fix articles 74098, house democratic
Reid Derails Fast Track (tags)
US Trade Representative Dodges Senate Fast Track Hearing (tags)
The US Trade Representative (USTR) declined an invitation to testify at the Senate Finance Committee opening hearing on the controversial “Fast Track” legislation – leaving an Ohio Republican, Sen. Rob Portman, in the position of representing the White House...
SOPA Censorship Bill Creates Corporatist Media Monopoly (tags)
The SOPA and PIPA Bills are attempts by the corporatists to control the dialogue under the guise of stopping "piracy". On the one hand the proponents of SOPA claim the need for jobs and then pass a law that will silence free exchange of ideas that can lead to independent innovations. However, passing SOPA will place a gag order on free speech activists and only allow government approved corporatist propaganda to get time over the internet. VOTE NO ON SOPA!!
Corporate Media's Version of Economic Justice (tags)
middle class destructions
House Leaves Surveillance Law to Expire (tags)
The refusal of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, to schedule a vote on a surveillance measure approved Tuesday by the Senate touched off an intense partisan conflict over the national security questions that have colored federal elections since 2002 and are likely to play a significant role again in November.
Incompetence or Cover-Up? Air Force Report on the Minot-Barksdale Nuclear Missile Flight (tags)
"It makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck." --Pentagon official
Democrats wimp out again (tags)
Proposal would force Bush to admit military shortfalls. WASHINGTON - House Democratic leaders are developing an antiwar proposal that would not cut off money for U.S. troops in Iraq but would require President Bush to acknowledge problems with an overburdened military.
Bush to propose record US war budget (tags)
The Bush administration will seek congressional approval of more than $700 billion in military spending this year, including $245 billion to fund the ongoing wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, top officials told the press Friday. The gargantuan funding request will be formally unveiled and sent to Congress Monday.
Many progressive Americans are hoping for a more peaceful U.S. foreign policy because President Bush lost control of Congress or after he leaves office — but the chances of this happening are not favorable.)
US vote may alter stance on Mideast (tags)
Waxman: Only solid supporters of Israel will chair critical committees
Bolivia's Deposed President Three Years Later (tags)
Three years ago this week, on October 17, 2003, Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada boarded a flight to Washington. For a month, Bolivia had been exploding in protest against Sánchez de Lozada's plans to export bargain-priced Bolivian gas through Chile and onward to California. Troops under presidential orders to stop those protests killed at least sixty people and left hundreds of others wounded. Today the ex-president lives peacefully in Maryland.
Labor must take the road of class struggle! (tags)
A Working Class Emancipation labor bulletin
And they covered it up
Bush, Rice and Israel's Hack Legions: The Triumph of Crackpot Realism (tags)
Presidents announced Star Wars, Reagan's dream has come true. Behind ramparts guarded by a coalition of liars extending from Rupert Murdoch to the New York Times, from Bill O'Reilly to PBS, America is totally shielded from truth. Here we have a Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, who gazes at the rubble of Lebanon, 300,000 refugees being strafed with Israel's cluster bombs, and squeaks happily that we are "witnessing the birth pangs of a new Middle East."
Special Call-In Day - Urgent Budget Cuts Updfate (tags)
Call 1-800-828-0498 and urge your senators to reject any budget reconciliation that includes cuts to Medicaid.
Empire and Social Insecurity: Battle Plans of This White House (tags)
It was hard to sit still and watch his smug bully’s face during the February 2 State of the Union speech. It was infuriating to watch the standing ovations of the surrounding Congress, or hear the fawning patter of the news media.
In official traditions, the President tells Congress each year how the "Union" (meaning the United States) is doing. In reality, the State of the Union speech is a "bully pulpit" where presidents build public support for their next actions.
George W. Bush didn’t dare breathe a word of truth about the real "State of the Union." Bush couldn’t mention how most of the planet thinks he is a bloody cowboy who wants to rule like a new Roman emperor. He didn’t mention how the invasion of Iraq has turned into a brutal counterinsurgency. He didn’t discuss how bitterly the U.S. "homeland" is divided between "two Americas"—half of which hates the sight of him.
Interesting article from the Asia Times. A different perspective than the usual propaganda from our Wall Street-controlled media.
Is Dean the Blackest White Candidate We Can Find? (tags)
It's a given that black candidates are unelectable. So who's the most black-friendly white candidate the Democrats have to offer?