fix articles 69412, california faculty association
12/2-3 LA Binational Conference To Cancel NAFTA and Unite Workers Of Mexico and the US (tags)
A binational conference of US and Mexican workers will be held on Dec 2&3 on the fight to cancel NAFTA and for unity between US and Mexican workers
Inequalities, Taxes, and More Inequalities (tags)
Thanks to Occupy, most working people are well aware of the growing inequalities in wealth. But for those who lack the specifics, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich provides a useful overview: “…the rich have been getting a larger and larger portion of total income. From 9 percent in 1980, the top 1 percent’s take increased to 23.5 percent by 2007. CEOs who in the 1970s took home 40 times the compensation of average workers now rake in 350 times.” (“Confessions of a Class Warrior,” August 22, 2010).
Taxing the Rich and Its “Left” Critics (tags)
In a recent article published on the website of Socialist Viewpoint, Chris Kinder criticized those on the left who call for raising taxes on the rich. Identifying himself as a Trotskyist, Mr. Kinder displayed particular displeasure with Trotskyists who embrace this demand. Yet, as we will argue, his arguments fundamentally deviate from the political-strategic framework established by Marx and Engels and developed by Lenin and Trotsky.
This Sunday, May 1: March for Immigrant & Workers' Rights (tags)
May 1: International Workers' Day Join Marches & Rallies for Immigrant and Workers' Rights in Los Angeles & Around the Country
The Strategic Role of the Role of the United Front (tags)
What distinguished Marx from all his contemporaries who professed revolutionary aspirations was his identification of the revolutionary agent: “The emancipation of the working classes [of every country] must be conquered by the working classes themselves….”
Jerry Brown Widens the Chasm Between Labor and the Democratic Party (tags)
With the November elections rapidly approaching, most Americans are unimpressed and uninvolved, having concluded that elections have changed little in their struggling lives, despite all the promises of politicians.
5/13 CA State Superintendent Of Public Instruction Candidate Leonard Martin Backs LA Court (tags)
Leonard Martin, the only candidate for CA State Superinendent For Public Instruction opposing charter schools is backing a law suit against the illegal establishment by the LA Unified School District of Birmingham High School in Los Angeles and will attend the court hearing on May 13.
Dueling Strategies in the Defense of Public Education, Part 2 (tags)
In Part I of this essay we looked at strategies in defense of public education that are referred to as “ultra-left,” meaning that they veer so far left that they sever ties with the working class and consequently lose all traction when it comes to influencing the movement. Here we will examine strategies that veer to the right, often ending up in the camp of opportunism, which means sacrificing principles and working class independence for the sake of quick but illusory gains. The interests of working people are subordinated to those of the capitalist class and the politicians who represent them, be they Democrats or Republicans. Finally, we will return to the question of how to proceed forward.
Dueling Strategies in the Defense of Public Education, Part I (tags)
The massive turnout across the state of California on March 4 in defense of public education provides indisputable evidence that this movement is just at the beginning stage. And much credit is due to the countless number of students, staff, and teachers who committed many, many hours of their time, tirelessly organizing for March 4; without this dedication, the event would have sputtered to a stop.
The Way Forward for the Movement in Defense of Public Education (tags)
On March 4, students, staff, teachers, faculty and their unions on all levels of public education created history by uniting and pouring out onto the streets to engage in what were overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations to defend public education. The movement swept through small towns and large cities with demonstrators, including young elementary school students, carrying picket signs while yelling chants expressing their determination to fight back
A Surge in Demands on Government for Jobs (tags)
Thanks to the government bailout, bankers and brokers are now self-righteously pocketing their record bonuses, reassured by Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein that they are doing “God’s work” (The New York Times, November 17, 2009). There is no humility in these quarters. Yet working people continue to be battered by relentlessly rising unemployment, caused by an economic crisis they had no part in creating. Officially the rate stands at 10.2 percent with the unofficial rate hovering around 17.5 percent, since it also includes part-time workers wanting full-time work and those who are discouraged and no longer looking for work. Both statistics are on the verge of rising.
In recent months, we have witnessed billions of dollars pumped into the financial institutions WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Reckless behavior and greed have been graced with the most extravagant rewards, allowing the rich to get even richer. After receiving their bailout, A.I.G. executives resumed their plans for a retreat at a lavish resort. Meanwhile, foreclosures have risen, unemployment has soared, and misery has spread with virtually nothing being done for the millions of workers suffering from these afflictions. We cannot sit back and simply hope that things will get better. The financial executives have organized themselves and lobbied for bailouts. We must now do the same. We must organize ourselves and mount a campaign, insisting that government programs benefit the majority of the population first and foremost, not the super wealthy small minority.
Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign (tags)
Below is the introduction, ten point program, and partial list of endorsers for the Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign
Queer Democrats Endorse Block, Pettis for Assembly (tags)
The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club endorsed Marty Block, San Diego Community College board member, over more grass-roots candidates Arlie Ricasa and Auday Arabo for an open Assembly seat at its September 27 meeting. The club also endorsed openly Gay candidate Greg Pettis for another Assembly seat in Palm Springs and Riverside County.
Wed. 5/25: Thousands of Teachers, Parents, Students Rally to Stop Schwazenegger (tags)
WHAT: The Los Angeles rally is timed to coincide with another huge rally at the Capitol in Sacramento protests Governor Schwazenegger's broken promises tp to schools, his attacks on working people and his special election petition campaign that would waste $80 millon. There will be a special tribute to labor leader Miguel Contreras, who past away earlier this month. WHEN: Wednesday, May 25 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles (6th and Olive St.)
Wednes. May 25: LA Mass Mobilization to Stop Schwazenegger (tags)
WHAT: Action Day Wednesday, May 25 Mobilization in Los Angeles Action to coincide with a mass demonstration at the Capitol in Sacramento to stop the Governor Schwazenegger and his special election petition campaign that would ruin public education. WHEN: May 25 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles (5th and Olive St.)