fix articles 73047, a meeting
Israel prepared to dismantle its nuclear weapons (tags)
As part of US/Iranian deal
Small victory against arson attack (tags)
Report posted Thursday. Several dozen people showed up. Garcetti's office was quick to stop teh public protest and set up a meeting with the City Attorney's office...
US President Barack Obama is proving to be a very elusive prey for a Philippine President supposedly dogging him for a meeting. Instead Arroyo met withUS State Secretary Clinton. Ms Arroyo briefed Clinton on the government’s refocusing the campaign for peace in Mindanao from the armed groups to dialogues with communities, and that engagement with insurgent groups like the secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) would be about “disarmament, demobilization and rehabilitation”.
KPFK is suppose to have a Community Advisory Board, but does it ? (tags)
Open Letter to KPFK's Community Advisory Committee [CAB] -and to the station's staff about lack of station's oversight of it's duties to inform all interested KPFK members about this required committee:
PGMA-Bush Summit, A Meeting of Terrorist (tags)
The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) condemns in the strongest terms possible the President Arroyo of the Philippines and US President Bush summit on June 24 in Washington DC and the coming President Arroyo’s visit to the United States from June 23 -27, 2008.The Arroyo-Bush summit is a meeting of two terrorist. It is a meeting of the most unpopular presidents in their respective countries, a summit between a colonial master and a puppet. Up for discussions are colonial relations, pure and simple. The Filipino people stand nothing to gain from such a meeting of two of the most criticized leaders in the world
Protest the Migra at 10AM - 300 North Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 next Thursday, September 21st, 2006.