fix articles 69733, ronnie cummins
Monsanto: Profits Above Human Health (tags)
USDA; Try "Coexistence" w/ Monsanto; HELL NO! (tags)
Scientific studies show increasing links between consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and severe health risks, yet under Obama's USDA censorship remains business as usual. Lack of truth in labeling of GMO products deprive consumers of freedom of choice and the right to know what is in the food we are eating. Instead of protecting consumers, the USDA becomes the "long arm of Monsanto" by protecting their unregulated experiments on consumers in North America and elsewhere by exposing people to GMO products against their knowledge and consent.
Question official version of Army bioweapons researcher Bruce Ivin's suicide (tags)
Questions arise following the death of U.S. Army scientist Bruce Ivins as a so-called suicide, when the hidden goings on at Fort Detrick bioweapons laboratories may "justify" the need for a scapegoat to blame the post 9/11 antrax attacks on without casting any suspicion on the Bush/Cheney regime who used the public panic following 9/11 and anthrax attacks to launch their Patriot Act and illegal invasion of Iraq..