fix articles 72873, sunday november
Award-Winning Doc "Lion Ark" Roars Into Oakland (tags)
The award-winning film Lion Ark – the story of the dramatic rescue of 25 lions from circuses in Bolivia – comes to California
Award Winning Actor Documentary “Lion Ark” DVD Release and US Tour (tags)
“Lion Ark” tour to promote the DVD release in November
PRESS RELEASE: Occupy L.A. to Host Free Foreclosure Workshop (tags)
Occupy L.A. will host a free “Foreclosure” workshop.
Comedians gather to benefit new Comedy Museum.
Honduras State Employees Forced to Attend Santos Campaign Rally (tags)
"On Saturday November 28 military soldiers raided the offices of small business collective RED-COMAL in Siguatepeque, Comayagua, a city approximately 2 hours north from the capital. The Police Commissioner issued a search warrant 15 minutes after the raid began with the purpose of looking for weapons, posters and any documents that call on the population not to vote. Ricardo Bueso, speaking to, reported that the military and police stole four laptops along with money from some of the organization’s sales The National Front Against the Coup d'Etat has called on its participants to remain indoors in a "voluntary curfew" in noncooperation with the fraudulent vote. Should any incidents of violence occur today it won't be from the Resistance, but, rather, the result of the regime's own provocateurs. National presidential candidate Carlos H. Reyes withdrew from the ballot last month, as did many Congressional candidates and one major-party vice presidential candidate: Santos' own running mate on the Liberal Party line is among those who reject this fraudulent process as illegitimate."
Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (12-14/Nov) (tags)
Hasta la fecha, se han anunciado los siguientes retenes policiales a través de la prensa corporativa. Seguro que habrá más de los mencionados. Si usted ve un retén, favor de comunicárselo a su organización comunitaria local o reportarlo aquí en indymedia. These are the checkpoints that have been announced in the corporate press so far. There are sure to be more. If you see one, please report it to your local community organization or post it here on indymedia.
Important DEMOS against Huntingdon Life Sciences - November (tags)
Calling all AR activists to come out for DEMOS Saturday November 7, Sunday November 8 and Wednesday November 11 at 12NOON each day. Huntingdon Life Sciences will have a booth at the 2009 AAPS Exposition in Los Angeles.
Elton John Backed by The World Peace Religion (tags)
Only we can because the other religions command the killing of all non group members in their Holy Bibles.
Barack (Osama) Obama unmasked: Another G.E. Bush-Clinton stooge (tags)
It can now be reported that the new US Media pet Barack Obama Democrat Illinois has amassed a 21 million dollar slush fund. The money is tied to Texas Tejas Security, a major backer of the Bush family. Barack Osama Obama is also tied to a Chicago Washington Based law firm Skadden Arps. What makes this scandalous is...
NOV 11-13: Arlington West Veterans Day Weekend (tags)
400 Volunteers are needed at Arlington West just north of Santa Monica Pier at 9AM on Saturday, November 12th to carry 100 flag draped coffins on a procession thru Santa Monica. To volunteer call Tonia at 310.455.2688.
Activist DICK GREGORY told this weekend's Dalas conference on domestic assassinations, "We have the power".
Anti-Quarantine AIDS Activists Held On One Million Dollars Bail (tags)
First they came for the Middle Eastern/South Asian/Muslim people, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't Middle Eastern/South Asian/Muslim. Then they came for the people with AIDS. . .