fix articles 7389, village voice Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : village voice

village voice

Jewish “Defense” League: Nazis in Skull-caps (tags)

The recent arrests of JDL members for assault and hate crimes for a brutal attack on Arab, Jewish and other protesters of AIPAC (the right-wing, pro-Zionist lobbying organization) sent me to the archives to dig up some reportage and investigation I had done for People Against Racist Terror in the 1990s about the JDL. I had been physically attacked at least twice previously by JDLers, once in Brooklyn in 1968 at a sit-in for open admissions for Black and Puerto Rican high school grads to Brooklyn College (then 99% white, mostly Jewish with a small minority of Irish Catholics). I was attacked again by the JDL at an anti-Klan rally in Los Angeles in 1983, by Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel (who pulled a shiv and shouted racist threats at Black marchers). The JDL is and always has been a stone racist, reactionary, pro-imperialist, organization, breeding ground for Meier Kahane’s genocidal Kach party in israel. I use quotes around “Defense” in the title of the article because just like the so-called Israeli “Defense” Forces, they are an aggressive, abusive bunch, and have always attacked Arabs, leftists, people of color and especially Jews who don’t buy their lies.

Quotes On Universal Or Dietary Nonviolence (tags)

The thoughts of many crystallized into words on nonviolent food and lifestyle

"Valentino's Ghost" screening in Orange Country today, Nov 15th, 8pm. (tags)

The groundbreaking and controversial 95-minute documentary film "Valentino's Ghost," designated a CRITICS' PICK by The New York Times, will have a FREE screening tonight in Anaheim. Details below.

Bank Transfer Day, November 5th – Prepare Now to Move Your Money (tags)

When you keep your money in a local financial institution, that money in turn is reinvested in local businesses, which is important for building a stable economy and encouraging local growth. Put your money in the big Wall Street banks however, and they will use your deposits to make risky investments, gambling at the expense of the economy as a whole.

“Little Guantanamo” Exposing the CMU (tags)

Daniel has an article on The Huffington Post today! Please comment on the article so it gets seen by all and makes it on the home page! Digg it, Twitter it, Share, become a fan, Buzz up, etc. Do it all! Please spread the word in every way possible.

Neocon Jonah Goldberg Praises David Mamet (tags)

How would you feel if that raving Neocon Jonah Goldberg praised you? Well, this is the position that lapsed liberal David Mamet, a knee jerk supporter of Israel, is in. Mamet endorsed a “Free Market” system and bashed NPR, as “National Palestinian Radio.” In a rant for the Village Voice he explains his conversion to Conservatism and underscores how government should “get out of the way.” Goldberg lionized him for rejecting “the pieties of the Left.”


NEW YORK TO LA: THE FIGHT AGAINST GENTRIFICATION Anti-Gentrification Events Throughout LA 3/3-3/9/08

DISPATCHES FROM AMERICA: Masters of war plan for next 100 years (tags)

"We think urban is the future," says James Lasswell, a retired colonel who now heads the Office of Science and Technology at the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory. "Everything worth fighting for is in the urban environment."

Arrivals, a play on Extraordinary Rendition (tags)

A play on Extraordinary Rendition(aka torture outsourcing) has been created by canadian playwright David Gow, performed in the US and been ignored by the theatre critics, similar to th reception of My Name is Rachel Corrie. Has anyone been to see it?

Targeted: National Security and the Business of Immigration (tags)

DEEPA FERNANDES is the host of the popular morning show, “Wakeup call” on Pacifica radio station WBAI in New York City. Her award-winning radio features have aired on the BBC World Service, and Public Radio International. Her writing has appeared in the Village Voice, In These Times, and the New York Amsterdam News. Targeted, her first book, is the result of four years of research collecting narratives from immigrants as well as human rights groups, community organizers and lawyers who are challenging the Bush Administration's policies.

Apocalypto: The Cinematic Logic of Genocide (tags)

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within," is how Gibson puts it. In other words the Conquest was not genocide but a moral comeuppance; the civilization didn’t fall, in the final analysis, from climate change or inadvertent soil depletion or even war – it was conquered in god’s wrath against the forces of evil. And Gibson’s made sure you see the ancient Maya as a force of profound evil.

All Wars Are Now Nuclear Wars. (tags)

It's another government cover up. Our military has known from the very beginning that DU munitions were radioactive Weapons of Mass Destruction and they have criminally covered it up.

Nuclear Holocaust and The Politics of Radiation (tags)

This event featured three speakers: Doug Rokke, a Vietnam and Gulf War I Veteran and the Army's expert on depleted uranium; Leuren Moret, a whistle-blower from Livermore National Laboratory, expert lecturer on the health effects of depleted uranium; and Veteran Staff Sergeant Dennis Kyne who served as an Army medic during Gulf War I. Because they speak out about depleted uranium (DU), all three of these people are constantly harassed by the US government and its agents. Both Rokke and Kyne are in extremely serious medical condition because of their exposure to depleted uranium and other toxicants that the military tells our valiant warriors are safe. You may listen to all three lectures on by clicking on the appropriate link below. Rokke's and Moret's have been transcribed. If you have time, please help us by transcribing Dennis Kyne's lecture and we will post it.

From Sun Tzu to Xbox: War and Videogames (tags)

From Sun Tzu to Xbox is a definitive history of the longstanding relationship between games and military culture, from wargaming’s roots in ancient civilizations, to the Cold War development of computing for battle, to a recent crop of Pentagon-funded shoot-’em-ups, big-budget commercial titles and homemade hacks.

Israel's Strange Connections to 9/11 (tags)

Israel's bizzare connectins to th 9/11 attacks.

Israel's Strange Connections to 9/11 (tags)

Re-posted because of bad spelling

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/12/05) (tags)

Big Box Mart

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/16/05) (tags)

Virtual martial law in the Big Easy.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/15/05) (tags)

Delta and Northwest airlines declare bankruptcy

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/14/05) (tags)

Ethnically cleansing the poor in New Orleans

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/13/05) (tags)

US military lays waste to Tal Afar

Audio: HBO/NBC's JIM LAMPLEY on Election 2004 , "the biggest crime in [our history]&q (tags)

Audio: Exclusive Interview with HBO/NBC's JIM LAMPLEY on his Huffington Post firefight after blogging that Election 2004 was "the biggest crime in the history of the nation!" Plus: How The U.S. Press Has Sanitized The War in Iraq: Video/Transcript And Is Bush a Sith Lord? PLUS: How The U.S. Press Has Sanitized The War in Iraq: Video/Transcript

The War Against the People: US Scholars Denounce Killings and Calls for a World-Wide Actio (tags)

Northampton, MA - The Critical Filipina and Filipino Studies Collective (CFFSC) condemns the growing spate of killings and human rights violations of political activists, peasant rights advocates and sympathizers, lawyers and priests in the Philippines. The Philippine military is targeting and murdering leftist activists and civilians under the pretense of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo regime’s “War on Terror.” The U.S.-backed Arroyo regime’s campaign of surveillance, abduction, torture, and execution is a campaign of terror against the Filipino people.

April Fool's Joke: Kissinger has a heart (tags)

Kissinger who has wrecked so many countries and is guilty of the murder of millions, definitely can not have a heart.

Bush is a Child Molester!! (tags)

spread to the four corners!!

Watchdog Nation (tags)

Who's watching the watchers? How the ADL and SPLC have moved into goosestepping tandem with the FBI to observe the people..

Killing a Story, Helping to Elect a Corrupt, Lying President (tags)

Finally revealed in Extra! magazine: The inside story of how the New York Times and Washington Post both killed the story of Bush’s cheating use of a secret hearing device in the presidential debates, possibly influencing the outcome of the presidential race.

This Land Is Your Land documnetary screening (tags)

THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND shows that every person can make a difference, even when pitted against the enormous powers of big business. This funny and moving documentary criss-crosses the United States, interviewing experts and individuals about corporate influence on everyday life, hears how people feel their own lives have been affected, and looks at some of the brave, compelling and sometime hilarious ways in which individuals and communities are reacting.

New CIA chief has links with 911 terrorists (tags)

This is a repost from the Village Voice regarding the dubious actions our new CIA chief Porter Goss on the day of September 11th 2001.

BTL:Government Officials, Pressured by Meat Industry... (tags)

...Fail to Safeguard Public from Outbreak of Mad Cow Disease in U.S. Interview with John Stauber, author of "Mad Cow USA", conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #7 (tags)

Freedom of Information Act records show that the ADL played a major role in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s co/intell/pro racial matters' and white hate groups' operations targeting the civil rights movement as well as its opponents.

Ritt Goldstein: A Police State Rising? (tags)

Investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein's chronicle on the rise and ramifications of police power...from both journalistic and deeply personal perspectives.

Amazing FTAA Article on (tags)

This article is now on the front page of It accurately descrbes the massive illegal police operation in Miami during the protests against the FTAA and the continued loss of our civil liberties and first amendment rights.

Global Eye -- The Inhuman Stain (tags)

There is a horrible scandal eating away the heart of the American body politic. Among the many corrupted currents loosed upon the nation by the Bush Regime, this scandal is perhaps the worst, for it abets all the others and breeds new pestilence, new perversions at every turn.

The Politics of Groping (tags)

The woman who accused Arnold of pulling up her T-shirt and sucking on her breast (a photo of this magic moment was displayed on the set) was called a prostitute by the Schwarzenegger campaign.

The silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening (tags)

"The silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening, isn't it?

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel) (tags)

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel)

Bush's Big Tent is torn on the Right (tags)

Young white men--the conservative Republican base since Nixon--are embracing Schwarzenegger's moderate politics in California. This can only strain the GOP coallition of the Christian Right, Libertarian Economics, Free Trade, and Conservative Main Street greed.

zionist myths (tags)

what israel hope yu dont learn

US nukes its own troops (tags)

death by slow burn

Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops (tags)

On March 30, an AP photo featured an American pro-war activist holding a sign: "Nuke the evil scum, it worked in 1945!" That's exactly what George Bush has done. America's mega-billion dollar war in Iraq has been indeed a NUCLEAR WAR.

BTL:Supreme Court Turns Back White House Attack on Affirmative Action (tags)

Interview with Lani Guinier, Harvard University professor of law, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Listen to the MOCKINGBIRD (tags)

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories. "Katherine The Great," by Deborah Davis (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991)

1,112 and Counting (tags)

The full text of the article that helped start the fight against AIDS.

Dixie Chickens, Hackers & Co. (tags)

Adventures in free speech.

A Couple of Ethnic Syndicalists Discuss paranoia: Humor (tags)

The federal government has placed a temporary > restraining order on Irwin > Schiff from selling his book, "The Federal Mafia" and > from lecturing. > Please go to his sitw,, for > more info. This must not > be tolerated whatsoever.

Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops (tags)

DU munitions are classified by a United Nations resolution as illegal weapons of mass destruction. Their use breaches all international laws, treaties and conventions forbidding poisoned weapons calculated to cause unnecessary suffering.

Get Ready for PATRIOT II (And the Fourth Reich) (tags)

The Bush Junta has already provided adequate evidence that they are not friends of the Constitution or the Civil Liberties Protected therein. If this Bill is ever allowed to pass you can kiss your ass goodbye. Here come the "Detention Camps" for dissidents (those who do not parrot the Party Line. All "Good Americans" Goose Step mit Der Fuhrer.


With most of the mainstream media having joined the march towards war, individual critics and the alternative media have begun to strike back.

TRUST OR HUSTLE: The Bush Record  (tags)

“What you’ve got with Bush [George senior] is absolutely the largest number of siblings and children involved in what looks like a never-ending hustle.” - Republican pundit Kevin Philips.1

Report- Poems Not Fit For the White House (tags)


Why Feminism is AWOL on Islam (tags)

U.S. feminists should be protesting the brutal oppression of Middle Eastern women. But doing so would reveal how little they have to complain about at home.

Smallpox vaccine clinical trial on 200 adults run by GOV and results are UGLY (tags)

Jon Rappoport update on Smallpox

Osama Bin Laden's Romance With Kola Boof (tags)

Sudanese author Kola Boof, who faces death by fatwa, has admitted to a brief love affair with Osama Bin Laden in Morrocco in 1996.


Activist DICK GREGORY told this weekend's Dalas conference on domestic assassinations, "We have the power".

NY Village Voice Article on October 22nd (tags)

An article in the NY Village Voice on the October 22nd coalition's National Day of Protest against Police Brutality for regional logistics visit indymedia sites and

Village Voice Media Takes Over LA Market (tags)

A memo from Village Voice Media CEO David Schneiderman's regarding the "the opportunity arose to consolidate and strengthen our position in LA" and a deal that "was just too attractive to pass up."

Bush's Architects of the New State (tags)



International art and film exhibit will feature a live broadcast from the border near Douglas, AZ to increase awareness of the dangers surrounding border crossing as illustrated in the documentary FROM THE OTHER SIDE by Chantal Ackerman.

Arabs of New York (tags)

"I feel like I'm living between the horse and the horseshoe," an Arab American tells New York's Village Voice.

R2K. 341 still in jail. D2K calendars. Village Voice, (tags) and other website direct links to articles on R2K brutality. D2K March for Justice, on August 16th. March & Rally Against Mass Incarceration, Police Brutality.. This message shows URLs, so that they can be clicked in most email, message boards, and email lists. SO PLEASE FORWARD THIS.

Corporate media blackout of protests (tags)

One critical issue remains to be resolved before activists move out onto the streets of downtown Los Angeles for the DNC, and that is the apparent blackout of coverage by the national news media.

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