fix articles 73963, intolerance
Saudi Host UN Human Rights Conference (tags)
police state
Speak Out Against Intolerance on the Costa Mesa Human Relations Committee (tags)
Members vying for seats on the Costa Mesa Human Relations Committee are known homophobes, racists, and sexists. They're having a big laugh over this, and people who want to preserve the spirit and effectiveness of this board need to say "ENOUGH".
Islam is a political manifesto of terrorism masquerading as religion. (tags)
Islam, like its communist neighbor, is attempting to destroy all western thought in favor of intolerance, mass murder and mass conformity. Islam is a direct attack on the individualism and freedom of thought that helped create the western world. If Islam is permitted its cancerous spread, the world will enter another dark age of bigotry, intolerance, and the genocidal rage of madmen masquerading as religious leaders.
While it is hoped that our national leaders and security personnel do the right thing as they search for the perpetrators of this most recent act of terrorism, many Americans are wondering what they can do during this perilous time.
The Cultural Media System of Intolerance and Discrimination (tags)
JUSTICE: Crossing Boundaries of Threat, Racism, Intolerance, Discrimination, Fear, and Terror.
Intolerance, Discrimination, and Fear; creating Terrorism; created by Seattle Government, Media, and the Seattle Police Department.