fix articles 71543, terminal island
Nuclear Bomb Witness, Mobile Audit Club Daily Forewords, ISIS good Sissies like Reid Fag, (tags)
Robin Williams was led and coaxed helped to his death by those who did not care for him. Our leaders, some of them have tried to do the same to many of us. It is time to awaken to the facts revealed by Mobile Audit Club's Saintrambone
As Quartermaster Memory Returns, Nuclear Disaster Directly off So Cal Coast 1983 (tags)
Radio active carrion or fresh seafood from the California coast? I was witness to the flash and later I was witness to the radiation and to this day show the scars. Here is the latest from Mobile Audit Club, as my memory returns.
Nuclear Bomb LA 1983, Revelations tortured Witness Recovers from 14 year coma (tags)
A nuclear bomb was viewable from San Pedro in Los Angeles in 1983. I saw the edge of it and my girlfriend saw it directly from our apartment. I am Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone, former USN Quartermaster on the USS Reid FFG 30 and I was a FDIC bank examiner and journalist
San Pedro Born Activist Yuri Kochiyama Dies (tags)
Yuri Kochiyama, activist in the Black Liberation, Puerto Rican, and Japanese American Redress and Reparations movements, has passed on.
1983 Nuclear Bomb Pacific LA View, Memory Executions, of USS Reid FFG 30 , USS Dier Fag (tags)
You should be aware that a nuclear bomb detonated in view of LA likely under the sea in 1983. I am having memory recollections of likely executions at Long Beach Naval Station, war at FDIC 10 years later in San Francisco
Running Down the Walls 2012 Carrera para Bajar los Muros 2012 (tags)
Throughout the US and Canada, chapters of the Anarchist Black Cross Federation held simultaneous runs to raise funds for the needs of political prisoners and prisoners of war, as well as to continue to chip away at the system that massively incarcerates impoverished people and colonized people worldwide. Runs were also held at four prisons. In Los Angeles, the event drew about thirty runners to MacArthur Park. There they joined members of Revolutionary Autonomous Communities who were present for the weekly food program, danzantes from Danza Cuauhtémoc, in attendance to bless the run, and supporters from the radical community throughout Southern California. The over $1000 raised was split between ABC to replenish the warchest and RAC to support its ongoing mutual aid and organizing efforts.
A lo largo de los Estados Unidos y Canadá, comités de la Federación Cruz Negra Anarquista (ABC, por sus siglas en inglés) realizaron carreras simultáneas para recaudar fondos para las necesidades de presxs políticxs, al igual que para seguir derrotando el sistema que encarcela a una escala masiva a gente empobrecida y gente colonizada por todo el mundo. También se efectuaron carreras en cuatro penales. En Los Ángeles, alrededor de treinta partícipes asistieron al evento en el Parque MacArthur. A sus filas se sumaron integrantes de Comunidades Autónomas Revolucionarias (RAC, por sus siglas en inglés), quienes se presentan cada domingo para su programa semanal de repartición de alimentos, danzantes de Danza Cuauhtémoc, quienes llegaron para bendecir el evento, y adherentes de comunidades radicales de todas partes del sur de California. La suma de la recaudación, que superó mil dólares, se dividirá entre ABC para suplir su tesoro y RAC para solvemtar sus esfuerzos organizativos y de asistencia mutua.
Recent raids at Warehouses (tags)
ICE raids aren't just about immigration - they are a collusion of right-wing forces that attack immigrants, working people, and ethnic communities.
ICE Drugging Deportees - Fascism Is Here Now (tags)
ICE Drugs deportees. In one case, a Christian pastor, who was trying to communicate to the pilot that the Federal agents flanking him were in violation of a court order putting a stay on his deportation. In another case, the Feds did not even keep a record of what drug they used...
FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders (tags)
There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty
FEMA camps for enemies of the state (tags)
This is where they plan to store people for liquidation if they don't go along with the program, the only way to dislodge them from power is using their own tactics, otherwise this will be the fate many will endure...
FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders (tags)
Read it and weep.