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The Forbidden Truths of Child Abuse within Human Society (tags)
The human species has collectively chosen to commit genocide upon each and every generation of it's own children. This article reveals all of the primary Forbidden Truths regarding this human atrocity.
The Forbidden Truths of Child Abuse within Human Society (tags)
A devastating dissection of the Forbidden Truths of how human society chooses to sponsor, encourage, facilitate, and revel in the genocidal victimization, abuse, torture, and murder of it's child-slaves.
The Forbidden Truths of Child Abuse within Human Society (tags)
Child abuse is a societally sponsored and promoted activity designed to allow for the dissipation and toxic reflectivity of personal rage and hate that exists within every generation of adults, victims of genocidal victimization during their childhoods.
The Forbidden Truths of Child Abuse within Human Society (tags)
The Forbidden Truths of Child Abuse
The Forbidden Truths of Child Abuse within Human Society (tags)
The human race is doomed to extinct itself, thanks to it's insane and evil policy of choosing to deliberately commit genocide upon every generation of children that it creates. This Essay exposes All of the Forbidden Truths regarding this issue. All Rights are Reserved, Copyright 2002 The Seer of Forbidden Truth. To request reprint permission you must email Me with your request.