fix articles 74168, house joint resolution
Kucinich: New Urgency to bipartisan efforts to pass "Homeward Bound" (tags)
Last night’s nationally televised speech by the President made it clear we are in Iraq for time indefinite...Withdrawal from Iraq has never been in the Administration’s plans - not when the war was being planned, nor during its execution. The occupation in "sovereign" Iraq will continue unless we stop it. We are building several permanent military bases in Iraq. "We will stay in Iraq as long as we are needed, and not a day longer," the President said last night. When the Administration ties Iraq into the "War on Terror" the war never has to end. It then becomes a steady source of cash for the 20,000 "private contractors" in Iraq
Representative Waxman - We Demand - No Unilateral War!! (tags)
NEIGHBORS FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE meet with Lisa from the Waxman office.