fix articles 74610, big bang
Trapps de la domination, trapps de l'aliénation (tags)
Le capital, de tout, fait ses choux gras...
Paraphysique de la communication (tags)
Le langage tend d'ailleurs à s'appauvrir...
Paraphysique de la communication (tags)
Tout cliché produit de la mort émotionnelle...
Le capitalisme est le crime organisé (tags)
Toujours, la compétition, la comparaison, la domination...
We the Scattered in the Insult Society (tags)
Hans-Peter Martin is the author of "Game Over. Prosperity for a Few, Democracy for No One and Nationalism for Everyone" (2018). Now it is Game Over for the West, for our civilization model. Capitalism functions without democracy, without observing liberal human rights.
Ten Years After the Financial Crash (tags)
US economic statistics are dubious since financial markets are based on financial products and money out of nothing. Tax havens, micro-second betting, stock buybacks and corruption through lobbying are market-distorting and cause revenue shortfalls.
La loi du capital...
Capitalism is not the Opposite of the State (tags)
Without the permanent intervention of the state, there would be no functioning capitalism. No economic branch depends on the state like the financial branch The deregulation was based on the trick of slandering state regulation as strait-jackets.that could strangle the economy.
Bob Brown on Global Democracy and World Parliament (tags)
Bob Brown delivers the 3rd annual Green Oration
Medrciless Samaritans and 10 Causes of the Crisis (tags)
"There is no society. There are only individual men and women," said Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher, the former British Prime Minister, had a great share in the crisis in which Europe, capitalism and democracy find themselves.
Neoliberalism as Greatest Error in the History of Economic Thought (tags)
Efficiency and prosperity can only be realized on capitalist markets when the economic system is bound in a social order under the primacy of politics. Democratic legitimated politics and the provision of public goods is derived from the "anatomy of market failure."
The World is Out of Joint (tags)
The financial crisis has become a state debt crisis. "The rise of democracy was not possible without the social and legal civilizing of capitalism. The deregulation euphoria of democratic governments made possible the incredible ascent of the financial oligarchy."
The Silence of Economists (tags)
In 1936 Keynes was the first established economist who explained how a free enterprise system in no way realized a state of balance by itself. The state must take an active role in crisis times to prevent an economic downswing ending in a catastrophe.
Eight Free Metaphysical Websites You Can't Live Without& (tags)
Religious ecstasy, being truly and completely in the present moment in the body - this is not exactly a sustainable state, now is it?
People have often questioned why the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. This paper presents a possible solution to the conundrum.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/17/06) (tags)
Florida Medicaid cuts target food for disabled children
Avakian: Religion is Religion, Communism is Scientific (tags)
A Leap of Faith and a Leap to Rational Knowledge: Two Very Different Kinds of Leaps, Two Radically Different Worldviews and Methods This article was written by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, in response to a letter that sent to him. In addition to attacking communism, that letter also argued against the scientific viewpoint and method and insisted that atheism is just another form of religion. This article by Chairman Avakian speaks to a number of points in that letter but focuses on the fundamental difference between a communist and scientific outlook and method on the one hand and, on the other hand, a religious worldview which relies on "leaps of faith."
You know what is right, though you still may be blind, it's never too late to change your mind, we're all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just the deceived disguised