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civil code

Covid protests and Weimar Family Court (tags)

Democracy lives from criticism and protest. The Weimar Family Court has banned two schools from requiring students to wear masks and take Corona tests - because the children would be harmed "physically, psychologically, pedagogically and in their psychosocial development."

The long struggle for a post-capitalist society (tags)

The (Corona) crisis has relentlessly exposed the inability of neoliberal capitalism and its political personnel to meet the elementary needs of the people. Even if it is not felt to the same extent in Germany due to the depressing political conditions: the neoliberal offensive is in a deep existential crisis.

Students threatened at UC Davis event (tags)

The UC are failing our students

Arroyo, Philippine military, police face torture raps from 8 of Morong 43 (tags)

MANILA, Philippines - Eight of the 43 health workers collectively known as the Morong 43, who were arrested in February 2010 during a medical training, filed criminal charges against former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and several military officials before the Department of Justice.

When The Shop Keepers Join The Revolt! (tags)

When the shop keepers join the revolt things must be very bad indeed.

Foreclosure: Banks Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Obey the Law (tags)

Banks may not use terms like "vig" or "nut", but they are foreclosing as zealously as loan sharks. They're throwing innocent tenants out of their houses in the process. What can you do about it?

Hey, Landlord, Show Me Your Credit Report (tags)

Given the current financial crisis, it's time to revise Civil Code § 1950.6 to allow tenants to get landlords' credit reports. The law should require reciprocity.

Every Tenant Has One (tags)

If you find an electrocuted rat in your kitchen stove, odds are that your landlord has breached the implied warranty of habitability in your lease. What if he won’t fix the problem? What can you do?

A Cave By Any Other Name (tags)

The warranty of habitability, the landlord’s guarantee that he will provide you a unit with more amenities than a cave or a cardboard box, is implied in every lease, written or verbal. Unfortunately, many landlords think their properties should perform like an annuity—that the rent should just roll in, like interest, while the landlord does nothing to maintain them.

Here's the story Arnold doesn't want you to hear. (tags)

Now, thirty-four pages of internal Enron memoranda have just come through this reporter's fax machine tell all about the tryst between Maria's husband and the corporate con men. It turns out that Schwarzenegger knowingly joined the hush-hush encounter as part of a campaign to sabotage a Davis-Bustamante plan to make Enron and other power pirates then ravaging California pay back the $9 billion in illicit profits they carried off.

Arnold's Enron Secret (tags)

Here's the story Arnold doesn't want you to hear. The biggest single threat to Ken Lay and the electricity lords is a private lawsuit filed last year under California's unique Civil Code provision 17200, the "Unfair Business Practices Act." This litigation, heading to trial now in Los Angeles, would make the power companies return the $9 billion they filched from California electricity and gas customers.

Arnold Unplugged - It's hasta la vista to $9 billion if the Governator is selected (tags)

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