fix articles 72618, day without immigrants
Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) Year-End Report, 2006 (tags)
The year 2006 was a fruitful and a meaningful year for Filipino World War II Veterans and their advocates. The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) started the year with a collective action and ended it with a Christmas celebration. JFAV was formed in December 16, 1998 in Los Angeles. It took over from the December 7 Movement (D7M) that started the veterans movement gfor recogntion, justice and equity campaign with the first mass action infront of the Westwood Federal building on Decmber 7, 1993. Now JFAV is composed of 32 youth and student organizations, 25 community organizations and 5 veterans organizations based in Southern California and a network all over the United States. We in JFAV take this opportunity not only to report our activities and greet our activist and advocates a new year, but to thank everybody for a year well done and accomplished!
September 2006: National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest (tags)
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
7/28-30 NGIS Conference: A Success & Milestone for the Immigrant Rights Movement! (tags)
Yesterday We Marched Today We Organized Tomorrow We'll Achieve Our Dreams and Goals!
7/28-30 Washington, DC: National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference (tags)
Together, We Build A New National, Broad-Based, Immigrant Rights / Civil Rights Movement!
March 25th Western Regional Conference A Success! (tags)
The Western Regional Conference brought together members of the March 25th Coalition yesterday at the United Teachers of Los Angeles building.
3/25 Coalition Western Regional Conference on Immigration (tags)
March 25th Coalition Western Regional Conference
National President - MAPA (tags)
A potential compromise on immigration reform might be reached soon in the Senate but some immigration advocates are against the Hagel-Martinez legislation. On Tuesday, the March 25th Coalition will hold a press conference calling upon Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer to support full legalization and vote against the Hagel-Martinez compromise.
¡Somos Milliones! We are millions! (tags)
The May Day outpouring, which was called the “Gran Paro Americano / Great American Strike” or “Un Día Sin Inmigrantes / A Day Without Immigrants” was, though in a partial form due to the minimal organized participation of most trade unions, a general strike: by all measures a momentous political advance for the working class.
BTL:Labor's Embrace of Immigration Issues Could Reverse Unions' Decline (tags)
Interview with Michael Zweig, State University of New York economics professor, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
May Day 2006 - We Have Made History! And the Next Step (tags)
Today was one of the most important days in U.S. history: tens of millions of immigrants, activists and allies in over 200 cities from across the country chose to skip work, school, and the normal daily routine to participate in "A Day Without Immigrants."
Will it be a 'Day Without Immigrants'? (tags)
Organizers predict unprecedented participation at rallies against a proposed crackdown on illegal immigration, with millions expected to boycott jobs and schools. "A Day Without Immigrants" is meant to show the economic power of immigrants.
March from Historic Filipinotown (Beverly-Temple Corridor) Los Angeles to Macarthur Park ( (tags)
March from Historic Filipinotown (Beverly-Temple Corridor) Los Angeles to Macarthur Park (7th/Wilshire St.) on May 1 We, in the Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) and People’s CORE call on all immigrant rights advocates, all immigrants and everyone who loves freedom to go all out for the May 1 Great American Boycott – A Day Without ImmigrantsLet us march together From Historic Filipinotown to Macarthur Park on Monday, May 1 at 2:00 PM
The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) vehemently condemns the latest series of raids of the Bush administration authorities against undocumented immigrants all over the nation most particularly in the East Coast that arrested more than 1,800 immigrants. Particularly, the CDIR is concerned with the raids conducted against the Filipinos during unholy hours in Chicago, Illinois and the nearby areas of that state. In those areas of the Midwest, many of the undocumented Filipinos work as caregivers or some other health care occupation.
A call for Street & Graffiti Artists (tags)
This is a call for all Graffiti Artists, Taggers and Writers, to show their solidarity with the Immigration and Workers Movement by adding Unete/Join Us, 1 de Mayo, May 1st, or anything similar, to all their pieces in the up-coming weeks leading up to May Day. We need your help getting the message out to the masses.
People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) and the Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) – Los Angeles calls on all immigrants and their advocates to support the National Day of Action, today, April 10 in 61 cities of the United States including our city- Los Angeles The People’s CORE and the CDIR call on all immigrant rights advocates, all immigrants and everyone who loves freedom and go all out for the May 1 Great American Boycott – A Day Without Immigrants and support the April 10 National Mobilization at Placita Olvera, 5:00 PM in downtown Los Angeles Let us all act to stop racism and build a new movement for and in defense of civil rights and human rights that are being trampled in the belly of this capitalist beast.
We, in the Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) – Los Angeles and the People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) Immigrant Rights and Social Justice Program (IRSJP), express our indignation and alarm over the compromise that was hammered out in the in the so-called “Immigration Reform Overhaul Bill” in the US Senate today, April 6, 2006. The CDIR and People’s CORE call on all immigrant rights advocates, all immigrants and everyone who loves freedom and go all out for the May 1 Great American Boycott – A Day Without Immigrants. Let us all act to stop racism and build a new movement for and in defense of civil rights and human rights that are being trampled upon in the belly of this capitalist beast. Defend Immigrant Rights, FULL RIGHTS FOR IMMIGRANTS, NOW! #