fix articles 71117, cats
The richest animal on earth - Nazis and animal welfare (tags)
Was it just conditioning or why did dogs collaborate with the Nazis? And why are there are only few rich cats?
Cheryn Smilen Arrested for the starvation death of 18 cats (tags)
I just found this interesting piece on Facebook of a lady who was arrested in Miami Florida for starving 18 cats to death
Exposed: The Miserable Lives of the Last Exotic Animal Act on The Las Vegas Strip (tags)
The last exotic animal act exposed in Las Vegas
! Best Friends Rescues Over 1000 Puppies ! (tags)
Best Friends rescures over one thousand puppies from their prison!
For legal and informational means ONLY. Contact those responsible for the imprisonment of cats at the University of California-Irvine
Comment in the media: Sofia, EU Fails Against Theft and ‘Poaching’ of Roaming Animals (tags)
Comment in the Sofia Echo, a Bulgarian weekly in English language
4/12 UC Berkeley anti-vivisection home demonstration reportback (tags)
Despite talk of a new law (AB 2296) meant to stifle free speech, anti-vivisection activists in Berkeley, CA are continuing the campaign. UC Berkeley cat killer Ralph Freeman receives another home demonstration!
Stop UC-Berkeley vivisection. 40,000 animals currently tortured. (tags)
For informational purposes only!
REQUEST to the Bulgarian Authorities (tags)
PLEASE send the request with a short supporting statement to:,,,,, Cc:
(2) Boycott Bulgarian Officials Making Worse Animal Protection Legislation (tags)
Few weeks before Bulgarian accession to EU we are still witness to worsening the animal protection legislation taken by the Government.
Bulgaria: National policy on increasing pet populations (tags)
Letter to the Chairman of Bulgarian Parliament
Illegal collection and traffic of cats and dogs in Bulgaria (tags)
Letter to the Supreme Prosecutor of Bulgaria
THE TRUTH ABOUT SPAM (Self Protecting American Measure) (tags)
Stop Spamming Me!
Rescued cats still need homes (tags)
Abandoned cats still need homes.
Cat Rescue in the San Gabriel Mountains (tags)
17 abandoned cats were rescued from the San Gabriel Mountains
Cats abandoned, need help (tags)
In the San Gabrial Mountains above Azusa, California, 11 or more domestic cats have been abandoned because their care givers have been evicted from the Camp Follows area, leaving a lot of cats behind to starve.
SOS fakes Alhambra Rally (tags)
Using a tactic that could best be described a silly the Save Our State organization has posted details for a rally that never took place.
America's dirty secret 6 Million companion animals / pets murdered every year (tags)
Tell everyone about Americas inhumane secret. Spay and neuter is needed to humanely prevent healthy pets being euthanized in America every year. There are not enough homes for the 6 million homeless pets America murders every year. Tell everyone you know what is going on in shelters near you. The dogs you can see in these pictures are scheduled for euthanization in just one animal control shelter in less than a week.
Society for protection of animal rights in Egypt(SPARE)
Bush, a long time hater and torturer of cats and kittens, was attacked today by a small band of stray cats.
It is estimated that there may be 4 million feral cats in L.A. County alone. And the numbers are growing. A single female cat and her offspring can multiply to 420,000 cats in seven years, unless there is human intervention.
Korea - Dog and Cat Meat (tags)
Scandal in South Korea
International day of protest for S. Korean Dogs and Cats (tags)
In an effort to shine a spotlight on the illegal trade in dog and cat products thriving in South Korea, IDA is joining Animal Freedom Korea and others for an international day of protest.
MOVE and the Abuse of Animals (tags)
MOVE and the Abuse of Animals
Still Killing Stray Animals While Promoting Tourism And Trying To Enter The EU (tags)
CROATIA Please send a letter of protest.
Forget the drama of next month's Olympics - the real Greek tragedy is the nation's appalling record on the welfare of animals, says Justine Hankins
LA Animal Services = Hell on Earth for Animals (tags)
As General Manager of LA Animal Services, Jerry Greenwalt supervised, arranged and condoned the needless murder of over 44,000 Innocent Dogs and Cats in Los Angeles Last Year.
Electronic Sit-In against Animal Cruelty (tags)
A site that was shut - down due to animal cruelty last year has returned. People are trying to shut it down again!! (
A New Olympic Event - Torture (tags)
As the 2004 Olympics approaches, animal torture in Greece is reaching ever higher levels.
Genetically moggified answer to cat problem (tags)
A biotechnology company in the US is working on producing a genetically altered, allergen-free cat.