fix articles 69674, s. defense department
Where's OUR Religious Liberty? (tags)
The recent controversy over whether institutions owned by the Roman Catholic Church should be required to include birth control coverage in the health insurance they offer employees, the attempt in Virginia to require women seeking abortions to submit to medical rape, and the radical Right's reaction to the 9th Circuit appeals court ruling that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional raises the question: why does it seem as if only bigoted Right-wing churches have "religious liberty" in this country? Why are America's officially tolerated spiritual belief systems seemingly limited to those of the Roman Catholics, Mormons and Southern Baptist Convention?
Whatever we think of the Democratic Party, like it or not, in the current political emergency, we are going to HAVE to align with them and vote for every Democrat on the ballot over every Republican — not because the Democrats are that progressive but because the Republicans plan a sweeping Right-wing revolution comparable to the changes Germany went through when Hitler took power in 1933, and the Democratic Party is one essential vehicle we will need to use to stop them.
The following is an editorial written for the March 2011 issue of Zenger’s Newsmagazine before the uproar in Wisconsin over the bill introduced by that state’s governor, Scott Walker, which would essentially destroy public-sector unionism in that state and therefore likely be the final nail in the coffin of America’s labor movement as a whole. People — not just union workers directly affected by the proposal but others as well — have turned out in the streets and blockaded the state capitol, while “Tea Party” counter-protesters have been mobilized nationwide by talk radio and Fox News to come and support the governor. The Wisconsin protests have been compared to those that recently brought down Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak — though America’s corporate media have carefully avoided that analogy — but despite the uproar over Walker’s bill, America’s white working class has so far remained largely opposed to the progressive agenda and supportive of radical-Right attempts to destroy what’s left of America’s social safety net.
“Earth Is for People, Not for Corporations” (tags)
Election fraud expert Steven Freeman headlined “Earth Is for People, Not for Corporations” at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego’s Hillcrest neighborhood July 1. The event featured a wide variety of anti-corporate presentations and showed the role of corporations in promoting and profiting from every current social evil, from war to the exploitation of immigrants and denial of the reality of climate change. It also exposed the role of corporate media and discussed ways people can challenge it.
San Francisco recruits; Bllue Angels over the Bay (tags)
Each September the City of San Francisco, California, submits its request for a Blue Angels Air Show recruiting drive, which the U.S. Defense Department confirms each December, as it has every year since then Mayor Dianne Feinstein requested it in 1981, eight years after the end of the U.S. draft, six years after the end of the Vietnam War, and three years after the assassination of Harvey Milk, in San Francisco.
Mexican forces being taken from Juarez to Michoacán (tags)
The troops will be used to confront the Mexican drug cartel La Familia in Michoacán where the Mexican president is from and has become the latest focus point of the Mexican Governments war on drugs.
Mexico claims U.S. Government also corrupted (tags)
Calderon also told the media that the main cause of Mexico's drug gang problems was "having the world's biggest consumer (of drugs) next to us."
Mexico Federal Troops and police rush into Juarez to try and retake the city (tags)
1/9 Palestine Watch: U.S. covertly shipping arms to Israel (tags)
The U.S. is seeking to hire a merchant ship to deliver hundreds of tons of arms to Israel from Greece later this month, tender documents seen by Reuters show....
Drugged Gang-Raped and Imprisoned (tags)
Is Gang-Rape Allowed by Contractors in Iraq ? Jamie Leigh Jones was reportedly drugged, gang-raped and imprisoned in a container by fellow KBR co-workers in 2005 while working in Iraq on a U.S. Defense Department contract. Like the Abu Ghraib torture victims who still have not seen justice after more than four years, the abuse Jones says she suffered at the hands of private contractors over two years ago has not seen the light of a criminal trial.
This war toy will only cost every man, woman, and child in the USA $700 (tags)
Wow what a bargin!!! At $200 billion this anti-missile systems will only cost $700 for every man, woman, and child in the USA. What a bargin! Lets buy it now in case of the one in a million chance that North Korea starts shooting missiles at the good old United States of Amerika!
U.S. Army's Radioactive Blowback (tags)
Many will recall the haunting lyrics of "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas. In the wake of the U.S. military's deployment of DU munitions in the desert regions of the Middle East, a horrifying new impication is given to the lyrics. "All we are is dust in the wind".
The 911 Cover-up is starting to Unravel (tags)
Happenings: Los Angles Grand Jury finds 911 story FALSE, Rove leak tied to diversion of AIPAC and top Cheney aids complicity in selling Iran nuclear detonators Are leading to the unravelling of the 911 Cover-Up.
More evidence of a government plot to bring down the Twin Towers.
Ward Churchill responds to attacks... (tags)
Press Release - by Ward Churchill January 31, 2005
The United States has become the wild card (tags)
Wars are very complicated undertakings that require very simple politics. The more complicated the politics, the more difficult it is to prosecute a war, and this war have become extraordinarily complicated -- almost mind-boggling.
BTL:Former Counsel to President Richard Nixon Declares that Misconduct in... (tags)
...Bush White House is 'Worse than Watergate' * Interview with John Dean, former counsel to President Richard Nixon, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
BTL:White House Attack on Former Counter-Terrorism Chief Part of... (tags)
...Trend Toward Those Who Dare to Speak Out* Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. Defense Department analyst prosecuted for his release of now-famous "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
The Chomskybot Code: Conduct In the Time of Terror (tags)
In spite of constant reassurances about the term "democracy" one is rarely allowed to criticize the country of Israel without suffering some punishing consequence for it. If you are a Jew you may survive the accusations of anti-Semitism but if you consistently express yourself online in any dissidence about Israel's current politick, you will probably not be immune to cyber attack.
Iraq War: Lies the Government Told Us (tags)
Control of oil fuels Bush war against Iraq (tags)
George W. Bush has Texas crude running in his veins, yet the word “oil” did not cross his lips in his Sept. 12 speech to the United Nations. Nor did Bush mention Osama bin Laden, the man he vowed to “hunt down” only a few months ago.
All the news that . . . shhhhush! (tags)
'New war' to be fought with unprecedented secrecy. Why? Becasue terrorist organizations lack the intelligence-gathering capacity that nations possess, relying instead on news organizations to find out what their enemies are doing. Could this be why the CIA subscribes to so many newspapers?