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MayDay4All Coalition May Day March 2014 (tags)
Photos from the May Day march that started in Chinatown.
Intl Workers Day - MIWON Immigrants March (tags)
(I'm not from MIWON - I'm just a supporter. MIWON is a coaliton of CHIRLA, KIWA, PWC, and IDEPSCA. These groups help organize undocumented immigrant workers. MIWON has done a pretty bad job of promoting their march on the internet. There are two separate marches scheduled this May Day. This one starts at Echo Park and proceeds to Placita Olvera, where there will be a "human postcard". The other starts at Olympic and Broadway, and proceeds to Temple St, where there's an ICE detention center. It's too bad that the immigrant rights movement is split so badly that they can't even have a single march on May Day. Many thousands will show up to march, but due to a split, the numbers will appear to be smaller.)
Workers/Immigrants March Rally in LA on May 1 (tags)
—For the third year in a row. more or less than 30,000 marchers from three major groups- the MIWON, March 25 Coalition and the April 7th Coalition for Full Immigrants Rights in Los Angeles and demand full rights and legalization for immigrants and to commemorate International Workers Day. The media called it “a combination of a holiday parade and party celebrations” Different media outlets have different estimates like a conservative estimate from as low as 7,000 from KCRW and as high as 30,000 from NPR radio. In Los Angeles, California the newly formed Filipino American For Immigration Reform (FAIR) with the Pilipino Workers Center marched from Historic Filipinotown to Macarthur Park and joined 15,000 strong MIWON contingent that marched from Macarthur Park to downtown Broadway.
maria elena durazo (lacfl) behind miwon's lapd lies (tags)
maria elena durazo, exec dir of la cty labor fed, is working w/ v-rat to protect bratton. she signed (wrote) miwon's "provacateur" lies.
People's Network request for a public apology from CHIRLA, CARECEN, MIWON (tags)
People's Network in Defense of Human Rights requests a public apology from CHIRLA, CARECEN, and MIWON for statements blaming youth and anarchists for police violence.
salute the pilipino workers center for standing against miwon/lapd lies! (tags)
pilipino workers center, a miwon coalition member, rejects the official miwon position which co-signs lapd lies.
MIWON cover for LAPD mayday attack unresolved (tags)
MIWON maintains its refusal to publicly renounce its cover for LAPD mayday attack, enabling police commanders to escape accountability.
MIWON still covering for LAPD mayday attack (tags)
MIWON march 'leaders' still backing lapd statements blaming activists for the designed police assault.
May 1st: Demand Genuine Legalization and Dignity and Respect for All Wo (tags)
Kick Off Rally for May 1st March at 3pm: This year, MIWON is hosting the kick off rally for the Los Angeles May 1st march. For the past five years, MIWON has sponsored an action on May 1st to draw attention to low- wage workers’ rights and to demand genuine legalization as a step towards fair treatment of all workers.
Celebrate International Worker’s Day! (tags)
Join MIWON, the Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Organizing Network, as we celebrate International Worker’s Day and rally together with workers and community supporters to fight the recent legislative attacks on immigrants.
MIWON would like to invite you to a MAY DAY EMERGENCY ALLIES MEETING next Weds., 5-7 pm at the UCLA Downtown Labor Center.
Part 1- May 1st. Caravan for Justice (tags)
Los Angeles- Hundreds of immigrants and immigrants rights advocates canvassed the city of Los Angeles on May Day, otherwise known as International Workers Day, a day in celebration of working class struggles all across the world.
May 1st. Caravan for Justice (tags)
Los Angeles- May 1,2004 Hundreds of immigrants and immigrants rights advocates canvassed the city of Los Angeles on May Day, otherwise known as International Workers Day, a day in celebration of working class struggles all across the world.
Miwon - Points of Unity (tags)
May 1, 2003 MIWON – multi –ethnic immigrant workers organizing network (Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), Garment Workers Center (GWC), Korean Immigrant Workers Center (KIWA), Pilipino Workers’ Center (PWC)
Immigrant Workers Contact Numbers (tags)
A list of MIWON multi language contact numbers.
300 workers and MIWON Present Platform to Politicos (tags)
MIWON and 300 workers present a platform