fix articles 74176, ithaca
Coal-gas: Another Fiasco in the Making? (tags)
I am sending you this because there is talk of a 2B dollar coal-gas plant in Oswego Co. NY, and there is no mention of what the byproducts are or what they are going to do with them. Here is what I had to say on these issues in the order that I published them:
Isreal Cracks Down on Peace Activists; Ithaca Celebrates France (tags)
Iraq in Chaos Media Ownership Rules in Jeopardy NY Green: Public Supports Same-SeX Marriages Airlines in Tailspin Rumsfeld Agenda Wold Gut US Democracy
Green Ejected For Collecting Signatures; Suburbs May Be Hazardous To Your Health (tags)
Green news and opion updated daily
Catholic group to U.S. Soldiers: "Refuse to Fight! Refuse to Kill!" (tags)
Catholic Group Pours Human Blood in Front of Military Recruitment Center. They call upon Catholic US soldiers to: "Refuse to Fight! Refuse to Kill!"
Google News: "anti-war, Iraq, demonstration" Brings-Up 17 Pages Of News Articles (tags)
Well you may not hear about it in YOUR local paper, but evidently there is a lot of anti-war protests out there. By typing "Anti-War, Iraq, Demonstration" 17 pages of newspaper articles appeared. Below, is page one:
Bush Daddy Looks Under His Skirt (tags)
Why that's proud John Dryden!
There's worms in the works!
They could sweep the ratings!