fix articles 73254, naked Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : naked


Israel Ducks Responsibility for Premeditated Naked Aggression on Gaza (tags)


Washington Post Features Op-Ed by Ukraine Putschist (tags)


Obama's War on Yemen Rages (tags)


US-Saudi Illegal Blockade Compounds Naked Aggression Against Yemen (tags)


Obama, Rogue Arab States Support Mass Murdering Yemenis (tags)


Councilman calls out jewish Voice for Peace for blind naked anti-Semitism (tags)

‘What You Saw Here Today Was Naked, Blind Antisemitism:’ NYC Councilman Slams Palestine Activists Who Disrupted Auschwitz Commemoration

US-Backed Naked Kiev Aggression on Donbas (tags)


The Bloom Is Off Gold (tags)


Naked Israeli Aggression (tags)


Hunter Moore, and Cyber Rape (tags)

Cyber rape is a disturbing trend in which websites upload copyright-protected naked images in order to trash reputations and end careers; and of course, make money. I spent a heart-wrenching week consoling victims.

OCCUPY Protesters Unfocused? My Ass! (tags)

The OCCUPY protesters are expressing an emotional response, an appropriate emotional response. Their detractors who would paint them as bongo playing, naked hippies don't have much political memory.

Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock money launderers to Canada (tags)

Aren't you as a Canadian capable of creating your own political party that at least has no ties to stock fraud,money laundering gold and mortgage scams of the U.S.Libertarian Party and Republican 'libertarian-in-chief' Ron Paul with his criminal ties to James Dale Davidson's,Lord William Rees-Mogg's and ex CIA 'economist' Mark Skousen's Agora Inc crime family ?!

Naked Short Lie:Steve Forbes Brings Economic Pornography To Wardlaw-Hartridge High School (tags)

The earliest usage for the term 'naked short selling' or 'naked shorting' I have been able to verify is from an email to the U.S. SEC IN 1999.No academic or securities professional ever used it previously and Patrick Byrne's NCANS representative gave the Cheetah Club lap dance club in Las Vegas' address when a website was opened for that fraud in 2004 or 2005.I believe that had a professional or academic coined a term for counterfeitting of shares it might have been 'negative short selling' but because it was creating by a Washington,D.C. mafia composed of social perverts 'naked' was the only thing they could come up with. And Steve Forbes gives new meaning to the word pervert.

Forbes on Wikipedia:Gary Weiss 'Edits' James Dale Davidson's and His Own Biography (tags)

Even Davidson's more recent 'biotech' penny stock scam Pluristem was not added to MantanMoreland's Davidson Wikipedia biography - but with reason - that's why he deleted my Davidson bio contribution in the first place - to censor the subject and facts about Davidson on Wikipedia.Too bad Gary Weiss' boss, Steve Forbes,encourages this type of irresponsible corporate behavior in its employees just as Gary Weiss encourages such behavior in his Wikipedia biographer MantanMoreland ! :

Northern Rock,GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About Naked Shorting (tags)

Dear SEC, I was only beginning to organize my thoughts about the Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul's statements re SHO to the SEC,(U.S Securities Exchange Commission),that were only recently posted here. However no sooner was I getting over the shock that Mr.Ron Paul was aiding the fraudulent penny stock naked shorting claim of his well heeled Libertarian pals such as the NTU founder James Dale Davidson, Porter Stansberry,Bill Bonner,,than 'news' came out of England that Northern Rock was a victim of 'naked short selling' as well.......

Day of Human Rights Awareness (tags)

Local Inland Empire and Riverside County organizations host an event on August 4th featuring a ‘Walk for Human Rights’ at 2pm, a speaker forum at 3:30pm, and an all-ages benefit concert at 6pm featuring Naked Aggression and No Reform.

Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's Terrorist List (tags)

Note that one of the first incidents that occured upon Christopher Cox becoming SEC Chair was that the San Francisco SEC office sent subpeonas to business journalists,including Dow Jones only real and award winning penny stock fraud investigator Carol Remond,all who were criticising the false naked shorting claim that Cox ands SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins and a number of scammy websites mentioned in this post have at some point promoted or aided and abetted.Yes,even the SEC Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox has been aiding U.S. penny stock fraud used offshore for money laundering by international criminals and the CIA who gives him a monthly 'briefing' !

Hollywood Stock Exchange's Max Keiser ,Al Jazeera promote Naked U.S. Penny Stock Fraud (tags)

Does Max Keiser and Al Jazeera in Arabic have a translation for 'naked shorting' or 'naked short selling' (a term used only by and for a U.S. penny stock scam) in Arabic !? What is it ? ! Does 'naked shorting' explain the collapse of Middle East markets of Dubai,Saudi Arabia and Kuwait,etc.,a while back ? I don't think so,unless Max Kleiser would like to make a case for that as well......

Naked Mexican!!!! (tags)

Mexicans strip en masse for U.S. artist

The Second American Revolution : Zionists, the Naked Whore (tags)

The problem with being a naked whore is that everyone can see you, darling

Warren Buffett,apologist for Utah Patrick Byrne,Senator Bennett stock fraud (tags)

Mr. Buffett acknowledged that he has a "friend" who is very concerned with naked short selling, a reference to Patrick Byrne, the chairman and chief executive of, an online "close-out" retailer. He said that while the many companies that attract a lot of interest from short sellers "very often" are later revealed to be frauds, he noted that "The one my friend runs is not at all." Mr. Buffett and Mr. Byrne go back a long way; Mr. Byrne's father, Jack Byrne, was long-time head of Geico, Berkshire's automobile-insurance subsidiary. - from Wall Street Journal

Ex Undersecretary Commerce Robert Shapiro aids J. D. Davidson ,Attorney John O'Quinn fraud (tags)

Clinton Undersecretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro aids James Dale Davidson's , Attorney John O'Quinn's stock fraud :It must be remembered he(James Dale Davidson) claims to have been a supporter during Clinton's first election even though the writing below indicates he had very close ties to Papa Doc or 'Poppy' Bush in the 1980's.

Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam (tags)

Interesting that the 'naked short' penny stock mafia chose a strip joint or lap dance club in Las Vegas as its only address and now we find Steve Wark ex-Clark County Republican commissioner is connected to the fraud whose only known address is the Cheetah Club of Las Vegas,the only strip or lap dance club to my knowledge ever investigated, for whatever reason, under the Patriot Act.

California Dept. Corps:James Dale Davidson created the 'anti-naked short selling' scam (tags)

Although James Dale Davidson was for years a principal part of Agora Inc.of Baltimore,Maryland and around the world and 'cyberspace',he was also,if not the first to use the 'naked shorting' claim to divert attention away from his own illegal pump and dump of worthless penny stock shares,(and not even audited by the SEC in this day and age),he was the first to take the claim to new levels as an organised penny stock scam.And to use the fraudulent claim that 'certs' or paper certificates were the only way to protect your investments in penny stocks from evil 'naked short' sellers who did their evil by way of 'electronic counterfeitting' of shares.

James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia (tags)

Montgomery,Texas' Endovasc,Judge Ken Reilly, Dwight Cantrell,Robert Johnson,David P Summers, James Dale Davidson,Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Houston's accountants McConnell & Jones LLP ,and Charles Schwab,all have some explaining to do about illegal pump and dump and possible money laundering.

small WORLD interview with Carly Milne, Naked Ambition (tags)

Interview with Carly Milne, author and editor of Naked Ambition, a collection of personal essays by Jenna Jameson, Theresa Flynt, Violet Blue, Holly Randall, Tristan Taormino, Tera Patrick, Danni Ashe, Nina Hartley, Jane Duvall and Rachel Kramer Bussel.

Second ciclonudista (world naked bike demonstration) (tags)

Saturday june 11th , 2005 ¡Naked before the traffic! ¡Justice on the streets!


You've just got to accept it the next time you travel with your good looking wife or daughter: of course their breasts are firm like Semtex. And when they or you are fingered, just ask yourself: where's your spine ? Are you going to protest ?

June 12: Naked Bike Ride O.K. For the World, But Not L. A.? (tags)

World Naked Bike http://WorldNakedBikeRide.Org/, a ecological and freedom of expression event held annually around the globe has, according to world organizers, been virtually arrest-free in places as far-flung as London, Portland, Oregon and New Zeland. But Los Angeles and Santa Monica police apparantly are intent on making pre-emptive arrests this Saturday, according to local organizers.

'They should be tried by the Iraqis' (tags)

One iraqi said, "Some of the people inside (Abu Ghraib) have spent two years in prison and they are innocent ... The maximum sentence for the Americans is one year. Is that justice?"

This Shouldn't Be a Brutality Contest (tags)

"it is quite likely that a good number of the naked, hooded, and sexually abused Iraqis shown in those photos are completely innocent"

Pfc. England: I was told to smile for psy ops photos (tags)

Ra'Shadd said England was pulled into the situations by intelligence agents who subverted the military chain of command. He said they used England to humiliate the men being photographed so they could show the pictures to more important prisoners and threaten them with the same treatment.

U.S. atrocities in Iraq (tags)

Occupation troops use attack dogs on Iraqi prisoners (tags)

"Iraq is free of rape rooms and torture chambers." President Bush, remarks to 2003. Republican National Committee Presidential Gala, Oct. 8, 2003 U.S. occupation soldiers threaten an Iraqi detainee with German shepherds in this photo obtained by The New Yorker. The photo was taken in December 2003, at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad. In other photos obtained by The New Yorker, the naked Iraqi prisoner is shown on the ground bleeding from dog bite wounds. (AP Photo/Courtesy of The New Yorker)

Iraqi Rape Rooms: Under New Management (tags)

This is a sickening chronology of how the Bush administration lied about "liberating" Iraq to stop the "Rape Rooms and Mass Graves," but then continuing them "Under New Management"

More pictures of Iraq and updates (tags)


YET MORE PHOTOS OF TORTURE IN IRAQ (tags) has made some of the just released photos available on their website, at:



Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize (tags)

Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize

Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize (tags)

Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize

"It's just not something we would do" (tags)

U.S. soldiers escorting three naked Iraqi men through a Baghdad park.

Naked protest by Ex-British Tank Commander (tags)

An ex-British army tank commander, who saw service in Northern Ireland and other countries, carried out a naked protest against the war in Afghanistan today, Sunday 28th October 2001.

Naked protest by Ex-British Tank Commander (tags)

An ex-British army tank commander, who saw service in Northern Ireland and other countries, carried out a naked protest against the war in Afghanistan today, Sunday 28th October 2001.

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