exaggerations and catastrophic depictions.. propaganda...selling us the 2% incomers version of how bad it will be for us if they lose any of their profits, capital gains, benefits, compensations, and lobbist powers, and government chummists [the revolving door club]

Maoist Nepal selects 'living goddess' (tags)

BHAKTAPUR, Nepal - Nepal's new Maoist-led government has appointed a 6-year-old girl as a "living goddess" in the ancient city of Bhaktapur, for the first time snapping the link between the ancient ritual and the ousted monarchy.

If the American people (tags)

don't see through this we will become a fascist state

Youngest ever British person visits longest serving men in solitary at Angola Prison. (tags)

An 11 year old from London has become the youngest ever British person to visit two prisoners in Louisiana State Prison, who are the longest serving inmates in solitary confinement. Herman Wallace and Albert Woodfox have spent over 35 years held in 6ft x 9ft cells for crimes even a federal judge has overturned.

The%20One_and_Only_Solution_Part1.htm (tags)

You need to connect to the One's Heart: The heart of hearts, the real Holy of Holies

Life is Gift, not Possession (tags)

In "Kaspar Hauser," Jacob Wassermann describes a town suffering under a long drought. With the wells dry, the town becomes enmeshed in violence and recrimination until a little boy plays so beautifully on his flute that water rises again in the wells.

The Political Rape of the Navajo (tags)

As a result, the people have become so demoralized with political misrepresentation they don’t even try to stop it from happening. Double-tongued fraud and deceit has become normal operating procedure for these disreputable elected politicians.

divine inspiration (tags)

from me and the book of truth it is say the one who falow the spirit shall become imortal.we all have the power of creating the reality we want. the pivot is the use of the law of atraction this universal law of life visualise you self in the place you want

Kosovo: A New Nation State Is Born (tags)

It only took the ethnic Albanians 50 years to become the majority and gain independence

Vote PSL in 2008! (tags)

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is a newly formed working class party founded to promote the movement for revolutionary change and to fight for socialism. The PSL will be fielding a slate of candidates in the 2008 U.S. presidential elections.

Joma Sison slams Arroyo for lying about the economic situation (tags)

Prof. Jose Maria Sison, chief political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, slammed Gloria M. Arroyo for lying about the Philippine economic situation by claiming that she is propelling the Philippines to become a “first world country”. Prof. Sison declared, “In utter subservience to the US-dictated policy of “neoliberal” glob” alization, she has worked against the line of national industrialization and genuine land reform and has aggravated and deepened the agrarian, pre-industrial and semi-feudal character of the Philippine economy. She has worsened the backward and impoverished “third world” conditions of the Philippines.

Arroyo's bankrupt and deceptive economic policy (tags)

Gloria M. Arroyo, the fake president, keeps on babbling that her regime is propelling the Philippines to become a "first world country". She is obviously lying.

profits from China; hightech, travel, outsourcing, auto, retail, politics, jobs, strategy (tags)

How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? How do Airbus, Dell, Wal-Mart, Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, Cisco, GM, Unilever perform there? What is really inside Chinese society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life? How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get on-ground investigations from provocative journalist George Zhibin Gu.

Hepatitis C: A disease no one will talk about (tags)

The war against the “viral time bomb” Hepatitis C virus (HCV), an infection that afflicts nearly 180 million worldwide, has become clinically imperative.

Equal dsicrimination (tags)

Bill Clinton has signed his book "Give and change the world" in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on October 3, 2007. The title of this book seems to refer to what world teacher Maitreya has said for so long: "Share and save the world." The original English title of the book is just "Giving". Changing the world is automatically included in the term "giving" more so in English than in Dutch, it seems, where the intention of giving is perhaps less naturally accepted without an ulterior motive or at least a clear objective in mind, and needs explanation, as does everything.

Chomsky and 911 (tags)

My response to the distribution of Establishment Liberal Coolaid. Don't drink the ELC!

The Midas-Excess and Pleonexia (tags)

The Midas-excess, the more-addiction or pleonexia is similar to the grand delusion of self-righteousness. Our narcissist culture, the dance around the golden ego, must be fought on all fronts. The vulgar materialist dismisses everything inward, spiritual and divine.

Bush invokes threat of “World War III” (tags)

The press conference held by President George W. Bush Wednesday was, like all of his press appearances, full of non-sequiturs, evasions and political bullying. Bush called the news conference to present himself as an opponent of excessive federal spending, by which he meant a few billion for children’s health insurance in the bill he vetoed last week, not the hundreds of billions his administration has squandered on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or the trillions in tax cuts for the rich. The routine of his 20th press conference of the year was broken only when Bush was asked about the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Tehran, widely seen as undercutting the Bush administration’s campaign to isolate Iran and pave the way for military action against it. Putin took part in a meeting of the five states bordering on the Caspian Sea, each of them pledging not to allow their territory to be used for military action against any of the others.

Scandal in the Porn Industry - A summary (tags)

Now everyone be very very quiet...

The BIG BIG Porno Scandal (tags)

Some of you might be aware of the big scandal currently rocking the porn industry, but since the media has decided that this is one scandal they don't want to touch, since it would piss off the multinational corporations, some of you may not be aware of the significance of this scandal, or why it would be kept on some back burner instead of becoming the latest lurid scandal served on a platter by a typically scandal mongering media system.

The other (tags)

Karen Armstrong, the British theologian and author of numerous books on the great religions, has advanced the theory that fundamentalist religion is a response to and product of modern culture. A Catholic nun for seven years, she left her order while studying at Oxford University. She is one of the 18 leading group members of the Alliance of Civilizations, an initiative of the former UN General Secretary Kofi Annan, with the purpose of fighting extremism and furthering dialogue between the Western and Islamic worlds. Andrea Bistrich interviewed her for Share International.

Israel to become 51st. State (tags)

It's our only hope of survival

New Evidence Clearly Indicates Pat Tillman Was Executed (tags)

Army medical examiners concluded Tillman was shot three times in the head from just 10 yards away, no evidence of "friendly fire" damage at scene, Army attorneys congratulated each other on cover-up, Wesley Clark concludes "orders came from the very top" to murder pro-football star because he was about to become an anti-war political icon

Materialism (tags)

Where there is smoke, there is fire

Dow Chemicals new slogan says it all (tags)

America's drug companies and chemical manufacturers have become expert at creating slogans and catch phrases to disguise the deadly effects of their products, but Dow Chemical's latest offering wins the award for creativity.

Hillery and Obama to elope (tags)

Because they were rejected for president by Jerusalem conference

NASA Nazis Awarded Sancuary in America (tags)

Let’s look at the history of the NASA agency.

Stonewall: Reclaiming The Legacy (tags)

An article about pride and the legacy of stonewall

Paris to become a nun (tags)

sorry boys, that's the way it is.

Blair bites the hand that feeds (tags)

He won't get his house paid for this way.

The Greater Wrong Of The Right (tags)



Interview of Filipino Activist Intellectual E. SAN JUAN, Jr.

Breakdown FM_ Celebrating Malcolm X-Our Shining Black Prince (tags)

I'm still a Muslim. That is, my religion is still Islam. My religion is still Islam. I still credit Mr. Mohammed for what I know and what I am. He's the one who opened my eyes. ...

Ike was right (tags)

Erik Prince is a mortal danger to democracy

Aussie Torture Victim pleads ‘Guilty’ (tags)

In circumstances that could only be described as ‘railroading’ and coercive, the Aussie battler, David Hicks has pleaded guilty to one count of providing material support to terrorists. Few Australians, including leading legal advocates accept the ‘trial’ of Hicks as legally legitimate. The flagrantly rogue court convened under the most biased and unfair conditions also disqualified Hicks’ civilian lawyers at the last minute. Hicks’ (now) disqualified lawyers accused the presiding judge, Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Coleman of making up the rules as he went along – there is nothing new in the ‘legal’ proceedings at Guantanamo Bay!

Fallon thinks.... (tags)

better not have another Liberty...

How the Rich Become Richer and the Poor Poorer (tags)

The rich become richer by taking more from the poorer and the poor.. How long will humanity fall to capitalism and the asocial drives of a small clique of beneficiaries?.. We can't afford the rich.

Criminal Empire (tags)

Move over Mafia, Cocaine cartels, Russian, Balkan, Cuban groups, Triads and numerous other criminal organisations – the U.S. State is taking over! Today, the methodologies of the American State cannot be distinguished from the methods of organised crime. The latest executions of Saddam’s cronies and the newly signed deal to allow American Oil Companies unprecedented access and open slather exploitation of Iraqi Oil reserves leave little doubt regarding the real intentions of the illegal invasion. The Washington line of spreading ‘liberty’ and ‘democracy’ will go down in history as a feeble and transparent charade. Nevertheless, America has proven that caveman tactics of brute force and mindless violence (over 655,000 dead) succeed in satisfying immediate needs. It has also become apparent that the USA is unable to see the untenability of its actions in the long term – America has failed to assess the real costs of its morally bankrupt actions!

American Congress: Failed Institution (tags)

Democrats have failed the American people (and civilised world) by allowing the lunatic U.S. President to re-introduce nuclear warfare in an already unstable world. Two extremely disturbing indications from Bush’s ‘new strategy’ spell madness in the clearest possible terms but the Democrats have made it clear, they will adopt the role of spectator, satisfying themselves with an ‘I told you so’ attitude AFTER the calamitous event. The non-interventionist attitude of the Democrats confirms INCOMPETENCE as a malaise that extends throughout the entire body of government in the USA. Any government that would plunge the world into a future holocaust earns for itself the status of nuclear target – where does it end? The only two nations likely to utilise nuclear weapons today are Israel and the United States, as has clearly been indicated by Bush and his echo, Condoleezza Rice, in their recent address:

A Very American Coup (tags)

The office of President was not on the ballot in November. Yet it was around that time that a sitting president began to feel the power oozing out of the White House.

wakup or die alive (tags)

Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

a wish of life from the one and ony one (tags)

Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

Exploitation and Precarity (tags)

The exclusion processes are actually the result of radicalized capital exploitation strategies.. In the last two decades capital has learned that low-wage zones can be enforced when the collapse zones are intimidatingly present.

Big Brother and the Matrix (tags)

Without their will, people become instruments of the machine..The matrix does more than Big Brother.. the matrix is where Big Brother wants to be but cannot be - in the heads of people.

There is an elephant in the room. (tags)

Say nothing.

AIPAC and Emanuel (tags)

We can't allow the Israelis and their supporters to run America anymore.

While They’re Murdering our Military... (tags)

Illegal Immigrants -Do we needs borders or do we need justice?

Kevin Tillman an ex-terrorist sees the light and joins the anti-war movement (tags)

A member of the world’s largest terrorist organization admits he was wrong and joints the anti-war movement.

Barry And The Boys (tags)

Review By Bill Gallagher, First Published 9-10-01

Barry And The Boys: The CIA, The Mob, and Americas Secret History (tags)

Reveiw By Bill Gallagher, First Published 9-10-01

The Pope's Evil Legend (tags)

There is no escape from viewing them against the background of the new Crusade of Bush and his evangelist supporters, with his slogans of "Islamofascism" and the "Global War on Terrorism"--when "terrorism" has become a synonym for Muslims. For Bush's handlers, this is a cynical attempt to justify the domination of the world's oil resources. Not for the first time in history, a religious robe is spread to cover the nakedness of economic interests; not for the first time, a robbers' expedition becomes a Crusade.

Permanent Goodbye to US (tags)

"Sometimes you get your best light from a burning bridge" - Don Henley, "My Thanksgiving" CARACAS - It was about a week before I left the United States forever that I watched Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. tell Charlie Rose something all of us already know in our hearts. "Today," he said, "the United States is hated around the world far worse than it was at the height of the Vietnam War." I remember the Vietnam War. I will never forget it.

The Second American Revolution : Religious Folly (tags)

The problem with being a naked whore, is that you must strip down to get the job done. It is not possible to remain dressed as a nun at the same time. They may have taught you religion, but no one taught you wisdom, or you would know these things.

Doomsday Global Warming: Fact-Sheet / What To Do? (tags)

Tragic Climate Change is well underway and will worsen unto Doomsday if we do not take drastic measures to stop its progress. The development of clean, renewable and CHEAP Green Energy is indispensable. This has never been a difficult technical problem. The Problem is POLITICAL, necessitating a crucial political change -- Polluters' Power overridden by People's Power.

Stop now, immediately (tags)

The fact that George Bush and Tony Blair are cheering Israel might be consolation for Ehud Olmert and the media in Israel, but it is not enough to persuade millions of TV viewers who see the images of destruction and devastation, most of which are not shown to Israeli audiences. The world sees entire neighborhoods that have been destroyed, hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing in panic, homeless, and hundreds of civilians dead and wounded including many children who have nothing to do with Hezbollah.

Re-Regulation of the Economy (tags)

"Finance markets become judges over the economy punishing mistakes with (threaten-ed) capital flight." Resisting re-regulation represses blind spots and confuses the goat and the gardener, the market and the fire dept and the problem and the solution.

When People Become Commodities (tags)

By Jonathan Rowe

VIDEO: Midnight Ridazz (tags)

LOS ANGELES – May 12, 2006 On the 2nd Friday of the month at 9:30 pm , bicyclists gather at the intersection of Sunset and Echo Park. This has become the starting point for a late night bike ride that weaves its way through the streets of Los Angeles. They call themselves the Midnight Ridazz.

Se puede? Not by protest alone (tags)

It only took a day for the effect of the immigration protests to be known. On May 2nd politicians from both parties gave a wealth of interviews and speeches that clarified their positions: nothing had changed. In fact, many had remarked that the protest had a ‘backlash effect’, hardening and inflaming the already conservative opinions of Republicans, while dulling the already flimsy stance of Democrats. Trent Lott, in speaking for many on the right, implied that a massive deportation sweep during the protests would have been appropriate, given that “we had ‘em all in a bunch”. On the other side of the isle, Diane Feinstein gave a more passive response to the protests, representing the unaffected character of most Democrats to the millions who appeared in the streets; the passionate outcry from the masses was referred to as ‘counterproductive’, since protesting does not “changes votes on the floor of the senate”— the latter point is certainly true, becoming more obvious as pro-immigration and anti-war protests continue to draw millions, but fall onto deaf ears in Congress. Demonstrations, boycotts, protests, or any other indication of public opinion has proven unable to sway the actions of either party. The façade of the two-party system is unveiling itself with impressive speed as social tensions near the boiling point.

No yellow ribbons from this ex-marine (tags)

We can and should support troops-to-be, but do so before they become troops. We should post a warning sign, and disclaimer, in all recruiting stations. Prospective enlistees should be told that their new employer will not be the Department of Defense, but the Department of War; and that their service will not be in the defense of freedom and democracy, but in the building of an empire for America's powerful elite. And that their countrymen, for all the yellow ribbons and pseudo-patriotic talk, will ultimately blame them for the added terrorism they instigate with their wars. Just like there is truth in lending, we should demand truth in recruitment.

Immigration: A Nation of Colonists – and Race Laws (tags)

Immigration law has always been race law in the US.

Illegal Alien Anglos in Mexico (tags)

Los Yankees

Whatever Happened to Empathy? (tags)

Whatever happened to empathy? How did the world suddenly become inhabited by good, red-blooded Americans and a bunch of gooks, slopes, ragheads, hadjis and any other pejorative which makes them seem less than human? How did the world suddenly become us and them? How is it that no one's beliefs and concerns have validity except ours? How has it come about that the world is now divided between us, our few allies, and a world of terrorists?

Brown Skin / Yellow Star: Why You Must Join the March 25th Demo (tags)

The US Senate debates legislation that would make migrants an openly felonized, legally scapegoated racial and cultural under-caste, with deeply dangerous implications for us all. 600,000 or more to march this Saturday, March 25th, Broadway and Olympic, 10 AM.

V for Vendetta, a wake up call (tags)

New movie out on May 17 is sure to rattle the White House. Alan Moore and the Wachowsky brothers are giving us a wake up call -- again.

Beyond Mere Survival in the American Dystopia (tags)

...1984 has come to pass, both chronologically and in the Orwellian sense. Americans are "liberators" in Iraq. Opponents of this "peace initiative" are "doubleplusungood". Unchecked by the judiciary, the NSA electronically trolls for perpetrators of "crimethink". Pundits and the "liberal media" (owned by a handful of monolithic corporations despised by people with the values which many define as liberal) have become the Ministry of Truth for the Party...

Cognitive Dissonance and the New Amerikan Reich (tags)

Is mass cognitive dissonance leading to the creation of a prison planet ruled by barbarians the like of which this world has never known before?

Violence against indigenous women a lesson to us all (tags)

Men have now used the desert itself as a verbal threat to women of what may happen to them if they do not obey.

Walmart Economics (tags)

Let's fuck America.

Reliable sources of research (tags)

My goal is the search for truth...let us come together in hopes for finding some reliable sources.....


January 17 is the scheduled execution day of Clarence Ray Allen however this event demonstrates how callus and unmerciful we have become as a society. Here is a man that is dying and now we are preparing to take his life. The system is not working.

Manuel Valenzuela: The Army of Good Americans (tags)

Hard-hitting, truth-telling essay on those that comrpise Bush's support and how they are enabling the rise of fascism and police state


An Appeal to all Citizens of the World:

Lifelong Work (tags)

Pension schemes and the labor market are in an irreconcilable opposition. This schizoid argumentation has long sunk into mass con-sciousness..A society with the highest productivity of world history chains seniors to production longer than in the Middle Ages.

Anti-immigrant legislation soon to be voted upon by Congress (tags)

Congress is set to debate legislation that would make all undocumented persons in the US felons, thereby making it impossible for them to become legal.

A Cabal of Criminality (tags)

excellent look at the Bush/neocon cabal

Populist #17 (tags)

On the Judicial Branch

The Day America Died (tags)

Since that fateful day in September, we have seemingly never looked back. All pride..abject arrogance with no shame whatsoever. Never once questioning why so many people around the world have chosen to hate us.

The Future of Theology (tags)

"The social state is dismantled in favor of the globalization of industry..The democratic idea of equality is incompatible with ever-greater inequalities..If globalization produces third world conditions, theology of liberation logically becomes universal.."

Global Capitalism: the Scourge of Democracy (tags)

global capitalism is an economic Colt 45 for the times

LA: Don't Just Protest, Organize! (tags)


Vermont Independence Convention: Confronting the Empire (tags)

On October 28 a statewide convention on state secession and running on the theme “Vermont Independence: An Impossible Dream or a Vision of the Future?” was held in the State House in Montpelier, VT. The last time a convention similar to this was held took place in North Carolina in 1861 when the state decided to secede from the US.

Mayor Villaraigosa and the Truth about Cats and Dogs (tags)

If Mayor Villaraigosa fails to honor his promise to fire Mr. Stuckey and to hire a compassionate and experienced General Manager who can implement a no-kill plan and reform the department, he may find that the animal community is politically-speaking, more bite than bark.

The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The Making (tags)

shameful is the fact that there are people who seem not to care that such things are taking place in our country

The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The Making (tags)

As a result of nine-eleven’s jarring impact upon our nation, journalists have discovered a near paranoid rise in retaliation against individuals attempting to expose governmental malfeasance.

Repealing Posse Comitatus Would Mean Iraq in the US. Do We Really Want This? (tags)

After watching what the Commander in Chief does with the military in Iraq and Afghanistan, do we really want to have the army going in every time there is some kind of natural disaster in America.

Liberators or Occupiers? Look Who Calls the Shots (tags)

The governments of Iraq and Afghanistan are complaining about the U.S. military’s brutality and its indiscriminate attacks, but the Pentagon and the White House are just blowing them off. Hey, forget “sovereignty.” We’re in charge here.

Becoming a Child (tags)

Jesus' model of the child could be a new beginning in a world of cynicism, permanent wars and universal insecurity. The world loses its mystery and becomes a steam-roller when the grand delusion of self-righteousness is accepted as a natural law and the penultimate pretends to be ultimate.

Clusterf... Nation Chronicle (tags)

Take a good look at America around you now, because when we emerge from the winter of 2005 - 6, we're going to be another country. The reality-oblivious nation of mall hounds, bargain shoppers, happy motorists, Nascar fans, Red State war hawks, and born-again Krispy Kremers is headed into a werewolf-like transformation that will reveal to all the tragic monster we have become.

American Suicide (tags)

If Jeffery will permit ... here is my take on America the Beautiful and America the free.

Help Keep Venice Progressive! (tags)

Vote for Progressive Independent Candidates for the Venice Neighborhood Council

The War Culture (tags)

smart analysis of america as the war culture

Help out in the LA community. Become a Volunteer today! (tags)

Become a VOLUNTEER TUTOR at Golden West Kids After school Program Sponsored by UC Academic Center of Excellence (ACE)

“The Neocons Have Played U.S. for a Chump!” (tags)

It’s bad enough that the slippery Neocons got the U.S. involved in the Iraqi War, now those scoundrels want us to attack Iran! Just the other day, the unindicted war criminal, Henry Kissinger, suggested that we take Iran down, if certain conditions were fulfilled. Thanks to the compelling “Downing St. Memos,” and the splendid work of Think Tanks, like the IRmep, it has become clearer that the conniving Neocons have used the U.S. as a chump!



Daniel Rey Piuma. (tags)

Speaking about art.

Free Radicals mp3: Eyebrows (tags)

Gloria Edwards - vocals, Nelson Mills III - scat, Ian Varley - electric piano, Marcos Melchor - sax, Chris Anderson - guitar, Theo Bijarro - bass, Nick Cooper - drums

Words From Gloria Anzaldua (tags)

the cult of anzaldua, not yet formed, is a militant study group that may put thought into action, and translate action back into thought. they may exist to recapitulate the words of anzaldua, or to repeat and reconfigure them incorrectly. you may already be a member.

LA on coverof NYTimes today, but nothing here? (tags)

I was surprised to see that LA was on the cover of the NYTimes today for the mayoral election (I haven't been following it, I'm up in the Bay Area) and that there isn't any mention of the results on here. I'm wondering what the alternative view is on this guy. NYT paints him as a "union organizer." If that's true, why no mention here of a potential 'good guy' in office? Plus, if nothing else, the first Hispanic mayor in over 100 years . . .

Belgrade Zoo (tags)

I am a concerned citizen asking for guidance on how to help the animals who reside at the Belgrade city zoo. Built in 1936, on six hectares of rocky fortress, this privately operated zoo is among the oldest in Europe. It is located in the Belgrade city center, on city property. It has approximately 2.000 animals of about 200 species. Many big animals are in very small cages. Many animals look distressed. They often show signs of "stereotypic behavior," such as pacing, head-bobbing, neck-twisting, bar-biting and sucking, coprophagia, over-grooming, and self-mutilation. Many animals have been born who are not in the zoo, including tigers, bears, and a hippo. What has become of them?

Pedagogy of Naivity (tags)

Recently, America seems to have been lulled into some strange twilight zone. What could it be, this opium of the people? God only knows.

Why I Am a Pro-Palestinian Activist (tags)

I was brought up Roman Catholic, but now consider myself a progressive,

CIA Torturing Terror Suspects Abroad (tags)

A short article about the CIA outsourcing torture in the Middle East.

Gud Bless Murka (tags)

Good Reading....

State Unclaimed Propert & Money (tags)

What is unclaimed property? By law, a holder is obligated to locate and unite unclaimed funds with owners within a specified time period. When the time period exceeds without successfully finding the owner (often times called "dormancy period"), the holder reports unclaimed property to state and federal departments.

The Changing Principles Of War (tags)

By: Bill Gallagher 012405 1675 Words

An American "moderate muslim" (tags)

“I remember telling my wife; maybe I will be our Henry Kissinger, the first Muslim to become the Secretary of State. Then came Bin Laden and his bloody men and along with the World Trade Center, American Muslim dreams and aspirations came crashing down.”

Democracy in America: Tocqueville (tags)

Despotism of the majority appeared in the two-party system from the start.. Under the flag of sovereignty of the people, the majority become a silenced degraded mass.. In democracy, people become increasingly equal; in industry, people become unequal.

The System: Capitalism and its Role in American Society’s Plunge into the Abyss. (tags)

commentary and analysis of capitalism's devastating role in american society. good read

Part-Time Work for Everyone (tags)

The advantages of part-time work must gain general approval.. When the just distribution of work makes headway, the state and the economy will be freed from a considerable part of social expenditures and cuts in individual living standards will be balanced.

Graphic Video: Soldier Witnessed Abuse, Killings at Abu Ghraib (tags)

Updated with Graphic Video: Exclusive: Conscientious Objector Witnessed Abuse, Killing of Iraqi Detainees at Abu Ghraib & More JUAN GONZALEZ 20 Dec 2004 01:34 GMT In a national broadcast exclusive, we speak with former Army Reserve Specialist Aidan Delgado. At Abu Ghraib, he witnessed U.S. soldiers abuse and killing of Iraqi detainees. Video and Transcript - Warning - This program contains graphic images

The War Culture (tags)

a deep look at american society and its descent into a war culture

National Freeway Free Speech Day O13 (tags)

Become the Media: On October 13th, hundreds of activists nationwide will post signs critical of the Bush Administration on area freeways, reaching millions of voters in states from Maine to California.


“Israel would be a much safer place to live if it would give up warfare and weapons and become civil-ized, if it would give up expansion and land grabbing and become decent and humane, if it would care about the ‘other’ and not only about more and more land, if it would stop being an occupier fretting over ‘demography’ and become a democracy caring about justice, liberty, and bread for all. “

America a Police State? No, Not Yet (tags)

There are certainly serious assaults on First Amendment freedoms underway, but the problem with prematurely characterizing America as a police state is that it plays right into the Bush/Rove/Ashcroft strategy of instilling fear in the public.

Social Security is Not for Sale (tags)

The market is a tool effective after fundamental political questions are answered: What kind of society do we want? Are education, health care, housing, water and land public goods or privileges?

Can the Militarist See Outside the Box? (tags)

Liberation theology and the theology of hope can give us strength against fundamentalism intolerance and jingoism generated by hyper-materialism. False consciousness can be replaced by exchanging roles and egalitarian passion.

Become Your Own RNC Media Outreach Team! (tags)

Traveling to New York for the RNC protests? Want the public to find out what's really happening in the streets and why people are out there? Become your own media outreach team. Here's how you do it. *Call your local paper. It’s best if you call in the morning before the late afternoon deadline crunch setsnin. If you’ve already sent a concise, well-written fax the night before, all the better.

Leftist KPFA Appeasers READ THIS (tags)

childish regression to fantasy about politics

Foreign AIDS (tags)

“Any nation that protects its citizens from their own folly will eventually become a nation of fools.”

Become a US Marine (tags)

Sign up

A Conservative answers a Leftie (tags)

QUOTE America had to start a war against terror. Why? Fallacy #1. We didn’t start the war. In 1996 Osama bin Laden declared jihad against America. He asked Muslims worldwide to kill anything American. Then 15 hijackers landed planes in the middle of New York City, Washington and Pennsylvania. They started the war, we’re just going to see it’s finished.

The End Of Suburbia - Pasadena Screening (tags)

June 23, 2004 The End of Suburbia producer Barry Silverthorn and event organizer Eric Einem from the Post Carbon Institute screened the oil depletion documentary at Throop Memorial Church in Pasadena. The following group discussion lasted for several hours.

What's going on in Iraq (tags)

Adbusters Unbrand America (tags)

For this July 4th, Adbusters Media Foundation has launched a campaign to Unbrand America. The Corporate American Flag is set to fly across the nation and around the world. There are four ways to get involved. Join the call.

From Raygun to Bush (tags)

From Raygun to Bush: It’s Mythomania to Comic-books, and Ignorance becomes bliss

The United States has become the wild card (tags)

Wars are very complicated undertakings that require very simple politics. The more complicated the politics, the more difficult it is to prosecute a war, and this war have become extraordinarily complicated -- almost mind-boggling.

Hate comes from fear (tags)

An op-ed piece on hate and fear and the people who publish on this website.

"End of Suburbia" is Now Available - A documentary on the subject of oil depleti (tags)

"THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream" has just been released on DVD and will be screened at locations in Los Angeles. Anyone interested in hosting a public screening please contact

Life and Death in Our Cities (tags)

the globalization of misery


Poem and critical commentary about what we need to do to prepare for the possibility of US infantry defection and a resistance by Bush to a nonviolent transfer of power this November.

Stern's Loose Lips Give Bush the Slip (tags)

If the Republicans ever worried what it might be like to have a left-leaning version of Limbaugh hacking them to bits, now they are finding out daily now that Howard Stern is waging war against the administration.


Fox news is reporting on the latest explosion in Bagdad as I write this article. Madeline Albright and Bill Clinton agreed to sit on GROUND ZERO live when the newsflash came in. Douglas Hunter ran his MOUTH to endanger people right after Kerry said he could WIN THE WAR ON TERRORISM.

The Crats of Hebron (tags)

".... this rising "third" population lives ferociously in Hebron, along with the Palestinians and the settlers and soldiers. They have come about as a direct result of the illegal occupation, but are in some ways symbolic of the different kind of existence that Old Hebron has become as it is called, Area H-2."

Arundhati Roy's Speech at the WSF (tags)

In the great cities of Europe and America, where a few years ago these things would only have been whispered, now people are openly talking about the good side of Imperialism and the need for a strong Empire to police an unruly world.

A record 68,000 march in San Antonio for MLK (tags)

...a record throng of marchers paid tribute Monday to slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in what has become one of the largest such marches in the country An estimated 68,000 people wound their way through East Side streets... "We are here because we cannot allow this holiday to become trivialized."

Fear and duplicity (tags)

Some thoughts on fear, intimidation and Martin Luther King Jr.


With the Indian team waiting for the one day finals to play in Australia Whatever be the result of the game but after returning to home ,the people will see players in a new avatar, that is their endorsement packages will increase and we will see them encashing their popularity through commercial-ads ,inaugurations , interviews or might be judging the various contests.

The stupefaction of a nation (tags)

Corporate media propaganda and its weapons of mass distraction

Nature as Healer and Teacher (tags)

Nature is a healer and teacher, a wounded healer and scorned teacher, a majestic fountain of awe, wonder and inspiration.. Nature cries in pain because she is reduced to a free good, external or sink by a one-dimensional economism.

Niagara's Toxi-tomic Legacy (tags)

Lou Ricciuti, who co-authored with Geoff Kelly "The Bomb that Fell on Niagara," a series of 12 articles that appeared in Buffalo's ArtVoice, is continuing the saga of Niagara County's atomic legacy beginning today at

My Obsession with Jews (tags)

Now and then I get letters and e-mail messages asking why I am so "obsessed" with Jews and Israel. The question amuses me. It would be one thing if I often wrote about Mali, or Honduras, or Borneo, or any other nation or country most people remember only as a name from geography class.

Libertarians and Conservatives -- Neither Side Really Gets It (tags)

The rift between libertarian and conservative movements in America today can be repaired. Mutual success can be achieved by cooperating on more critical subjects like dismantling public education in favor of home schooling and privatization.

The Revolution Makers (tags)

the death of capitalism

"We are the Greatest Backwoods of the World": Interview with Norman Birnbaum (tags)

"I am astonished or shocked at this total submissiveness toward my country. Intelligent people fade out the shady sides of our country, the broad trails of blood of our military interventions and the cynical contempt of the govt for its own citizens.. "

Wesley Clark, Defender of KLA Terrorists, Joins Race to White House (tags)

My question to Presidential Candidate Wesley Clark is simple: “What exactly is your position these days on collaborating with drug dealers and terrorists? Have you changed your mind, or do you still think you were doing the right thing to turn Kosovo into a drug dealers’, terrorist and white slave traffic paradise it has become under NATO jurisdiction?”

Dean! No, Kucinich! No, Clark! (tags)

I feel compelled to interrupt this endless stream of electoral politics and inject a few words of reality into the debate.


The Raza Press Association(RPA), formerly known as the Chicano Press Association, will be holding a national summit in the City of Ypisilanti, Michigan, on the campus of Eastern Michigan University. The summit will be held on Saturday, September 20, 2003, from 12 PM to 5 PM, under the summit1s slogan 3Develop The Means To Wake Up The Masses!2.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Buddy, Can You Spare a Job? (tags)

Re: U.S. Jobs - I've got some bad news and I've got some REALLY BAD news...

Arnold Schwarzenegger EGGED at Cal State Long Beach!!! (tags)

The students of CSULB today gave Arnold Schwarzenegger a hefty welcoming. The Austrian born actor believes that his fame and fortune can catapult him to become the Governor of California. Well, today he got an Egg in the face....

Denouncing Oppresion in Summer 2004 (tags)

Corruption, socialism, fascism, etc. has become all too great in the last few years, but sadly, no one has noticed.

Enlightened America has No Respect for God (tags)

Government today, which has become the new god, has reached a point where there just isn't enough room on the Grand Stage for two gods. Thus, the courts have consistently ruled in recent days that the 'Other God' and the Ten Commandments display must go.

Dennis Kucinich needs your help! (tags)

Take back America! Help dump Bush by forming a Kucinich Beanie Brigade in your own neighborhood!

Broke and bitterly split, California is on skid row (tags)

The state of California, as of midnight last night, was officially broke. The richest, most populous state in the union - by some measures the world's fifth biggest economy - is facing a budget deficit of $38bn (£23bn).

Are Republicans different from Libertarians? (tags)

Libertarians advocate maximum liberty with minimum restrictions in any and all arenas of human activity. This sounds good, but carried to its logical extreme, it involves decriminalizing virtually every "vice" known to man.

Triumph of Kleptocracy & Death of Reason (tags)

"The great danger of the lynch-mob terror-bubble we find ourselves trapped in, as the Germans under the Nazi regime were, is losing touch with the rest of the world..This is no longer our government, but has been stolen from us by country-sized corporations and their henchmen." from Slingshot 2003

ArroyoFest 6-15 (tags)

Come out for ArroyoFest

The Silencing of Dissent on Graduation Day (tags)

Text of the Rockford College, Rockford Illinois graduation speech by Chris Hedges Story published May 20, 2003

Sen Byrd: Gulf War illegal (tags)

"There is ample evidence that the horrific events of Sept. 11 have been carefully manipulated to switch public focus from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida, who masterminded the Sept. 11th attacks, to Saddam Hussein who did not.

Big Brother isn't Coming; He's here. (tags)

And so it was with every recorded fact, great or small. Everything faded away into a shadow-world in which, finally, even the date of the year had become uncertain."   --Excerpted from the book, 1984, by George Orwell

The lost political significance of the Easter story (tags)

Before the Christian age, crucifixion was a political statement being made by Caesar. 'I am Caesar. Screw with me and be tortured to death.' The Roman economy was dependant on slaves, who were kept in line using the threat of crucifixion (torture). The Easter symbol became an insult to Caesar, and the political content of this new subversive message could be described using the phrase, 'Caesar crucifies slaves, but God raises his victims from the dead.' A revolutionary interpretation of the white washed Easter story...

Become an Entrepreneur for Peace (tags)

Become a street vendor and watch the government come out to kill you.

We Are As Gods And Might As Well Get Good At It. (tags)

from 1968 Whole Eartth Catalog.

Become A Street Vendor For Peace (tags)

The real revolution is to become a street vendor, entrepreneur, small business owner and become big if you want. But, get the State out, the lazy bureaucrats that are too stupid to do the same, and too lazy, so they have to steal your money.g

How To Stop War (tags)

To stop war, become an entrepreneur, small business owner, street vendor. They can't operate without our money.

COINTELPRO is alive and well online... (tags)

Warning from a Rebel

U.N./New World Order/World Government/Elite/Aristocrats (tags)

Government is bad. Business is good. So, U.N. is more government, only bigger and more controlling, with more money, thus more dangerous and more bad.

Become An Entrepreneur (tags)

Start your own business. Become a street vendor.

How To Stop War - Become An Entrepreneur (tags)

Do like Switzerland (before they bought into the UN, more big government crap).

Anyone with a Videocamera that want to BECOME THE MEDIA? (tags)

Help report on the protests....

Flash!: US/British Military Have Declared Basra a Military Target! (tags)

The US/British military have declared Basra "a military target" due to stiff resistance against occupation forces being put up by Iraqi troops and the general population as well.


BECOME THE MEDIA!!! I need help to do it though. Help please!!!!



Our weakness is all encompasing (tags)

Rachel Corey and the legacy she left.

A Principled Conservative in Opposition To Bush (tags)

One of the lies the Shills like to promote is that "all GOOD REPUBLICANS" support the Bush Junta's aggressive War of Conquest. This is not true. Here is one of the growing number of PRINCIPLED Conservatives standing to oppose


With most of the mainstream media having joined the march towards war, individual critics and the alternative media have begun to strike back.


"I, like many other supporters of the Constitution, have been asking since the 2000 election; exactly what drives the foreign policy of the Bush Administration. The answer is revealed in the doctrines of the Policy for the New American Century, (PNAC) "

Before all things be not proud. (tags)

highest sacredness


So frustrated have the inspectors become that one source has referred to the U.S.intelligence they've been getting as "garbage after garbage after garbage."

Love is the master spirit. (tags)

highest sacredness

Love is the master spirit. (tags)

highest sacredness

When the Enemy Is a Liberator (tags)

Bottom line is that the Iraqi people do want GW Bush to go forward with the war

What we can expect to accomplish! (tags)

Nothing much, if we expect change through political means. But today has shown that the people can act of their own volition, world wide! BE THE PEOPLE'S REVOLUTION!!

Jesus said "Be not proud" because we are perfect- If You Don't Like War Stop Pay (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

There is no evil; only lazy kids pretending pride is virtue. Love is real... (tags)

love (the love that people who know about love talk about)

Love is real. Pride is sin. (tags)


Shame Shame Shame (tags)

Shame on us all

The Only 'Action' That Can Work (tags)

Assuming love is real.

The Flexible Person (tags)

Hundreds of millions of people are forced to work migration between countries and continents.. People are transformed into socially uprooted vagabonds of markets..Flexibility means ..more output and more stress for less money. From German

Capitalism = Self-Destruct Anarchism = Self-Construct (tags)


As Political Police Aggress More, Resistance Consciousness May Be Turned To (tags)

What does it take to convince concerned persons that traditional methods of rebellion and dissent are fast becoming obsolete?



The election's real message (tags)

Here's what really happened in Tuesday's midterm elections

We're # 1 ! (don't think twice) (tags)

Uncontested superpower



An Introduction to Dual Power Strategy (tags)

The great task of grassroots dual power is to seek out and create social spaces and fill them with liberatory institutions and relationships. Where there is room for us to act for ourselves, we form institutions conducive not only to catalyzing revolution, but also to the present conditions of a fulfilling life, including economic and political self-management to the greatest degree achievable. We seek not to seize power, but to seize opportunity vis a vis the exercise of our power.

California at a Crossroad? (tags)

There are many economic indications that the U.S.A. Titanic may be on the brink of sinking. Will California go down with it, or is it time for us in Cali to break away and become a lifeboat?


Living in a post-9/11 cloud...

When pro-Palestinian supporters become blind to prejudice.... (tags)

You are invited to read a debate in which a series of highly-charged comments are made against all Jews. Some might call it the harsh truth. Others might say it's typical anti-semitism wrapped up in blind zeal for justice. Wbat do you say?

CNN Censored Afghanistan War (tags)

An insightful short piece at Counterpunch.Com reveals how CNN willingly censored its coverage of the war in Afghanistan. For those who are still skeptical as to how this international corporate news giant has become a mere "lapdog" of the U.S. government and military, this is a must read.

Why are we here? (tags)

As more people realize they have been played for fools by the insiders of the markets, and by many other liars seeking their own slefish interests, it is the perfect time to ask this question...

Give It Away (tags)

Beware! The Maussians Are Coming! This article by David Graeber discusses the concept of the gift economy, an idea first explored by Marcel Mauss in his descriptions of the Kwakiutl of British Columbia. He describes how the historical reality of such economies refutes many of the assumptions made by neo-liberal economists about the historical development of economic systems. Also discussed are contemporary groups (such as the MAUSS group in France) who take their inspiration from such findings to attack and dismantle the philosophic basis of capitalist economic theory.

Bush Daddy Communications (tags)

It's spin control to an extreme!

"Beyond the Axis of Evil." (tags)

Let's see... there's Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Syria, Cuba... mmmm, Venezuala, Argentina, Australia, Italy, Burma...............


raisethefist has been shut down.

Slashdot Users Defy Censorship (tags)

In what approximates a "user revolt" against editors at the online community, a moderator-critical threat has become one of the most popular in history despite the editorial "bitchslap of the century".

Revolutionary Graffiti Front! (tags)

Who is the Revolutionary Graffiti Front? We are engaged in form of Guerrilla Art, as a tactic to increase the political awareness of individuals and communities about the daily exploitation and injustice that exist within today's corporate capitalist society.

Town Hall Meeting on 9-11, tonight at 7pm (tags)

Come to tonight's town hall meeting at the Immanuel Presbytarian church at 3300 Wishire Blvd, in the Chi Chester Chapel, at 7pm.

The Shortwave Report 8/24/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. Broadcast quality 13.7MB and streaming audio 3.5MB. Free to rebroadcast. With times and freqs for listening at home. Radio Spain, Germany, China, Netherlands, Cuba

The Revolution Needs Your Support (tags)

A call to aid on behalf of The Revolution Party

Why corporate media will never tell our story (tags)

These are just a few of the reasons that corporate media will never report fairly (or at all) on this movement.

Please table this funding topic for now (tags)

The LA Times Article (tags)

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