fix articles 74649, silence Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : silence


Cracks in the Culture of Silence (tags)

One of the more tragic elements of the culture of silence is that the dominated often internalize the oppressor – they become their own dominators, and behave toward themselves and each other much as the oppressor behaves toward them. This internalization is often created and maintained by the education system that is controlled by the elite.

The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals (tags)

Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler).

Fbi assaults continue against me (tags)

For those who trust the assassins & terrorists of the fbi: The burro:

Breaking the Silence: A Middleman For Anonymous Sources (tags)

Too often, when it comes to reporting on Israel and the Palestinians, unverified “eyewitnesses” or unnamed sources are a feature of media stories, especially those that impact negatively on Israel.

Israeli Soldiers Break the Silence on Gaza War (tags)


Phony Kiev Day of Silence (tags)


fbi,federal/state/local cops team up to commit crimes (tags)

In the fbi's vendetta to silence, arrest, torture, force final exit, or kill this ex fbi agent, the fbi organizes elaborate schemes to bring all law enforcement down on geral sosbee.

9-11 not remembered, in LA, anyhow (tags)

Are people in LA so complacent and uninvolved with the stories that were used as the 'causes' of why USA still continues to invade, interfere, and play war games….. and kill people in the middle east ? Are “9-11” and irrelevant set of numbers now ? ….long forgotten, got tired of the symbols, was too long ago and now tired of the same old questions, lies, and 'theories'? huh?

Film about Truth and Reconciliation in Indonesia (tags)

Activists and filmmakers have now released the documentary "40 Years of Silence" online for free (86 minutes).

Snowden: Shooting the Messenger (tags)

police state

fbi executes extreme plan to silence geral sosbee (tags)

See evidence that the fbi turns up the heat on Geral Sosbee in efforts to silence him.

Eroding Free Expression in Israel (tags)


Blue Wall of Silence to Blame for Dorner's Rage (tags)

The Blue Wall of Silence covers up police abuses and terminates the careers of the few good cops who try to report brutality against citizens. Would Kelly Thomas be alive today if Chris Dorner was there in Fullerton to try and stop it when he was beaten to death by four Fullerton police officers?

Why is Obama Silent Over the New Congo War (tags)

The last Congo war that ended in 2003 killed 5.4 million people, the worst humanitarian disaster since World War II. The killing was directly enabled by international silence over the issue; the war was ignored and the causes obscured because governments were backing groups involved in the fighting. Now a new Congo war has begun and the silence is, again, deafening.

Sheriff Arpaio’s Police State of Arizona under fire in U.S. 9th Cir. Court (tags)

Arpaio’s thugs take the Arizona police state to a new, very criminal, high.

Intel Agencies Method Is Madness (tags)

See the threats and horrors facing all of mankind:

Israeli Soldiers Break Silence (tags)


Is Western Condemnation of Cultural Destruction Reserved Exclusively for Enemies? (tags)

Djulfa’s destruction, like that of the Bamiyan Buddhas and Timbuktu shrines, merits widespread coverage, unwavering condemnation, and international liability, no matter who the perpetrator is.

Free Julian Assange! Hands Off WikiLeaks! (tags)

The December 7 arrest in London of Julian Assange, the founder and editor-in-chief of the Internet investigative site WikiLeaks, is a threat to freedom of the press and an attempt to silence critics who expose the bloody deeds of imperialism. We are convinced, along with many others, that Assange is innocent of the trumped up accusations of the crimes of rape and sexual molestation that are being manipulated by Swedish authorities to request his detention and extradition. His main accuser is an anti-Communist social-democratic operative. It is clear that sinister forces are pushing the persecution of this courageous man, and his life could be in danger. The criminal forces who are behind this frame-up are first and foremost, the United States government of Barack Obama and its military and spy agencies. They seek to silence whistleblowers who have not only caused them diplomatic embarrassment but also lifted a corner of the veil on Washington’s Murder, Inc. We demand that Assange be freed, that all charges against him be dropped, including those now being prepared and that Private Bradley Manning, accused of leaking documents that incriminate the U.S., be freed as well.

OUR WORD IS OUR WEAPON: A Creative and Critical Response to Bullying & Suicide (tags)

One Imagination's OUR WORD IS OUR WEAPON is a multidisciplinary production centering the struggles of David, a gay high school student and writer, taking place Sunday, December 5th, 2010 at Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica.

Trumka and the Labor Press Bury Scandal About Removal of ‘Ethical Practices’ Clause (tags)

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka kept his determined silence, refusing to explain or investigate how an “ethical practices” clause, that had been in effect since the founding of the Labor Federation in the 1950s, had been removed in the 2005 edition of the Constitution.

Seal their Mouth Shut and Let Them Starve to Death (tags)

April 8, 2010: The Day of Atonement

MLK: Beyond Vietnam - A Time to Break Silence (tags)

"Non-violence or non-existence is the choice. The whole world is doomed if we don't deliver people from long years of poverty. The pharaoh kept slaves fighting one another. When slaves get together, that is the beginning of freedom. There is a fire that no water can put out.."

EFF on Scientology Racketeering: Time to Undo an Injustice (tags)

PIcketing and protesting against the murder of Lisa McPherson, pushing for criminal indictments in the killing of Stacy Moxon, calling for civil lawsuit for the beheading of Ashlee Shanner -- human rights advocate and world respected futurist Mr. Heith Henson was jailed for trying to find justice for Scientology's victims. See attached PDF.

Stop Rape: Breaking the Silence and The UCLA Clothesline Project (tags)

The UCLA Clothesline Project is a student organization that aims to stop sexual violence. The project strives to take that first most difficult step: to break the silence surrounding sexual violence and raise awareness about a crime where it’s the victims that are made to feel guilty and ashamed.

Grieving the Death of An Abusive Parent: Geri “Tookie” (tags)

My stepmother died this week. It seems odd to celebrate someone’s death. I am not celebrating the joyful, productive, amazing life of my stepmom, Geri, in her death. It is more like a Nazi camp prisoner might feel upon hearing word that a Nazi officer that tortured him died.

Barack Obama and the "End" of Racism (tags)

Obama doesn’t represent peace – he represents an expansion of war and the power of Empire. He’s even more extreme on this than Bush himself, except in his public rhetoric. He doesn’t represent the real and legitimate needs, desires and hopes of Black people - he refuses to speak openly of the most fundamental issues affecting Black people. He doesn’t represent the “end of racism,” but the perpetuation of oppression in a new guise.

Damascus: IAF planes dropped live ammunition on Syria during flyover (tags)

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said Monday that Israel Air Force warplanes dropped live ammunition during an alleged violation of Syrian airspace in the early hours of Thursday.

Help to break media silence on the Cuban Five! (tags)

Cuba Solidarity Campaign in Great Britain (and everywhere) helps to break media silence on Miami 5...

Buy Silence, Sell Distraction!? (tags)

The time has come for victims to organize, network, and empower themselves ....

A list of "Left Gatekeepers" (tags)

A summary list of "left gatekeeping" media. These consist of left/alternative/progressive, even radical journalists and publications, investigators, and researchers who censor, or in worst cases, ridicule/smear those, including family members, who question the official conspiracy theory behind the 9/11 attack, in effect teaming up with mainstream media to silence dissent. A few, however, seem to be developing hairline fractures within the wall of silence as the 9/11 truth movement continues to go global. Let's hope it continues. Feel free to add any I may have missed.

Indian Press Silence on Sai Baba Weakening (tags)

One of Britain's top newspapers, The Guardian, has demonstrated ties between Duke of Edinburgh Awards personnel and Sathya Sai Baba (pron. satya si bubba), India's most famous and powerful guru.

3 YEARS IN IRAQ- Over 100,000 Kids Killed NEW CFTM VIDEO OF OUTRAGE (tags)


The MORE I AM. (tags)

The flood.

San Anselmo anti-war activists calls out activists (tags)

Local anti-war activist calls out for solidarity in the face of a Town Council that passed a new regulation specifically designed to silence his anti-war billboard.

Inymedia is a tool of the right-wing fascist media establishment. (tags)

This IMC is, like all indymedia, meant to confuse and destroy the anti-war movement.

Canto del Rio Bravo / Song of the Rio Grande (tags)

"When history sleeps it speaks in dreams; on the forehead of the sleeping people the poem is a constellation of blood. When history wakes image becomes act, the poem happens; poetry moves into action."

Muslim violence (tags)

The violence by muslims over the Newsweek thing wasn't caused by purely religious zeal or even western hate.

U.S. Supreme Court rules that citizens no longer have the right to remain silent (tags)

Silence is now a crime.

PFLAG Chapter Forming in Temecula (tags)

How can you help take a stand against discrimination and intolerance? Jim Woodward of Temecula is organizing a local chapter of PFLAG -- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Persons.If you want to be part of the PFLAG chapter, there is an organizing meeting in Temecula on Sunday, May 16 at 3:00 p.m. For directions and more information, please call Jim Woodward at (909) 693-4852.



Ocean Graves for Leftists (tags)

Not only were leftists sent to Pacific ocean graves near Chile by Pinochet, but in neighboring Argentina, during the so-called dirty war, thousands of leftists were pushed alive out of airplanes over the Atlantic ocean and disappeared. Their mothers protested for years in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires. These leftist victims wanted things like land reform, better wages and working conditions, health care and education for everyone and no child labor or starving children and they were treated this way by fascists and their cohorts in the CIA and US government. Disgusting!

Silence about Muslim Deaths (tags)

How many times have you heard Israel blamed for Muslim Deaths? Now How many times have you heard Muslims blamed for Muslim Deaths- the disparity in numbers will shock you. All in all, it makes Israel look like a kitten.

JOIN ARNOLD for Governator? (tags)

Arnoldo is tackling his "Join Arnold" campaña to the people as trying hard to sell a cheap content tele-novela or wholly wood movie, but he cannot make stupid no one with his silence approach to each of the real issues.


CHIAPAS: The Thirteenth Stele Part One: A Conch Dawn in the mountains of the Mexican southeast.

Police State - The Patriot's Code of Silence (tags)

When you are arrested, the best thing you can do is KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Push your teeth together, seal your lips and breathe through your nose. Say nothing except the following ãI want an attorney pleaseä. Answer every question, regardless of how ridiculous your answer may seem with that statement or something almost identical to it.

Day of Silence 2003 (tags)

The Day of Silence is put on by GLESN (gay, lesbian and straight educational network) and UUUA (united states student association) .

Conspiracy of Silence video Child sex ring that reached Bush Sr's Whitehouse. (tags)

This documentary exposed a network of Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. This video was blocked from the air at the last minute. But here it is.

PSG Statement on Israel's Detention of Jaggi Singh (tags)

Israel Denies Entry to Activist from Canada

Scenes of War: a Glimpse Behind the Curtain of Silence (tags)

War. It has come to be regarded as an ordinary event, scarcely meriting a thought. There is always some new enemy that the West must battle; always a simple contest of good versus evil...

Rifkin article is lame (tags)

Is Big Oil Lubricating War

Riverside DA and Judge clash over controversial prosecutor's promotion (tags)

When prosecutor Michael Rushton came under fire last summer for kicking off nine Black jurors in a capital murder case, his boss, Grover Trask was silent. Now, with his promotion of Rushton to supervise the drug enforcement division, his silence is broken.

collective's "strategic silence" on Iraq (tags)

Several LA basedcollectives have recently met to discuss the administrations plans to go to war with Iraq. T

IAP Action Alert (tags)


Stop Speaking and Breathe (tags)

They had rolled their doughboy pawn of Christ out in front of the CBN camera crews; air escaping from the rolls of pink flesh, sounds of flatulence. They rolled the doughboy out in front of the cameras and after a moment or two of silence a wrinkled foreboding brow floated to the surface and the doughboy said, and I quote......

great film about covert "intelligence" agencies designed to stifle dissent (tags)

see below:

Company Linked To Bush Seeks Gag On Guardian (tags)

"Barrick is shopping around the world for libel courts which will hear its case and silence human rights workers and reporters. It is using the vicious British libel laws to gag freedom of speech."

Thought of The Day (tags)

As we yell so loud, it remains buried in the sound of silence.

Lorenzo komboa ervin (tags)

Letter to nyc comrades and friends from LKE.

Moreno Valley government breaks silence on Meniefield shooting (tags)

It has been nearly a month since the shooting of Dante Meniefield by a Moreno Valley Police Department and the silence by city government was finally broken by Mayor Fleckinger at a city council meeting. But was it too little, too late?

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