fix articles 730, cal state l.
Eagle-Con 2015 at Cal State L.A. (tags)
Comic book writer, actor, screenwriter Kevin Grevioux to receive Eagle-Con’s 2015 Prism Award Cal State L.A. presents its second annual Eagle-Con May 14-15
Comic book writer, actor, screenwriter Kevin Grevioux to receive Eagle-Con’s 2015 Prism Award Cal State L.A. presents its second annual Eagle-Con May 14-15
"Palestine: Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land" -- Cal State L.A., May 26 ' (tags)
How does the media shape our perceptions of the conflict in the Holy Land? Who is presented as the antagonist or protagonist, and why?
The Physics of the Impossible: Sci-fi tech as attainable dream or approaching nightmare (tags)
Teleportation. Force-Fields. Invisibility. Faster than light travel. Contact with alien and robotic intelligences. Are these things possible? Do we even want them? Presented in conjunction with a fund-raising AUCTION of books, autographs, sci-fi collectables, and more.
The Future Is Nearly Here: Do We Want It?? "The Physics of The Impossible" (CalS (tags)
Time travel. Teleportation. Other intelligences. According to Michio Kaku's recent bestseller of the same title, some of these things are on the verge of becoming real. But should they??? Do science fiction novels and movies present us with a dream of the future, or a nightmare to be avoided at all costs? Do you really WANT to live in Star Wars or Star Trek??
THIS WEDNESDAY - Celtic New Year event at Cal State L.A. (tags)
"Lessons From A Silver Branch:" An examination of the endangered Celtic cultures, including spoken word, live music and free dance lesson. Happy Samhain, or Celtic New Year! ("Halloween" to the English)
SAVE THE DATE: Celtic New Year celebration at CSULA, Wed. Oct. 22, 7 p.m. (tags)
Come celebrate Celtic New Year during the season of Samhain (called Hallowe'en by some), with a live band, spoken word and a free dance lesson!
Blase Bonpane talk on War and Morality (CSULA) (tags)
Blase Bonpane will give a talk on "Militarism: What Does Morality Have To Do With It?" on Tuesday, February 19, at 7:15 PM at CSULA.
Focus The Nation Day, January 31: Global Warming Teach-In at CSULA! (tags)
Cal State L.A., long a leader in "green" technologies, will be hosting a day-long discussion by local faculty, staff and students on creating a culture of sustainability.
Focus The Nation: Global Warming Talk at CSULA (tags)
As part of the nationwide "Focus The Nation" effort, which will include over 800 high schools and colleges, Cal State L.A. will begin a series of events on Global Warming with a talk by plant biologist Dr. John Gamon.
"Does God Exist?" - Devil's Advocate Debate at CSULA (tags)
Not so much a religious war as a discussion between a former minister who no longer believes in God, and a scientist who argues against a purely materialist view of the universe.
THIS WEDNESDAY! Reflections and Songs about the Spanish Civil War (tags)
Wednesday August 8 at CSULA: "Silence, Memory and the Spanish Civil War" with music by the Xochisoneros.
Talk at CSULA: "Silence, memory and the Spanish Civil War", August 8 (tags)
Prof. Costa of CSULA will give a presentation on the Spanish Civil War, followed by music by the Xochisoneros.
Protest MacArthur Park Police Brutality at CSULA (tags)
Protest police brutality, the war machine, and racism at the grand opening of the Criminology Lab at CSULA on Friday, May 11th, at 2pm. The site of the grand opening is at Cal State Los Angeles, on the corner of Eastern Ave and State University Dr. It is expected that many politicians (including Arnold) as well as the who's who of law enforcement will be present. Say no to their fascist plans!
TOMORROW! Israel-Palestine debate at CSULA (tags)
Finally, a forum where the two sides can talk civilly to each other.
Reminder! Israel-Palestine debate at CSULA, October 26! (tags)
Who is more at fault for the continuing crisis in Israel/Palestine? This debate may not answer that question to everyone's satisfaction, but at least both points of view will be heard.
Israel-Palestine Debate - SAVE THE DATE! (tags)
On October 26, two pro-Israel debaters and two pro-Arab debaters will discuss the question: which side is at fault in prolonging the conflict?
Don White speaks on Latin America's struggle for social justice - MONDAY MAY 8 at CSULA (tags)
Veteran activist Don White will give a presentation on the upsurge in Latin American movements for democracy and socialism, and what it may mean for us.
Siler talk on Strategic Nuclear Weapons Proliferation (tags)
At CSULA, Thursday 3/2/06.
TUESDAY: "War on Terrorism and the Constitution" (CORRECTED PHONE #) (tags)
Associate Professor Scott Bowman will speak about executive power and individual rights in the post-9/11 era.
Talk at CSULA: War on Terror and Individual Rights (tags)
Professor Bowman will talk about executive power and individual rights in the War on Terror.
TUESDAY! "Cuba: The Dream and the Drama" - with music by Cumbeley and the Xochis (tags)
Follow two Latin bands to a talk about Cuba!
Cuba: The Dream and the Drama - CSULA, 5/17 (tags)
Not just another talk about Cuba's last 45 years of history, but also a musical salsa parade!
Philosophers' Cafe (on sex!) (tags)
April 4th A Dialogue on Values, Faith and the Public Square
TOMORROW! "Social Change in Venezuela" (Musical Parade and Talk at Cal State L.A (tags)
Come to CSULA this Monday for a Venezuelan musical parade followed by a lecture on recent developments!
TOMORROW! Cal State L.A. workshop: "Avoiding Dangerous Relationships" (tags)
Can you recognize the danger signs? Do you know how to get out?
CSULA Workshop: "Avoiding Dangerous Relationships" (Nov. 1) (tags)
Can you recognize the danger signs? Do you know how to get out?
"Imagined Pasts: National Identity in the Dominican Republic" (at CSULA) (tags)
Under the Trujillo dictatorship, a glorious and partly imaginary Indian past was exalted, while Blacks were ignored.
Vigil for murdered CSULA professor, 2/24 (tags)
Dr. Glenda Vittimberga was murdered and beheaded by a friend and former graduate student. So far, the media has virtually ignored it.
Vik Chaubey talk at Cal State L.A.:"Student Movements in the 21st Century": (tags)
A student activist who has worked on both coasts will talk about successes and mistakes (his own and the movement's).
TOMORROW! Speak-out on the war at Cal State L.A. (tags)
Pro-war? Anti-war? Mixed feelings? Here's a free speech fest just for you.
What do you think about the war? Come speak out! (Cal State L.A., Tues. May 20) (tags)
Whether you're pro, anti, or have mixed feelings, come express yourself at this community forum.
TOMORROW! Palestinian and Jewish Women's Perspectives, at Cal State L.A. (tags)
4:30 PM, April 14th.
Please save the date!
Palestinian and Jewish Women's Perspectives: a talk at Cal State LA, April 14 (tags)
A Palestinian woman and a Jewish woman will share their perspectives on the current plight of the Palestinian people.
FINAL REMINDER! A debate: Is the Bush Administration attacking the Constitution? (tags)
Final reminder: TOMORROW, at Cal State L.A., a Muslim student and an Arab-American defense attorney debate an FBI spokesman and a Pepperdine professor
(re-post because of "No Data" error box) Next week: Arab/Muslims vs. FBI (tags)
I had to re-post this because my previous post "contains no data"
Don't miss it! Next week: arab and Muslim citizens vs. the FBI and the Federalist Society (tags)
A Muslim student and an Arab-American defense lawyer square off against an FBI spokesman and a lawyer from Pepperdine, over the Constitution and the Bush Administration. At Cal State L.A.
SAVE THE DATE! Debate on post-9/11 civil liberties (re-post) (tags)
Arab and Muslim citizens vs. the FBI and the Federalist Society!
Save the date! Debate on post-9/11 civil liberties (tags)
Muslim Americans confront the FBI in a forum at Cal State L.A.
Taco Bell Boycott Protests (tags)
L.A. area contributions to the Taco Bell Boycott Campaign National 3 Days of Action.
Student anti-war rally in downtown LA (tags)
Nearly 200 students and others demonstrated yesterday in downtown LA against the war.