fix articles 741, unemployed Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : unemployed


What 2022 is about: eliminating conservatives with progressive economic policies (tags)

A labor shortage that is slowly taking shape and the demand for progressive taxation of high wealth, which is being championed in many countries, will make it possible to change the economy and society in Austria and Europe for the better. They will help us eradicate poverty.

Unemployment myth and "Migrantization" of precarity (tags)

Involuntary unemployment is afflicted with many prejudices, which impute a supposed lack of motivation and utility to those affected. Although these prejudices are easy to refute, politicians and representatives of the media cling to the neoliberal notion of individual guilt in unemployment. Unemployment has structural causes.

Job guarantee for COVID-pandemic victims (tags)

A job guarantee for the long-term unemployed is needed. A sufficient number of jobs must be created. This is where politics is needed. The quality and range of public services can be improved. Long-term unemployment is a market failure.People who want to work cannot find a job.

Less is more and Tightening the rules for the unemployed (tags)

Gainful employment is just one form of work alongside others such as care work or voluntary work. Here I would like to endorse the model of the 30-hour week... There is a need to expand investment-based active labor market policy.

Ujnemployment is (not) a Full-time Job (tags)

There are many scandals and injustices, for example that wealth concentration in Austria and the EU is increasing. However, the debate is again about the "unemployed unwilling to work" instead of about the widening gap.

Neoliberalism as a Variety of Social Darwinism: Ten Million More Unemployed (tags)

Social cuts are a danger for democracy..When fear of social descent or collapse seizes the middle class, the danger grows that exclusion-ideologies may gain acceptance like racism, nationalism or social Darwinism..The economic future is given away on the altar of an ideology that raises location competition to the leitmotif of political-economic policy.

The 86mil invisible unemployed (tags)

The 86 million invisible unemployed

The New 99er: interesting show about unemployment (tags)

Interesting show by someone who is homeless.

Unemployed/Homeless man starts Internet Radio Show for the 99ers! (tags)

An Unemployed/Homeless man starts an Internet Radio Program to give a forum to the Unemployed 99ers.

Election 2012: Unemployment Drop a Sham According to Socialist Party Ticket (tags)

The Alexander/Mendoza campaign calls for a real jobs program, as well as protecting public sector jobs which have been faltering since the economic crisis began. They say that spending billions of dollars on incentives for businesses doesn’t get the job done – rather they call for the government to create jobs directly.

Presidential Candidate Alexander Wants Unemployment Benefits Extended Indefinitely (tags)

If elected president in 2012, Alexander says his administration will support the provisions of a livable guaranteed annual income. A Guaranteed Livable Income would be an unconditional and universal income administered by the federal government and granted to individuals to ensure that no person’s income falls below what is necessary for health, life and dignity.

Rose Kennedy Would Have Allowed The Protesters To Camp On Her Lawn. (tags)

Maybe Mayor, you should think a little about what Rose Kennedy would do.

US Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Expecting Little from Obama?s Jobs Speech (tags)

Presidential Candidate Alexander says, ?I would not place too much faith in Obama?s jobs program; I think it?s too little and it is almost too late.? Alexander also question Obama?s commitment to tax big corporation and the super rich; ?It is the capitalist elite who will back Obama for a second term in the White House.?

Resources for the Unemployed (tags)

Some sad news about the Unemployed Friends forum, and some good news about more organizing online to fight for extensions. Additional links to survival resources.

Philippine labor party calls for stop to trainee nurse fees (tags)

The labor group Partido ng Manggagawa (PM - Workers Party) called for a stop to the practice of charging fees to trainee or on-the-job-trainee (OJT) nurses in the wake of a Senate hearing yesterday on the issue. Renato Magtubo, PM chairperson, attended the hearing and supported the position of nurses groups for an end to the “exploitation of hundreds of thousands of young registered nurses.”

U.S. Election 2012- Stewart Alexander: Obama Fails Job Report (tags)

Socialists nationwide have sharply criticized this latest round of welfare for the rich, extending the Bush tax cuts, by holding hostage the nation’s unemployed, only to provide for their most basic needs. Alexander says “The nation’s wealthiest elite have gotten their tax breaks extended; they have gotten their bailouts, now President Obama must demand that corporate America deliver on the jobs that have been subsidized by the U.S. government.”

The Struggle for a Workers' Recovery (tags)

Stocks are booming; the Dow Jones soared past 11,000; the very wealthy are bursting from their financial seams. Meanwhile, mass unemployment continues, with 95,000 more jobs -- mostly teachers -- lost in September. As millions of Americans sink into desperation, President Obama continues to preach the good word of optimism, based on the gospel of "private sector job growth."

Labor Fights Back (tags)

If the U.S. economy eventually recovers and current trends continue, U.S. workers won’t be celebrating in the streets. The corporate establishment has made it clear that a “strong recovery” depends on U.S. workers making “great sacrifices” in the areas of wages, health care, pensions, and more ominously, reductions in so-called “entitlement programs” — Social Security, Medicare, and other social services. These plans have been discussed at length in corporate think tanks for years, and only recently has the mainstream media begun a coordinated attack to convince American workers of the “necessity” of adopting these policies. The New York Times speaks for the corporate establishment as a whole when it writes:

Deficit Hysteria: Wrongheaded in Times of Depression (tags)

proposed policies are wrecking economies

Stimulus or Austerity: the People vs. the Banks (tags)

The most powerful nations in the world met recently at the G-20 in Toronto and managed to agree on only one thing of significance: the need to reduce deficits, “half by 2013.” Implied by the statement is the need to lower deficits via “austerity,” meaning eliminating or reducing social programs. Why does every mainstream political pundit or corporate CEO fanatically agree that reducing deficits is the most important thing to do now? Let Obama explain:

A Basic Income for All (tags)

Like the community centers in Vancouver Canada, the guaranteed basic income could create public spirit and social cohesion cushioning the young, seniors and long-term unemployed facing brutal capitalism.

Lost Youth Employment in Illinois (tags)

an entire youth generation is being trashed

This is not a social state any more (tags)

Building community centers (as in Vancouver BC), redistributing income and assets from top to bottom, reducing working hours, expanding the public non-profit sector and accepting housing, education and health care as rights not privileges would be important steps to a bright future.

"Campaign against the Weak" (tags)

Social justice, solidarity and sharing opens doors. We have to do some rethinking. The social state does not create the problems that efficient workers are lacking and jobs for many are lacking. Mass unemployment is a social declaration: "We don't need you."

Social State as Home (tags)

This society cannot afford to dismantle the social state. The social state guarantees inner peace. The strength of a people is measured by the well-being of the weak, those not born with a silver spoon. Solidarity, social justice and equal opportunities are key words and open doors.

The Olymptics' Shady Side (tags)

Before the official games in Vancouver, downtown and unemployed groups called attention to social injustices.

The Neoliberal Agenda is Over and The Despised Social State (tags)

Neoliberalism is the political-economic experiment of individualizing social risks and claiming growth and employment will be higher. This claim is refuted convincingly by the global financial crisis destroying enormous assets and causing growth and employment to crash.

Union of the Unemployed (tags)

Friday, January 15, 2010, marks the start of a movement.

Chavez’s Lines: ¡¡Viva El Che!! (tags)

"As I write today Saturday, in the early hours of the morning I receive fresh news about the evolution of the crisis: “According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the economic crisis pushed 61 million people into unemployment in 2009, and the world there are now 241 million unemployed workers, the largest number of unemployed persons in history.” (IAR Noticias) “It is expected that the number of poor people [in the U.S.], will grow to 90 million by 2010, while at least 59 million will join the ranks of the unemployed, as stated by the Central Bank president Robert Zoellick.” (IPS) There's nothing coincidental that Venezuela is one of four countries in the world that advanced four positions in terms of Human Development Index according to the United Nations Human Development Report 2009. And it is no coincidence that, according to the report, we are the country with the best distribution of income across Our America, that is, with the best rate, to use Bolivar’s term, of established and practiced equality."

World Bankers Agree: The Recession is Over...Maybe (tags)

Few would consider the opinions of the world's central bankers to be unbiased or even accurate. These self-proclaimed wise men of international finance didn't see the recession coming until it blew up in their faces - a blast that destroyed their credibility. Nevertheless, it is interesting to hear them talk, not because they're fun to listen to, but because of "the messaging" that rich investors use religiously in placing their stock market bets, while the rest of us are given a calming sermon, so that the bankers' lackeys - the politicians - may continue ruining the country uncontested.

A Union for the Jobless (tags)

With unemployment in LA over 10%, and probably closer to 20% in our working class communities, the time has come for an organization for the unemployed. Harry Kelber is a writer whose been in the labor movement since the 1930s, a real veteran.

"Like the Shipwreck of the Titanic" (tags)

Around five million Americans have no job. "If nothing is done," the president warns, "the unemployment rated will soon be in double-digits." Whoever is unemployed in the US usually loses his health insurance and is threatened with personal bankruptcy.

Alexander: Obama’s $825 Billion Stimulus Plan offers too little, too late (tags)

With less than 10 days in office, President Barack Obama has indicated that his $825 billion economic stimulus package will energize the U.S. economy and create future jobs for more than three million Americans. Socialists nationwide are rejecting this new call for deficit spending and are calling for programs that will meet the short and long term needs of the nation and create immediate employment for the millions of working people that are unemployed or under-employed.

The Rage in Greece (tags)

May the Anger of the Unemployed and Students be Tranformed into Combativeness for the Resumption of the Class Struggle of the Proletariat !

Work and Work Moralists (tags)

The machine offers less and less work to more and more people. The person of the work-based society believes only work can give meaning to life. Redefining work, security, health and strength is imperative for civilization to triumph over barbarism

The Abolition of the Unemployed (tags)

Researchers urge freedom instead of full employment. With a bsic income, the unemployed would have the freedom to seek for employment that suits them. No one would force them to accept any work. Basic income is a way to solve the dilemma of jobs destroyed by higher productivity.

Filipino workers slam Arroyo for its consistent failure to clip the jobs crisis (tags)

A dismal failure! This is the verdict of workers belonging to the Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) as they slammed the Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) administration ahead of her State of the Nation Address (SONA) for its consistent failure to clip the jobs crisis.

Work as Fetish (tags)

What is good for the economy and what is good for people diverge more and more! Nevertheless the opposite is drummed into people..Capitalism only knows the irrational end-in-itself, making more money out of money until the end of time. Capitalism strikes its own limits.

Full Employment as a Grand Delusion (tags)

The third labor market isnot a panacea. However it is the only possibility for bringing a large number of persons into meaningful employment..Whoever wants to stop right-wing extremists must take the bottom out of their arguments and expand the labor market

How the Rich Become Richer and the Poor Poorer (tags)

The rich become richer by taking more from the poorer and the poor.. How long will humanity fall to capitalism and the asocial drives of a small clique of beneficiaries?.. We can't afford the rich.

The Welfare State and Democracy (tags)

The German presidential cabinets following the Mueller government cut the basic social rights of employees and unemployed at a breakneck speed and dismantled the welfare state and democracy.

The REAL Assault on Marriage: Top 10 Ways Bush & Co. Have Undermined Marriage (tags)

This article was first published in July of 2003 when the US Senate first took the issue of a constitutional ban on gay marriage up as a diversion from deteriorating conditions in Iraq. And now, after three more years of the Bush cartel, it is even more relevant today.

Discrimination not illegal immigrants fuels Black job crisis (tags)

Dumping the blame for the chronic job crisis of young, poor Black men on illegal immigration stokes the passions and hysteria of immigration reform opponents, but it also lets employers off the hook for discrimination. And it's easy to see how that could happen.

Ágora TV: community internet TV is born (tags)

Grupo Alavío has just premiered several new films and launched the brand new Internet Community TV Station Ágora TV,

Truth About Immigrants (tags)

True Facts About Immigration

Are All Unemployed Persons Idlers? (tags)

According to the neoliberal myth, higher profits lead to increased investments and more jobs. In reality corporations repress the worsening domestic economy through take-overs. Are the unemployed, seniors, students and the disabld made invisible?

Against the Neoliberal "Modernization" of the Labor Market (tags)

he predicted employment effects of the neoliberal strategy do not go beyond expanding low-wage sectors and under-employment.

Building Bridges Radio: IWW Wins Victories vs Starbucks; Argentineans Fire the Boss (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.

From Keynesianism to Thatcherism (tags)

The analysis of whether aggregate economic problems are more on the supply- or demand side and whether they are short-term or long-term precedes all state economic policy.

J24: National Rank and File Labor Conference in Chicago: Take Back Our Unions! (tags)

A one day rank and file labor conference on Sunday, July, 24 - the day before the AFL-CIO National Convention opens in Chicago.

Is the Social State Ending? (tags)

Socially just means people have comparable chances to develop in their lives, may have work, are protected against the great risks of life and can age with dignity. To that end, social systems and personal effort are necessary.

Social Justice and Social Policy (tags)

We run the risk of making economic success absolute. However economicsuccess is a means to an end..Economic success is only legitimate when it improves the living conditions of citizens..The social foundations of democracy fade when poverty, unemploy-ment and social insecurity increase.

Would you like to try it? (tags)

A friend of mine living at the United States of America wanted to try how the living is in Finland. So, I placed an enquiry and told him the sum an unemployed person would get on the dole. Unofficial bet was made of this three month journey and this is the result were.

The Enough-for-All Campaign (tags)

The neoliberal policy is international and supposedly without alternative. However policy is man-made and therefore can be changed.. Every person has a right to share in the social wealth.

The Boss Who Stole Christmas (A Christmas Tale For Workers) (tags)

A very merry Christmas tale.

Iraqi Trade Union Movement Growing (tags)

This was copied from an email from Australia. Iraqi trade unionists are looking for support from the west. The GFTU is a large bottom-up union competing with a Baathist union, and a top-down old-guard union.

Congress abandons millions of jobless (tags)

HAMDEN, Conn. – While the White House backed off empty job creation claims last week, machinists, teamsters, building trades, and municipal workers crowded into the Job Center here, angry at the failure of the Republican-controlled Congress to extend unemployment benefits at a time of high job loss.

Message to Congress: Extend jobless benefits (tags)

WASHINGTON – The New Year was a time of revelry for the corporate rich as government reports confirmed a surge in profits and productivity in the final quarter of 2003. George W. Bush trumpeted the news as proof that his trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy has pulled the nation out of recession.

Millionaires and the Unemployed (tags)

"The millionaire could simply pay his unemployed. If we calculate 12X5X1000 is 60,000 Euros a year. This is the sum that the highest segment of this class saves by the lowering of the top tax rate from 48 to 42 percent planned by Mr. Schroeder."

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Buddy, Can You Spare a Job? (tags)

Re: U.S. Jobs - I've got some bad news and I've got some REALLY BAD news...

Jobless? Blame the System, not Yourself! (tags)

"The economy dictates how many will be unemployed because no jobs are available. 10% of the workforce don't get lazy at a certain point of the business cycle..Each downturn sends millions more into unemp-loyment. Unemployment is a social problem."

Bush's Fiscal Policy Not Creating New Jobs (tags)

How about that "jobs and growth" plan from the $350 billion in tax cuts that President Bush proposed and Congress signed?

Jobless rate climbs to nine-year high (tags)

EAST CHICAGO, Ill. – Bruce Gaddy is single. Tony McIntosh is married and has two children. Both live in this working-class suburb, 25 miles south of downtown Chicago. And both are unemployed: Gaddy because his plant closed, McIntosh because he was “down-sized” after working 22 years for AT&T.


Author: Press secretary PTS (Partido de Trabajadores por el Socialismo) Date: 12/14/2002 Source: Press Release


Stop police repression in Argentina! Please, send your messages of solidarity . More information:

A day in the life of a Palestinian-American's extended Faily and more! (tags)

Sam Bahour is a Palestinian-American businessman living in the besieged Palestinian City of Al-Bireh in the West He is co-author of HOMELAND: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians (1994)

Bolivar in Argentina (tags)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) - Protesters blocked highways, while many teachers and state workers stayed home on Wednesday as Argentina's third-largest union led a 24-hour strike in the latest protest over President Eduardo Duhalde's handling of a devastating four-year recession.

Argentinian workers need your support! (tags)

Spanish goverment wants to leave 7000 argentinan families unemployed

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