fix articles 7255, oprah winfrey
The Trojan Horse and Away from the Herd (tags)
In "Away from the Herd," the author compares the modern plight with docile submissive people in WW1. "Tagore criticizes modern civilization, which is crushed by materialism. He compares it to a giant giraffe: intelligence has grown into excess and has departed from the heart, the body is wasting away.
Oprah Please Stop Selling Dead Animal Pieces (tags)
Meat, mammal and bird flesh, comes from the hideous suffering of animals who were murdered. It is the least efficient of all foods, yielding 100 to 1000 pounds of food per acre in comparison to the most efficient, tree products, which when allowed to live to an old age, yield 2 tons or more of food or 450,000 lbs per acre. Meateaters contract cancers, heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer's, food poisoning, kidney disease, obesity. Cattle ranches hasten climate extremes of drought, fire, baking summers and freezing winters.
Voiceless Animals: 2018 Candidates They Oppose (tags)
The animal abusing Repubican senators up for reelection are listed. This year's house races are easy to determine. 220 of the 235 Republicans in the House voted to bring aerial hunting and bear cub murder to our national park in Alaska. 220 Republicans voted to allow the murder of nearly 1000 sea lions because they eat salmon that fishermen want.
Please Vote Against These Animal Abusers In Nov Or Early Voting (tags)
Please vote out the 52 Republican senators who have a terrible record of votes for animal abuse and slaughter. Please vote out the 220 Republican House members who voted for aerial hunting in our national park. Please vote out all who vote for Donald Trump's agenda.
When Will the Me Too Movement Take on the New Age? (tags)
The New Age movement are some of the most prominent unrepentant abusers of women. Why has the Me Too movement not gone after them? Their pseudo feminism.
Jesuit Priest And War Resister On Ethical Imperative of Vegetarianism (tags)
Ethical, Health, Spiritual and other reasons a Catholic antiwar priest decided to become vegetarian
What's In Hot Dogs, Sausages, Cold Cuts? (tags)
As Heinz has exploited dachshunds in a Superbowl commercial designed to sell their catsup as well as Heinz animal flesh products, the reality is not a happy running dog. Hotdogs are some of the filthiest things people can put in their mouths
The Carrot with the Stick Islamic 3rd World Grab Bag Excavations (tags)
Saddam Husein's involvement with the Iraqi Baath Socialist Party in 1955. Baathists were reported to have chapters in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Yemen. Baathists are described in the history text "Dictionary of the Middle East" by Dilip Hiro St> Martins Press. Baathists believe in a Pan Arab future.
ACT: Ask Oprah Winfrey to Renounce Leviev’s Angolan Blood Diamonds and Israeli Settlements (tags)
US megastar and social justice philanthropist Oprah Winfrey wore diamond earrings made by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev on the cover of the May 2015 edition of O, the Oprah Magazine. She wore the earrings despite the fact that Leviev’s companies have been involved in brutal human rights abuses in the diamond industry in Angola and in the construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Please join the call for Ms. Winfrey to support the human rights of Angolans and Palestinians.
Quotes On Universal Or Dietary Nonviolence (tags)
The thoughts of many crystallized into words on nonviolent food and lifestyle
Blackstone Equity Group & China's CIC Funding$ Create Taiji$ "The Cove" Dolphin Slaughter! (tags)
As many around the world already know,brave Anonymous members interested in protecting Gods Dolphin families from the continued Japanese slaughter in Taiji Japan, "The Cove", have issued warnings to Japan to abate this International destructive horror !
Presidential Medal of Freedom Hypocrisy Redux (tags)
police state
Reinventing a War Criminal: Defending the Bush Legacy (tags)
the man symbolizes depravity
Oprah, Me and Reality TV (tags)
My escapades auditioning for on Oprah Winfrey’s new reality program, "Your Own Show." Ten contestants will compete to host their own television show on Oprah’s new network, OWN.
If You Eat, You Need to See “Food, Inc.” (tags)
If you eat, you need to see “Food, Inc.,” Robert Kenner's incisive documentary about the corporate food industry and its wanton disregard for workers’, farmers’ and consumers’ rights, the environment, freedom of speech and press and even the health of its customers. Kenner’s film shows how the industrial model of food production was pioneered by McDonald’s and other pioneering fast-food companies, and the awesome power of the corporate foodocracy in suppressing any debate about the health of its products and any regulation to stop corporate food from killing people.
The Democrats' Trudeau? (tags)
"Love him or hate him, Obama is the most interesting American to enter politics for years."
Barack Obama Al Gore Bob and Sarah Dylan on Global Warming (tags)
We are now turning the corner on world peace and climate change.
Births of Babies in Unlikely Places (tags)
Perhaps dreams come true in the religious sphere, but dreams don't come true in the political world without work and commitment. There are no real grinches or miracle births, only our own sweat equity and perseverance.
Film Night at Flor y Canto: March 2003-September 2005 (Part 1 of 2) (tags)
To mark the five-year anniversary of the Eagle Rock Peace Vigil, here is a list of films shown at Flor y Canto over a two-and-a-half year period. These almost-weekly screenings were an outgrowth of the Eagle Rock Vigil. (A link to the rest of this list can be found below in "comments.")
Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq? (tags)
The president's family has set an appallingly bad example for wartime sacrifice.
Bono's RED campaign a massive flop (tags)
The American public rejected 'AID$' mania in a massive rebuttal of a last ditch attempt to keep the flagging 'AIDs' myth alive. At last the public has noticed Magic is alive and well and noting about the 'AIDS epidemic' has proved to be true.
Are You the Terrorist Next Door? The AETA and the Green Scare (tags)
Congress recently passed legislation called the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), which can be used to prosecute civil disobedience and speech as “domestic terrorism” when an animal-related business loses profits and property. The Act also protects corporations that pollute and destroy the environment.
Osama Bin Laden Renamed Muqtada al-Sadr by America (tags)
Here is the inside story of what’s really going on with Iraq and Iran straight from the horse in the Godfather’s mouth.
Women's Art Exhibit and Writer Series (tags)
"Le Deuxieme Sexe?" Women's Art Exhibit and Writer Series at Carlotta's Passion Fine Art in Eagle Rock Chicano Studies, Women Studies, and Mexican Art History. Reina Prado's link to Calaca Press: Judith Terzi Shiny Things Make Things Come Back (2002) was Ms. Terzi's first chapbook, a collection inspired, in part, by her mother's five-year long, see-saw adventure with severe vascular dementia. In her second collection, Lightning Bugs Don't Travel Westward (2004), while a few pieces relate to this illness, most are reflections on nature, transitions, institutions, or on the general political and social dementia of our times. Ms. Terzi's work has appeared in various print and online publications, including The Teacher's Voice (2005), the anthology, An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind: Poets on 9/11, Moondance ( . Ms. Terzi says, "While most of my poetry is in English, I do enjoy writing in French and Spanish as well. My CD, Wings of the Andes, is a blend of old and new poems. I hold an M.A. in French Literature and am a career teacher, having taught many different subject matters at every level of instruction. The highlights of my career have been teaching English and French at an American School in Algiers, Algeria; writing at California State University, Los Angeles; and French language and literature at Polytechnic School in Pasadena, California." Reviewer Comment "Judy has been quick in sensing the rhythm or beat of a poem. She can tell when a line has lost the rhythm. She has been showing a keen interest in correct usage of English language...When she recites poetry, her posture could be improved, however; she drops her head forward, and a bit to one side. She seems to enjoy creative work. - G. Metzner, Ms. Terzi's third grade teacher Kathleen Tyler Kathleen Tyler's poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals including Runes, Solo, Margie, Coe Review, Visions International, Diner, and Poetry Motel. She currently teaches English at a public school in Los Angeles. Some poets who she especially likes are Marsha de la O, Larissa Szporluk, Yusef Komunyakaa, H.D., and Garcia Lorca. Kathleen's first book of poetry, The Secret Box, is forthcoming in September. Reviewer Comments The Secret Box is full of gorgeous and dangerous poems; poems with the flickering intensity of film noir; poems in which violence or tenderness -- or both -- might erupt at any moment, and do. I admire Kathleen Tyler's craft and her courage. These poems are gutsy and lyrical, risky and magical; they speak of, and to, a dark and beautiful world. - Cecilia Woloch Negotiating terrain that is both provocative and revealing, these poems leave the senses singed with formidable hope and startling clarity. - Jawanza Dumisani
Adam Weissman on Freeganism (tags)
Interview with Adam Weissman of
Why doesn't Oprah Winfrey also start a "Crusade" against the much more heinous B (tags)
Why doesn't Oprah Winfrey also start a "Crusade" against the much more heinous Bush Admin."Crimes"?
Indymedia shines during Hurricanes (tags)
Corporate media reports rumor as fact and doesn't both to correct itself. no wonder Indymedia shines, unfiltered reporting no coporate agenda.
Connecting the Dots: Michael Moore, White Nationalism & the Multiracial Left (tags)
Found this one on the Azine. "Connecting the Dots: Michael Moore, White Nationalism & the Multiracial Left"
Please put me on the NRA Blacklist (tags)
The list, which was filed deep in the official NRA Web site, has been heavily publicized by a group of anti-gun campaigners who are working for two pieces of gun control legislation going through Congress.
Governor Groper's reveals his economic plan for working Californians (tags)
Governor Groper plans to jumpstart California's sluggish economy by passing a law which will require millions of homeowners across the state to knock down their chimneys. Governer Groper estimates that rebuilding efforts alone will create thousands of "fantastic jobs" for thousands of unemployed workers.
SATURDAY NOON: Protesters to Hit Arnold Again (tags)
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett for President? Some Green Party voters say "Yes&q (tags)'s primary was yet another attempt to marginalize the Green Party. Here is your chance to participate in a Green primary.
The Queen of Daytime talk-shows pimps for war.