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black man

Links Re Many Instances Of Police Killings And Beatings (tags)

Video cams and cellphones have been equalizers and democratizers in exposing blue violence.

Videos, Lawsuits Will Hopefully End Unjustified Police Killings And Beatings (tags)

Violence is not increasing, but the awareness of the violence, through video cams, cellphones, and social media is increasing.

Hey Fox-News-Fascists, Get a Job! (tags)

Bush II is not the right color.

Oscar Grant! No Isolated Incident! A PhotoJourney of Unarmed Folks Killed by Cop Worldwide (tags)

Oscar Grant's murder: This is not an isolated incident! Remember Julian Alexander! Hammick in 2002, Kendra James in 2003, James Perez, James Philip Chasse, Jr. all unarmed and killed by Police. Diallo, Sean Bell, Ousmane Zongo, Jonny Gammage, Patrick Moses Dorismond, Alexandros Grigoropoulos and Now Oscar Grant, all unarmed and killed by Police. Within hours of Oscar Grant's shooting, Robbie Tolan!. Let the world know about! We will not allow a police state!

Obama and the illusion of a post-racial America (tags)

His candidacy is seen as an indication that racial barriers no longer exist. Many see progress in the fact that a black man can run a campaign in which race is incidental. Yet it’s taken Obama’s embrace of post-racialism to lend viability to his campaign. Some activists see him as the culmination of a trend of black leaders moving away from the communities they’ve traditionally served and closer to the political and corporate power that dominates the Democratic Party.

"Lynch Mob" Attacks Mosque (tags)

Churches and anti-fascist counterprotestors banded together today to defend a local mosque from right-wing hate-mongering.

Bob Avakian on Richard Pryor (tags)

Recently I was reading reports of police assaults on Black people and of Black people fighting against the police in Memphis and Miami. This called to mind a story I was told a while back. A rookie cop was riding in his police car with his veteran partner when a report came in that there was a Black man in the vicinity with a gun. As their car screeched around the corner, a young Black man suddenly appeared sprinting up an alley--into a dead end. "Shoot him!", the older cop screamed, "Go on, shoot him-- it's free!" "It's free!" Think about that for a second. "It's free!" In other words, here's a chance that gets a pig to sweating and salivating with anticipation--a chance to "kill a nigger" with the already provided cover that a Black man--a Black man, any Black man--was reported in the area with a gun. This is an opportunity too good to pass up: "Go on, shoot him--it's free!"

BOYCOTT "Get Rich or Die Trying" (tags)

50 Cent that ain't worth one needs to be boycotted by the Black Community for disrespecting it by promoting Brothers killing other Brothers


Due to the blatant racism of the Katrina response, and the constant denials of this obvious racism by white people, I am running a Black Power Speech-A-Thon this Labor Day Weekend. From Sept. 3-5, 2005, I will be providing black power speeches for free downloads on my website at I will post a new speech every few hours Sat. – Mon.


'They want this to happen,' I said. 'They planned it. They want the mobs to come uptown with machine guns and rifles. They want the streets to flow with blood; your blood, black blood and white blood, so that they can turn your death and sorrow and defeat into propaganda.'...

US TERROR (tags)

dont believe lies

An Appeal for Justice from a Black Man in Baghdad (tags)

Rest under the stars of the martyrs, great tired beast. and don't worry they died so you can sleep and not worry So sleep great beast While the rest of the world watches over you and the people of Iraq Everlasting peace. Salaam!

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