fix articles 74599, global eye
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/6/06) (tags)
Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention camps.
Bush - Torture - The Inhuman Stain (tags)
All of the above facts -- each of them manifest violations of international law and/or the U.S. Constitution -- have been cheerfully attested to, for years now, by the organs' own apparatchiks, quoted in numerous high-profile, mainstream publications, including The New York Times, The Economist, Newsweek and others. The stories appear -- then they disappear. There is no reaction. No outcry in Congress or the courts -- the supposed guardians of the people's rights -- beyond a few wan calls for more formality in the concentration camp processing or judicial "warrants" for torture. And among the great mass of "the people" itself, there is -- nothing. Silence. Inattention. Indifference. Acquiescence. State terrorism -- lawless seizure, filthy torture, official murder -- is simply accepted, a part of "normal life," as in Nazi Germany or Stalin's empire, where "decent people" with "nothing to hide" approved and applauded the work of the "organs" in "defending national security."
Global Eye -- The Inhuman Stain (tags)
There is a horrible scandal eating away the heart of the American body politic. Among the many corrupted currents loosed upon the nation by the Bush Regime, this scandal is perhaps the worst, for it abets all the others and breeds new pestilence, new perversions at every turn.
You know what is right, though you still may be blind, it's never too late to change your mind, we're all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just the deceived disguised
A bushite soldier, to be proud of committing senseless murder for the American cop killer, the Iraqi bank robber, the demon bush Jr., along with WorldCom, Dutch-Shell, and Halliburton, is not only a cowardly traitor to victimized American families, but to all People our World over.