fix articles 70942, indefinite
Campaign organizes to push back against Obama provision to arrest Americans (tags)
Detention prevention strategy goes national
Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention (tags)
police state
Could Obama use NDAA To Arrest Militias? (tags)
Pres. Obama could use NDAA provisions to order U.S. Military Forces to round up without evidence, millions of Americans including militias by alleging they are belligerents or a threat to National Security.
Next Stop: NDAA Hell for Americans' Civil Liberties? (tags)
Under NDAA, the U.S. Government or President could claim anyone was (directly aligned with militants) e.g. any political or other association; charge any activity, statement, writing or communication was (directly aligned) with an individual or group the government deemed (militant) to arrest and indefinitely detain Americans.
Legislating Tyranny in America (tags)
Indefinite Domestic Military Detentions (tags)
police state
Obama's Lawless Authorization of Military Commissions Injustice (tags)
BTL:Obama Executive Order to Institutionalize Indefinite Detention (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.
Obama Picks Kagan, Backer of Indefinite Detention Without Trial, for High Court (tags)
Obama Picks Kagan, Backer of Indefinite Detention Without Trial, for High Court
CKUT Radio: Guantanamo Bay - The Militarization of Law (tags)