fix articles 7135, father state
The Viral Death of School (tags)
A real improvement in the school system could only come from a change in the underlying conception of man. Children must be treated as human beings with their own dignity and rights - not as stuffed geese that can be filled with knowledge of the state at will.
Manipulation of Public Opinion (tags)
Timocracy-rule of the propertied-threatens to replace democracy. The large majority is blocked from political participation and from forming their social future-unlike what was intended in the model of the majority principle in democracy.
How Does Justice Come to the Economy? (tags)
The U.S. is More Greek than Greece (tags)
Deficit economies were organized mainly by finance capital. The expansion of this credit-financed mass demand went along with the expansion of the financial sector. Trillions of dollars and Euros were pumped in the stabilization of financial markets.
As the revered godlike head of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan pursued a policy of cheap money. Whenever the financial markets began to correct their own madness, he opened the floodgates for more money..The world stares so intensely at growth that it forgets distribution.