fix articles 73758, engine
The indispensable opponent (tags)
The West's hostility towards China has increased since China's engine began to stutter. At the same time, the US government is pumping massive amounts of money into the economy and has thus been able to prevent an impending recession for the time being, but is far from regaining its former role as a global engine of growth.
Search engine that makes use of a black background for a lower energy consumption
Revised: The Best 2008 Activist's People Resource Guide (tags)
Welcome to The Best 2008 Activist's People Search Resource Guide... Seek & Yee Shall Find... As a companion guide, don't miss the Best 2007 Activist's Information Source... See below...
Activist's 2007 Information Source (tags)
Seek & Yee Shall Find!
Are we safe from government spy plane "drones" crashing into our homes? (tags)
Crashes of drone planes flying over the USA are worrying pilots and lawmakers who fear that a surge in interest by federal and local agencies to use the unmanned aircraft could lead to danger in the skies.
Drive Free - Veggie Fuel for your car (tags)
how you can turn Free vegetable oil into diesel fuel for cars
The Web: Search engine privacy threats (tags)
A story about how Google threatens our privacy.
Industry Experts Can’t Explain Pentagon Photo Evidence (tags)
"If the disc in the photo can be matched with a Rolls Royce AE 3007H engine, some speculate that it would prove something like a Global Hawk hit the Pentagon. The Global Hawk engine is hand built at the Rolls Royce plant in Indianapolis and has an opening diameter of 43.5 inches."
Tell Ford to improve gas mileage! (tags)
Cars and light trucks guzzle 40% of U.S. oil and emit 20% of the nation's carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution. Each gallon of gasoline burned pumps 28 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere-19 from the tailpipe and nine pounds from upstream refining, transporting and refueling.
MSN loves our SUV's, but are they missing the point?
We can rid oil dependency tomorrow (tags)
Why isn't there more attention to this story. Vegetable oil and french fry grease has been used in Europe for 20 years, but still isn't mass produced.
Chattanooga 3 ReceiveShort Sentences While30 SupportersProtest.89.3 Airs NewsATL (tags)
3 Members of Black Autonomy COPWATCH, received 30, 60 days, community service and court costs instead of 6 months to 18 months in jail. This is an outrage and listeners of WRFG 89.3 FM heard details from the reasearch of Paul Hays and the Messenger: A publication finacialy aided by The AFL-CIO, UNITE and Atlanta Labor Solidarity Network especially. The interview on Radio Free Georgia was on Nightwatchandwas10minutes ThankIfini