fix articles 70818, logic
The center will not hold (tags)
The existing late capitalist ideology in the center of society, the tattered national identity, is being driven to barbaric extremes in reaction to the crisis. Neo-liberalism, with its social Darwinism and economic nationalism, provided the springboards that the new right used.
Labor fetish and anti-semitism (tags)
"Work makes you free" was written above the gate of the Auschwitz death camp. How did the Nazis come up with that? Isn't work something meaningful, something good? What does it have to do with Auschwitz, of all places? Because work and meaningful activity are, two different things.
Climate Crisis and Social Transformation in the Age of Corona (tags)
The temporary moratorium on economic activity in large parts of the world has done nothing at all to change the fundamental logic of the capitalist mode of production, which is driven by the end-in-itself motion of endlessly reproducing abstract wealth, represented by money.
The torrefied pellet plant will not be built on the Limousin mountain! (tags)
This is an invitation from the Limousine Mountain to all potential accomplices who oppose the industrial offensive currently taking place under the veil of an ‘ecological transition’...
The so-called War on Terror after the attacks of September 2001 was a mistake. There are more terrorists than before. Europeans are now taking the same measures after November 13. Instead of determining and tackling the causes of terror, they use the terrorists as a pretext for open war.
"The Great Transformation Has Begun" (tags)
The core of this system, its over-arching law, is the endless accumulation of capital. That is its main goal to which everything else is subordinated. Persons and nature are used to make more money out of money. Therefore we are degraded to little wheels in this machine.
Everyone could work less instead of terminating people. Ways could be organized through shared activity for using the gained freedom in services of everyday life...Breaking with the disastrous logic of competition and money is int he interest of the life, peace and happiness of people today.
Profit-Making is Different Than Profit-Maximizing (tags)
Discussions of jobs and the economy are often marked by trivialization, distortion, unreality and wishful thinking, The neoliberal model promotes profits, not investments and rationalization and digitalization lead to mass unemployment. System analysis and market failure are often glossed over
Unconditional Basic Income and Solidarity Economies (tags)
Without the social contract, we become wolves to one another. Basic economic, social and cultural human rights include the right to participate. Everyone should share in the wealth and prosperity brought by automation, labor-saving technology and higher productivity.
Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West's Fault (tags)
NATO's eastward expansion is at the heart of the Ukraine crisis. Sec of State Baker promised Gorbatchev that NATO would not expand eastward if the Berlin wall were allowed to fall. Can't the West understand Putin's security concerns if NATO extends to Russia's borders?
Free Internet Book: "Needs and Limits" (tags)
"The logic of capitalism must be replaced to address the crisis of ecological overshoot and to achieve a sustainable well-being."
The Logic of Solidarity: A Revitalized Vision of the UN (tags)
The prevailing exclusionary logic of selfishness has at times crippled the ability of the General Assembly to fulfill its mandate. This logic must be transformed. All of us, without exception, share responsibility for the state of the world.
Wishful Thinking and Deadly Self-Deception (tags)
A response to “Change We Can Believe In. An Open Letter to Barack Obama,” August 18 issue of The Nation magazine, online at
Tolerance is learned, not inate. The disabled have practically no lobby. Their interests and their rights are simply ignored. The logic of the National Socialist annihilation policy was the logic of the reeduction of the person to his/her economic function.
What is good for the economy and what is good for people diverge more and more! Nevertheless the opposite is drummed into people..Capitalism only knows the irrational end-in-itself, making more money out of money until the end of time. Capitalism strikes its own limits.
Brazil: The "brake" is COPOM. (tags)
The logic of the the Growth Acceleration Program opposes classic economists as Michael Kalecki and John Keynes. The GAP that does not contain a expansionist monetary politics is not the GAP, is the anti-GAP, as, by the way, the last act of the Copom made clear.
In the Spirit of Jaures and Luxemburg (tags)
Only a new type of conflict management can put a stop to the violence in the Middle East.. In 1914 there existed an inherited hostility between Germany and France.. The only question is how the never ending spiral of violence can be broken.
Impeachment as a System Remedy (tags)
The thief came to steal, kill and destroy, the Son came that we might have life in abundance.. If faith can move mountains, it can move an accidental president to retirement and save the planet.
Perhaps the only question is whether the people or corporate elites should regulate and plan. Perhaps businessmen are not the only ones who understand growth and de-velopment. Perhaps profit worship and the self-healing market are myths.
Democracy and its Despisers (tags)
Characteristics earlier ascribed to totalitarianism like control of the whole social life by the state could now be considered typical for modern democracies.. The whole dfemocratic life degenerates to a kind of market.
Against the Liberal Instrumentalization of Auschwitz (tags)
Auschwitz becomes the pretext for diverse atrocities, the incentive for preventing what is worse..Auschwitz has become an export-hit.. Language, truth, community and logic are threatened when offense becomes defense and ends justify means.
The Pretzeled Logic of America's KGB (tags)
It's absolutely astounding that the pretzeled logic of America's KGB(King George Bush) is displayed every time the White House Commander Chickenhawk speaks on TV. The latest faith-based(as opposed to evidence-based) whopper came yesterday when the Village Idiot claimed that the Amnesty International' s report of Guantanamo is writtten by "those who hate America"!
Good manners.
Unprofitable of the World, Unite! (tags)
Capaitalism is a threat to humanity, not a chance.. The logic underlying this system is simple and brutal. Only what is profitable is entitled to live.. Capital is insatiably greedy for human labor to transform labor into more and more capital..
"Rainer Roth in The House of Cards puts the mechanisms of the capitalist economy on trial.. To counter the long-term descent of profit rates, the tax burden for businesses, a constant 21% from 1960 to 1980, has spiraled down to only 8% today.."
Why does Kerry sound like Bush? (tags)
According to the logic of the Democratic Party establishment and their mouthpieces, the only candidate that can beat Bush is the one that’s just as tough as Bush. As for people who actually want to see an end to Bush’s rotten reign--people who opposed the war on Iraq and Bush’s giveaways to Corporate America--they should keep quiet, while Kerry moves to the right to look for more votes.
Venezuela, March 2004: The logic of our times (tags)
* A study of the current situation in Venezuela demystifying the image sold by the media and promoted by the current rulers or by those who aspire to take their place. Originally published in El Libertario # 36, the bimonthly newspaper of the Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas
The Logic of Political Violence - A Spoken Word CD by Craig Rosebraugh (tags)
“THE LOGIC OF POLITICAL VIOLENCE: Lessons in Reform and Revolution” was released today by Arissa Media Group in Portland. This 65 minute spoken word cd contains a live lecture given by Craig Rosebraugh at a bookstore in Portland in 2003.
Democratic Socialism: A Transformational Project (tags)
Democratic socialism as a transformational process could remedy the social coldness and ecological blindness of neoliberalism and its total absolute market. This article is translated from the German in: Utopie kreativ 2000.
Random logic
The Will to Paralysis: The Crisis of Shareholder Capitalism (tags)
Scapegoats or black sheep are used to evade the crisis of the system. Considering matters more exactly would be very appropriate. Are manifestations of corruption and tax evasion normal side-effects of a system fixated on money?
RW: Twisted Logic of a Twisted Empire (tags)
RW Article
To those against illegal immigrants (tags)
all immigrants are illegal