fix articles 74244, three british
Today in Palestine the 31st of march (tags)
The Real Heroes of Gulf War II: Conscientious Objectors (tags)
Thousands of troops have blindly followed the Bush-Blair-Sharon sanctioned mass-murder of the Iraqi people. Unnamed re the hundreds, possibly thousands, of U.S. personnel in the armed forces have applied for conscientious objector status since January. Though few have gone public, they emerge the true heroes of the armed forces, in refusing to participate in an illegal war of aggression on Iraq.
CNN Subtly Alters POW Coverage; Seven Stray Missiles Two Unhappy Allies; Murder At 160 K; "Simon-Says" Reporting; "Their Liberation Is Now In The Hands Of God"; POW Coverage Shows Bias In Favor Of Beauty; U.S. Directly And Indirectly Targets Civilians; The Shu'ale Market Bombing: Case Closed; Checkpoint Shooting Galleries; A Besieged Basra; Kurdish Victims Of Liberation; Dissent In The Ranks; Cluster Bombs In Iraq; Pentagon's Version Of "Stop The Press"; Welcome To The Liberation
April 4: Latest News from Iraq (tags)
By: URL: ***Latest Estimated Iraqi Civilian Causalities: 547-733 people (According from Also, check:
Three British soldiers sent home after protesting at civilian deaths (tags)
"Three British soldiers in Iraq have been ordered home after objecting to the conduct of the war. It is understood they have been sent home for protesting that the war is killing innocent civilians. "