fix articles 69305, macarthur
Passionate March in Support of Venezuela (tags)
One of two events on March 16 in L.A., this one near MacArthur Park, actually took marchers into a busy street (as pictured below).
Running Down the Walls 2014 (tags)
On Sunday, September 7th, 2014 at 10 a.m., the Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross Federation and RAC-LA will host the 5K Run/Walk/Bike around MacArthur Park. This Run is designed to raise much-needed funds for the ABCF Warchest program and for RAC. We are attempting to reach the goal of $3,500 with the run.
RAC-LA May Day 2011-Calling All RAC-LA Supporters (tags)
Comrades, May Day 2011 will mark the 4th anniversary of the Police Riot in MacArthur park wherein the LAPD assaulted our people petitioning for our human rights.
On the 64th Year of the Leyte Landing (tags)
While we in the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) are commemorating the 64th Year of the Leyte landing, October 20, 1944- the start of the Liberation of the Philippines with the proper rites at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC) in Vermont and Fountain St in Los Angeles on Oct. 22, 2008 in Los Angeles, it is gratifying to note that even the Americans have unsung heroes. I reprinted an article written by retired general Ramon Farolan about a great American hero, forgotten by his countrymen. The same forgetfulness the American public does to the Filipino World War II veterans. Some people only celebrates victories. They try forget the past nor study its lessons. Let this article speaks for itself.
Those who may choose to work with the RAC in L.A. shoudl be warned, especially if you are female, that members of this organizacion have violently verbally attacked a female member of the of the activist community in l.a.
For the third year in a row. more or less 30,000 marchers from three major groups- the MIWON, March 25 Coalition and the April 7th Coalition for Full Immigrants Rights in Los Angeles and demand full rights and legalization for immigrants. A stop on ICE raids and deportations and to commemorate International Workers Day. The media called it “a combination of a holiday parade and party celebrations” Different media outlets and the LAPD have different estimates like a conservative estimate from as low as 7,000 from KCRW and as high as 30,000 from NPR radio. In Los Angeles, California, shouting: MAKIBAKA, HUWAG MATAKOT, LEGALISAYON, NGAYON and ANG TAO, ANG BAYAN NGAYON AY LUMALABAN. the newly formed Filipino American For Immigration Reform (FAIR) with the Pilipino Workers Center marched from Historic Filipinotown to Macarthur Park and joined 15,00 strong MIWON contingent that marched from Macarthur Park to downtown Broadway.
Workers/Immigrants March Rally in LA on May 1 (tags)
—For the third year in a row. more or less than 30,000 marchers from three major groups- the MIWON, March 25 Coalition and the April 7th Coalition for Full Immigrants Rights in Los Angeles and demand full rights and legalization for immigrants and to commemorate International Workers Day. The media called it “a combination of a holiday parade and party celebrations” Different media outlets have different estimates like a conservative estimate from as low as 7,000 from KCRW and as high as 30,000 from NPR radio. In Los Angeles, California the newly formed Filipino American For Immigration Reform (FAIR) with the Pilipino Workers Center marched from Historic Filipinotown to Macarthur Park and joined 15,000 strong MIWON contingent that marched from Macarthur Park to downtown Broadway.
Oct 22 Stop Police Brutality Protest to March to MacArthur Park this Year (tags)
So that the victims of police violence against the peaceful demonstration on May Day of this year are not forgotten the October 22 march to stop police brutality will march to MacArthur Park this year.
mayday macarthur park screenshots (tags)
Screenshots from video of police brutality in Macarthur Park on Mayday
The Road To MacArthur Park: May Day 2007 (tags)
A documentary on the macarthur park incident. Very interesting to say the least.
group therapy for victims and witnesses of macarthur park police violence (tags)
the lawyers guild has set up services for tues evening 6:30 pm may 29th at 634 spring st. second session saturday june 2 at noon.bilingual services. anyone who witnessed police brutality at macarthur park, or was present and feels the need to discuss fear, nightmares, trauma, physical injuries, etc. please come! i know there were a lot of children there who were very scared and had difficulty reconciling the perpetration of acts of violence and agression with an authority figure they are supposed to respect. please any and all come!
May Day 2007 @ MacArthur Park Before Police Moved in (tags)
Pictures from the Peaceful May 1st 2007 gathering at MacArthur Park taken an hour PRIOR to the Riot Police moving in.
Photos: Activists Confront Bratton-retaking MacArthur Park, May 17 (tags)
Activists Confront Bratton-retaking MacArthur Park, May 17, 2007
Thousands Marched and Rallied to Take Back Macarthur Park (tags)
More than 25,000 immigrants and their advocates marched Thursday to take back Macarthur Park after more than two weeks of meetings, hearings, plannings and filing of class action suits against the LAPD. But the supposed to be an indignation rally against the ALPD was turned into a call for legalization for the nation's 12 million illegal immigrants. This came at the heels at the US Senate coming into a compromise for a supposed to be a “comprehensive immigration reform bill that will provide for a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the United States.
25,000 March /Rally Renews Call for Immigrant rights: more than 20,000 Took Back Macarthur (tags)
[Editors' note: this article includes several uncited quotations from today's LA Times article "Park rally renews call for rights." In addition, the claim of 20-25,000 people seems to us to be (unfortunately) wishful thinking. We note that the rally at the church was confined by police to one full city block, and the number of people assembled in the Park before the march arrived was a similar number. We ask all contributors to LA Indymedia to please clearly indicate any and all quotes from other sources, and be realistic in your crowd estimates. Thank you.]Immigrants and their advocated returned to the streets for the first time since May Day with Latino elected officials in tow, escorted by the LAPD who piggy backed for “public relations” during the march/rally to erase police brutality. More than 25,000 immigrant rights activists marched Thursday to Macarthur Park to again call for a path to citizenship for the nation's 12 million illegal immigrants. The Filipino contingent led by the Pilipino Workers Center and the AJLPP attended by scores of youth activists was very prominent in the march waving Filipino flags and charting MAKIBAKA, HUWAG MATAKOT! . Waving Mexican, Salvadorian, Honduran, Filipino and American flags and signs reading "No to Deportation," and calling for genuine legalization, about 25,000 marchers gathered about 6 p.m. for a brief rally in front of Immanuel Presbyterian Church on Wilshire Boulevard before heading to the park several blocks away.
Photos from May17 in MacArthur Park (tags)
Photos from May 17 March and Rally at MacArthur Park
YJC Audio from macarthur park may 17th (tags)
Youth Justice Coalition and QTeam speak at the Macarthur Park rally against police brutality, for immigrant rights, on May 17th 2007.
Mayor, Nunez To Join Tonight's Rally: Bratton Plans to Attend (tags)
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez are among those expected to join immigrant-rights activists Thursday for a march and rally to denounce the actions of Los Angeles riot police at a May Day rally at MacArthur Park. Police Chief William Bratton, who will be at the LAPD's assembly area at today's rally, according to his office, told KPCC-FM on Wednesday that Deputy Chief Cayler "Lee" Carter, the ranking officer who was in MacArthur Park during the May 1 melee has decided to retire rather than continue on home duty pending an investigation.
Antonio Villaraigosa and Fabian Núñez at Back to the Park on Thursday??? (tags)
Read Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Speaker Fabian Núñez and radio host El Piolin are billed as participants in a Thursday procession and candlelight vigil for immigration reform at MacArthur Park. If this true..count me out!
Special Task Force Hold 1st Public Hearing Tonight on May Day Mini-Riots (tags)
If you oppose the LAPD extending its power over not just those human beings who do not qualify as citizens under the notion of the state, then this is the time to come out. Because if the police feel that they can brutalize geographically displaced human beings, reporters, the youth, and its progressive community then they will have no fear to come for those that remain. This is the time to act to protect your own self. LOS ANGELES, CA (CNS) -- A City Council task force charged with monitoring the police probe of the May Day melee at an immigration rally at MacArthur Park is scheduled to hold its first meeting today, Councilman Ed Reyes announced.
Our Voices Will Not Be Silenced! (tags)
Organizations including CARECEN, the MIWON network, LA Archdiocese Social Justice Committee, LA Federation of Labor, SEIU 1877, and the We Are America Coalition have announced a Procession and Vigil from Immanuel Presbyterian Church to MacArthur Park, on Thursday, May 17th at 5pm. Read on for Flyer and full info in Spanish and English.
Eye Witness Reports: May Day 2007 Los Angeles Police Attack at the MacArthur Park (tags)
If you are immigrant rights organization or media would talk to them, please contact us: (213)403-0131 or e-mail:
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)- National Executive Board vehemently condemns the unprovoked massive police attack by the LAPD/SWAT against the May 1.70,000 immigrants march-rally in Macarthur Park, Los Angeles last night at around 5;30 PM The reactionary forces trying to discourage immigrant rights mobilization that ran to tens of thousands, used 20-30 motorcycled cops to commence fascist attacks on the unsuspecting crowds at the corner of Westlake and Wilshire and at the Alvarado-Wilshire intersection. The police motorcycles ran through the Cuahatemoc dancers hitting even children and senior dancers of the Danza Azteca. This type of dispersal attack was used in Oakland demonstration in 200
Fox TV Camerawoman Filing Claims Against LAPD (tags)
Fox TV Camerawoman Patti Ballaz Will Hold Press Conference Tomorrow at 10 AM to Announce Filing of a Claim against the City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles Police Department for Injuries Sustained at MacArthur Park Immigration Rights Rally
SI SE PUEDE! ( YES, WE CAN!) With this battle cry and despite threats from racist anti-immigrant raids, anti-immigrant innuendoes and discouragement from the bourgeois media, school clamp downs on students and visible police presence and harassments, hundreds of thousands of immigrants and their advocated marched and rallies din at least 74 cities of the United States on May Day- the International Workers Day. More than 100,000 immigrants and advocates marched in Los Angeles in separate rallies May 1. In the morning, at least 20,000 people march from Broadway/Olympic led by the March 25 Coalition and held rally in front of the City Hall south lawn Another 60,000 marchers led by Catholic Cardinal Roger Mahoney and the Multi ethnic immigrants workers organizing network (MIWON) from Vermont Ave and 3rd St marched and converged at Macarthur Park from Vermont and 3rd while another 10,000 marched to Macarthur Park from Washington Blvd. led by La Raze Coalition. The police attacked this group early evenin
Fósforo plays 'Guerra' at MacArthur Park as police riot against immigrant families (tags)
Los Angeles, Mayday 2007. After a day of peaceful marches for immigrant rights, thousands of people celebrate international workers' day in MacArthur Park. Kids run around, people eat ice cream and hot dogs, there's music and dance. The band Fósforo plays the song 'Guerra,' and are suddenly cut off as the LAPD brutally attack the crowd.
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-Southern California vehemently condemns the unprovoked massive police attack by the LAPD/SWAT against the May 1.70,000 immigrants march-rally in Macarthur Park, Los Angeles last night at around 5;30 PM The reactionary forces trying to discourage immigrant rights mobilization that ran to tens of thousands, used 20-30 motorcycled cops to commence fascist attacks on the unsuspecting crowds at the corner of Westlake and Wilshire and at the Alvarado-Wilshire intersection. The police motorcycles ran through the Cuahatemoc dancers hitting even children and senior dancers of the Danza Azteca. This type of dispersal attack was used in Oakland demonstration in 2003.
May Day 2007; A Report To Correct The Balance (tags)
The following is a summary of what occurred when LAPD decided to disperse a peaceful march. The following contents of this article may be used for non-profit only.
Media of Police Gearing up at MacArthur Park (tags)
Media of the "cops" gearing up to assault at MacArthur Park
Police violence in Macarthur Park (tags)
Video shows police attacking peaceful protestors.
Hundreds of Filipino Americans Join the Two Los Angeles Marches (tags)
Hundreds of Filipinos flying the Philippine flag marched in downtown Los Angeles in the morning and again, in the late afternoon from MacArthur Park to Miracle Mile, Wilshire, west Los Angeles in rallies that drew hundreds of thousands of people up to an estimated number of more than a million people. The Filipino contingent stopped at the Philippine consulate at Wilshire-Kingsley Street for more than three minutes and held a short program. They shouted: OUST GMA, Resign GMA, NO TO CHA-CHA! and STOP THE FASCIST KILLINGS! FREE THE BATASAN 6! They were cheered by the thousands of marchers and the Filipinos who were lining up in front of the St. Basil’s Catholic Church and at the consulate grounds.
March from Historic Filipinotown (Beverly-Temple Corridor) Los Angeles to Macarthur Park ( (tags)
March from Historic Filipinotown (Beverly-Temple Corridor) Los Angeles to Macarthur Park (7th/Wilshire St.) on May 1 We, in the Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) and People’s CORE call on all immigrant rights advocates, all immigrants and everyone who loves freedom to go all out for the May 1 Great American Boycott – A Day Without ImmigrantsLet us march together From Historic Filipinotown to Macarthur Park on Monday, May 1 at 2:00 PM
BTL:Media Spins 'Success' of Iraqi Troops in Bush War Plan (tags)
Interview with John R. MacArthur, publisher of Harper's magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
May 1st... take a holiday
9/11: HEALING JOURNEYS. . . forlocal and global justice (tags)
Interfaith Activists to Offer “Healing Journeys” on Saturday, September 11th. Tw o peace marches culminating in in MacArthur Park for an interfaith, intergenerational memorial service/rally/celebration/call to action
BTL:"Embedded" U.S. Journalists and Their Media Outlets Provide a... (tags)
...Distorted View of Iraq War. Interview with John MacArthur, publisher of Harper's magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Where To Go in OC When the War Begins (tags)
Day X
"Veteran Will Work For Food" (tags)
idea for a protest sign
BTL:U.S. Media's Timid Role in 1991 Gulf War Likely to Repeat in... (tags)
...Any New Conflict with Iraq. Interview with John MacArthur, publisher of Harper's Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines'Scott Harris.
March Around the Lake in MacArthur Park (tags)
The first march in LA! After the spokescouncil meeting on Sunday 23 July, around 30 activists marched around the lake at MacArthur Park.