fix articles 73233, just another
Whole Foods is a Republican Scam (tags)
It comes as no surprise to anyone that the "Whole Foods" company is just another criminal Republican corporation out to make as much money from people as they can while advocating the "fuck you, I got mine!" mindset.
Health Advocate McGuire Speaks Out for Single-Payer (tags)
Andrew McGuire, who's been active in grass-roots health campaigns for over 35 years, came to San Diego May 7 to speak at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church as part of his campaign to get a single-payer health care system enacted and operating in California. McGuire was eloquent about the "immoral, demeaning and lethal" health care system the U.S. has now, and the political pressures making reform impossible at the federal level,but even some progressives in his audience were concerned about details in the plan he was promoting.
Avakian: Religion is Religion, Communism is Scientific (tags)
A Leap of Faith and a Leap to Rational Knowledge: Two Very Different Kinds of Leaps, Two Radically Different Worldviews and Methods This article was written by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, in response to a letter that sent to him. In addition to attacking communism, that letter also argued against the scientific viewpoint and method and insisted that atheism is just another form of religion. This article by Chairman Avakian speaks to a number of points in that letter but focuses on the fundamental difference between a communist and scientific outlook and method on the one hand and, on the other hand, a religious worldview which relies on "leaps of faith."
Corporate future In America. (tags)
Do we have a future of permanent war with all of our commonwealth fed into the grinder in order to swell the off and onshore bank accounts, trusts, etc of this useless uncaring blasé group of malicious, meddling criminals who pull Mr. Bush's strings and are train-wrecking this nation?
Another Modest Proposel (tags)
Does the presence of a soul enhance or decrease the prospect of survival or security? This question is just one of those questions like why are we loosing our world to terror and greed? Do you feel the hunger or the pain of something not of your personal concern?
This is our response to all the neo-nazi and fascist mind control and monopoly shit that the financial oligarchs, the US, CIA and all other fascist scumbags around the world puke on us daily !!!