fix articles 70877, in geneva
What was thought to be temporary has remained until today. Snowden warns of a similar process in the context of a real crisis. Surveillance is accepted The virus is dangerous. But the destruction of our rights is fatal because it is permanent, Snowden believes.
The Shortwave Report 03/30/18 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.
Iran Nuclear Talks: Raising the Bar (tags)
Profile of a World Class Diplomat (tags)
Globalization and the New Political Movements (tags)
Attac, a global justice network in many European countries, demands closing off-shore tax havens and debt cancellation for the third world. The word globalization has a function as a threat. Be flexible because capital is flexible and the state can do nothing!
London to Geneva Peace Walk, May 2008 (tags)
We have been in France for 28 days, and over a month since the walk began. We have had huge support from not just local people but globally the walk has been joined by people from Japan, Canada, German, France, Italy, Australia, Sweden, Scotland, England, Niger & the United States of America.
London to Geneva Peace Walk, May 2008 (tags)
We have been in France for 28 days, and over a month since the walk began. We have had huge support from not just local people but globally the walk has been joined by people from Japan, Canada, German, France, Italy, Australia, Sweden, Scotland, England, Niger & the United States of America.
UN officials fear unexploded ordnance problem could worsen with winter (tags)
Mr. Egeland today commended the Lebanese Government, public institutions and civil society for "a remarkably effective effort" to rebuild their country.
Isn't blowing up US tanks "Major Combat"? (tags)
The latest attacks -- 233 over the last seven days according to the U.S. military -- have driven the combat death toll during the occupation above the number killed before President Bush declared an end to active combat on May 1.
233 Attacks On US In Last Week Alone (tags)
BAGHDAD -- In a dramatic upsurge in attacks, resistance fighters destroyed an American tank north of Baghdad and wounded seven Ukrainians in the first ambush of multinational troops stationed south of the capital, US and coalition officials said yesterday.
Iraq Resistance *Condemns* the UN Bombing (tags)
In a recent statement aired by Al-Jazeera, an Iraqi Resistance group CONDEMNED the recent bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad. They suggest that the bombing was done to DISCREDIT the Iraqi Resistance in general. This UN bombing couldn't be yet another staged "terror" attack/provocation could it? Remember, false Flag operations are an integral feature of US (and Israel) covert operations. Notice how the Western "free" press completely ignores this story/issue and automatically assigns blame to the Iraqi Guerrilla Movement.
"The System is always Fair", the Cat says to the Mouse (tags)
"Behind closed doors, the WTO negotiated GATS, an agreement on liberalization of services. Health conglomerates all over the world can steal solvent patients. The existential necessity water could soon be much more expensive." Trans. from German