fix articles 70660, alameda corridor
Emails Needed by Thursday, July 17 to Save the South Central Farm (Again) (tags)
The L.A. Planning Commission is again planning to put a sweatshop and warehouses on the South Central Farm site, and this time they're doing an end run around public comment.
SCF to Occupy LA City Hall (tags)
Farmers Join with Central–Alameda Residents and OccupyLA To Halt Sale of Last Piece of Urban Farm
Farmers Fighting for South Central Again (tags)
The Farmers defend the last vestige of the Farm against City and development. Join them Thursday morning, 8:00 a.m., at the Port of Los Angeles Administration Building, 425 S. Palos Verdes St., San Pedro, CA 90731
June 12th, 2009: South Central Farmers rally at City Hall 8:00 am (tags)
South Central Farmers Return to City Hall! Friday, June 12, 9:00 a.m. Press Conference at City Hall Saturday, June 13, 6:00-11:30 p.m. Reunion at the Farm LOS ANGELES--On Friday June 12, at 8:00 a.m. the South Central Farmers and their supporters will return to City Hall to demand fair and equitable treatment for South Central residents and Farmers in the face of continuing City privileges for developer Ralph Horowitz. The following day, Farmers and Farm supporters will hold a reunion on the third anniversary of the destruction of the Farm for all interested in restoring the South Central Farm.
Save the Farm. Deadline: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 (tags)
On July 2, Angelinos overcame the City-planned divides between rich and poor, cultural differences, and even broke through language barriers in the fight to restore the South Central Farm. When the developer proposed a diesel-spewing warehouse distribution center for the site, Farmers and Farm supporters threw a wrench in the cogs of City Hall and won a round in the fight to force Horowitz to do an Environmental Impact Report: they forced a twenty-one day delay for more public comments, and gained a glimmer of hope to restore the Farm. The fight between the people and developers' grip on City Hall could be decided by this Wednesday, July 23, 2008, the new deadline for public comments and the second hearing, a week or two later on the tenth floor of City Hall, in front of a small advisory board.
Saving the South Central Farm: Listening to the Land (tags)
To many, it looked like the Struggle to Save the South Central Farm was defeated, a dream buried beneath the treads of the bulldozers that plowed the Farm under following the brutal invasion of an army of LA County Sheriffs crushed the resistor's encampment, turning the land from a liberated zone into an oppressive, occupied one. But all that could change. Here's why, and how you can help make it change.
Seeds of Hope, Seeds of War: Race, Class and the Battle for the South Central Farm (Final) (tags)
The world is literally watching. Media worldwide have covered the case of the South Central Farm, the largest urban garden in the United States, the efforts of the city's elites to drive the farmers from the land, and the farmer's remarkable resistance. On June 13th, the County moved to evict, concentrating a massive police presence in the area to uproot the resistor's encampment on the land. The South Central Farm arose from the ashes of the 1992 Los Angeles rebellion, and stands as a symbol of hope to millions. Despite the eviction, the struggle continues, with a court hearing this week challenging the City's sale of the land to a private developer. When the Los Angeles City Council sold the 14 acre plot called the South Central Farm to developer Ralph Horowitz, they sold land they didn’t own.
The Developer vs. the Nation's Largest Urban Farm (tags)
The Battle for South Central Farm By RALPH NADER
Hope Springs . . . at the South Central Farm (tags)
Last month, the Trust for Public Land negotiated purchase option with developer Ralph Horowitz that depended on the City coming up with a $5M match for $6M raised by the South Central Farm. Five days ago, the City reneged on the deal. Friday, with three days left, the Farmers and their supporters, ever hopeful, demanded that Mayor Villaraigosa step up to support the Farm.
A couple links to important stories.
Why the Farmers Must Win (tags)
In its Saturday editorial, the Los Angeles Times reduced virtually all the civic concerns of the historically neglected South Central to “niceties” and condemned a swath of the district to being a “concrete-and-asphalt” wasteland,“ "a seemingly endless sweep” of “industrial warehouses, packing plants, and junkyards.” It proclaimed that developer Ralph Horowitz must triumph, and the South Central Farm must be razed. The Times was wrong.
Solidarity Action in Boston for the South Central Farmers (tags)
Coast to Coast Solidarity with the South Central Farmers.