fix articles 7385, james Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : james



new testament jesus never existed at all : the ultimate evidence.


judas and james were twins


7 out of 12 apostles are fiction


gospel jesus never was


the real jesus


mary magdalene, mother of jesus


judas was a theocommunist fighter and no betrayer


fuck u zionazi censors of indy


mary magdalene the water-drawer fom the well


mary magdalene was the mother of jesus bar saba


mary magdalene did not come from magdala


mary magdalene was no sinner

THE JESUS LIE . 15 (tags)

jesus is fiction

THE JESUS LIE . 14 (tags)

christ is a lie

THE JESUS LIE . 12 (tags)

jesus is fiction

THE JESUS LIE . 11 (tags)

the new testament is a forgery

THE JESUS LIE . 6 (tags)

jesus is fiction

THE JESUS LIE . 5 (tags)

the jesus hoax

THE JESUS LIE . 4 (tags)

jesus is fiction

Famous Vegetarians, Vegans, And Fruitarians (tags)

This incomplete list of vegetarians, vegans and fruiitarians includes those who abstain from meat, fish and in some cases eggs, dairy, even nonfruits includes people motivated by animal rights, prevention of human disease, protection of the environment

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren’t Heroes (tags)

Robert Mueller and James Comey presided over many Constitutional violations.

“Animaniacs in Concert!” with Voice Artist Rob Paulsen, Sun. Mar. 4th in Lake County (tags)

“Animaniacs in Concert!” with Voice Artist Rob Paulsen, Sunday, March 4th, 2018 at the James Lumber Center for the Performing Arts at The College of Lake County

Russia-gate’s Mythical ‘Heroes’: James Comey and Robert Mueller pliable operatives (tags)

The mainstream U.S. media sells the mythical integrity of fired FBI Director Comey and special Russia-gate prosecutor Mueller, but the truth is they have long histories as pliable political operatives, writes ex-FBI official Coleen Rowley.

Petropawns In Certain States Ban Sale Of Tesla Cars (tags)

The future is here, despite the attempts of the oil industry and its legisllative and judicial pawns to prevent the arrival


Proceeds of Nutty Traxx ‘Freedom’ go towards massive ADI rescue in South America

BBC in Talks with Replacement For James May of Top Gear (tags)

Canadian Actor Arthur Swenson In an interview said. He has been asked if He would replace James May.

Conversations with 3 HOLES AND A SMOKING GUN (tags)

James Wilder screening "3 Holes and a Smoking Gun"

Garden State Film Festival Honors James Wilder (tags)

James Wilder will receive an award at the Garden State Film Festival.

In San Francisco, "Dispatches Against Displacement" -- a review (tags)

A work by a prominent San Francisco housing activist in a context of ongoing defeat for San Francisco renters...

Jeb Bush, Cocreator of 2 Disastrous US Wars, Executioner of 21 (tags)

As a result of Jeb Bush's criminal suppression of the Florida vote in 2000, 2 disastrous wars resulted.

Koran 47:4 Beheads US Journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff (tags)

The Koran 47:4 has now beheaded US Journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff.

36 Billionaire Hedge Fund Managers Invested in War, Warmonger Media, Animal Slaughter, Def (tags)

Who manages your state retirement funds, your corporate pensions? Who invests Social Security trust fund money?

VIDEO: James Bramford on NSA Spying and Edward Snowden (tags)

Investigative reporter James Bamford is the author of "The Puzzle Palace," the first book published about the NSA. He later authored two more: "Body of Secrets" and "The Shadow Factory." Mr. Bamford has also written and co-produced a documentary on the NSA...

A Venice Rawesome Story (tags)

Venice Beach’s Lost Organic Food Club: forgotten and Ignored by some of the so-called progressive left.

L.A born Actor James Cromwell Arrested in Animal Rights Action (tags)

Once again Los Angeles born James Cromwell is arrested speaking out against brutality to animals, this time at the University of Wisconsin.

Feb. 2: Michigan Journal of Race and Law hosts Robert King, John Conyers, James Forman, Jr (tags)

On February 2, 2013, the Michigan Journal of Race and Law is hosting a symposium at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. As described by the flyer posted below and the Journal's website, the all-day event will be held on campus in Room 1225, South Hall. The keynote address will be given by James Forman, Jr.

"Change of Direction": James Galbraith (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing self-determination and creativity. The time is right for alternative economics, access instead of excess, enough instead of more and qualitative growth instead of quantitative growth.

Aurora, Colorado murders by James E. Holmes (tags)

Some articles on the murders in Aurora, Colorado murders by James E. Holmes at a Batman movie.

Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes: medical school dropout, loner (tags)

The Colorado theatre shooting suspect is said to be a loner who dropped out of medical school in June this year, described himself as 'quiet and easy going' on an online rental application.

Targeting Murdoch (tags)


Video: Is Obama Still on the Austerity Train? (tags)

James Crotty: Obama's budget is a "less savage" attack on social programs, but still assumes we are "living above our means"

Some Economists Got It Right - Who Are These Economists? (tags)

Twill 14: The Impossible Magazine is a tour de force. Alternative economics emphasizes reduced working hours, investment in the infrastructure, person-oriented work, labor-intensive investment, community centers, redistribution, free Internet books and soft power.

FilmOut Taps the Magic of Movies for Gays (tags)

There?s a film festival for virtually every racial, ethnic, religious, cultural and lifestyle community, and Queers are no exception. In San Diego, FilmOut runs monthly screenings at the Birch North Park Theatre as well as an annual festival in August featuring Queer-themed movies from around the world.

Is FCGOA President Guy James Now Playing The Rat Card in His Attempt to Take Total Control (tags)

What's Really Going on at FCGOA?

FCGOA Pres Guy James SELLS-OUT 188 Securitas Officers Working at ESPN in Conn For $75,000 (tags)

After GUY JAMES SOLD-OUT These Securitas Officers, Securitas Lost the Contract and the Majority of These 188 Officers Lost Their Jobs Including the Lead Organizer for FCGOA

Did You Know the FCGOA Federal Contract Guards of America Is Financially BROKE? (tags)

"Just remember you are "Gadhafi" a man living in his own world by his own rules until the broke peasants had enough. Now with the help of allied forces the tyrannical self acclaimed leaders rule comes to an end. "

VIDEO: Austerity Road to 19th Century (tags)

James Crotty is an emeritus professor of economics at U Mass in Amherst. Some economists are more worried about deficit than recession. Large financial institutions were rescued. Obama drank the Kool-Aid. Double-dip recession will lead to lower investment.

Press TV talks to James Morris about Afghan Quagmire (tags)

Press TV talks to James Morris about Afghan Quagmire

FCGOA Defeats UGSOA at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Headquarters in Wash DC (tags)

"Today's VICTORY by FCGOA against UGSOA and it's UGSOA Local 44 sends a clear message to UGSOA President Desiree Sullivan that all is NOT Well at UGSOA" Stated FCGOA President Guy James.

UGSOA Members Show Their Support For FCGOA and its President Guy James (tags)

Mr. Harsley’s 12-13 years of serving our membership under UGSOA local # 44 as president has been pure hell. He has abused his power and authority, misused his position, and undercut our benefits with his manipulations by telling un-truths in order to accomplish his goals by deceiving the officers into accept his untruths. It’s time to replace Mr. Harsley, UGSOA Local # 44 and UGSOA international with a new and more progressive, honest, user friendly, officer oriented organization that serves the union membership needs, not their own needs, wants and desires.

CA Candidate Leonard James Martin Commends Tesla for not Building at Downey Toxic Dump Sit (tags)

Candidate Leonard J. Martin has commended the decision of Tesla Motors Inc. not to build a green electric assembly plant at the contaminated toxic dump site in Downey, California. He also called for an investigation of sickness by Los Angeles County Of Education employees LACOE whose offices are located next to the site.

Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock money launderers to Canada (tags)

Aren't you as a Canadian capable of creating your own political party that at least has no ties to stock fraud,money laundering gold and mortgage scams of the U.S.Libertarian Party and Republican 'libertarian-in-chief' Ron Paul with his criminal ties to James Dale Davidson's,Lord William Rees-Mogg's and ex CIA 'economist' Mark Skousen's Agora Inc crime family ?!

Never Turn Back: SNCC's 50th and the Ongoing Battle for Democracy (tags)

Full and firsthand report on the SNCC 50th Anniversary Gathering in Raleigh, NC, April 15-18 .

New Acting UGSOA President Tammy Bowie ? Answers Why A Member Should Change Unions! (tags)

On March 26th 2010 UGSOA President James Carney Jumped off his Sinking Ship James Carneys Legacy Will Know Doubt go Down in UGSOA History as A FAILURE, A QUITTER , A Management RAT and Traitor Who Turned his Back on His Union Brothers & Sisters while His Ship Was Sinking!

UGSOA President James Carney JUMPS SHIP. FCGOA is Ready to Take The Helm. (tags)

Federal Contract Guards of America FCGOA President Guy James stated "FCGOA is ready and able to represent the many UGSOA Security Police Professionals who wish to leave the United Government Security Officers of America UGSOA to join our organization FCGOA"

Use of Private Federal Contract Security Guards at Gov Buildings Comes Under Scrutiny. (tags)

Federal Contract Guards of America FCGOA disagrees. The problem is not that these contract guards need to be federalized, the problem is better training". "There really are no federal standards for security guards," said James. "These individuals should be trained at the federal level since they are the first line of defense against a terrorist attack, just like federal police officers," he said.

Its Time for A Change at UGSOA. Hough For UGSOA President 2010 (tags)

Its Time The UGSOA Executive Board is Fairly Represented by People of Color!

BREAKING: 12:45 - Clinic Defense Continues (tags)

Pro-choice activists are still outnumbered. Keep alerted for future actions, and spread the info.

Rt Mjr Gen Stubblebine Blows Whistle on 9/11 Inside Job (tags)

For those of you who have been waiting for someone from the establishment to speak out, here it is on video: Rt. Army Major General Albert Stubblebine says a plane did not hit the Pentagon and the Twin Towers & Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition. A second video provides the scientific evidence of the controlled demolition.

The USS Liberty Saga as Told by a Survivor’s Son (tags)

James Scott’s book, “Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on the U.S. Spy Ship,” makes for a compelling read. The onslaught, on June 8, 1967, in international waters, during the Six-Day War, off the coast of Sinai, killed 34 crew members and injured 171 others. Israel claimed that it was all “just an accident...a case of mistaken identity.” Scott makes a very strong case that the assault on the “Liberty” was deliberate.

James Bamford is on NOVA on PBS tonight at 8 PM: (tags)

James Bamford is on NOVA on PBS tonight at 8 PM

Oscar Grant! No Isolated Incident! A PhotoJourney of Unarmed Folks Killed by Cop Worldwide (tags)

Oscar Grant's murder: This is not an isolated incident! Remember Julian Alexander! Hammick in 2002, Kendra James in 2003, James Perez, James Philip Chasse, Jr. all unarmed and killed by Police. Diallo, Sean Bell, Ousmane Zongo, Jonny Gammage, Patrick Moses Dorismond, Alexandros Grigoropoulos and Now Oscar Grant, all unarmed and killed by Police. Within hours of Oscar Grant's shooting, Robbie Tolan!. Let the world know about! We will not allow a police state!

Naked Short Lie:Steve Forbes Brings Economic Pornography To Wardlaw-Hartridge High School (tags)

The earliest usage for the term 'naked short selling' or 'naked shorting' I have been able to verify is from an email to the U.S. SEC IN 1999.No academic or securities professional ever used it previously and Patrick Byrne's NCANS representative gave the Cheetah Club lap dance club in Las Vegas' address when a website was opened for that fraud in 2004 or 2005.I believe that had a professional or academic coined a term for counterfeitting of shares it might have been 'negative short selling' but because it was creating by a Washington,D.C. mafia composed of social perverts 'naked' was the only thing they could come up with. And Steve Forbes gives new meaning to the word pervert.

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Lauds D.C. Money Launderer James Dale Davidson ! (tags)

'But his( South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's)career took a dramatic turn after he heard James Dale Davidson, founder of the National Taxpayers Union, give what Sanford recalls as an "apocalyptic" speech about excessive government spending. Sanford decided to run for Congress, pledging to end the deficit, eschew pay hikes and serve only three terms.' - Dec 01, 2008 McClatchy-Tribune Information Services

Fannie Mae Lie:SEC Chris Cox,Agora Inc.,James Dale Davidson, Lord Rees Mogg,LOM Bermuda (tags)

Now why does Chris Cox and his SEC (U.S.Securities Exchange Commission)allow Scott Lines and his LOM(Lines Overseas Management) of Bermuda Bahamas Isle of Man,etc.whose massive U.S. penny stock frauds and manipulations in collusion with disgraced Florida Democrat Rep.Tim Mahoney's vFinance and Charles Schwab has been covered up by the SEC itself to buy and sell Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac,etc. shares ? And how can anyone know just how many they really buy and sell or short,(dump),over time ? Could these types of offshore hedge fund and securities fraudsters be what caused the collapse of Fannie Mae shares and NOT the lie Chrisopher Cox about 'naked shorting' Cox has sold to the public ?

9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware Corp ICTS International (tags)

Any review of the convicted,(in Israel)money launderer Menachem Atzmon's and Ezra Harel's's ICTS International would find that it was a securities,(stock),fraud as well as a security fraud. Joseph Biden,in allowing ICTS International to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt ....... and Barack Obama is rapidly catching up...

Radio Ecoshock on James Hansen on Climate Criminals (tags)

Author: Alex Smith NASA scientist James Hansen shakes up Capitol Hill (and the media) with explosive testimony to the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Climate Change. For one thing, he thinks oil industry executives who purposely (and secretly) fund groups to confuse the public about climate science – should be charged with crimes against humanity.

Some God Awful Truth about James Randi (tags)

It's comedy, folks.

Rediscovering the Arusha Declaration and Abandoning the NGO Model: (tags)

Selma James and Andaiye chart a path from the 60s to Tomorrow

Two prominent international women's movement leaders visited Los Angeles in December as a part of a special North American tour. Selma James of London and Andaiye of Guyana spoke to a packed room at the Southern California Library on what we can learn from the past and present of autonomous socialist organizing in the Global South. Both women organize with the Global Women's Strike, which calls for recognition of and payment for all unwaged work, and an end to the twin terrors of poverty and war. The Strike's signature event is an annual work stoppage on International Women's Day, March 8.

Photo by Sidney Ross-Risden: right to left — Selma James, host Margaret Prescod, and Andaiye

WGA Picket And Speak Out At SF Disney Store (tags)

These video segments are from a picket of the SF Disney store and also an interview with WGA member James Dalessandro

Forbes on Wikipedia:Gary Weiss 'Edits' James Dale Davidson's and His Own Biography (tags)

Even Davidson's more recent 'biotech' penny stock scam Pluristem was not added to MantanMoreland's Davidson Wikipedia biography - but with reason - that's why he deleted my Davidson bio contribution in the first place - to censor the subject and facts about Davidson on Wikipedia.Too bad Gary Weiss' boss, Steve Forbes,encourages this type of irresponsible corporate behavior in its employees just as Gary Weiss encourages such behavior in his Wikipedia biographer MantanMoreland ! :

*I Have a Story to Tell....* And Holiday Party (tags)

Dear Friend, we are losing independent community spaces by the day. We constantly hear of another bookstore, community theater, cultural center, that is about to close.

Mitt Romney:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl (tags)

And that,(getting Daniel Pearl killed by his advice and contacts in Pakistan)),was at least hopefully unintentional.Worse yet is when this scumbag Ijaz actually bribes,(donates),to our elected officials to influence their political decisions including in Pakistan and the Middle East that could or has come BACK TO HAUNT US ALL. :

Northern Rock,GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About Naked Shorting (tags)

Dear SEC, I was only beginning to organize my thoughts about the Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul's statements re SHO to the SEC,(U.S Securities Exchange Commission),that were only recently posted here. However no sooner was I getting over the shock that Mr.Ron Paul was aiding the fraudulent penny stock naked shorting claim of his well heeled Libertarian pals such as the NTU founder James Dale Davidson, Porter Stansberry,Bill Bonner,,than 'news' came out of England that Northern Rock was a victim of 'naked short selling' as well.......

Top Tesla Assistant: Curious George (tags)

Some interesting Tesla history. And more.

Pluristem Placentas,James D Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Stock Fraud (tags)

Below is a link to and quote from James Dale Davidson and his newsmax.con's spamming for the illegal Israeli-U.S. penny stock pump and dump scam called Pluristem that hopes to get 'oil from placentas' according to the tasteless con artist Davidson.As you will see if you follow the link the Beltway connected James Dale Davidson received 20 million of the Israeli scamsters' U.S. penny stock shares. If, for instance, he can keep the price at or above 5 U.S. cents as he sells or 'dumps' his 20 million shares he will make a million dollars or more on this one penny stock fraud alone ! And that can buy more influence in Washington !

Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's Terrorist List (tags)

Note that one of the first incidents that occured upon Christopher Cox becoming SEC Chair was that the San Francisco SEC office sent subpeonas to business journalists,including Dow Jones only real and award winning penny stock fraud investigator Carol Remond,all who were criticising the false naked shorting claim that Cox ands SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins and a number of scammy websites mentioned in this post have at some point promoted or aided and abetted.Yes,even the SEC Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox has been aiding U.S. penny stock fraud used offshore for money laundering by international criminals and the CIA who gives him a monthly 'briefing' !

42 Democrats Vote for Torture School (tags)

On 6/21/07, 42 Democrats voted No on the McGovern Amendment which would have cut off funding to the torture school formerly known as the School of Americas (Assassins), now known as Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC). 6 more votes were needed to pass it. All Reds and Greens would certainly have voted Yes and that is what makes Reds and Greens viable.

Ex Cailfornia Congressman Christopher Cox Frauds (tags)

You will see the war and ponzi scheme connected con artist Christopher 'WMDS' Cox who now heads the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission and who lied about WMDS in Iraq, as head of the House Homeland Security office, sending thousands of Americans to their deaths and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to their deaths,now lieing outright about 'naked shorting' in order to help Beltway and far right insiders launder money with shares his SEC refuses to count or audit ! You will see Houston billionaire attorney John O'Quinn(recently in the news chasing Anna Nicole's Smith's funeral procession in hopes of getting a share of her ex petroleum millionaire husband's fortune and clashing with Howard Stern but just as sleeezy as Stern himself only richer from ripping women off in breast plant litigation,Texas tobacco litigation,etc.) who has aided this massive stock fraud as well and was attorney for such money laundering frauds as Stanford University's Endovasc 'biotech' penny stock fraud called Endovasc that has stolen money from American investors and laundered it in terorist suspect money laundering centers such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai !

Antarctica Melting Faster than Expected (tags)

A leading Australian marine scientist John Church in an interview by Michael Byrnes of Rueters told of his research revealing that "Observations are in the very upper edge of the projections,"(1) "I feel that we're getting uncomfortably close to threshold," said Church. "....the Antarctic Peninsula is warming faster than anywhere else on Earth, and glaciers are in massive retreat." A United Nations report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in February projected sea level gains of 18-59 centimeters (7-23 inches) this century from temperature rises

Northwest Airlines Profiling Attack Part (tags)

Aaron James exposes police repression and state terror.

Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards wants another war! (tags)

In another important news item conveniently ignored by the pro-war Zionist media… Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards among others is in “Israel” pushing for an attack on Iran. Republicans and Democrats, two wings of the same old bird.

The Marla Ruzicka Story -- The *Real* Story (tags)

No one who was a threat -- let alone any real threat -- to the U.S. imperialist war machine would ever be gushingly and pervasively celebrated by it, the Congress, the President and the military, no less, and the political establishment's corporate media. Marla Ruzicka -- even posing for pictures on top of tanks and in group hugs with gun-posing American soldiers, let alone using the war and exploiting the misery of the Iraqi people to parlay that into a hoped-for lucrative cushy position inside the Pentagon or State Department, feathering her nest and her new career with military-industrial complex money (yet still a pittance of that spent on the bombs of war) -- served as a willing PR front for that machine. Furthermore, she was willing to collect and *give* that information directly to the US *military*, providing it with, in effect, valuable intelligence on the Iraqi people (how many males and females of which ages, including possible fighting age, in each family, and what their resources and professional/community positions were, perhaps a community critic of the US war, maybe an intellectual, a journalist, a teacher, or a doctor/nurse who could patch up Iraqi wounded resistace fighters, and who in each family might have gotten shot -- perhaps a resistance member? -- by the US military) under the guise of humanitarian relief. Here is what progressive journalist Christian Parenti had to say about the darling of the U.S. imperialist military machine:

Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of the Lord Rees-Mogg ? (tags)

James Dale Davidson is besides being a co-author and business partner of Lord Rees-Mogg,founder of the National Tapayers Union that other wealthy American scoundrels such as Steve Forbes and Richard Mellon-Scaife have backed or been a part of.He was also the leading promoter of the Clinton smear campaign along with Richard Mellon-Scaife who claimed Clinton killed his own childhood friend Vince Foster. The good Lard Rees-Mogg on the other hand at the same time was humorously enough hot on the trail of Monica Lewinsky's stained dress as you will find in a link below on this indymedia post.Apparently Luciane Goldberg is his kinda woman.

a room outdoors = Michael Pisaro (tags)

Michael Pisaro A room outdoors (James Orsher, harmonium; Michael Pisaro, guitar)

November communique 1A (tags)

Sandpaper books: abrasive texts & other printed matter.

The James Petras Website (tags)

New website by James Petras

Federal Judge blocks Hazelton PA’s Illegal Immigration Relief Act. (tags)

Federal Judge, James Munley, of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania has barred the implantation of the law passed last June by the Hazelton, PA City Council designed to prevent illegal immigrants from living in Hazelton, PA.

Gov't workers got fake degrees (tags)

SPOKANE, Wash. - At least 135 federal employees, including a White House staff member and National Security Agency employees, bought bogus online college degrees from a diploma mill, a lawyer in the case against the mill operators said.

Prof. Jonathan Turley: “Stop Being a Country of Chumps!” (tags)

A conference was held on 09/18/06 at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), in Baltimore, to celebrate the birthday of the U.S. Constitution. One of the speakers was Professor Jonathan Turley of the GWU’s School of Law. He accused George W. Bush of creating an “uber presidency” and violating the “Separation of Powers” doctrine. He also blasted the two-party system as a monopoly. Prof. Turley said: “We need another political party!”

Endovasc,Montgomery,Texas:Stock Fraud and Mid East Money Launderer Dwight Cantrell is dead (tags)

Note the link to the Houston Chronicle obituary that does not mention either cause of death nor that Mr. Cantrell was a major 'player' in Endovasc of Montgomery,Texas,a penny stock fraud that dumped worthless penny stock shares around the world including through the Kuala Lumpur and Dubai boiler room Bellador Group.The Houston Chronicle and are both proof of why Texas needs its indymedias and Houston needs . Thank you Houston and Texas indymedia people.The FBI certainly won't investigate either.

The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century (tags)

Interview with James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century



SEC,Christopher Cox,Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud (tags)

Before beginning any criticism of Barbara Boxer for anything whatsoever it would be unfair to not to praise her for her stance against the Bush Regime's Iraq war from the very beginning.Below is a list of the sad minority of Senators who had the courage or common sense not to place that decision in the hands of the mad man some call 'president', George W Bush.Of course the far right hypocrite Hillary Clinton is another story.She who cries of a 'far right conpiracy' against her and hubby Bill Clinton,is one.

Tom DeLay,Titan Corp,Skyway Communications, 9/11,Cocaine Trafficking,and Bloody Murder (tags)

Daniel Hopsicker continues his own one man investigation into the Venice,Florida Saudi terrorist flight school of Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris pal, Wally Hilliard,putting our'establishment' media to shame and disgrace once again.New York Times,CNN,USA Today,Wall Street Journal, should all hide in shame,as well as CBS, NBC,ABC, Rupert Murdoch and Fox 'News' should be put on trial for aiding murder,torture and rape so vile.

Warren Buffett,apologist for Utah Patrick Byrne,Senator Bennett stock fraud (tags)

Mr. Buffett acknowledged that he has a "friend" who is very concerned with naked short selling, a reference to Patrick Byrne, the chairman and chief executive of, an online "close-out" retailer. He said that while the many companies that attract a lot of interest from short sellers "very often" are later revealed to be frauds, he noted that "The one my friend runs is not at all." Mr. Buffett and Mr. Byrne go back a long way; Mr. Byrne's father, Jack Byrne, was long-time head of Geico, Berkshire's automobile-insurance subsidiary. - from Wall Street Journal

More Lies from the Antis (tags)

Kimberly-Clark heir Congressman James Sensenbrenner would have you believe that Americans are losing their jobs to undocumented workers. But it is his corporation, and those like it, that are the real culprits.

No on HR4437 -- Boycott Kimberly Clark products (tags)

One person that will not be getting Hispanic votes in Wisconsin is Rep. James Sensenbrenner. The entire planet knows Sensenbrenner is the author/sponsor of HR 4437 which would turn 11 million undocumented immigrants into felons, punish anyone guilty of providing them assistance, and construct an iron wall between the US and Mexico.

No on HR4437 -- Boycott Kimberly Clark products (tags)

Boycott Kimberly Clark products Sensenbrenner: author of HR4437 and heir to the Kimberly Clark (Kleenex) fortune .

BTL:Growing Violence, Subjugation of Women Mark Forgotten War in Afghanistan (tags)

Interview with James Ingalls, co-director of the Afghan Women's Mission, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The SEC,Adnan Khashoggi,GenesisIntermedia and me (tags)

Where could Mr.Adnan Khashoggi be ? Why can't the SEC contact Adnan Khashoggi or any other person who opens a public company using U.S. and or Nevada,(Khashoggi used Delaware incorporation I believe,perhaps to give his GenesisIntermedia scam a little more 'class' I guess), incorporation to do so ? And even more so for a Saudi national who wielded so much power as arms dealer and financier during the Iran-Contra era of the Reagan-Bush 1980's. Didn't Adnan Khashoggi have some 'business' in Armenia as recently as 2004 ? And why has the DOJ or FBI not stepped in to aid the SEC in its persuit ?



Charles Schwab:Joseph Grundfest,Stanford University Law,defends SEC's McCarthy Tactics (tags)

While subpoenaing journalists directly was a "big mistake," says Stanford law professor Joseph Grundfest, "it shouldn't be surprising and it shouldn't disappoint anybody" that the agency is going after market participants' communications with journalists. "It would be a very strange world if people could be held liable for every lie they told except for the biggest lies they told to reporters," he(Joseph Grundfest,ex-SEC Commissioner and Stanford University law professor) adds.” Joseph Grundfest,Stanford University Law,defends SEC's Business Journalist McCarthyism & stock fraud

An Anarchist Commentary about Cuba (tags)

James Petras’ Photographs of Cuba Before and After Developing: An anarchist commentary on his declarations about Cuba The Cuban Libertarian Movement (MLC – Movimiento Libertario Cubano) makes some pertinent observations about certain declarations by somebody who was until recently an unconditional defender of the Cuban revolution.

Ex Undersecretary Commerce Robert Shapiro aids J. D. Davidson ,Attorney John O'Quinn fraud (tags)

Clinton Undersecretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro aids James Dale Davidson's , Attorney John O'Quinn's stock fraud :It must be remembered he(James Dale Davidson) claims to have been a supporter during Clinton's first election even though the writing below indicates he had very close ties to Papa Doc or 'Poppy' Bush in the 1980's.

Las fotos de James Petras, antes y despues del revelado (tags)

* En referencia a lo que ahora expresa alguien que hasta hace poco se presentaba como defensor incondicional del régimen cubano, el Movimiento Libertario Cubano (MLC) manifiesta algunas consideraciones pertinentes.

Honoring Rachel Corrie Three Years Later: Two Questions for Peace Activists (tags)

Three years after the death of Rachel Corrie, two questions on the peace making heart of Islam - Sufiism, and the prospects for a dialogue with the west.

SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice (tags)

According to a quote by Mr.Cox of a few days ago this would appear to be the case. The truth is more likely his and SEC attorneys' wish to gag both professional business journalists including at the WSJ as well as defrauded investors such as myself who wish to blow the whistle on SEC corruption and fraud.

Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering (tags)

I note also that your Fortress America partner ex-CIA Director Mr.James Woolsey has an offshore account in the Caymans(Palidin) famous or should I say infamous for penny stock fraud and money laundering.Yes you and he set a fine example along with Asa Hutchinson and Oklahoma's Don Nickles of how decent Americans should NOT behave. Somehow your priviledged lifestyles have led you to perceive American ethical standards legal or not are for other Americans and not for yourselves.

U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy (tags)

All of this is in reponse to and a knee jerk reaction to 's Patrick Byrne who claims he is being attacked and 'naked shorted' by WSJ journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg who are in the employ of a 'Sith Lord' as far as I can tell! I do admit I am confused. But then again I'm not a professional anything, just a defrauded investor.

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks (tags)

And some of that money laundering with this unaudited U.S.penny stock fraud's shares has been in the UAE's Dubai,Kuala Lumpur,Nicosia and through a California bank while W Bush has assured us, in order to run his deal with whoever in the UAE to surrender our ports,that the UAE has cleaned up its act and this kind of thing no longer occurs ! And the Securities Exchange Commission is harrassing business journalists to cover up such stock fraud and thus are also covering up money laundering and illegal pump and dump activities with U.S. penny stocks in the EAU for George W Bush, !

New Jersey Star-Ledger,legislature conned by stock fraud Gary Valinoti ? (tags)

The fraud(stock manipulation and illegal pump and dump activity erroneously attributed to 'naked short sells' and 'FTD' or 'fails to deliver' by the criminals) is massive,Beltway connected and may include money laundering with penny stocks and other stock shares in terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.Paradoxically Gary Valinoti is a pal of David Patch who in turn is James Dale Davidson connected.Davidson is founder of the Steve Forbes and Grover Norquist connected National Taxpayers Union that funded the effort to smear New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine.And James Dale Davidson orchestrated the Richard Mellon Scaife funded 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign against Bill Clinton ! Small world ain't it ?!

W Bush U.S. Petroleum-Trafficker-In-Chief addresses addicts (tags)

So W Bush sacrificed those of low income American soldiers and our National Guard who should have been at home protecting our shores and raising their children as well as women who should not have been on a battlefield in the first place and now he goes around Congress and the American people to make deal with United Arab Emirate Muslim fundamentalists to guard our ports,a job those dead soldiers and National Guard in Iraq should have been performing !

BTL:Washington and Europe Increase Pressure on Iran to Halt Nuclear Research (tags)

Interview with Dr. James Jennings, president of Conscience International, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Fela Kuti Radio Show (tags)


Does Steve Forbes magazine cover up for National Taxpayers Union founder J.D.Davidson ? (tags)

Steve Forbes,shame on you for misleading your own reporter,and even worse your subscribers, about the true Beltway-Davidson origens of the 'anti-naked short selling' scam....It may be past time to ask the SEC to get the CIA out of stock investing.As they set a bad precedent.And other federal agencies may justify a similar scheme as the CIA and or NSA who both use the same IT that the GAO and the SEC and the White House etc etc all use and that appears to be SRA International's predominantly.

Laro Nicol's oldest son dies in motorcycle accident (tags)

Please send love and support to Laro and his family. On Friday night, Laro James Nicol was killed while riding his motorcycle. Laro James Nicol is the old son of Laro Nicol, a long-time Phoenix-area activist, who is serving a 2-year prison term.

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,D (tags)

By entering into the land of penny stocks to support their 'Homeland Security' penny stock operation they increase the chance that U.S.penny stocks might be used for money laundering and by operating like a typical offshore penny stock scheme they encourage others by their examples to do the same.If Woolsey or Asa Hutchinson or Tom McMillen can think of no better way to help their homeland perhaps they should all retire.

James Angel,Georgetown:Charles Schwab Chooses NASDAQ Because It's More Corrupt. (tags)

James Angel earlier this year even made a video infomercial for what appears to be a criminal stock manipulation group whose only 'official' address as it turned out was a lap dance club in Las Vegas called the Cheetah Club !!! The only lap dance club to ever be investigated by the FBI under the Patriot Act......

To NY Post re Agora Inc., James Dale Davidson,and Rupert Murdoch (tags)

Also why don't you ask your employer Rupert Murdoch what he thinks of Mr.Davidson and his honesty ? I would believe it probable that they have met and at least have friends or aquaintances in the same social circles.Now that wouldn't cloud the New York Post's journalistic investigations would it ? Nah.

AUDIO: The Rev. James Lawson speaks at the save Tookie Rally Today (tags)

Close to 200 people attended the Save Tookie Rally held in Leimert Park today.

Books of the Year (tags)

Critics name their favourite books of the year 2005

California Dept. Corps:James Dale Davidson created the 'anti-naked short selling' scam (tags)

Although James Dale Davidson was for years a principal part of Agora Inc.of Baltimore,Maryland and around the world and 'cyberspace',he was also,if not the first to use the 'naked shorting' claim to divert attention away from his own illegal pump and dump of worthless penny stock shares,(and not even audited by the SEC in this day and age),he was the first to take the claim to new levels as an organised penny stock scam.And to use the fraudulent claim that 'certs' or paper certificates were the only way to protect your investments in penny stocks from evil 'naked short' sellers who did their evil by way of 'electronic counterfeitting' of shares.

James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia (tags)

Montgomery,Texas' Endovasc,Judge Ken Reilly, Dwight Cantrell,Robert Johnson,David P Summers, James Dale Davidson,Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Houston's accountants McConnell & Jones LLP ,and Charles Schwab,all have some explaining to do about illegal pump and dump and possible money laundering.

Martin Luther King Murder Document (tags)

The Brother of James Earl Ray Links the CIA to the Murder of Martin L. King, and Details His Abuse at the Hands of the FBI and Justice system

Two responses to Chavez' supporters (tags)

* Interventions in a debate on Venezuela and the government of Hugo Chavez. LASolidarity mailing list

BTL:Five Unanswered Questions About 9/11 Critical to Prevent Future Attacks (tags)

Interview with James Ridgeway, Village Voice Washington correspondent, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Forcefully Remove All Skull And Bines People From US Govt (tags)

skull and bones has been a recruitment club for foreign powers since its inception...their allegience is to their club, and the foreign banks...praise satan and his servant jesus christ....

James Lawson Video from Out of Iraq Teach-In (tags)

James Lawson Video from Out of Iraq Teach-In

Anti-Racists Disrupt Border Vigilante Patrols - from SD Indymedia (tags)

Sonic Atack Crews disrupt Minutemen

California Minutemen come to Campo (tags)

California Minutemen change gears, come to Campo early. James Chase supports fellow Minuteman Clifford Alford who infiltrated the ACLU.

James Chase and Joe Turner (tags)

James Chase to participate in round two of Baldwin Park protest.

James Gilchrist and the California Minutemen Joining SaveOurState in Baldwin Park (tags)

Jim Gilchrist and James L Chase (Commander of the California Minutemen) commit to attending the BPII Protest.

Minutemen vigilantes will deploy "snipers" along the (tags)

Minutemen vigilantes will deploy "snipers" along the

Two Powerful, Political Book Readings at UCLA (tags)

Some great SF authors come to LA to kick it.

Bush is a Child Molester!! (tags)

spread to the four corners!!

Gannongate threatens to expose a huge GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring (tags)

Folks, this is THE issue that we can CRUCIFY the Bushites with.

Less than a Thousandth of Military Spending (tags)

The $350 million that Bush finally made available is embarrassing compared to the current arms budget of $401.7 billion. US relief for the catastrophe in Asia amounts to less than a thousandth of military spending.

Broadcast Your News (tags)

We will broadcast your documentary. Alternate Focus announces a call for Middle East-related documentaries.

James Forman, SNCC Leader, Passes On (tags)

"Accumulating experiences with Southern 'law and order' were turning me into a full-fledged revolutionary," -- James Forman

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

William C. James, 24, was killed in action in the al-Anbar province in the Sunni Triangle Nov. 10.

Third-Party Assembly Candidate Shines in Contentious League of Women Voters Debate (tags)

Third-party candidate James Smith steals the show at League of Women Voters debate for the 53rd Assembly race.

James Bamford's (A Pretext for War) Book on the Israel Firster Neocons (tags)

James Bamford's Excellent New Book on How Our Support for Israel Contributed to the Motivation for the Tragic 9/11 Attack and How the Israel Firster Neocons in the Bush Regime Pushed US to War in Iraq for Israel

Goldsborough’s column Outstanding. (tags)

James Goldsborough columns outstanding. Beat all big shot East Coast pundits hands down. Corporate Media full of cowards and puppets. Corporate opinion pages dubiously slanted.

President of the Women's Development Bank Visits Los Angeles (tags)

Over 500 people eager for news of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela came to hear Nora Castañeda, President of the Women’s Development Bank, speak on “Venezuela: Creating a Caring Economy” at Immanuel Presbyterian Church.

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up/San Diego Union Tribune Article on Captain Ward Boston (tags)

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up

civil disobedience is civil defense (tags)

Civil Disobedience Training at UCLA

Attorney James Demaegt not Intimidated by Police at Picket Line (tags)

Attorney James Demaegt not Intimidated by Police at Picket Line

Attorney James Demaegt not Intimidated by Police at Picket Line (tags)

Attorney James Demaegt not Intimidated by Police at Picket Line

Ventilation no help against second hand smoke (tags)

Toronto pub's ventilation system exchanged the air 10 times an hour, but to reduce the second-hand smoke dangers to acceptable levels would require at least 34,000 air changes per hour.

Building Bridges Radio-Immigrant Worker Freedom Ride & The Next Pres.of El Salvador (tags)

Building Bridges presents this 28 minute Radio Program, TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK


The 2003 Temecula Valley International Film & Music Festival (TVIFMF) is proud to announce Etta James will be receiving recognition and honors for the field of music, as she is presented the Lifetime Achievement Award at the annual Black Tie Awards Gala , 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 13, 2003 at the Ponte Family Estate Winery (35035 Rancho California Road, Temecula).

Did James Woolsey let the World War IV Cat Out of the Bag (tags)

When former CIA Director James Woolsey began talking about World War IV, a war essentially against all so-called Islamists forces that preach hate against America, did he let some the details of the Bush regime's long term plans and present actions in Iraq out of the bag?

James Woods on Good Day Live (tags)

Actor James Woods is interviewed on pseudo-"news" program, Good Day Live in L.A. and rips into Michael Moore.

Veterans Call to Conscience to Troops and Reservists (tags)

If the people of the world are ever to be free, there must come a time when being a citizen of the world takes precedence over being the soldier of a nation. Now is that time. When orders come to ship out, your response will profoundly impact the lives of millions of people in the Middle East and here at home.

Police Incompetence-Tell Em What YOU Think!! (tags)

Police pullover family, arrest them, shoot their dog, and laugh about it. One problem, NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

New Baldwin Play-LA Weekly Pick of the Week (tags)

The Pacifica Radio Archives Benefit Performance of JAMES BALDWIN DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP A New One Man Play Written & Performed By CALVIN LEVELS Tony Award Nominated Actor Making his Los Angeles Theater Debut *Levels intense stage presence beguiles* Pick of the Week - LA Weekly

Pacifica Radio Archives to Host New Play About James Baldwin (tags)

Pacifica Radio Archives is holding a special event -- a benefit performance of JAMES BALDWIN DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP, a new one-man play written and performed by Tony award-nominated actor Calvin Levels, depicting the rich, impassioned life of the great novelist, playwright, essayist and civil rights activist.

bus riders union march (tags)

Bus Riders Union March today.

Every week, (tags)

we are graced with 300 or so wordz or wizdom from the great educator, Prof. Walter E. Williams. "More Government Means Less Freedom, Our Founders Knew This Well."

Hassan Hassan Case Dismissed (tags)

The Judge dismissed the Hassan case.

Longshore rallies to Bush: Butt out (tags)

“Contract, Yes! Government intervention, No!” was the message of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), the AFL-CIO, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) and many mayors at rallies up and down the West Coast, Aug. 12. Thousands took to the streets in protest of a threat by the Bush administration to take over ports militarily in the event that the union decides to strike.

Anti-Police Rally at African-American Community Church (tags)

Parishioners, leaders and neighbors gathered at Faith United Methodist church this evening to speak out and organize the African American community's response to the police beating of Donovan Jackson-Chavis.

Ireland: On Socialism and Nationalism (tags)

James Connolly was a great revolutionary, an Irish hero and comrade of all workers. Commandant of the Irish Citizen Army, 1914 and Commandant General of Dublin Division of the Army of the Republic. In 1916, Connolly was captured and executed following the 1916 Uprising. His life was dedicated to socialism and national liberation in Ireland against British imperialism; the international class struggle against imperialism new and old continues... "Our demands most moderate are...We only want the earth!" - James Connolly: “Be Moderate”

Ireland: On Socialism and Nationalism (tags)

James Connolly was a great revolutionary, an Irish hero and comrade of all workers. Commandant of the Irish Citizen Army, 1914 and Commandant General of Dublin Division of the Army of the Republic. In 1916, Connolly was captured and executed following the 1916 Uprising. His life was dedicated to socialism and national liberation in Ireland against British imperialism; the international class struggle against imperialism new and old continues... "Our demands most moderate are...We only want the earth!" - James Connolly: “Be Moderate”

On James "Bo" Gritz (tags)

I just purchased the book, Called To Serve, by James "Bo" Gritz. Can any of the wonderfully well read people here at indymedia give me a clue as to whether I should take notes or use it for a papier mache'project?

Death Row Artist James P. Anderson, A Case Of Reasonable Doubt (tags)

Free James P. Anderson!


"A Community Forum on the War on Terrorism," --*The Hidden Agenda--*The Real Causes-- *The Underreported Consequences" Brings Internationally Known Speakers, Including Michael Parenti, To Los Angeles; Event Is Set For Fairfax High School February 2 and also features Erwin Chemerinsky, Ann Fagan Ginger, Rev. James Lawson and many others. Registration at 9:30 a.m. -- Program at 10:00 a.m.

Student Suspended for Wearing Clothes (tags)

reprinted from the AP wire A judge ruled Thursday that a 15-year-old sophomore cannot form an anarchy club or wear T-shirts opposing the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan

36 Democrats Give Bush, Big Oil Green Light To Drill in Alaska Wildlife Refuge (tags)

WASHINGTON - At 11:23 PM last night, 36 Democratic members of the US House joined with 186 Republicans to give George W. Bush and the oil industry a major victory in their plans to open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil drilling.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) signals green light for Alaska Refuge drilling! (tags)

CHARLES SCHUMER: "... You know, the question here is exploration of oil. That’s a big position for the secretary of interior. We’re going to need more oil and natural gas in America." Ballot Balks (tags)

Mondo Washington: Ballot Balks by James Ridgeway Voter Turnout Hits Record Low Plus: The Bush Family Tree Al Gore, Corporate Pawn (tags) online exclusive: This Is Not Populism by James Ridgeway Al Gore, Corporate Pawn Wake Up, Suckers! The Disintegrating Democrats (tags) online exclusive: Wake Up, Suckers by James Ridgeway The Disintegrating Democrats

Iraq - Washington's Ongoing Dirty (tags)

Washington continues to bomb Iraq almost daily, terrorizing a civilian population still devastated by war damage and on the brink of collapse due to brutal economic sanctions.

Iraq - Washington's Ongoing Dirty War (tags)

Review of the effects of US-led UN sanctions against react, from the Coalition to Save the Iraqi Children.

Making Protesters look like terrorists (tags)

“We are up against the strongest, well-trained militant revolutionary group that has ever assembled in America...They're worse than the brownshirts and the Communist element and the night riders and the vigilantes - Ohio Governor James Rhodes, speaking in Kent Ohio, May 3 1970, the day before the shootings Find out why the U.S. is starting to look more and more like the third world, and political protest is starting to look more and more like war

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