fix articles 73223, on christmas day
War in Ukraine Over Christmas (tags)
"What Would Jesus Buy?" (review) (tags)
What Would Jesus Buy not only documents Reverend Billy’s street theater activism as he crosses the country, but it also features interviews with shoppers, retail employees, Christmas historians, and authorities on human rights. Additionally, there is footage of sweatshop conditions in Bangladesh--making a compelling call, even for people already aware of the evils of consumerism, to at least cut down on buying for the holidays. And “if we were able to change Christmas, we would change the whole year,” says the Reverend.
How George W. Bush has brough peace, freedom, and democracy to Iraq. (tags)
I was buying groceries in my beloved Amariya neighborhood in west Baghdad when I heard the sound of an AK-47 for about three seconds. It was close but not very close, so I continued shopping. How Iraq reporter's world has changed
CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: A Never-Too-Late Xmas Tale and Song (tags)
In 1864, America was torn in two by the violence and hatred of the Civil War. Yet one man, struggling with his own personal tragedies, still found hope among the we in today's world of seemingly endless hatred and violence must also try to do.
Baghdad New Year's Horror (tags)
Now the horror show begins in earnest. A ruthless civil war unleashed by resident bu$h and his idiotic invasion and occupation of Iraq. Hey bu$h.... where are those weapons of mass destruction you launched this war over?! Iraqi police view a blaze after a Baghdad restaurant was destroyed in a bomb attack on New Year's Eve December 31, 2003. A suspected suicide bombing devastated the Baghdad restaurant crowded with New Year revellers who were mostly wealthy and foreigners. The Wednesday blast killed at least five people, Iraqi police said (photo REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra)
Alternative Carols for the Holiday Season (tags)
Alternative lyrics to your holiday favorites. Get out there and go caroling for economic justice!
Just in time for the holidays! [448 kb in MP3 format (57 sec)]