fix articles 73202, pattern
Scientists read dreams and thoughts (tags)
"The remarkable breakthrough makes use of a fairly straightforward idea: that when we visualize certain types of objects in our minds, our brains generate consistent neural patterns that can then be correlated with what is being visualized."
A wind energy farm has desecrated sacred sites and damaged the environment in Ocotillo Valley. Also, it's dubious if any alternative energy generated has offset the fossil fuel required to build and maintain the project. The 2013 film Greed Energy documents resistance to the farm, which this article further explores and updates.
Predicting Protracted Hard Times (tags)
class war
Economic Recessions in America (tags)
The US economy, and for that matter the global economy, is a living, breathing thing. With that analogy in mind, we find that the comparison is closer than most of us would normally think.
NLG: Massacre part of the ‘killing pattern’ (tags)
-THE MASSACRE in Maguindanao on Nov. 23 that has left more than 50 dead, many of them women, follows the pattern of extrajudicial killings that has been plaguing the Philippines. Death squads have been murdering progressive activists with impunity. The death count has reached more than 1,000 since Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s presidency began. Twenty-two lawyers and 15 judges had been killed before this massacre, and among the dead in Maguindanao are two women lawyers from the National Union of People’s Lawyers—Concepcion “Connie” Brizuela and Cynthia Oquendo.
Los Angelino Artist Speaks Out About Censorhsip And Marginalization In The Arts (tags)
A public statement about a police intel domestic terrorism campaign aimed at the censorship and marginalization of artists
Pacific Palisades Art Association Presents Artist Calliope Caloyera Babu-Khan (tags)
This exhibit of Greek-born artist Calliope Caloyera Babu-Khan features her large abstract paintings, which showcase her unique use of color, form, and pattern
Wildfire Suspect Charged With Arson, Murder (tags)
I smell a patsy. What is undeniable to anyone with a hint of intelligence, integrity, and an awareness of the pattern of arsons in our national forests, a pattern that asserted itself with authority in the wake of the salvage rider (allowing timber companies to benefit hugely from burnt, sometimes healthy trees), is that there is a coordinated, albeit perhaps loosely, effort to maintain a salvage logging profit for these companies. What you can pretty much count on is that the investigation of Raymond Oyler will not lead to any such thing, which is why I call him a patsy.
Remembering what matters (tags)
[This post was promoted from a comment to a lead post. The original post to which is was a comment was, basically, a troll post. The statement here, however, is relevant to the trolling that has been going on lately, where anti-Mexican agitators are posting stories about Mexico on this newswire, particularly stories about rape. What they're doing is a not-so-subtle campaign to bad-jacket people of Mexican descent. -eds]
Possible New, 3rd, Gulf Storm Disaster midOct-midNov/ Jan-Feb Disaster Storm Predicted for (tags)
For the people and gov./non-profit assistance. New storm predictions of dreamers-psychics past and weather storm patterns observed historic and remembered through prehistory oral tradition past to historic time.
Rise and Fall of Syphilis Said Normal (tags)
A recent rise in syphilis rates in the United States is probably due to natural cycles rather than an increase in unsafe sex or other behaviors, according to a new study.
20 Nobel winners decry Bush's misuse of Science (tags)
62 of the nation's leading scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, signed a statement decrying the Bush administration's misuse of science -- documenting more than 30 examples involving the major environmental concerns of our century.
Islam And The Terrorist’s Who Work Within The US. (tags)
The al-Qaida claimed responsibility for the great black out last month. They claimed they targeted the business district and the UN Headquarters’ but would not elaborate on how so they could repeat an attack. Another al-Qaida claim? Coincidently about three weeks later the British business district also experienced a power grid outage and the UN Headquarters was blown up in Iraq shortly after. The month prior Russia experienced a blackout believed to be caused by sabotage. In Iraq the power was also been sabotaged.
George Bush Sends A Signal to the Nation (tags)
Want some easy proof of the Bush Administration's pattern of deception and domestic terrorism? Read on... NOTE: This article is placed into the public domain. You may freely quote it, use it, and modify it with no further permission. Feel free to expand upon the research herein.
Demonstration in front of San Diego School Board (tags)
Please join us in demonstrating our "Loss of Confidence" in the San Diego Unified School District Administration. The board's pattern of poor decision-making is costly and jeopardizing our children's education and safety. Do we really want education blackouts as well?