fix articles 72185, who owns
Capitalism in the Faith Crisis (tags)
Trust in the "invisible hand" is a religious exercise ensuring a rule over people that is destructive and fatal. Christians and Marxists wage a common struggle against the spirit, logic, and praxis of the false money-god and its servants.
The Social State Benefits All of Us (tags)
The social state can on ly fulfill expectations when financed on a broad and just basis. The social state must be adjusted to do justice to the pressing challenges.."The social state is the greatest cultural achievement in the 20th century"
Who Owns the Sky? The Climate in the Globalization Trap (tags)
The bad news is that there are more inconvenient truths. Climate change is present, not future. Globalization and protection of the atmosphere do not go together. Climate policy has a past. Economic profit dominance always has a priority over climate protection.
The Aesthetic of Neoliberalism (tags)
The aesthetic of neoliberalism bids farewell to the bad in its environment. Originality and color disappear. Crap tends to make itself into an inquisition and banishes everything that cannot be adjusted in the trash of the system.
Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack (tags)
"The Israeli Navy Commando had prior knowledge of who was on the Turkish ship including where passengers were residing in terms of cabin layout. According to Swedish author Henning Mankell, who was on board the Marmara , "the Israeli forces attacked sleeping civilians."
Can a Person Own HIs/Her Mother? (tags)
No one can own what exists in nature except nature. A human cannot own its own mother. However western ownership systems have been forced on us again and again that contradict our worldview and our values. Ubunto is another example: "I only live when you live."
Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part II (tags)
Part II of Brown's superb book.
1/12 Palestine Watch:War and Natural Gas-Israeli Invasion & Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields (tags)
Here's another critical information the reason behind Israeli invasion of Gaza, has been motivated by the Gaza's offshore oilfield. Major oil companies like: BP and CCC are involved....
Th 11/13 Who Owns the Media w Matt Gonzalez @ Cal Poly (tags)
6-9pm w dinner provided Cal Poly Pomona Bronco Student Cetner, Ursa Major Bldgt 35-2611 Free Parking in B Lot
Who Owns the Media in Los Angeles (tags)
Speak out against media consolidation on October 3. The FCC will have two hearings in Los Angeles.
Garrett describes developer Ralph Horowitz as venting his wrath against the South Central Farmers in an hour - long migrant-bashing tirade.
Who Owns the Sky? Reviving the Commons (tags)
"Not since the Golden Age of the 1890s has so much public wealth been shoveled into private hands with such brazen efficiency. Timber companies, corporate ranchers and foreign mining companies.. are plundering our national patrimony.."
President Re-Affirms Solidarity With Cuba (tags)
I'd like to remind all citizens that I've already expressed solidarity with the popular governments of Cuba, Venezuala, France, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Palestine, Russia, the Swiss Confederation, the Iroquois Confederacy, and all the people of the world who advocate equal rights and equal responsibilities....
Ah, shucks! Now the ADL-Mossad will threaten to burn down my apartment again. Well, I'm getting used to death threats and financial harassment. It builds character....
The solar-industrial revolution would have put you thieves out of business before trying to enslave the entire world. But then you'd have no "power", would you?
Sex, Lies and Weapons of Mass Distraction (tags)
Tomorrow's Edition of Our Historical Crisis....
Just Another Coincidence.... (tags)
As most folks outside the USA already know, real Jews worship God, not "money". Real Jews are not mammonists. Talmudic Euro-Ashkenazis are neither real Jews, nor are they Semitic. And since the so-called "Jewish banking conspiracy" is EXPOSED, by definition it isn't a "conspiracy", but just a manifestation of the neurotic death-industrial COMPLEX....
Who "owns U.S."? Is the "U.S. government" a private corporation? If so, why protest individual sub-corporations rather than taking lawful action against the biggest coup d'etat in history?