fix articles 7096, los angeles jews
Los Angeles Stages Hollywood Antiwar Protest for Eighth Year (tags)
Rally called out by ANSWER Coalition brings out the Faithful. Photo Set one of three
The last of the Halloween candy has been eaten. The harvest moon is a radiant memory. The family festival of Thanksgiving has drawn us closer together. All of these warm seasonal memories can mean only one thing: It’s time for the Christmas haters to shift into high gear.
Josh Ruebner of Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel Speaks in LA (tags)
Josh Ruebner, Director and Co-Founder of Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel (JPPI) to Los Angeles. Ruebner has just returned from leading a delegation of Congressional staffers--who were originally denied entry--to Israel/Palestine. Monday, September 2 (Labor Day) at 1:15 PM at the Peace Center, 8124 West Third Street (near Crescent Heights)
Demonstration at Feinstein's Office re Palestine (tags)
Groups come together to protest Feinstein's anti-Palestinian position
Tamara Rettino, a Jewish mother of three, and resident of Los Angeles spoke of her recent trip to the West Bank and Gaza Strip to a standing-room-only crowd of more than150 people at a local Jewish community center. Rettino traveled to the Middle East to join with the hundreds of international volunteers who gathered as a part of "Freedom Summer,” sponsored by the International Solidarity Movement.
Peaceful Protest to Decries Bombing as Sharon Answer to Cease-Fire Offer (tags)
LA Jews to Construct "Checkpoint" Outside Israeli Consulate 4:30 PM on Thursday July 25th at 6380 Wilshire Blvd. Less than twenty-four hours after, the Hamas leaders made an unprecedented public call for a cease-fire with Israel, Prime Minister Sharon responded by sending an F-16 fighter plane on a bombing spree in Gaza, killing 15 including 9 children.
LA Jews to Construct "Checkpoint" Outside Israeli Consulate (tags)
LOS ANGELES-- A local Jewish group will construct a street theater check-point outside the Israeli consulate to "highlight one of the many injustices that Palestinian people face every day." WHEN: 4:30 PM Thursday, July 25, 2002 WHERE: The Israeli Consulate 6380 Wilshire Blvd (west of Crescent Heights) WHAT: Picket and Street Theater Checkpoint Outside Israeli Consulate