fix articles 74529, bosses
Slaughter of Proletarians in Bangladesh: Capitalism is the Assassin! (tags)
On April 24 "Rana Plaza" a 9-storey building in an industrial suburb of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh (14 million), collapsed on about 3,500 workers (their number is not known precisely) working there. The building contained five textile factories, as well as a bank and many shops. The official present death toll is 1128, the number of injured is unknown. Most of the victims are women, who constitute 80 to 90% of the workforce in the Bangladeshi textile industry.
May Day against state and bosses (tags)
Solidarity with all those who fight against state and capitalist brutality, all those who fight for a society of equality - solidarity - freedom
Waging War on US Workers (tags)
Chicago's War on Education (tags)
Chicago Teachers Union Sellout (tags)
Capitulation in Chicago? (tags)
Wisconsinites v. Governor Scott Walker (tags)
class war
Wisconsin Democrats Plan Capitulation (tags)
worker struggles
What Works and What Doesn't In Building A New Workers’ Movement (tags)
There are thousands of activists of one type or another who want to change society and recognize that we need a movement to do that. many of these people are in organizations and groupings, many are in Unions. What is causing the delay in the building of a new movement to throw back the present capitalist offensive. One major factor is the heads of Organized Labor, but they are not the only factor.
Venezuela: The economic tug of war between revolution and counter-revolution (tags)
A recent report from Datanalisis (1) [the Venezuelan statistical service] revealed what already many people knew and suffered from. Scarcity of basic foodstuff is becoming intolerable. This study established that milk, beef and sugar have become very difficult to find. Other products like chicken, cooking oil, cheese, sardines and black beans are also very scarce. The analysts who compiled the report interviewed 800 people in some 60 different shops, supermarkets and markets, both in the private sector and the public distribution network, Mercal. 73,3% of the places visited had no milk powder for sale. 51,7% no longer had refined sugar, 40% had no cooking oil, and 26,7% no black beans, a basic staple in Venezuela. Two thirds of the shoppers declared that they experienced food scarcity to one degree or another in the shops where they usually buy. Queues of a few hours, sometimes up to four hours, to buy some milk are no longer the exception. This is reminiscent of the situation in Chile when wholesale economic sabotage was used against the left-wing Popular Unity government of the 1970s. Without giving in to the panic stories and exaggerated reports of the right-wing media, we must understand that this is a serious situation. The bosses have even threatened to extend this situation into the first quarter of 2008, especially because of the uncertainties related to the questions of private property included in the new constitutional reform. They are grabbing the revolution by its throat.
Rumblings in the depths of the UAW (tags)
They still prevail but the contract rejections at Chrysler shook the UAW bureaucracy and the employers and are a glimpse of what is to come. And many of the new hires will likely be in the forefront of it.
We in the 911 Truth Movement (tags)
Free Speech don't mean squat if no one at the top has to listen.
Chrysler, Globalization, and Labor's response (tags)
The UAW will confront Detroit auto makers at the bargaining table in July for a new national contract. In what will prove to be one of the UAW’s biggest challenges since the union’s birth, this contract will bear the imprint of the wholesale restructuring of the American auto industry. When Cerberus Capital Management paid $7.4 billion to take control of Chrysler on May 13, 2007, the challenge to the Union was official: “Are you ready to negotiate with a private equity firm which specializes in gutting troubled companies?” The UAW’s position on Chrysler will undoubtedly influence negotiations with General Motors and Ford. Cerberus wants to cut costs to make money off its investment. Contract talks open up a golden opportunity for the bosses to cut costs at the expense of the workers on the assembly lines. Cutting benefits which previous generations sacrificed, fought for and in some instances, died for, is what is at risk for auto workers in 2007.
Labor must take the road of class struggle! (tags)
A Working Class Emancipation labor bulletin
Warning to the Teachers of Oaxaca, Beware the US Trojan Horse (tags)
Oaxaca teachers are taking the lead in the struggle against injustice, but a Trojan Horse is headed their way.
The blood-stained Olympic Games! (tags)
In the modern Gulags of the Olympic Games the human life is insignificant in front of the national pride of the bosses and the success of the Olympiad, which is just a big celebration of the globalised capitalism!
Solidarity with Striking and Locked-Out Grocery Workers- For a Class Union (tags)
Solidarity with Striking and Locked-Out Grocery Workers- For a Class Union February 2004
Immigration control- atool of the bosses (tags)
The Minimum Wage is No Wage at All (tags)
Can't get much more "minimum"
SF March 15th: No War But Class War (tags)
In San Francisco, we keep having bigger and bigger anarchist and anti-authoritarian unpermitted marches. This group will peacefully march with IAC, then go as individuals on an unpermitted march scheduled for March 15th. Come on north!
Industrial workers in China killing their bosses (tags)
Workers in China's industrial heartland have started killing their bosses as a form of labour protest