fix articles 6898, german Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : german


Ukraine: Expansion of the battle zone (tags)

Russia is vastly superior in this type of warfare – which resembles an industrially operated process of destruction – because the Kremlin can draw on far greater reserves. Putin's gamble on a war of attrition is paying off. It is not just about the superiority of tanks, artillery and ammunition, or about the increasing Russian air superiority. It is above all about manpower.

Labor migration has always existed (tags)

Labor migration to Germany has a history: Italian guest workers in the 1960s The labor shortage in the countryside is becoming increasingly noticeable, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find local workers; on the other hand, the demand for migrant workers, mainly foreigners, is increasing. (...)

"We don't have to be enemies" (tags)

We demand a ceasefire. The release of the hostages. An end to the military occupation of Palestine. We stand side by side with our Palestinian friends.There is no alternative to peace in Israel and Palestine. Not for Jews, not for Palestinians and not for the other people who live there. This is not naïve, but realistic and pragmatic. It is not radical, but the only option to end the suffering

Ukrqaine war: The second victim is freedom of expression (tags)

Democracy in crisis - A battle for public opinion is raging. The war in Ukraine is just the latest arena in this battle. Obviously, the same schemes are at work that were also observed during the coronavirus pandemic: Views were predetermined, dissent defamed. Society is forgetting how to hold debates and wrestle over opinions, forced by the state.

The division of the world (tags)

The USA is responsible for what is happening in Ukraine with this provoked war, which is currently being overshadowed in the media by the Middle East conflict, just as it has determined developments in Europe for more than a hundred years...It is becoming apparent that Germany is being systematically destabilized and ruined.

What is literature for? (tags)

Since 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall, humankind has made a tremendous leap backward. We are witnessing the systematic dismantling of the welfare state, the atomization of the working class, the collapse of union membership, the abandonment of any attachment to republican principles. Mainstream discourse encourages us to resign.

Climate strike: How elites have been fighting Generation Alarm for five years (tags)

Some activists are later sentenced to pay millions in damages, others have to spend months in prison for their civil disobedience. In the Bild newspaper, RWE boss Rolf Martin Schmitz calls them "eco-terrorists." But neither heat, nor summer drought, nor coal protests led the politicians to ask questions about the climate.

Shock therapy without end (tags)

Ukraine must not sell out its resources, minerals, fertile lands, but must be able to rebuild the infrastructure necessary for life and economy on its own. It needs living and housing space, labor laws and incomes that are attractive for the people who want to live there and, moreover, for the numerous refugees who want to return to a livable country of origin.

Ukraine war: the business with death (tags)

State-sponsored arms shipments cause corporate profits to skyrocket. That warlike conflicts boost the business of arms corporations is a well-known fact, but never in recent history have Western arms firms and corporations been able to enrich themselves so shamelessly from human suffering as in the Ukraine conflict.

Happy Anti-War Day! - September 1 - Say No! (tags)

War always has two losers. Neither side can win the Ukraine war. Russia will not lose a war of attrition. Ukraine lacks recruits, artillery and time!

Welcome to post-democracy! (tags)

In the current systemic crisis, this capitalist pseudo-democracy is producing a real dystopia on a par with the nightmares of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley: the apparently responsible citizen (in reality a powerless object in the heteronomous process of capital exploitation) chooses the way in which his intensified exploitation and alienation is to be concretely organized and perfected.

Everyone wants peace (tags)

The visions of a possible peace in Ukraine differ among all parties. For Russia, it is a matter of ensuring that Ukrainian territory no longer poses a threat to its own security. Therefore, it primarily wants to achieve the demilitarization of Ukraine. It must not become a deployment area for NATO.

The Superiority Conceit of the West Crumbles (tags)

When people in the West are confronted with the knowledge that the feeling of their own superiority was a deception or swindle, the awakening will surely be traumatic. We should not gloat because the people who have never known anything but western propaganda are deceived and defrauded

Nord Stream as a reason for war (tags)

Only the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines ultimately cleared the way for the EU, and Germany in particular, to become long-term buyers of U.S. natural gas surpluses and to keep the price at a profitable level for U.S. fracked gas producers, even in the long term.

Nord Stream 1 and 2 (tags)

As is well known, in war the truth is the first casualty, and so it is in the Ukraine war. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, politics and the mainstream in the press, radio and TV have been conducting an unprecedented game of confusion, combined with disinformation and agitation.

The war must be ended as soon as possible (tags)

From the Western side, Russia, as a collapsed superpower, was not really taken seriously from the beginning. Symptomatic is the statement, repeated to this day, that "we", the West, won the Cold War. A Cold War is only really over when both sides can feel like winners.

New old financial crisis (tags)

Since Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate Corporation, & Signature Bank all toppled within a week in the U.S. & now First Republic Bank has also run into trouble, there are increasing signs that the next big financial crisis could now erupt with force. $9 trillion has been injected into the "U.S. market."

The sacred cow & The propaganda machine (tags)

These campaigns by politics & the media, which prescribe an extremely narrow framework of what can be said, narrow freedom of expression to the Western narrative. Those who dare to express dissent are grabbed by their livelihoods.

January 30, 1933 and Media makes politics (tags)

Edward Bernays, an important developer of modern propaganda, wrote almost a hundred years ago: "The manipulation of the opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate form an invisible government..."

No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence (tags)

The well-read do not believe in Russia's sole guilt anyway. They remember the promise made to Gorbachev not to expand NATO eastward. They know that the U.S. organized and financed a coup on the Maidan in 2014 to install a puppet government.

Stumbling into world war and Ukraine War (tags)

We are on a slippery slope that could end in a world war and a nuclear apocalypse. And it is also clear that for going to war, the West would have to sacrifice those "values" that have so far been used to justify war, first and foremost freedom of speech and democracy.

The coup from above and The Decline of Civilization (tags)

Ignazio Silone (14), an important theorist of Italian fascism is reported to have said: When fascism returns, it will not say: 'I am fascism' No, it will say: 'I am anti-fascism'." And I say: we are on the threshold of an internationalized super-fascism.

What are the chances for peace in Ukraine? (tags)

There must be another way to peace. But there can only be if we stop believing that only weapons or the annexation of foreign territories can bring peace; if we accept that the world does not belong only to the West, that there will be no single world power, the USA.

Negotiated Solution - No Alternative! (tags)

NATO intervention seems unlikely so far, after U.S. President Biden ruled out direct military intervention even in the run-up to the war...Nevertheless, a further escalation of the war cannot be ruled out. At present, the powerless left has only the option of fighting for peace. (TKonicz)

Cacophony of Corporatism, Subsidies & Inheritance Tax (tags)

History is written by the winners. The Orwellian "memory hole" has long been a reality and could soon lead to subsequent generations no longer being able to develop any awareness at all of what it means to lead a free and dignified life.

Rethinking the State and Rent Madness (tags)

The right to housing for everyone must be understood as a public challenge and presupposes the de-commodification of the housing supply, a democratization of urban policy, and breach with the real estate exploitation coalition. 

The American century was yesterday (tags)

"The people can always be made, with or without the right to vote,to follow the orders of the leaders. It is very simple. One need nothing to do but to tell the people that they are being attacked, and to reproach the pacifists of their lack of patriotism and putting the country in danger. This method works in every country." (Hermann Goering,1946)

The geopolitical confrontation between China and the West and Peace logic (tags)

The main issue is monopolarity or multipolarity. And this also raises the question of geopolitical hegemony. In other words, whether Western interests will remain supreme and Western value systems will therefore be of universal significance?

Russia's war in the mirror of western international law nihilism and propaganda (tags)

With Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine and the Western response, the world may be headed in leaps and bounds toward the nuclear abyss: The escalation dynamic is gaining speed. More and more conventional weapons are being moved by the West to Ukraine.

Misjudgments and Biden's foreign policy (tags)

Russia is to blame for our gas shortage, rising prices and high inflation. That's what the newspapers say, that's what you hear on the news and that's what presenters claim. Of course, this is not true. But the constant repetition shapes the public consciousness.

Who can afford capitalism anymore? and Why are prices rising? (tags)

When the state now debates the need to create relief packages for employees, pensioners, unemployment benefit recipients, trainees and families, this is official confirmation that the result of wage labor is also poverty. The majority of citizens find themselves in a dual role...

In the eye of the typhoon, Hardened fronts & The Nuclear War Bluff (tags)

Nuclear war is a big bluff & the last means of the cult to enforce its Great Reset to control & decimate humanity. Now is the time to recognize this & not be fooled again by the dilettantes in the Western governments. The growing worldwide resistance will end all plans of the globalists.

Negotiated solution - No Alternative! (tags)

Does anyone really believe that more and more state-of-the-art weapons, no matter how tough sanctions and huge financial injections could produce peace? ...The survival of humanity depends in part on this business of death no longer having a future.

The Conformity Forge and The Alchemy of Evil (tags)

One possible answer may be that governments, the media, the legal system, and the vast majority of the population are firmly embedded in a sociopolitical system that not only does not want anything about it to be questioned, but also actively prevents an awareness from arising.

Peace and Provocation: Is Zelensky intent on WW3? (tags)

A quiet voice inside you could be saying: "Thou shalt not kill!" So you take the rifle and break it over your knees. Then you have them all against you, the press, the priests, public opinion. Then you're a contrarian, a fantasist, a pacifist. But you said 'no' to say 'yes' to yourself."

Putin escalates: How should we react now? (tags)

The U.S. government wants to make the country independent of China. In no other area are the efforts to "decouple" (decoupling) as clear and unambiguous as in high technologies, especially in the (alleged) future fields of battery technology and high-performance chips. Matthias Becker

Question sanctions and The cry of the poor (tags)

In Germany, we tend to moralize and romanticize in politics. This prevents us from taking a sober view of world events. We fail to recognize that the U.S. is ruthlessly asserting its own interests, against enemy and friend. The interests of the EU and the U.S. have long since ceased to coincide.

We are witnessing the collapse of diplomacy (tags)

We, who keep this society running, are footing the bill, while the super-rich and big corporations are lining their pockets, making profits from the crises.

Happy Anti-War Day! The weapons must be silent! (tags)

The DGB (the German alliance of unions) and its member unions, an important voice in the German peace movement, commemorate the barbaric consequences of war and fascism on September 1. Trade unionists fight for peace, democracy and freedom.

The dispute over Tesla's Gigafactory (tags)

Theodor Fontane at the end of the book: "All reformatory power nowadays rests with the purse, ideas count for little, law counts for nothing. Tesla's Gigafactory will probably prove to be both a curse and a blessing in perspective.

Hysterical Populism and the Appetite of Leviathan (tags)

The relationship between economy and social order has been turned upside down: economy is no longer a function of an overarching culture, but conversely, "human society has sunk to being an accessory of the economic system" (Karl Polanyi). RK was founder of Exit & Krisis blogs.


The so-called "Diary of Anne Frank" is a forgery : definitve evidence

Plunder less and do more to preserve the one world (tags)

It is downright absurd that in our latitudes, half a century after "Limits to Growth" and a cascade of catastrophic ecological reports, every dip in economic growth rates is perceived as negative, even dramatic. Immediately shore up, revive, that's what politicians and the media agree on.

We need a real debate on the Ukraine war (tags)

The longer the war in Ukraine continues, the greater the risk of a nuclear accident or incident. And given the strategy of U.S. President Joe Biden's administration to "weaken" Russia through large-scale arms shipments. The United States and NATO are in a proxy war with Russia.

The "West" and its war aims in Ukraine (tags)

The Western-oriented countries want to help Ukraine, but not all of them have the same goal in mind. Whereas shortly after the invasion the focus was on defense, since Ramstein the U.S. has been talking about Kiev's need to win the war.

The price explosion of wheat (tags)

Many people in this country develop the willingness to explicitly freeze for an ideal. Whether for freedom of whatever kind or for the climate. Already now one could marvel at signs on "peace demos", on which was written: "Better freeze, than gas from Putin!"

NATO: The founding lie (tags)

In the run-up to the founding of NATO, those responsible in the USA knew: The Soviet Union posed no military threat. The weakened power could not sustain an attack on Western Europe even if it wanted to: The Soviet Union's economy is largely destroyed and technologically obsolete.


The so-called diary of Anne Frank is a proven forgery.

Waging war or building bridges (tags)

"NATO is de facto at war with Russia and using Ukraine as a tool to do it." And further, "Everything about NATO is hypocrisy. They declare themselves the 'peace alliance,' but their history is nothing but war.

Lay down your arms! (tags)

There are successful examples of non-violent, civil resistance in history. This spares human lives and, when things go well, achieves its goals at least as well as acts of war could. Ukrainian pacifists are trying to show a way out of the spiral of escalation.

Armament Madness (tags)

The people of Ukraine are suffering. But who benefits from the "turning of the tide"? The war is a crime, and Putin bears the responsibility. But Western politicians were not sleepwalkers. An appeal brings the conclusion to the point: Lay down your arms! Peace logic instead of war logic!

Preserving Democracy and the Welfare State (tags)

We are confronted with war and endless suffering, with flight, with poverty and social insecurity, with a global pandemic... The arms buildup planned for decades will not end the deaths in Ukraine, will not make our world more peaceful and will not make it safer.

Biden and Putin play with fire (tags)

It is no exaggeration to say that what is currently unfolding in Europe represents the most dangerous moment in recent history. The Ukraine conflict is taking us as close to a Third World War as only the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 last did.

War as crisis accelerator (tags)

Opportunistic parts of the German left are already sorting themselves into NATO supporters and cheerleaders of hollow Western values, who are peddling the stale bourgeois-liberal ideology one last time before the Western states also sink into barbarism.

"I feel like I've been transported back 80 years" (tags)

People are desperately fleeing from bombs and rockets. I feel transported back almost 80 years and become pensive. Europe had sworn to itself: Never again fascism! Never again war! The scars remain - at the age of 94, I feel them more strongly than ever.

Truth dies first and then intelligence (tags)

The war in Ukraine is an exception to the rule of thumb that in war the truth dies first. The truth was already dead before the war began... War is the greatest crime imaginable. War creates endless suffering, whoever starts war is a war criminal. (Note: There is only one exception)

Diplomacy instead of preparation for war (tags)

All existing mutual obligations under international law should be used to achieve mutual security. Lasting security cannot be achieved against each other, but only with each other.

I don't want Russia and China marching arm in arm (tags)

We should also take a step back and look at somewhat longer horizons, not just the moment - the aim must be to win Russia back as a partner. One sentence by Egon Bahr remains true: "Without or against Russia, there will simply be no peaceful future on this continent."

The Ukraine-Russia conflict (tags)

"The West must negotiate with Russia" NATO should also agree to talk about a new European security architecture if Russia is also willing to agree to de-escalating and confidence-building measures in the relationship with Ukraine."


Anne Frank never hid and never was betrayed


the so-called diary of Anne Frank is a forgery. No one betrayed the Frank family, because the Franks never hid.

War on the Children (tags)

"In 10- to 59-year-olds, there is a 15-fold higher risk of death from corona vaccination compared with corona infection" (6). The broad majority is always mistaken - or allows itself to be misled. Children need love and closeness, not coercion!

Russia is reacting to NATO's policy of expansion (tags)

Russia is accused of calculating power and bellicose behavior. As far as the situation in Ukraine is concerned, however, the political facts speak a different language. Russia is being built as an enemy for peace. With its Ukraine policy, Russia is actually reacting to NATO's expansionist policy.

The Trojan Horse and Away from the Herd (tags)

In "Away from the Herd," the author compares the modern plight with docile submissive people in WW1. "Tagore criticizes modern civilization, which is crushed by materialism. He compares it to a giant giraffe: intelligence has grown into excess and has departed from the heart, the body is wasting away.

The Forever War (tags)

Women's rights were to be strengthened and a Western-style form of government was to be implanted. In fact, according to the U.S.'s own statements, the hijackers of those planes that flew into the World Trade Center towers were primarily Saudis. The docile oil country of Saudi Arabia was never attacked.

Toward a new economic policy paradigm (tags)

Over the years, the institutionally enshrined budget discipline has created a considerable investment backlog. Important investments in infrastructure, education and climate protection have not taken place.

Against all reason and The Afghan Debacle (tags)

Like the chaotic flight of the U.S. Army from Vietnam in 1975, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 highlights the failure of the geopolitically based "war and nation-building concept" of the U.S. and NATO countries.

The Missing Link: What role did Reinhard Gehlen play in Babyn Jar's massaka? (tags)

It was mass murder in chord: 80 years ago, SS murderers shot 33,771 people near Kiev. Few were convicted. A German lawyer now wants to bring one of the last alleged perpetrators to court. But what role actually played the "founder" of the Federal Intelligence Service, who in addition to the Iron Cross II. Class, War Merit Cross II and I Class with swords and the German Cross in silver ( 1945), was honored with the Federal Cross of Merit in 1968?

Limitation to 1.5 degrees is not possible with our economic system (tags)

In economics, an international mainstream dominates, which establishes optimized formal models that exclude many areas of economic relations, such as feminism, historical school, as well as post-Keynesianism, which considers the importance of demand and demand to be at least as important as good conditions for companies.

Swedish neutrality refers to Sweden's former policy of neutrality in armed conflicts, whic (tags)

Swedish neutrality refers to Sweden's former policy of neutrality in armed conflicts, which was in effect from the early 19th century, until 2009, when Sweden entered into various mutual defence treaties with the European Union (EU), and other Nordic countries.[1] Sweden's previous neutrality policy had originated largely as a result of Sweden's involvement in the Napoleonic Wars during which over a third of the country's territory was lost, including the traumatic loss of Finland to Russia.

Practica Nova Imperialis Saxonica rerum criminalium (tags)

Practica Nova Imperialis Saxonica rerum criminalium

On Anti-War Day 2021 (tags)

It is long past time to finally bury the intervention doctrine, which has been marketed under the euphonious title "responsibility to protect"[5] since 2001, and to brand it for what it was from the beginning: a neocolonial project.


The so-called diary of Anne Frank is a forgery by her father otto and cohorts.

The Viral Death of School (tags)

A real improvement in the school system could only come from a change in the underlying conception of man. Children must be treated as human beings with their own dignity and rights - not as stuffed geese that can be filled with knowledge of the state at will.

The richest animal on earth - Nazis and animal welfare (tags)

Was it just conditioning or why did dogs collaborate with the Nazis? And why are there are only few rich cats?

Myths and hidden Links listed: Schwarzschild universe, Naziufos and Secret Societies (tags)

While the world facing Boka Chica turning to a "Gate to Mars" we should review what is discussed rare regarding Extraterrestrials and the Roots of Spacetravel. While more nazi based conspiracy theories about a Kabala (pedophile Freemasonry and Satanism, etc.) going viral, we need to remember there were also Freemason Astronauts and leading Satanist representing the better Side of Humanity... to go to places no human were before inside the observable universe. You'll be surprised like the guy that "calculated that Schwarzschild radius of the black hole with the mass of visible universe is equal to the radius of the visible universe (13E9 ly).", will you?

Walkthrought: continuity of German national socialist History of Psychiatry (tags)

Hobby Intelligence Service (HobbyIS) Introducing to Who is who in the German History of Psychiatry (Google translated Wikipedia de) which still influencing ICD and DSM diagnosis catalogues...

Time to end the panic mode (tags)

Tyrannies reverse the rule of law. They turn law into an instrument of injustice. They cloak their crimes in false legality. They use the outward decorum of courts and trials to disguise their criminality.

The media response to Putin's conciliatory essay (tags)

On the exact 80th anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which cost that country nearly 27 million lives, the Russian president himself published an essay in the former flagship of détente whose title already signaled a willingness to reconcile.

A Nazi playing Doctor? (tags)

Imagine a award-winning Christ-Extremist in crossfaction with Nazis in Germany giving random false diagnosis which would stigmatize his victims as child abusers...

Germany Axis Alert Puzzle (tags)

Since Sig Sauer was spotted in India more information about the Axis appear in Internet which analyses who were involved inside SS at 2nd World War. I just quoted some "random" rare puzzle pieces to inform...

No Health Emergency (tags)

All of a sudden, what has always been a taboo subject is being discussed in public: the question of whether the political leaders and their scientific advisors have overdramatized the threat posed by the virus and whether the lockdown strategy has overshot the mark.

The Perpetrator-Victim Reversal (tags)

The West refuses to give the Red Army credit for Germany's liberation from fascism - instead, it diligently stokes the Cold War with Russia. France and West Germany were liberated by the landing of the Western Allies in Normandy - but all of Eastern Europe must have shaken off the yoke of Nazism all by itself.

Stolen childhood and The language of violence (tags)

To make the hospitals fit for the "pandemic of the century", the government did nothing... The population will suffer in every respect - with one lockdown after another, inadequate health care, increasing impoverishment and lack of prospects, and presumably with endless depression.

Covid protests and Weimar Family Court (tags)

Democracy lives from criticism and protest. The Weimar Family Court has banned two schools from requiring students to wear masks and take Corona tests - because the children would be harmed "physically, psychologically, pedagogically and in their psychosocial development."

The language of violence and The clinic lie (tags)

"Newspeak" is what George Orwell called a language invented specifically by the Party to control the masses. Today, we are further along. The new language, invented specifically to enforce the Corona measures, seems harmless. Almost unobtrusively, the untruth creeps into our brains through frequent repetition.

Never waste a good crisis (tags)

The negotiation of society after Corona is now beginning, and it is now important to strengthen positive tendencies such as the expansion of the public health system, a more planned economy and social solidarity. But these appeals only cover up their own helplessness and lack of advice. .

"We must look at the side-effects" (tags)

"Restricting basic rights is no small matter, and it is the duty of politics to restore their exercise as soon as the infection situation permits." (Lockdown consequences: daycare centers and schools to open) German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

The crown of creation (tags)

The real plague is the pandemic spread of shareholder value to institutions of general interest such as hospitals, nursing homes, old-age care and education. The dogma of "private before state" has become deeply ingrained in official thinking.


the so-called diary of Anne Frank is a forgery : definitive evidence

The long struggle for a post-capitalist society (tags)

The (Corona) crisis has relentlessly exposed the inability of neoliberal capitalism and its political personnel to meet the elementary needs of the people. Even if it is not felt to the same extent in Germany due to the depressing political conditions: the neoliberal offensive is in a deep existential crisis.

Journalism reeks of betrayal of democracy (tags)

A "new normality" has taken root in our society. A climate of fear and severe, permanent encroachments on fundamental rights are shaping politics and social life. From the beginning of the pandemic, the media and politics have created a reality that almost treats the principles of democracy with contempt.

Corona contsainment could cause more suffering than it prevents (tags)

UNICEF calculated that an additional 150 million children were pushed into poverty as a result of the economic collapse provoked by the quasi-global lockdown in spring. Already in July, experts from the World Food Program (WFP) warned that the Corona crisis could threaten an additional 130 million people

Democracy and COVID10 (tags)

Lockdown and curfews, state of emergency and tracing apps, compulsory testing and quarantines, serial stops, compulsory masks, short-time work and mass unemployment, waves of bankruptcies and extended poverty traps: the COVID-19 disaster has escalated the chronic crisis of capital utilization with falling profits.

The Great Barrington Declaration (tags)

The ship was saved but all the passengers drowned - a Reaganomics cartoon

Tax haven USA wants to dry up other tax havens (tags)

Two US states lure with particularly lax laws for companies. Constructions such as mailbox companies, which help to conceal the true owners of companies, are flourishing. The American government can certainly be accused of double standards in this matter:

On the prohibition of the war of aggression (tags)

Happy Anti-War Day Sept 1, 2020! Peace is not everything but without peace, everything is nothing (Willy Brandt). The German Basic Law mentioned in this article is equivalent to our constitution.


the alleged diary of Anne Frank is a forgery : the definitive evidence. This work is copyrighted by Aleth. Violators shall be prosecuted according to the law.

The turn to less: Corona and the consumption dilemma (tags)

The Corona crisis could be the beginning of a better normality. Corona could make a turning point in history. The global North has benefited from unequal trade relations. Global employment has lost its role as the center of life. We must get out of the old path dependencies.

Corona Hysteria (tags)

"He who sleeps in democracy wakes up in dictatorship. The state has now assumed a role that could endanger the rule of law. In the fight against Corona, we have introduced methods reminiscent of a brutal police state. Will our state become a police state with a reliable police?


the evidence

Antifascists demand that May 8 become a holiday in Germany (tags)

The real goal is a nationwide public holiday anyway, as demanded in the petition. The Berlin Senate could also lobby for such a gesture, that May 8 be considered the day of liberation from National Socialism.

State pays Corona aid to tax tricksters (tags)

Thousands of companies want help from the state during the Corona crisis. The state of their tax morale is not under scrutiny. In the US, billionaires gained an additional $308 billion from 1990 to 2020 while their tax obligations decreased 79%.

DIARY OF A CON MAN - 2.18.2020 (tags)

This work is copyrighted by Aleth. Violators shall be prosecuted according to the law.

Boris Johnson and the Long Shadow of Stalinism (tags)

The capitalist bourgeoisie needs and defends democracy as a form of social freedom only as long as it is useful to its own class rule. Their understanding of democracy & freedom is structurally limited. The 26 community centers in Vancouver could revive freedom and democracy.

Good Housing for All and Rent Madness (tags)

Apartment rents have increased faster thant he incomes of wage earners. Real estate decays to an object of speculation. Capital seeks lucrative investments. Hectic activity and bustle replaces inactivity and idleness since the protests of renters cannot be ignored any more.

DIARY OF A CON MAN - 10.15.2019 (tags)

The so-called diary of anne frank is a forgery by persons other than anne : her father otto and several collaborators of his, in primis anneliese schütz , ab cauvern, kurt baschwitz

DIARY OF A CON MAN - 10.2.2019 (tags)

The so-called diary of anne frank is a forgery by persons other than anne : her father otto and several collaborators of his, in primis anneliese schütz , ab cauvern, kurt baschwitz.

DIARY OF A CON MAN - 8.31.2019 (tags)

The so-called diary of anne frank is a forgery by persons other than anne

The Idol Totters (tags)

Economists criticize the austerity religion and demand investments. Germans ardently believe in economic fairy-tales that the 2007/2008 world financial crisis was a crisis of state indebtedness and that state debts burden future generations,

Fighting the Causes of Flight (tags)

The refugee debate is back but only the symptoms are in the spotlight. Refugees are fought instead of the causes of flight. The political failure is as dreadful as the forgetfulness of the media and politics. More than 70 million persons are fleeing from war, persecution and conflicts.

DIARY OF A CON MAN - 7.14.2019 (tags)

the diary of anne frank is a fake

DIARY OF A CON MAN - 6.22.2019 (tags)

the diary of anne frank is forgery

What is a Crisis? A Retrospect on the 2008 Economic and Financial Crisis (tags)

The economic guild interprets crisis through an ideological lens. The financial crisis is redefined as a state debt crisis. Illuminating the systemic causes of crisis or discussing the crisis proclivity of the capitalist system is not possible anymore.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 2019 (tags)

the diary of anne frank is a forgery

Vienna: Housing is a Human Right (tags)

Housing as a human right is subverted by the right of speculation. The Vienna Housing Fund buys up potential development land and prevents speculation. Rents in Vienna are half the rents in Munich.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 54 (tags)

the diary of anne frank amounts to commercial and political fraud

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 33 (tags)

pseudepigraphy : the diary of anne frank

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 26 (tags)

ratio versus myth

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 23 (tags)

zionazi trolls are hiding me - but I fight on. And I´m way more human than them fascist bookburning thugs

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 20 (tags)

" le journal d´anne frank, authentique ? "

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 14 (tags)

anne frank didn´t write her diary

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 3 (tags)

the diary of anne frank is not by her

State Debts - The Primal German Fear (tags)

Unlike a private homebuilder, the state can be indebted and never expect the entire debt to be repaid. For most, taxes are a book with seven seals. A tax-cutting lobby exploits our unease over taxes for their purposes. Social cohesion declines and milieu egoism increases.

Driven to Consumption and Money out of Nothng (tags)

Growth originally created a material prosperity about which earlier generations could only dream. However, more economic growth does not lead to people becoming happier. We are prisoners of a system that forces us to permanent growth. Banks create credits.

Right-wing Populism: Can More Madness Cure the Madness? (tags)

Neoliberal policy was always mad. But an even greater madness now appears with rightwing populism. Politics is mad because it writes off large parts of the population. Economic Darwinism has nested and established itself as market ideology in the brains of people.

Affordable Rents? A State of Emergency Intensifies (tags)

Rents explode in cities after massive sales of public housing to brutal investors. In 1987, there were 5.5 million social apartments in Germany. Today, there are 1.5 million. Land speculation was prevented in Vienna. The Vienna Housing Fund buys up possible development land.

Against the Rent Madness and For a Nonprofit Orientation! (tags)

The Alternative Housing Summit on Sept 21 in Berlin discussed alternatives to the market-based housing policy. Exploding rents and lack of affordable housing are the most burning social questions. More market is not the solution! Housing for People, not for Profits!

Promote Public Housing! (tags)

A basic principle of the market economy is that the market only reacts to solvent demand, not to needs. If a need is not reflected in a solvent demand, the market simply does not react. The supply side expansion of affordable housing is key, not subject promotion.

Against Market Radicalism (tags)

Capitalism is not "the end of history" as the American Francis Fukuyama postulated in 1992. The system question is open! The economy should be re-embedded in society. What seems rational in microeconomics collides with the irrationality of maximum profits as en end-in-itself

Systematic Lies and Disinformation From Above (tags)

"In Oct 1962, John F. Kennedy, a level-headed president, sat in the White House and spoke with the Soviet leader Khrushchev through a secret "back channel" behind the backs of his generals and secret services and prevented Cuba's bombing and invasion.

Detente Policy and Media Hysteria (tags)

Antje Vollmer is a Green politician who was vice-president of the German Bundestag from 1994 to 2005. She urges a robust public debate over the new hard-line German foreign policy that forgets the war and Russian help in reunification. What has the politics of regime change brought?

Ultimatums instead of Diplomacy (tags)

In what phase is NATO's confrontation with Russia? Contrary to a promise to Gorbachev, NATO expanded eastward from 16 to 28 states. A military system is built along the Russian border. Military maneuvers with 10,000 soldiers are staged at Russia's border.

Trump - Hard as Steel (tags)

There is outrage over the nationalist economic policy of "America First." The parallels to the 1929 system crisis are obvious. The unstable house of cards could now finally collapse. Credit-financed demand is created for a goods-producing system that suffocates in its own productivity.

The Right to the City and the Greed of the Rich (tags)

Thanks to everyone who resisted the GOP tax giveaway! Unlike the security state, the constitutional state should mean compromises, negotiations, concessions, and countermeasures to reverse exploding inequality and precarious work.

The Driving Force of Global Inequality (tags)

Behind closed doors, a powerful industry has developed worldwide since the 1980s: tax avoidance. Taxes that are avoided must be compensated by higher taxation of households with lower incomes.

The Fairy-tale of the End of the Financial Crisis (tags)

Between 2008 and 2010, the EU Commission approved state aid of 4.3 trillion euros. The potential crisis of the global economy has grown and not declined. A system crash was prevented by the actions of central banks and states.

Darkness over the White House (tags)

Trump is rightly criticized by the old elites: trade sanctions against Russia and the EU, fire and fury against North Korea and justification for white fascists Generals have assumed power in the government alongside multi-millionaires.

The World at Risk under Trump (tags)

The US president sounds like a warmonger. When will the inflammatory words trigger a nuclear chain reaction? The Roman emperor Caligula could help in understanding Trump. He allegedly awarded his horse a seat in the Senate

Europe's Conquest by the US (tags)

The US and NATO have troops at the Russian border. Russia has no troops at the US borders with Canada and Mexico. Who staged the 2014 coup in the Ukraine? Who promised Gorbatchev there would be no NATO expansion to the East? Who is the stabilizer and who is the destabilizer?

Memorandum 2017: Alternatives for a Solidarity Europe: Instead of "Germany First" (tags)

The European Union is at a crossroads. The reason lies in the neoliberal redistribution policy favoring capital incomes over many years. "Mass unemployment intensified and was not ended in Europe. Millions of those with work are in precarious working conditions."

Competition Ideology and Power Reality (tags)

Competition cannot be an end-in-itself. Uncontrolled private power leads to misuse. Uncontrolled competition increasingly destroys itself through concentration and centralization processes. Bastard Keynesianism helps the banks. People diverted from real cause of crises

The "Security Conference" - A Fraudulent Labeling (tags)

We say: No more world war fantasies and war preparations. Peace instead of NATO - Human dignity instead of the military - Reason instead of Trump.

The Long History of Human Incapacitation by Politics and the Press (tags)

With the term "no alternatives," come-of-age citizens who don't join the mainstream press are incapacitated, stamped as troublemakers and not taken seriously. Democracy is not sought any more in a divided country, divided between those above and those below.

The Lie of the Civilized Western World (tags)

"Terrorism is the war of the poor and war is the terrorism of the rich," Peter Ustinov said and thereby contradicted the media picture "we," the West who had to resist after being attacked without reason by barbarians. The so-called western values seem to be military values.

War Without End (tags)

The West likes to pose as the moral authority for the whole world. The West overran the world for years with disastrous and illegal wars. Glyphosate is the Agent Orange of our time. The US accused Vietnam of attacking one of its warships. But this attack was a fiction.

The Civilization Crisis: Post-Factual Criticism of Politics (tags)

In Trumponomics, falling tax rates for businesses should increase tax revenues. When businesses do not invest in an under-financed infrastructure, the tax gifts lead to lower stater spending and higher stater debts at the end.

Democracy and the Uncanny Power of Money (tags)

Growing inequality is the greatest political problem of our time. Governments are often only actors or puppets of an anonymous regime for the benefit of the privileged where the interests of simple people do not count.

The ABCs of Meaningless Economic Phrases (tags)

The most common myths start from the tax state that burdens the economy, the housework ordered by the state (save,save,save) to the Schwabian housewife prescribing the austerity creed. Politics must tend to every need of capital as a scared doe and therefore lower taxes.

Manipulation of Public Opinion (tags)

Timocracy-rule of the propertied-threatens to replace democracy. The large majority is blocked from political participation and from forming their social future-unlike what was intended in the model of the majority principle in democracy.

The Supposed "Omnipotence" of Politicians (tags)

The key to a new peace policy could lie in denouncing mechanisms of economic coercion that are not only states and politicians. As the warnings of Eisenhower and JFK teach us, politics is massively subject to the influences of economic power.

Democracy and the Social State (tags)

Finance capitalism and Citizens United turn life, language and democracy upside down as the $150 million given by Wall Street to Hillary Clinton fall under the rubric "social engagement." With these theses, Franz Segbers emphasizes the social state as the foundation of democracy.

Neoliberal Crisis Policy has Failed (tags)

The term "invisible hand of the market" goes back to Adam Smith. This assumes all economic activity promotes the common good. Neoliberalism's survival is surprising because its theoretical assumptions are dubious. People cling to neoliberal prescriptions against reality.

Stalingrad Children Receive Guided Tour Through Pyongyang (tags)

A delegation from Germany was taken today on a city trip encompassing Chollima Gardens, Songun Monument and Tower of the Juche Ideology, before receiving a speech at the World War History Museum. Participating were seniors who had experienced the war or its aftermath as children, and coming for an update to learn what they missed in national schools, as well as party and administrative officials. Participants took group pictures, laid wreaths and gave speeches.

We Must Choose: Capitalism or Democracy (tags)

Middle-class democracy only knows formal political equality. Rule over public opinion grows out of the dominance of capital. The alternative is authoritarian capitalism or solidarity democracy. Resistance is the command of the hour.

The Unending Story of the Achievers (tags)

All personal and corporate success depended on state investments in roads, schools, hospitals, community centers, airwaves, food safety and water quality. The achievers' myth ignores this, Austrian researcher Bruno Rossmann explains.

The Digitalization of Labor (tags)

Robots and algorithms are ready to automate many activities like the manufacturing robot Baxter... John Maynard Keynes dreamt of a future in which the work week of his grandchidren would by only 15 hours.

Bertolt Brecht Testifies Before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1947) 2 min (tags)

725 free movies, 700 free ebooks and 450 free audio books (including "1984") are ours on Enjoy the feast! How can anyone be hard-nosed with 725 freed movies?

Non-Profits versus Profit Maximization (tags)

Cooperation and competition strengthen each other. Creating a non-profit or cooperative housing sector is the only remedy to gentrification and commodification as rental prices go through the roof. Housing often mutates from a human and social necessity to a speculative asset.

38 Arguments Against TTIP (tags)

TTIP (Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership) agreement continues an old thinking instead of everyone sharing int he profits of a few. The private arbitration courts enable corporations to sue states and could have a chilling effect on labor and environmental protection.

TTIP and CETA Must Be Prevented (tags)

Under TTIP, TPP and TiSA, corporations can sue states for lost profits. The German Judges Union calls additional protection of foreign investors "nonsense" that undermines democracy and the constitutional state.

Politics in the Age of Acceleration and Sharing (tags)

Why do international crises always come over us so suddenly, seemingly without any signal? This happens because we consistently ignore all the signs. We want to know everything in real time-and miss the big connections. Whoever sows weapons reaps refugees.

60 Years of Resistance to the German Army (tags)

Today more and more people say Without Us! The German army is filled with so much contradiction that we can be very hopeful we will become a country without an army. We should debate this today. Always saying yes accomplishes nothing.

What I Didn't Read in the TTIP Reading Room (tags)

Katja Kipping was one of the first German MPs to gain access to the new TTIP reading room opened in Berlin this week, and she has written up a report of her experience. We thought it was well worth translating from the original, ‘The Opposite of Transparency’.

Bombing Strengthens the Islamic State (tags)

The attempts to stop Islamic terror through military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq have brought about the opposite. These attempts destabilized societies in those countries, promoted terror and triggered great streams of refugees. So the policy of the West bears a joint responsibility.

In the Logic of War (tags)

The so-called War on Terror after the attacks of September 2001 was a mistake. There are more terrorists than before. Europeans are now taking the same measures after November 13. Instead of determining and tackling the causes of terror, they use the terrorists as a pretext for open war.

NATO is harboring the Islamic State (tags)

Who funds ISIS? Is the Bush-Cheney policy of "regime change" related to the flood of refugees?

Time for a New Detente Policy (tags)

The past subordination under the US policy oriented to regime change and chaos in the Middle East must be ended. A diplomatic offensive to end the war in Syria on the path of negotiation with Russia is necessary. Since March 1999, NATO was expanded with a dozen countries.

Cochabamba: Water as a Human Right (tags)

The economy should be part of life, not a steamroller crushing self-determination and creativity. The TTIP, TPP and TISA trade agreements create a parallel private arbitration system that gives corporations special rights to sue states. Labor and environmental arein danger.

TTIP: Attack on Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)

A mass demonstration is planned for Saturday October 10 in Berlin against the TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership. A parallel private ad hoc arbitration system is created where corporations can sue states for lost profitsLabor and environmental rules undermined

Neglect of Public Housing (tags)

Crisis and chance are represented by the same Chinese letter. Big US and German cities have sold off public housing to gain revenue. The Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit program has financed 2-3 million units. The state is obligated to protect from the brutal market.

Can Keynes Rescue Europe from the Euro Crisis? (tags)

Keynes' theories and concepts were pushed back with the rise of neoliberalism in the 1980s. A complete change of course occurred when state spending cuts, lower wages and devaluations failed. The state spent money to create demand for products and services.

Unwanted Refugees: EU Countries Block Borders (tags)


Patients are not Customers (tags)

Mainstream economics is always based on the idea of homo oeconomicus, an egoist who maximizes his own advantages. In economics, the extreme form of egoism is treated as rationality. July 30 was Medicare's 50th birthday and August 14 is Social Security's 80th birthday. Celebrate!

G-7 Summit: Russia Bashing Featured (tags)


The Lie of the Weak State (tags)

The good condition of German labor markets is in reality in a catastrophic state...Unemployment is an "act of violence" against every unemployed person and represents an enormous waste for society as a whole.

Political Disobedience (tags)

"Crisis children" can't find a job despite study, four foreign languages and four hundred applications. They earn one-thousandth what a top manager rakes in. Youth unemployment has reached unbearable levels in Greece and Spain.

A Partial Privatization of Justice (tags)

On, Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO warns that the TTIP is a secret tribunal where only foreign investors can sue. The TTIP brings a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state by creating a parallel private arbitration system with irrevocable decisions.

On the End of Capitalism (tags)

The bridge from capitalism to the new "post-growth economy" is lacking. Hardly anyone reflects about the process of transformation...If the climate should be spared, flying cannot be a human right. The R-word will be unavoidable again: renunciation.

Myths of Free Trade: Attac Refutes TTIP Arguments (tags)

TTIP and CETA are far more than trade agreements. They help strengthen the power of transnational corporations and weaken democratic institutions. Attac promotes just trade instead of free trade. Labor rights, environmental standards and democracy must have priority...

Politics Faded Out the Constitutional Offensiveness of Trade Agreements (tags)

The arbitration jurisdiction with the ISDS mechanism is the most controversial point of the two trade agreements. US corporations could file lawsuits against the German prohibition of gas production through fracking. Public interest laws could be stylized as "indirect expropriation."

Fast Track, TPP and TTIP Should Be Scrapped! (tags)

How scandalous that communities and states should lose sovereignty to corporations! In the TTIP, corporations can sue states for lost profits. Public interest legislation can be called a trade barrier or indirect expropriation.

Democracy for Sale: Stop Fast Track and TTIP! (tags)

The investment protection clause of the TTIP grants investors special protection regarding their so-called :"legitimate expectation." Businesses can sue when they feel restricted in their business activity by new laws in the public interest. Financial services are an important sector for US investors.

TTIP: Trifling Economic Advantages at the Cost of Democracyand the Public Interest (tags)

The controversial investment-protection agreement establishes a parallel justice giving security to all investors.. The states would be liable for compensation for any lower profits.. We all know our plane can only survive when we do everything for a sustainable economy.

The Catastrophe has Already Begun (tags)

Capitalist growth has become the problem, promotes famines and strangles full employment. Can the world be rescued? Mass unemployment has never lasted as long as today; global problems increase... A change of consciousness is necessary so the population strives for justice.

George Orwell in the Government (tags)

Writing in 1948 off the coast of Scotland, George Orwell foresaw the time when war would become a domestic necessity to divert the people from economic contradictions. Newspeak is used so lies are called truth and slavery freedom.

Monsanto's Land Grab in Ukraine (tags)


Nicht to War in Europe (tags)


For a Different Economics (tags)

Economists are criticized everywhere for their onesidedness, their focus on markets and their inability to deal with the burning problems... From neoclassical assumptions "more is better" or markets lead to efficient distribution, a perspective on the world results that sets efficiency over justice

Victory of the Economy over Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)

The person exists as an end-in-him/herself and not merely as a means... On the other hand, the principle of the worldwide market economy is based on treating persons and their needs as means to the end of profit realization.

Aryan Nuremberg Laws in Israel (tags)


Stop the TTIP! (tags)

The European Commission suspended the secret TTIP negotiations for four months to get citizen consultation on the Investor-State-Dispute SettlementThis proposed parallel system with 3-person courts of arbitration allows corporations to sue for lost profits. Decisions are irrevocable.

NATO Expands, not Russia (tags)

For me the root of the present conflict lies in this decision of NATO that was dangerous and wrong...The simple technique is followed: demonizing the adversary, fomenting chaos and covering up one's own violence.

New Economy and New Prosperity (tags)

Economic structures that form the basis for social prosperity have become dysfunctional. The financial markets have expanded their original function and are now self-financed markets in which protection from risks has become a highly speculative business.

Free Trade Agreement TTIP Endangers Democracy (tags)

Investor courts of arbitration create an exclusive special right for foreign corporations. They could demand compensation when their profits are narrowed by democratic decisions.

$5.3 Trillion Daily (tags)

Eliminating currency speculation would be simple. The big central banks, the American Fed, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank and the Japanese Central Bank...$5.3 trillion whirl through the world daily seeking lucrative currency bets.

Christian Zionism: The Heresy that Undermines Middle East Peace (tags)

One of the major obstacles to peace between Palestinians and Israelis is the dogma of Christian Zionism. The current leader of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is Rev. John Hagee of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX. Followers of Hagee and CUFI are strong supporters of the military-industrial complex that profits from perpetual warfare. When any peace process between Palestine and Israel is possible, it is Hagee and his followers that are first to oppose and derail potentials for peace. The CUFI supporters reside farthest from the conflict that claims lives on both sides yet are always clamoring for more attacks on Palestinian people, knowing the bloodshed will continue in endless cycles of retaliation.

TTIP Undermines the Constitutional State (tags)

TTIP, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is a deregulation agreement, a great redistribution project benefiting mammoth corporations at the expense of women and the 99%. Loud protest caused the EU commission to suspend negotiation on the investor right to sue.

The Shortwave Report 07/11/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, The Voice Of Russia, and NHK World Radio Japan .

Free Trade Agreement: Special Rights for Corporations (tags)

The TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) gives corporations the right to sue sovereign states for lost profits and endangers public sector jobs and social and environmental protections

Competitiveness (tags)

A term becomes a myth; the myth becomes a religion. We are all conditioned by the misguided use of terms and connections so a way of looking at things seems absurd. The German economy acts like a bulldozer rather than a locomotive.

6 of the US Wars Initiated By Black Ops (tags)

Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, WW1, WW2, Spanish American War... were all initiated or expanded in the US by black ops

Free internet Book: The triumph of failed ideas, 286 pp (tags)

Free Internet books like Swiss, Austrian, Polish and German critical economists could help us to a sustainable future-friendly economy where the tax code is revised and the top 1% pay more taxes than their secretaries.

Prevent the Comeback of the Cold Warriors! (tags)

What lessons were learned from Vietnam, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Iraq and Afghanistan? Can countries become incapable of learning? Is preemptive war, confusion of offense and defense, a Hitlerian perversion? Does cooking intelligence create cynicism instead of public spirit?

Apple, the State and Social Rights (tags)

Apple only gained its profits with the iPhone through state promotion and investments in the Internet and language recognition software. The state suffers a revenue crisis in part because Apple, Google and dominant corporations transfer profits to tax havens or dummy Irish corporations.

Ukraine at War (tags)


Kiev Losing Control? (tags)


On National Democracy (tags)

The concept of National Democracy aims to overthrow feudalism and achieve independence from colonialism.

BRICS: Support for Putin (tags)

Brazil, India, China and South Africa protested against Australia's proposal to exclude Putin from the upcoming G20 meeting. China was formally neutral in the vote on the Crimea resolution. India spoke of "legitimate Russian interests."

Beware of Monotones! (tags)

There are voices beyond the monotone, nuances from the side of writers, scholars and economic experts.. Every war and conflict needs a narrative that defines good and evil, that classifies, simplifies and serves interests.

TTIP Attacks on Wages, the Social and the Environment (tags)

The belief that growth and prosperity for all people are promoted by free trade is as old as capitalism. This is often wonderfully represented in the model worlds of economists. But reality looks different. Specific particular interests are sold as the general interest.

Inhuman Capital (tags)

In polls many people massively criticize this system of market-conforming democracy and then vote for it with large marge majorities. This cognitive dissonance is the result of a reeducation of society. The values and norms are success and efficiency...

In the Whirlpool of Deregulation (tags)

The economy changed from real- to finance capitalism since the 1970s. This was not an accidental development. The economic researcher Stephan Schulmeister sees a pattern where deregulation created problems that were fought with more deregulation.

The Shortwave Report 02/07/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, and the Voice of Russia.

Militarism in Germany (tags)


Promised Land Disenchantment (tags)


Book Review: "The Greatest Predatory Attack of History" (tags)

The 1933 Glass-Steagal law created a firewall between commercial and investment banks and prevented speculators from gambling with the money of savers. Restoring Glass-Steagal would restore trust and public spirit. Profit-making is not profit-maximizing; speculating is not investing.

The Soup Kitchen State Grows (tags)

Old age poverty is the result of dismantling the social state...What is lacking for the impacted is justice. Need justice and distribution justice have always existed in the political realm. The task of the social state was to fight poverty and protect citizens.

Wars against Terror (tags)

"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake" (Jeanette Rankin). "Every war has two losers" (William Stafford). "You can make fish soup out of an aquarium but can't make an aquarium out of fish soup" (Polish proverb).

From Summit to Summit: Lost Generation and Lost Decade (tags)

Neoliberal economic thinking explains unemployment as a balance phenomenon with only supply-side causes: poorly trained, wrong place, excessive wage demands and an overly generous social state.. Youth unemployment of 30 or 60% is a catastrophe.

Capitalism is not the Opposite of the State (tags)

Without the permanent intervention of the state, there would be no functioning capitalism. No economic branch depends on the state like the financial branch The deregulation was based on the trick of slandering state regulation as strait-jackets.that could strangle the economy.

Who is System Relevant - Banks or the People? (tags)

We are experiencing the most brutal form of the neoliberal credo since the financial crisis: privatization of profits and socialization of losses. EU crisis policy bails out banks and drives the population into misery. We must change direction. We need a change of paradigms in policy.

Merkel's Germany (tags)

class war

Alternatives to Stagnation and Depression (tags)

Politics has fought the symptoms of the great crisis with banking- and economic packages while its systemic causes remain untouched… The hardest phase of the great crisis is ahead of us, not behind us. All sectors try to safeguard their position through spending cuts...

Normal Catastrophes and The Industrialization of Thinking (tags)

Instead of offering enlightenment about social reality, the media function as an amusement enterprise and immobilizing machine. Information mutates into infotainment... Advanced civilization is marginalized in many social areas into a sanctuary of the elites.

Punishment by the People (tags)

Online groups are being manipulated to stalk, defame and harass Peace Activists, Whistleblowers, Writers and Educators because of supposed, un-American activities

The Aesthetic of Neoliberalism (tags)

The aesthetic of neoliberalism bids farewell to the bad in its environment. Originality and color disappear. Crap tends to make itself into an inquisition and banishes everything that cannot be adjusted in the trash of the system.

Lobbyism: The Erosion of Democracy (tags)

The developments of the last decades point in a dangerous direction. Democracy threatens to become an empty husk with formal demands for democratic decisions while the contents are defined by tiny elite circles (catchword “post-democracy”). A living democracy is vital.

Stasi's New Incarnation (tags)

police state

Labor Solidarity in Neoliberal Structural Change (tags)

The self-regulating market and the invisible hand were neoliberal theories of Frederick August von Hayek and Milton Friedman. Submission to the market was described as a natural law, as natural and self-evident as the rotation of the planets. Solidarity and unions were decried as barriers.

Quelle Surprise: NSA Spies on Europe (tags)

police state

10 Theses about the Crisis: Ingo Schulze (tags)

German novelist Ingo Schulze's 2012 "Our Beautiful New Clothes" explains how we have accepted the form without the substance of democracy. People accepted the emperor's new clothes until a child cried "but he has nothing on." Maybe Hans Christian Anderson can help us.

Financial War - How Banks and Bandits Endanger our Democracy (tags)

Political failure follows market failure. Participation in system criminality is without risk of prosecution. The financial crisis is not only a system failure. It was caused by human actions in the banking sector that are objectively punishable.

Corporations versus States: Arbitration Boards against Democracy (tags)

In 2012 Ecuador paid the largest compensation sum in history $1.76 billion to Occidental for cancelling its oil production contract. Germany is threatened with a compensation of 3.5 billion for turning off two nuclear reactors.

Society of the Few (tags)

People still believe in the “faster, higher and bigger.” This fiction is maintained through over-chemicalization, over-technization, genetic manipulation or simply bribery of the judges. People lie to themselves.

Neoliberalism as a Variety of Social Darwinism: Ten Million More Unemployed (tags)

Social cuts are a danger for democracy..When fear of social descent or collapse seizes the middle class, the danger grows that exclusion-ideologies may gain acceptance like racism, nationalism or social Darwinism..The economic future is given away on the altar of an ideology that raises location competition to the leitmotif of political-economic policy.

Tax Evasion and the Social State (tags)

The good social state invests in the social, in the education of children of the new lower classes... Taxes is the price we pay for a civilized society (Oliver Wendell Holmes).. The state share must increase in a developed society since ever greater demands are made on the state.

"We need a new economic balance" (tags)

If the US removed the cap on social security taxes, public spirit and generational fairness would return to the states. At present, there is a cap at $106K. If you make $4 million, you only pay social security tax on the first $106K.

Merkel's visit: Germany and Turkey at the forefront of NATO's war propaganda against Syria (tags)

Once the U.S., German and Dutch Patriot missile batteries in south Turkey became operational under NATO command, first the defense ministers of Germany, Netherlands and Turkey, then Germany's Prime Minister Merkel visited those sites located some 100-120 km from the Turkish-Syrian border. A visit by the U.S. Foreign Minister Kerry is due to follow. Furthermore, the “Syrian National Coalition” will be holding a meeting in Istanbul to nominate the “Prime Minister” of the “interim government”. Meanwhile, Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan is continuing his vitriolic attacks against Syria’s President al-Assad in an effort to cover up his government's monumental war crimes against Syria.

Vulgar Materialism: The Madness of Growth and the Casino (tags)

Renouncing on growth or tolerating a shriveling economy is hard. Greece is a shocking example. Many people cut down the last trees because they could not afford heating oil. Nature is the first victim in an economic crisis. Whole generations are traumatized.

The racist dragon awakened in Django (tags)

Black American can not have their own culture, Tarantino said.

George Orwell in the Government: The Rich Come from the Poor (tags)

In Germany as in the US, the rightwing insists poverty is not a question of money but of attitude and thus of one's own making. Falling wages are said to be a sign of structural improvements on the labor market!

Ideology and Morality: What the Financial Crisis teaches about functioning of democracy (tags)

Moralizing is a form of argumentation found in many ideologies and academic systems of thought.. State interventions, we were taught, are bad because they run counter to the objective laws of the market.. The market is a social institution that we interpret in different ways..

Downward Spiral (tags)

To Krugman, the increasing ideological blindness of German politicians can only be explained by their belief that "hard times must be the necessary punishment for earlier excesses." Krugman overlooks that the hard times and excesses do not concern the same people.

Another Road for Europe (tags)

Europe is in crisis because it has been hijacked by neoliberalism and finance. Along the road to another Europe, visions of change, protest and alternatives have to be woven into a common framework. Finance should be prevented from destroying the economy.

German High Court Capitulates to Bankers (tags)

class war

Clicking as a Fetish (tags)

Citizen X is no longer represented by politician U... In the best case, Liquid Democracy can reinvent the vision of deliberative and interactive democracy, giving demonstrators a platform for the public discussion of public problems.

On the Solutions of Liberal Economists (tags)

The crisis has shaken economics to its foundations. The neoliberal mainstream has lost its support; economists alternate between self-doubt and arrogance. Once they believed in the rationality of economic actors and markets and the notion that financial management exists to serve the real economy.

The Extremist Society (tags)

"The barbaric core of capitalist socialization is on full display in the present system crisis. The propagandists of totalitarian economism come in the mask of democrats. Economic-profitability thinking is imposed on society. Our society has long been viewed as a business."

The Capitalism of Hopelessness (tags)

Regulated capitalism reached its peak in the class compromise of the 1960s when representatives of workers could put the screws on the steamroller CEOs a little. The enemy and dynamic are lost to capitalism. Capitalism flows into a society without utopia and alternative.

Repaired Shoes or New Shoes (tags)

The economy demonstrates-in the Marxist sense-its primacy over politics. Whose interests are realized? New holes opened up after every bailout action in the last four years. Greece is only the tip of the iceberg. The debtor is not to blame for the disaster.

Democracy in Crisis: The Terror of the Economy is a Danger to Democracy (tags)

There is a powerful crisis dynamic that is stronger than the will of the sovereign and its democratic institutions. When capital relations fall into crisis, everything can be instrumentalized: the basic law, democracy, human rights and human life. Economic pressure creates extremism of middle.

Stop the neo-liberal crisis politics - dispossess the beneficiaries! (tags)

We are experiencing the deepest crisis of capitalism since the great depression of the 30s.

Uncovering the Fracture of the System (tags)

Uncovering the fracture and the dislocations of this system, proposing changes and actively interfering is the optimistic side. The collective repression of problems is carried out to a spectacular extent. The welfare state and democracy cannot be separated.

Democracy instead of Fiscal Pact (tags)

Against the authoritarian-neoliberal EU, we champion a democratic and social-ecological Europe of the many!

Millionaire's Tax is the Best Debt Brake (tags)

Sahra Wagenknecht is a leader of the Left party, Die Linke, in the German Bundestag and author of "Freedom instead of Capitalism." Learning from other cultures is a strength, not a weakness. The University of British Columbia had a tuition freeze for 6 or 7 years and kept tuition at $2300.

Medrciless Samaritans and 10 Causes of the Crisis (tags)

"There is no society. There are only individual men and women," said Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher, the former British Prime Minister, had a great share in the crisis in which Europe, capitalism and democracy find themselves.

Readying the Greek Corpse for Burial (tags)

class war

Creation of Money (tags)

To give a credit to a customer, a bank doesn't need to take the savings of another cutomer from its vaults. It creates the money out of nothing. In a countermove, the bank must deposit money with the central bank. There is a debate whether the creation of money can be left to the banks.

European monetary fables tell a story, but for whom? (tags)

It's German wage cuts, not "lazy" Greeks

The Naked P{rophets (tags)

Economics' sharpest critics regard it as an auxiliary science of astrology, a sect that sings its same little song. Classical authors like John Kenneth Galbraith are finally rediscovered. Exactness is impossible. The coming generation should be protected from mono-cultural ideology

The Rule of Supply-Side Economists (tags)

Supply-side economists dominate wherever one looks in politics, economics and the media. That wages and salaries are not onl.y costs but also demand usually doesn't interest supply-side economists.

From Protest Camp to General Strike (tags)

Something crucial happened in the US in 2011. The strengthening of the Occupy movement, first on Wall Street and then in hundreds of American cities, is celebrated as the revival of the revolutionary middle class. The movement in the US seems two steps ahead.

On Protest and the "Occupy"-Movement (tags)

National economies are now subject to the pressures of this supra-national financial "market" and to the institutions helpful to this market like the IMF and the European Central Bank. "Bailout umbrellas" at the expense of the common taxpayer are opened up.

Shock Strategy for Europe (tags)

The cocktail of social cuts, deregulation and privatization struck societies like a blow. The economy hit the wall; social securities were taken away. The debt problems were used as "timely opportunities" to gain new ground for the free market.

The Worthless Value System of the Financial Branch (tags)

The Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman wrote: "In a free economic system, there is only a single responsibility for the actors. Businesses must be carried out for the greatest possible profitability." To believers in the self-healing market, questions about guilt, humility and pangs of conscience must sound like questions from another world.

Kristallnacht in Palestine (tags)


The Crisis, Trust and Homeowners (tags)

Capitalism cannot function any more without credit-financed debt on account of its increasing productivity. The recession will come because the indebtedness-dynamic can hardly be maintained with which the capitalist zombie-economy is kept alive in its pseudo-life.

US Finds Culprit (tags)

Critical thinking and cultural shock have the power to turn the world upside down (like Jesus' parables and zen koans). Trivializing structural/systemic economic problems as motivational, psychological, bumps in the road or industrial accidents is a perversion.

Learning Nothing in 80 Years (tags)

The crisis began in the US where the government became heavily indebted after September 11, 2001 in the war against terror and where property owners, banks and hedge funds long lived openly on credit. The German government was laughed at when it prohibited short-selling in 2010

Underway to Plutocracy: Financial Crisis (tags)

No promise of salvation can be imputed to capitalism any more.. The market is regarded as a natural law and power of fate. Nothing but Darwinism was left of the liberals' hope for progress. That Darwinism rejoices in the survival of the fittest and the sorting out of weaker debtors.


Workers Party (PT) repeats in Brazil the old companions' of Party German Nazi infamous betrayal.

Despite Shooting Incident Pope Celebrates Mass (tags)

The Vatican was undeterred by an incident earlier in the day in the eastern city of Erfurt on the edge of the security zone in which a man fired an air gun at a security guard about an hour before a papal Mass.

The Capitalism of Hopelessness (tags)

The capitalism of hopelessness is a capitalism where the enemy is lost, where capitalism can no longer fulfill its promise of prosperity for the people as in the 1960s and where capitalism neutralizes all utopian energy and alternatives. Public jobs must be created in the emergency.

The Game with Ignorance and the Growth Panacea (tags)

A world wide economic and financial order decays to a pure end-in-itself and no longer serves people. A system build on an ideology in which everything-even the person-becomes a product is legitimated by apologists who trivialize derailments of social life as "normal."

The History of May Day, Made in the USA (tags)

Leftist activists know about the eight men who were arrested and tried and convicted for terrorism related to Haymarket Square in Chicago. The bombing happened at a rally on the 4th, but it was due to events on May Day, when the city of Chicago went on strike.

Causes and Consequences of the Financial Crisis (tags)

The neoliberal restructuring and globalization of capitalism has led to states becoming the spoils of financial capital. The neoliberal program is enforced with the help of states. Governments only react to the conditions set by the economically powerful. This is the end of politics.

Tepco is the End of the Market Economy (tags)

Tepco operated antiquated nuclear reactors and glossed over the hard of a meltdown. The Japanese government will probably nationalize the firm since it cannot pay a fraction of its liabilities. What lessons do we learn? Should the public sector be expanded? We are all Wisconsin

The Afghanistan War and International Law (tags)

From the standpoint of the invaded, this war was and is a brutal violation against the basic principle of international law in Art 2 of the UN Charter which strictly prohibits the threat and use of force in international relations. This war was and is a war of aggression and a crime against peace.

New Numbers for Progress: Alternative Growth (tags)

The GDP measures the wrong things and conceals destruction of the environment, unhappiness and injustice. Politics tries to force up the gross domestic product. But what if this standard does not measure the right things and leads to a misguided policy?

The Silence of Economists (tags)

In 1936 Keynes was the first established economist who explained how a free enterprise system in no way realized a state of balance by itself. The state must take an active role in crisis times to prevent an economic downswing ending in a catastrophe.

Unconditional Basic Income - More than a Social-Political Concept (tags)

"Revolutions are very hard.. Sometimes holding fast to old structures will lead to the abyss. Then very high risks of a new beginning will be accepted to escape the far worse consequences of the collapse of the old structures." Basic income would prevent death from starvation.

The Financial Crisis and the Failure of the Modern Economy (tags)

The US government debt shot up from 2.9% in 2007 to 5.9% in 2008 and 11.9% in 2009. At the summits of Washington, London and Pittsburg, the goat was made the gardener. Ineffective rules were resolved that hardly helped regulate the financial markets.

PROTEST THE POPE correct in saying Pope was willing Nazi (tags)

Myth that Pope resisted joining Hitler Youth exposed When I interviewed Berger in April 2005, just after Ratzinger had been elevated to the papacy, he spoke well of Ratzinger's intellect and discipline as a young man. But he said he couldn't understand why Ratzinger had insisted for so long in so many public statements that no one had a choice but to join Hitler Youth.

A Financial Boom Despite the Crisis (tags)

For the banks, deficit state budgets become important clients. They compensate the private demand for credit. The financial boom is completely based on support measures of state organs. An economic upswing is not in sight.

Social Security for All (tags)

A Christian view of the person that insists on an undeserved right to life opposes a merciless system that produces more and more wealth for a few and forces more and more people into poverty. The narrowing of work to paid work must be broken by the new model of work for all.

hitler was a tweaker (tags)

the symptoms are stark, and german red, developed for field use, is still being made today.

Saving is not a Solution (tags)

The capital markets repeatedly force the real economy to its knees. The savings orgy should help heavily indebted states regain the trust of the financial markets. In a play from the madhouse, states must run into debt to bailout their money-houses.

Emergency Brake for Speculators (tags)

The private indebtedness brought about by unscrupulous financial managers mainly in the US was almost completely transferred to state budgets.

The Bank Tribunal in Berlin (tags)

Even today most radical market liberals do not see beyond their ideological blinders and explain the financial market crisis as a state breakdown. The financial catastrophe is a fiasco of their religious doctrine. The catastrophe plunged the dominant economy into a crisis of meaning.

Attac's Bank Tribunal: The Jury's Verdict (tags)

This crisis did not break out over society like a force of nature. Financial managers spread the legend that financial crises belong to capitalism as water belongs to the ocean and that euphoric phases of bubble formation and the bursting of bubbles come and go like the seasons.

This is not a social state any more (tags)

Building community centers (as in Vancouver BC), redistributing income and assets from top to bottom, reducing working hours, expanding the public non-profit sector and accepting housing, education and health care as rights not privileges would be important steps to a bright future.

Who is the Enemy in the Afghanistan "War"? (tags)

In 1994 the US brought to power the Taliban, Koran students raised in Pakistan's refugee camps. Attacking Afghanistan on account of Al Qaida would be like bombing Germany on account of skinheads. Do German soldiers only defend the US' superpower claim, not our security?

Culture of Profit (tags)

The 2010 Worldwatch Report was compiled by 60 scholars. "To avoid collapse, nothing less is urged than a revolution of the dominant cultural model, the replacement of our consumer culture with a model of sustainable prosperity."

"War never serves peace" (tags)

War never serves peace just as lies never serve truth and cats are not dogs. We wage war against the nature that we exploit and against the starving whom we drive into misery. As soon as one says war, we fall back thousands of years to the Stone Age and lose the option for the future.

Obama's War Crimes Same as Nazi War Crimes (tags)

On March 23, 2010, at age 88, a former Nazi iwas convicted of war crimes perpetrated over 65 years ago which the perpetrator, Henrich Boere, called justifiable under international law as a response to violent acts of resistance against the German occupiers as he was told the victims were partisans, terrorists.

Capitalism and Democracy (tags)

Citizens are protected from incursions of the state and on the other side must accept the sovereignty of the state and the general law as prerequisites of property and security. Whoever has visions should be the physician. A good physician will urge changing one's way of life.

"Campaign against the Weak" (tags)

Social justice, solidarity and sharing opens doors. We have to do some rethinking. The social state does not create the problems that efficient workers are lacking and jobs for many are lacking. Mass unemployment is a social declaration: "We don't need you."

Social State as Home (tags)

This society cannot afford to dismantle the social state. The social state guarantees inner peace. The strength of a people is measured by the well-being of the weak, those not born with a silver spoon. Solidarity, social justice and equal opportunities are key words and open doors.

The Neoliberal Agenda is Over and The Despised Social State (tags)

Neoliberalism is the political-economic experiment of individualizing social risks and claiming growth and employment will be higher. This claim is refuted convincingly by the global financial crisis destroying enormous assets and causing growth and employment to crash.

If the cap fits - wear it. (tags)

Present day war criminals hold meeting with successors of past war criminals - in Berlin.

The Earth Has a Fever (tags)

Worldwide 136 cities of millions at the coasts are directly endangered by the rising sea level.. The president cannot win a two-front war against the conservatives.. Over 100 German regions resolved to be completely renewable by 2025.

Protecting Capitalists or the Welfare State (tags)

Banks and hedge brought disaster upon themselves and their customers with their "innovations" and financial products.. Financial management may never be uncoupled from the real economy and lead a life of its own without economic justification or social responsibility.

Profits=Investments=Jobs? (tags)

The claimed connection between profits, investments and jobs is not right. Orders-literally demand-are more important than the profits that are investede for the creation of jobs. Market radicals repress market and system failure.

The Germans better look out. (tags)

The Israelis want revenge for what they did in Auschwitz

Obama, Westerwelle, and Afghanistan (tags)

Guido Westerwelle, the first openly gay leader of a mainstream German political party, is Germany's most powerful political proponent of ongoing German engagement in the Afghanistan War. As a result of the 09/27/2009 election, he is virtually certain to become the new German Foreign Minister, despite reports that 70% of Germans are demanding immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Globalization and the New Political Movements (tags)

Attac, a global justice network in many European countries, demands closing off-shore tax havens and debt cancellation for the third world. The word globalization has a function as a threat. Be flexible because capital is flexible and the state can do nothing!

In Afghanistan, NATO Has No Military Goals (tags)

Population sectors open initially to the western invasion are turning today to the Taliban. The Karsai government is hated as never before on account of its corruption, cronyism and the brutality of warlords supporting the government.

The Crisis of Capitalism: Credit-Doping (tags)

"The social market economy blows the wealth of this society in speculation rather than in higher wages, higher pensions or unemployment benefits.. All capital transactions with tax havens should be prohibited.. Instead of democratization, we growing centralization in a few hands.."


Tarantino: far away from the history and dived in the earth of the belligerent dreams.

Americans Want Freedom to Pay Too Much for Inferior Health Care" (tags)

US President Barack Obama has lost his messianic status in the row over health care reform, say German media commentators. The debate reveals the downside of America's ideological aversion towards government:

Ways Out of the Crisis (tags)

Investments of the state in the infrastructure, in educational- and social services, are urgently necessary. One positive aspect of the crisis is that the financial sector has begun to shrivel. The shriveling of the financial sector must be accompanied and controlled by the state.

Distribute Food in the Morning, Bomb at Midday and Build a School at Night (tags)

Military deployments are more or less elegantly redefined as development policy. Poverty represents by far the most important cause of violent escalation of conflicts. Military stability export maintains poverty.

Bailout Jobs, Not Banks! (tags)

The real state of German public finance is kept secret from the public although the public should pay the bill. Union leaders parrot the fairy-tale of the evil bankers who alone caused the whole debacle. Automakers produce for the storage yard

The Vacuum of World Trade Breaks Down (tags)

The unbridled free market was an illusion that gave free rein to greed and speculation and the dominance of the financial markets. Shareholder value made the profits of shareholders absolute and set short-term gain over long-term necessity.

Unconditional Basic Income for All (tags)

Laziness at everyone's expense is the argument brought by opponents of basic income because they haven't understood the cause.. The work incentive will change. One will work to increase quality of life and for the meaning of work itself.

New German Petitions for Mumia Abu-Jamal and Leonard Peltier (tags)

On the eve of the April 24 event for Mumia in LA, please be sure and sign these two new petitions. LOS ANGELES EVENT: Saturday, April 25 at the Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research, 6120 S. Vermont, from 5-7 PM.

GERMANY: Notes on Neoliberalism (tags)

"The neoliberal revolution was the product of an historical development, a reaction to changed circumstances. In its course, many western states in the 1970s and 1980s reordered the relation of state and private power.."

Financial Markets: Is No One Responsible? (tags)

Enlightenment is part of overcoming crisis, not only money packages. Ten officials in every boardroom is not the solution. Rather the problem is the incredible transformation of the modern bank into a service enterprise with an adjacent casino.

On the Psychology of Neoliberalism (tags)

The claim of non-wage benefits was stylized as social misuse, recipients of high incomes as achievers and unemployment as personal responsibility. According to this ideology, the optimal conditions for gaining profits lead to prosperity for all.

GERMANY: Oscar Lafontaine on the Financial Markets (tags)

"The present crisis cannot be overcome without a regulation of the financial markets.. When banks are given billions through the so-called bank bailout and these billions disappear somewhere, that is a misappropriation or embezzlement of tax funds.."

Time for a Bad Ideas Bank (tags)

The global economic disaster plunges economics into a legitimation crisis-not yet noticed by the vast majority of the affected. The current financial crisis involves dogmas that markets function best and correct their own mistakes.

Che 2 and Defiance- Movie Reviews (tags)

Two movies, Che 2 and Defiance with two different settings have two separate and different perspectives Defiance was based on World War II experience of the Byelorussian Jews fierce struggle as guerillas to survive the German pogroms. It was derived from the story of three Jewish brothers who went on separate ways- one joining the Red Army and other forming his own guerilla army. Essentially, it became a propaganda tool of Zionist groups in the face of their unpopularity during the Gaza crisis from December 27, 2008 until today. It heralded how the Jews fought the German, the common theme of all Jewish movies drawing sympathy from common people for Israel. On the other hand, Che 2 narrates the last days of Ernesto “Che” Guevara and his band as The National Guerilla Army of Bolivia and his less than 300 days struggle trying hard to build a new front against US Imperialism in South America.

The Great Chance: Basic Guaranteed Income (tags)

How else should the economy and society become more sustainable without a partial turning away from the growth society of more and more? The de-acceleration of work and life is necessary. A basic income could initiate both.

An Umbrella for Workers (tags)

The economic crisis is a structural crisis where productivity has soured and wages have stagnated. The fraud in public regional banks must end. Unemployment benefits must increase. Michael Schlecht is a union spokesperson for the German Left party (Die Linke).

Valkryie- A Lesson in Failed Coup (tags)

Tom Cruise did it again. Acting an off-beat role of a historical character, an aristocratic Catholic German officer-Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg who tried to assassinate Hitler during World War II, Cruise did more than his best to do justice to the man and his role. Definitely “Valkyrie” is better than “The Last Samurai” because it is not only historically true and accurate but it really dramatize the facts.

The REAL Story in Gaza: (tags)


The State Invests and Memorandum 2008 (tags)

When the state invests, it ensures that the economy will grow faster tomorrow than today: new streets, better schools and new eco-techniques. In a few years we will all earn more. Even German bank president Axel Weber urges a state economic program.

Memorandum 2008 Summary-Crisis Underrated (tags)

Without increasing internal demand, the upswing based on replacement investments and exports cannot continue. Without reduced working hours, adequate jobs will not be created in a world of reduced work volumes, rationalization and information technology.

Holy Scripture is the Standard, not Capitalism (tags)

Describing the dominant system as a social market economy is a deception. Social justice should be the integrating element of our economic order. Justice is not something additional to faith in God. Trust in the invisible hand is the core of the religion of the market.

The New Deal - in the US and Germany (tags)

A radical rethinking, a New Deal, is on the agenda. The worldwide depression can only be countered with stronger economic regulation, increased public spending and fiscal measures. This means an end to privatizations and rebuilding the essential infrastructure.

Financial Injections Ensure the Assets of the Rich (tags)

The money must be taken from those who profited from the past financial system. Thus a tax reform must be on the agenda. A state investment program is also urgently necessary. The past growth model of global capitalism is in a structural crisis. A new economy is beyond profit.

Financial Market Capitalism: Neoliberalis become State Socialists (tags)

Neoliberalism is neither new nor liberal. All freedom is demanded for capital, even though human dependence is intensified and human existences destroyed. The state becomes a functionary for neoliberal concepts. The debts of Fannie/Freddie are added to the nine trillion.

True as the Birth Mark on my Ass: German Intel told Bush (tags)

Realize: the German government has Officially NOT denied this Government Report is as true as the birth mark on my ass.

Orwellian Alert! British Crackdown Threatens Us All (tags)

“Free speech cannot be defended by silence”

Income Distribution is Perverse (tags)

Redistribution of income is central. Another economy is necessary in which people are more important than profit percentages. A shareholder value philosophy ruthlessly downsizes and closes plants in pursuit of maximum profit.

The Neediest Need Help Like the Banks (tags)

The same state haggles over every bowl of soup for welfare recipients. For banks, billions appeared overnight. There must also be money for higher wages and more social services.

"The Financial Crisis has made Heroes out of Rogues" (tags)

The state should make the economy more social and democratic. The conversions of Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel and Peter Steinbruick from market fetishism to state optimism were cabaret-style conversions. Democracy should dominate the economy.

America in Decline: Richard Sennett (tags)

In the race to the bottom, the worship of profit and the self-healing market, education, retraining workers, social mobility and intercultural learning fall by the wayside. School districts spend 600 times more for sports than for natural sciences. The US imports engineers and programmers.

Cold Peace-The US Missile Shield and its Consequences (tags)

The planned missile shield undermines the so-called second-strike capacity. It shifts the nuclear balance in favor of the US. The West gave the government in Moscow assurances after Russian troops withdrew from East Germany.

Russia Resurgent (tags)

A history of US intervention in Russia and Russia's resurgence

The Corporate State and the Welfare State (tags)

The idea of a "minimal state" may be passe. The author's two theses are: Liberalism is inconceivable without a strong state and liberalism undermines its own conditions of success. The modern welfare state is a child of democracy and can't be drowned in the bathtub.

Distribution Justice is the Command of the Hour (tags)

Mass unemployment, low wages, precarious jobs and falling real income strain the social budgets, not demographic development. Something is not right when poverty grows while the super-wealthy receive more benefits and subsidies.

Monetary Policy and Stagflation (tags)

50 countries already show double-digit rates; 42% of the world population is affected. Monetary policy reacts helplessly to stagflation. The financial bubble economy is an excess. When consumers finally spend the money they don't have, everything will be just fine.

The Forgotten Priority of Labor Over Capital (tags)

Politics is responsible for a social market economy and its rules and structures. When the state is reduced to only setting the framework for competition and then appeals to the responsibility of individual entrepreneurs, one falls at once in a neoliberal trap.

Some thoughts on "patriotism" written on July 4 (tags)

Incidentally, the American soldiers who have refused to serve in Iraq are the ONLY ones with the Rule of Law on their sides. The rest have only duty, patriotism on theirs ...

Crisis Populism and Rose-Colored Glasses (tags)

When it concerns socializing the losses of the financial disaster, the head of Deutsche Bank no longer believes in the "self-healing power of the market." The bankruptcy of neoliberalism is blatant.

Farewell to Neoliberalism (tags)

State interventions in the economy are unpopular and generally regarded as "against the system"-when the state interferes in profiteering. In the case of a crisis, the losses should be socialized.

Bishop Huber on the Increasing Cisis of Trust in Society (tags)

Responsibility for fellow-workers is just as important as responsibility for profits. The growing mistrust toward the economic elite changes directly into mistrust toward our political system. To find ourselves and affirm human limits, we need persons who share our hopes and suffering

Security is not War, Torture and Terror (tags)

"The swan that floats and doesn't sink represents the intransitory in the transitory." (Heidegger) "Truth is the first casualty in war." (Aristotle) "Every war has two losers." (Wm Stafford) We are called to resist the normalization of war and the militarization of foreign policy.

Inequality and Equal Opportunity: A German Perspective (tags)

A fifth of Germans no longer believe the national economy is just. With false signals, false promises and false goals, politics kindles the feeling of injustice. The idea of equal opportunity turns out to be the grand delusion of Germany.

The Crisis of Speculative Capitalism (tags)

Since the end of July 2007, the world economy was shocked by a new severe crisis of the financial markets. The courage to regulate the financial markets to prevent a future uncoupling from the productive economy is still obviously absent. The hour of truth will inevitably come.

The Subprime Tsunami Reaches the EU (tags)

Subprime mortgage credits in the US should not have been issued. Nevertheless subprime credits were extended in the volume of $1.3 trillion. An avalanche of expropriation roars in the valley. The banking crisis spills over into the credit system in the real economy.

Vietnam Comparisons (tags)

Nixon was elected in 1968 because he loudly broadcast he had a "secret plan" to end the war in Vietnam. He knew the war could not be won any more but together with Kissinger delayed the withdrawal for six years to achieve an "honorable" peace.


Imagine being sent forward in time from 1967 to 2007. Instead of gas costing 25 cents a gallon, it's $2.50. A decent home, intead of costing $15,000, costs $250,000 or more.

Welfare State in the Market Trap (tags)

"The crisis of the welfare state is a crisis in the heads of the economic and political elites. The welfare state is a political barrier against the marketing of human labor. The welfare state can be regained through democratic solidarity.. Today one farmer feeds 88 non-farmers."

The Power of Fossil (tags)

A redirection toward regenerative sources of energy is our ownly option. A conversion of energy production and a change of our way of life are indispensable. Energy autonomy is only possible with smaller units and democratic procedures of self-determined energy policy.

Another Economy is Possible (tags)

The world economy increasingly has the character of a plutonomy, a wealth economy where the rich appropriate an ever larger share of the social wealth. Imagine an economy that serves justice, peace and creation, where competition and cooperation coexist and the future is safeguarded

Soaring Capital Profits and the Mountain of Corpses (tags)

For the first time in the historyof humanity, a surplus of goods could satisfy the basic needs of all earthlings. The moral imperative lives in all of us. Capital rule, the rule of finance capital over the economic events of the world, is nearly total.

Signs of Cultural Declineand Glimmers of Hope (tags)

Trust in the administration of justice disappears - obviously for good reason. The temporary success of a citizen rebellion against selling off the city of Leipzig is a glimmer of hope.

U.S. Secret Air War Pulverizes Afghanistan and Iraq (tags)

News from the 4th Reich military forces: According to Associated Press, there has been a five-fold increase in the number of bombs dropped on Iraq during the first six months of 2007 over the same period in 2006. More than 30 tons of those have been cluster weapons, which take an especially heavy toll on civilians. Balad, which currently conducts 10,000 air operations a week, is strengthening runways to handle the increase in air activity.

"We Want Disarmament, not Social Cuts!" (tags)

After 1 million Iraqi deaths and a war cost between $1 and $2.3 trillion, the horror and scourge of war must end. This speech by a German union leader could give us courage in resisting the irrationality of war and the confusion of offense and defense.

"Israel's Policy Promotes Anti-Semitism" (tags)

Israel criticism per se is not anti-Semitism. That is wrong and leads us astray. How can open elections be demanded of Palestinians and then the results are not accepted?

Attacks in Argentina and Belgium in solidarity with Gabriel and Jose (tags)

Fire to the state, to capital and its prisons.

More reports on international solidarity with anarchist prisoners Jose and Gabriel (tags)

Jose Fernandez Delgado and Gabriel Pombo da Silva are anarchists from Spain who are now serving 14 and 13 year sentences respectively in German prison.

Top Tesla Assistant: Curious George (tags)

Some interesting Tesla history. And more.

who is george bush? (tags)

who is george scherf?

Moondance International Film Festival (tags)

The Colombian Film director and award winning screenwriter Sophia von Wrangell is comming to Moondance! She will lecture on Dramaturgy of Film on Saturday.

Beware of Falling Bankers! (tags)

Like the car, our sacred cow that is not discussed, speculation and prosperity based on credit are taboo subjects. The system is corrupt and its answers wrong. Will we mend our own pockets as China closes its wallet? Critical thinking, culture shock, alternative economic and Jesus' parables can be new beginnings.

Global Warming Destroys Maple Sugar Industry (tags)

Global warming is the most serious threat facing planet. We have an opportunity, and an obligation, to lead in solving this global crisis by investing in clean and safe electricity, efficient buildings and a less polluting transportation system.

Bush's America versus Hitler's Germany? (tags)

...but the American people have no such out or crutch to lean on in their passive enabling of the diasterous Bush dictatorship.

“Green” capitalism: German Greens adopt new economic programme (tags)

Germany’s Green Party recently agreed to a new economic programme, published under the title “The Green free-market economy.” The programme paper was developed by prominent party figures under the auspices of the party’s parliamentary faction leader Fritz Kuhn, heralding the free market as the guardian angel of the environment—and their own wallets. Every line of this document reflects the class outlook of the upper middle class—those owning medium-sized businesses and the better-off self-employed—by glorifying the market and private property, while simultaneously expressing the authors’ fear of mounting social inequalities. The entire document is characterised by a continuous “on the one hand...and on the other hand” type of argument.

Privatization as a Threat (tags)

Privatization undermines the nature of the state, the state's reason to exist, and leads to the loss of identity and sovereignty. The state revenue side is weakened by privatizing profitable state expenses. Siegfried Bross is a judge on the German Constitutional Court.

NASA Nazis Awarded Sancuary in America (tags)

Let’s look at the history of the NASA agency.

Why your revolution is no liberation! (tags)

During the recent weeks and months a spirited debate developed in different German left wing newspapers and groups about the sense or non-sense, the perspectives and the means and goals of the mobilisation against the G8 summit. Different German and Austrian anti-fascist groups started a campaign to criticise a wrong analysis of capitalism widely spread in the anti-globalisation movement. In the context of this campaign several public discussions and lectures were held, a special webpage was set up but above all reader was published that contains a set of basic texts referring to this problem. This reader is available in German and English and will soon also be published in French in order to spread the debate also across other countries. Check it out:

"Capitalism is not the solution" (tags)

Attac turns against the unjust sides of globalization. We need the contagious power of the ideas of freedom, justice and equality. The last European revolution in 1989 succeeded despite dictatorial conditions.

The G-8 Meeting... (tags)

Perhaps someone with one of those new computer programs developed by Bill Gates could calculate the resources being used for war expenses at the cost of education, healthcare and culture for humanity...

Do We Need a New Social System? (tags)

Only half of all employees today (in Germany) enjoy the old standard job.. The erosion of normal working conditions has been underway since the middle of the 1970s.. The basic income is the answer to the precariousness of working conditions.

Normalized Madness - Violence in Everyday Life (tags)

Violence is a primal phenomenon of humanity. Admitting we live in a culture of violence is hard. Violence is part of the horrific everyday life of many people. Nonviolent education strengthens civil courage. Jesus calls peacemakers blessed.

Nature and Narcissist Lifestyles (tags)

A tree is more than lumber and a national symbol.

Losses as Profits: Review of Enron; The Smartest Guys in the Room (tags)

The firm's business idea consisted in showing future profits on the books as real profits.. In this "Darwinian tragedy," the Enron cadres ennobled their corrupt business practices by referring to "The Selfish Gene."

War and the Misuse of God (tags)

No freedom of religion if religion calls to war, glorifies war, presents war as inevitable or promotes the hatred of humankind.

Time for a Revolution (tags)

This is the time for a revolution, not for half-hearted actions, said retiring French presi-dent Jacques Chirac..Despite higher prices, energy still has an aura of inexhaustibility. Renewable energy has an 18% share in worldwide electricity production.

The Search For The Authentic Pancho Villa (tags)

According to an Account by Woodrow Wilson's Liaison to Pancho Villa, in book about the Mexican Revolution that has been made to disappear, "Pancho Villa did not invade the U.S. at Columbus, New Mexico, on March 9, 1916, as is commonly believed" -- he was eight hundred miles away, in the mountains of Coahuila, at the time.

'Biological parents are the enemies of their offspring' (tags)

Kindergarten is meant to protect children from their own mothers. ...

Capitalism and Corruption (tags)

Until recently, the bribes paid by German firms abroad were deducted from the corpor-ation tax as operating expenses..The neoliberal dogma doesnt need any religion since it makes capitalism into a religion.. The cult of abstract riches cannot replace morality Mergers and takeovers are central.

Under the Spell of the Hegemon: Book Review (tags)

Empire-building is a blindness, delusion and false security. Since all people yearn for free-dom and self-determiantion, imperial hubris is based on rewriting human nature & history stylizing arrogance as a natural law and trashing international law and democracy.

Full Employment as a Grand Delusion (tags)

The third labor market isnot a panacea. However it is the only possibility for bringing a large number of persons into meaningful employment..Whoever wants to stop right-wing extremists must take the bottom out of their arguments and expand the labor market

Basic Income Strengthens Workers' Negotiating Power (tags)

Basic income would be an effective instrument against the growing poverty, a kind of democracy package and a good vehicle for self-determined reduced working hours..Some leftists have a hard time because they follow a certain work fetishism

How the Rich Become Richer and the Poor Poorer (tags)

The rich become richer by taking more from the poorer and the poor.. How long will humanity fall to capitalism and the asocial drives of a small clique of beneficiaries?.. We can't afford the rich.

German anti-G8 Infotour in LA? (tags)

The German anti-G8 Infotour group is doing a 22 City USA Infotour. We have been unsuccessful finding a group in LA to host us, and unless we find one immediately, we will tour from San Diego to Seattle (+ East Coast) with no LA stop. We already have promo material and posters all ready to go to make this tour easy for you to host. It would be sad to miss LA, so please write us right away! Thanks, J Germany

Optimism in the Kingdom of Phantasies (tags)

The credit-financing of the worldwide takeover batlles has built a gigantic bankrupt-cy potential in the private equity funds that can lead to a chain reaction in 2007. The hard landing of the consumer economy in the US seems programmed.

More Employment through a Different Distribution (tags)

More employment comes through reduced working hours and public investments more than tax subsidies. The state has destroyed jobs. The global attack of neoliberalism has gravely damaged the democratic welfare state.

Peace Initiatives for the Middle East (tags)

For decades, the Israeli and Palestinian people have lived as neighbors. Cooperation and joint development are possible. Instead their life is poisoned by war and violence. The Israeli occupation is the essential evil.

The Welfare State and Democracy (tags)

The German presidential cabinets following the Mueller government cut the basic social rights of employees and unemployed at a breakneck speed and dismantled the welfare state and democracy.

Reforming or Dismantling the Welfare State (tags)

The neoliberal residual state is more a criminal than a welfare state..The welfare state that has constitutional rank in Germany is now without intrinsic value for neoliberals and subject to the location logic of economic and power interests.

Every School as a Small Business (tags)

The Bertelsmann foundation reorganizes German schools according to market criteria. A privatization of the political is occurring worldwide today.. Bertelsmann keeps a tight reign on public libraries, schools and universities through performance standards and control instruments.

Israel attacks German Warship (tags)

The pilots mistook it for a nazi warship

Demographic Development: Reality and Media Distortion (tags)

Reducing uhemployment and intensive education for children and youth are prerequisites for mastering the future. Instead the economy and politics constantly refer to demography.. Catastrophic reports sell better than the truth.

In the Spirit of Jaures and Luxemburg (tags)

Only a new type of conflict management can put a stop to the violence in the Middle East.. In 1914 there existed an inherited hostility between Germany and France.. The only question is how the never ending spiral of violence can be broken.

Asymmetry (tags)

A skillful foreign policy keeps options open and avoids falling into cul-de-sacs.. German Middle East policy is more than unskillful. It is a catastrophe for everyone, for Germany, Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinians.

From War Against Terror to Anti-Fascist War (tags)

The government only wanted to divert from its failure in the anti-terror battle and cover up the war in a new way.. Fascists nowhere came to power without open support of at least some capital forces.

Work Above Everything (tags)

Capitalist at the start of the 21st century set out to realize the utopia of a life without work-and cannot face this fact-because of its own inner pressures. Reducing working hours is crucial for lowering unemployemnt. Creating a social net is a precondition for sharing work

Sensible Mandate (tags)

Peoples do not win wars, only governments. People only delight in war when they are poisoned by propaganda and indoctrinated by the school, media and religion.. War, this orgy of killing and destroying, is the absolute horror.

Germany joins US, British, Israeli axis of aggression (tags)

Last Sunday, German government spokesman Ulrich William spoke on behalf of the chancellor, Angela Merkel (Christian Democratic Union—CDU), and expressed Merkel’s “great regret and deep sadness over the consequences of the Israeli air raid on Qana.” Two days later, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Social Democratic Party—SPD) began an interview in the Süddeutsche Zeitung with the words: “What took place on Sunday in Qana was appalling. The large number of civilian victims of the Israeli air raid is terrible and unacceptable.”

Oil Wealth as a Curse (tags)

The world energy need will increase 50 percent by 2030 necessitating investments of billions in the energy infrastructures.. With its oil greed and balance of payments deficit, the US could endanger global peace and the stability of the world economy.

German Peace Movement Demands Israeli Withdrawal (tags)

Both the occupation of the Gaza strip and the arrest of members of the Palestinian government are clear breaches of international law.

Targeted Arson (tags)

The dominant policy only knows the language of violence. Whoever tries solving problems with violence only produces more violence.. A war against terror is not waged. This is a war against a whole people.

Solving ecological problems by restoring indigenous wisdom (tags)

Indigenous ecoknowledge can help in solving modern man-made problems with permaculture, decolonization, dismantling border fence, riparian floodplain restoration, etc..

Nazis and Neo-Cons: compare and contrast (tags)

It’s not uncommon to hear a left-leaning person denounce the Bush administration with a barrage of Nazi-related epithets. The slurs are typically blurted out in anger with little thought to evidence or validity. In fact, whenever analogies are made linking a person or current event to either the Nazis or Holocaust, accusatory responses of “exaggeration” and “slander” are usually justified; it is indeed immature to randomly compare anything to the machine of Nazism that took the innocent lives of so many. While taking this into full consideration, the following is nevertheless an attempt to make some unpleasant connections.

Israeli math (tags)

from xymphora

Is the West Experiencing its "Afghanistan"? (tags)

Captive in its foreign policy loss of reality, the Soviet Union was provoked to an invasion, suffered its "Vietnam," was internationally identified as an aggressor, lost its respect and endured a demoralization that led to the collapse of the Soviet Empire.

The Status Quo (tags)

Perhaps the only question is whether the people or corporate elites should regulate and plan. Perhaps businessmen are not the only ones who understand growth and de-velopment. Perhaps profit worship and the self-healing market are myths.

Willy Brandt's Norwegian Exile (tags)

Willy Brandt warned against identifying National Socialism with the people of Germany. "Hitler is not Germany" was an article from September 1938.. "Socialism must be built on freedom and democracy if it deserves its name."

Not Welcome, Mr. President! (tags)

All past attempts to solve political problems militarily failed gloriously. War may not be a means of politics any more.. The wars of the US are themselves terror and sources of ever greater violence.

Cyber-protests grow over soccer sex slaves (tags)

Chimpy W. Bushitler does it again - refuses to stop his slick oil buddies from getting illegal prostitutes.

Fatal Signal (tags)

Washington recognizes India as a nuclear power in the middle of the Iran negotiations over its nuclear program. That is a fatal sig-nal. Governments in the third world ask why India's disdain of disarmament is given priority.

Unilateralism is Over. Resistance Grows. (tags)

The US government saw itself forced to climb down in two central foreign policy questions. Washington's efforts to completely cut off Palestinian authority's money supply were stopped. In the Iraq question, Bush was manoevered offside in the Security Council.

Worldwide Wars and Anti-Military Options (tags)

The author suggersts three reasons for the nerve-wracking calm in Germany: 1) objective and very cruel mass unemployment, 2) self-stigmatization and 3) people don't think there is anything to share. At the end he urgers: Be IMI-Instinctively Mainstream Ignoring.

Europe’s ‘Green’ militarists (tags)

The days when the German Green Party opposed international military operations by Germany’s armed forces, or at least criticized them, have long since passed. After seven years in government, the party has returned to the opposition benches, but it has by no means returned to its former pacifist positions. The Greens are among the most avid proponents of a German military mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one that could easily become the most extensive and dangerous foreign operation conducted by German soldiers since World War II.

Political Solution, Not a War on Iran! (tags)

War is the great terror. We seek de-escalation, non-aggression guarantees and renunciation of force. Nuclear weapon states should finally fulfill their obligation to disarm their nuclear arsenals.

No Peace to the Western War Policy and the Neoliberal System! (tags)

This war policy is justified as a completely selfless undertaking..When industrialists say a constitutional state must be built militarily, they really mean the right to plunder..What we witness now is the return to jungle law or double standards.

Pope asks God why he 'tolerated' Holocaust (tags)

I always thought god approved of the Holocaust? Or since god doesnt exist i guess i would say that the pope approved of the Holocaust. Wasnt the vatican sleeping with the big wigs of both the Nazi Germany and the Fasist Italy at the time of the Holocaust happened? For that matter I think that the Vatican got its status as a country because of deals it cut with the Italian government.

German 'Robin Hoods' Give Poor a Taste of the High Life (tags)

A GANG of anarchist Robin Hood-style thieves, who dress as superheroes and steal expensive food from exclusive restaurants and delicatessens to give to the poor, are being hunted by police in the German city of Hamburg.


The election cycle of 2006-2008 has started, a time for all militants to run for cover. It will not be pretty and certainly is not for the faint-hearted. The Democrats smell blood in the water. The Greens smell that the Democrats smell blood. Various parliamentary leftists and some ostensibly socialists smell that the Greens smell blood. You get the drift. Before we go to ground let me make a point.

Speak Now, or Never: Stopping Sensenbrenner (tags)

Tomorrow morning, anti-fascists and anti-racists join together in the streets.

Worldwide Wars and Anti-Military Options in the 21st Century (tags)

The wars at the beginning of the 21st century are marked by US unilateralism, distribution battles over dwindling resources, the growing gulf between poor and rich and the new role of Islam in this connection.. Offensive wars do not appear winnable today

The Tax State in the Globalization Trap (tags)

The middle class cannot do what corporations do..German corporations pay little corporation tax; their share amounts to 2.6% of all taxes. For decades, they even received more subsidies than the profit taxes paid in Germany. Corporate enrichment in the US leads to state deficits and social cuts.

Imperial Irrationalism (tags)

The new social and national demagogy entirely comaprable to German fascism conjures away the social question from mass consciousness..Rightwing ideologists know that the war goal and war are irrational.

Defending Human Dignity: Dietrich Bonhoeffer (tags)

The chapter of German resistance remains rather narrow compared with the wide support that Hitler could count on up to the end that enabled him to act mercilessly against all opposition.

Memorandum 2005: Alternative Economic Policy (tags)

In Germany and the US, the corporation is often stylized as the suffering servant. The market is made sacrosanct; all problems are defined as interferencs with the market. Profits soar and investments fall. Corporations pay increasingly less tax.

Calls for Dialogue in the Iran Crisis (tags)

Renunciation on force and non-aggression guarantees are crucial for de-activating the crisis along with convening a UN mediation commission. All military options must be excluded.

On the Scandinavian Model (tags)

The Scandinavian model could help us find our way to social compromise and true security through investments in education and apprenticeships. Has our wealth blinded us to alternatives and encouraged our altered state of paralysis, insecurity and fear?

Against the Neoliberal "Modernization" of the Labor Market (tags)

he predicted employment effects of the neoliberal strategy do not go beyond expanding low-wage sectors and under-employment.

"Prison for Everyone" (tags)

"The children began to create their own worlds. The imagination is like a muscle that has to be constantly trained. The imagination atrophies through media saturation.

Shareholder Value (tags)

Since unemployment has reached an unparalleled dimension under the combination of increased productivity, global wage dumping, weakened unions and non-existent system competition, I prefer a radical redistribution of work and income.

Consumer Shock at the Pump (tags)

Life was disrupted when the world faced the first oil price crisis in the winter of 1973. People in the southern US are experiencing this today.. Around a quarter of US production was lost through the hurricane.

The Real Story: Germans Reject Thatcherism and Being US Puppets (tags)

American media reports speak of a loss for Germany’s socialists and of a more pro-business Germany, but the voters of Europe’s biggest state actually stood solidly for a progressive, caring socio-political system and for a foreign policy that doesn’t follow in lockstep behind Washington.

From Keynesianism to Thatcherism (tags)

The analysis of whether aggregate economic problems are more on the supply- or demand side and whether they are short-term or long-term precedes all state economic policy.

Exploding Profits and Stagnant Wages (tags)

"Domestic demand has stagnated for years.. Money for investments exists in excess in Germany. However investments declined 0.7% in 2004 despite record profits. Invest-ments fell for the fourth year in a row and are 13 percent lower than the 2000 level.."

"Nine-Eleven" Retrospective (tags)

After declaring war on terrorists, an endless war, the balance sheet is rather depressing three years later-and after two wars. Many terrorism experts see America's reaction to Sept 11 as catastrophic. A gift was given to the terrorists with the iraq war.

60 Years Ago Dietrich Bonhoeffer was Murdered (tags)

"Translated in nearly all the languages of the world, Bonhoeffer's texts encourage liberating the Bible from the godless bonds of fundamentalist interpretations and protesting increasingly perfect weapons.."

Nearly 9,000 U.S. troops dead? A NATIONWIDE CALL FOR INFO FROM SURVIVORS. (tags)

Has the Bush administration drastically understated the U.S. military death count by redefining "death"? The following article suggests that it has, and it calls for a nationwide campaign to honor deceased service members by naming and counting them.

NWO Routed (tags)

French and Dutch Patriots Rout the New World Order

The Vulgar Logger (tags)

With the Global Climate Change initiative, Bush presented an alternative to the rejected Kyoto protocol..Dan Kowalzig from the NGO Friends of the Earth described the initiative as merely a camouflage to protect industry.

Freedom according to the Stock Market (Gunter Grass) (tags)

"Our freely elected delegates are not free int heir decisions..Profit maximization is passed off as a basic value instead of the social obligation of property..Democracy perishes, not the state.."

Against Rightwing Demagogues (tags)

Migrants did not only serve Nazis as scape-goats. As the fascists declared the Jews scapegoats, their grandchildren today blame foreigners for unemployment and social cuts. We need a literacy campaign against the social demagogues of the right wing.

The Security Mania (tags)

Since Margaret Thatcher's brazen slogan `I dont know any society-only individuals', the old pre-fascist social Darwinism has become socially acceptable again..The wolf is praised as exemplary for our future economy.

Paul Wolfowitz as Head of the World Bank (tags)

In an Internet poll, Wolfowitz is regarded as a global disaster by over 80% of respondents while less than 10% see Bush's decision as a master stroke..The political scientist Bernd Kubbig points to Wolfowitz' contradictory and sinister role in the iraq conflict.

Germany: Police Helicopters hunt Sprayers. 1 dead. (tags)

Berlin - no joke: German minister for inner affairs and inner security Otto Schily (SPD) ordered his new created military style police "Polizei des Bundes" to hunt graffiti sprayers with helicopters and ground units in Berlin, the german "streetart-capitol", at night. One innocent man came to death.

The Enough-for-All Campaign (tags)

The neoliberal policy is international and supposedly without alternative. However policy is man-made and therefore can be changed.. Every person has a right to share in the social wealth.

The Social State is Affordable (tags)

That "we" can no longer afford the social state is gossip. Thinking this gossip will end is wishful thinking. In truth, we cannot afford the prevailing financial policy.

"Non-Humanitarian Catastrophes" (tags)

The problem is that money is spent wrongly, not that money is spent. I wish a peace research group would offer newspapers a daily column titled `What We Can Afford Today'. Two and a half civilian jobs could be financed for every employee in the armament industry.

Higher Authority: On Powerlessness and Fate (tags)

The egalitarian brutality of this natural disaster that wiped out fishing villages and exclusive beach resorts at the same time emphasized the inequality and injustice of world society with all its moral paradoxes.

"A Subtle Form of Hypocrisy" (tags)

Between 1980 and 2003, $1.8 trillion in interests alone flowed from the South to the North. The heavy debts of developing countries more than tripled in this time period.


look at what I found :>) author: Justus Leicht for the World Socialist Web Site US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld may be forced to skip a major international security conference in Munich next month for fear that he could be hauled before a German court on war crimes charges, according to published reports in both the US and Germany.

Beyond Kyoto (tags)

The predicted consequences of global warming are manifest.. In 2050 England will be half under water.. Production shifts to low-wage countries. Instead of preventing this shift, politics still urges all people to adjust to the little group of egoists.

Hard Landing of the Dollar (tags)

The decline of the US dollar signals the economic weakness of the superpower and the structural crisis of capitalism. Since 1985 the US has become heavily indebted fo foreign countries. This foreign indebtedness amounts to 35 percent of the GDP.

nazi wr criminal tells confesses his complicity -- Guardian (tags)

(with prefacing editorial) In the UK oskar groening, former SS Soldier, tells the truth about the Holocaust because deniaers attempt to say it didn't happen. he was there (UK's Guardian) oh yeah -- they were SOCIALISTS. peopel need to wake up.

Primal Fears Seize the Middle (tags)

Social justice decays to mere equal opportunities.. Demography often serves economic circles, established parties and the media as a tool for social-political demigogues in legitimating neoliberal recon-struction or dismantling the welfare state.

Another 9-11 Warning from German Intel? (tags)

Information predicting an act of nuclear terrorism in Houston on December 27 is circulating on the Internet. The source purports to be a former member of German Foreign Intelligence. He claims the CIA and FBI are again ignoring precise warnings from his organization, as they did before 9-11. He says Paul Wolfowitz, the Mossad and CIA are again behind the attack. This source sounds extremely credible. He seems to have an impressive knowledge of Intelligence practice and a wide command of names and detail down to Paul Wolfowitz's private phone calls.

Rockefellers, Kissinger, Bush sr ran Pinochets' Operation Condor (tags)

Will they go to trial like Pinochet?

Fascism and the Republican Party (tags)

The close relationship with the Republican Party of fascist individuals and groups from the period of Nazi rule in Europe.

Criticism of the Social State is Irrational (tags)

"Paul A Samuelson, an important economist of the 20th century, worries about the state of the US economy. He fears falling wages..`We in the US are on the way to a plutocratic democracy. Neither Bush nor Kerry can stop outsourcing'."

CIA Coup-d'etats, and Operation Condor, Bush sr's international terrorism (tags)

Abu Ghraib torture is the tip of an iceberg...

The Social State is a Civilization Achievement (tags)

"The social state is a civilization achievement Since free enterprise mechanisms alone cannot guarantee social security, the state has the task of guaranteeing social security for all and pursuing a policy of social equali-zation. Democracy needs a social foundation

Capital Logic on Trial (tags)

"Rainer Roth in The House of Cards puts the mechanisms of the capitalist economy on trial.. To counter the long-term descent of profit rates, the tax burden for businesses, a constant 21% from 1960 to 1980, has spiraled down to only 8% today.."

Social Collapse through Privatization (tags)

"A view of the person underlying the reforms should be opposed by the peace movement: the person as an isolated being competing unscrupulously for better living conditions in a state that sees its task more in establishing peace from above.."

The Weather Map of Globalization (tags)

"Globalization is a real process rooted in the crisis of worldwide capitalist exploitation and describing a new quality of capital export. Outsourcing particular economic areas in the global repression competition replaces the export of complete industrial products.."

Education is not a Commodity for Trade (tags)

"Educational policy can and must bring light into globalization.. The world is no longer as simploe as in biblical times when the traders could be simply chased from the temple. Education must remain master in its own house.. Education is not a commodity.."

The High Priests of Economic Nonsense (tags)

"The rules of social state restraint of wild capitalism are ignored. The class struggle from above has long been a fact since the coalition of capital with the government is fairly stable and the media play along. Resistance is inevitable.."

Was President Bush's great-grandfather a Nazi? (tags)

Occasionally a know-nothing drops this horseshit: "Prescott Bush was a Nazi." Enjoy the straight dope.

"Wars are Good for the Economy": The Global Free Trade System (tags)

"The international free market was created artificially in the 18th and 19th centuries with the force of the English colonial state and did not develop naturally from the free exchange of goods as neoliberals constantly claim.."

Against the War (tags)

"The first lesson is that war produces war. War against terrorism produces terrorist war. The second lesson is that domestic war corresponds to foreign war. The military question and the social question are closely connected.."

DDay News Report (tags)

Here's how the landings at Normandy would have been covered by today's media. On the coast of France, June 6, 1944

WWII POW compares treatment by Nazis to US military (tags)

The guards at the infamous Frankfurt interrogation headquarters terrorized us by allowing giant snarling mastiff attack dogs to come so close I could feel their hot breath and drivel. Apparently in Cuba, Afghanistan, and Iraq, under Bush's military-industrial-complex has learned from the past. -- Ken Norwood, WWII veteran

News Article from August 1st, 1944 (tags)

Venezuela: The hijacking of a sacred stone (tags)

* The Pemon people of Venezuela calls to the international solidarity in their struggle for the return of the sacred stone Kueka

WILL FALLUJAH BE USA'S LIDICE (town leveled by Nazis to avenge SS officer)? (tags)

Paul Bremer, the U.S. Protector of Iraq, has promised reprisals for the "murder" of four "civilian contractors" in Fallujah, Iraq. U.S. officials have called the killings "ghoulish." Beware another Lidice -- the Czech village liquidated and leveled by the German Nazis in 1942 to pay back the killing by Czech patriots of Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the occupation of Czechoslovakia. About "ghoulish," remember that President Bush's grandfather robbed the grave of Apache chief Geronimo and took his skull to Yale's Skull and Bones Society, to which both President Bushes belonged, where it was (and still may be) used in rituals. Let's don't get too self-righteous or bloodthirsty.

The Fascist Fraternity (tags)

A history of the close collaboration of fascists of different nationalities when faced with the common threat of socialism.

Prince Bernhards Nazi-history; open letter (tags)

In The Netherlands, Prince Bernhard placed an article through his freemason end-editors connections in "The Volkskrant" to cover-up his secret Nazi-history and other affairs.

Hitler: An Officer And A Gentleman ? (tags)

"Until the Russian bullet hit officer Schultz, during the battle at Stalingrad, he really was totally convinced that Adolf Hitler was 'an Officerand a Gentleman', like himself."

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #6 (tags)

In its March/April 1990 edition, the West German magazine, “Semite”, self-described as "the independent Jewish magazine", published a blistering expose of ADL Honorary Vice Chairman Edgar Bronfman’s dealing with the now-toppled regime of East German communist dictator, Erich Honecker. The article by Jacob Dachauer , entitled "A Whiskey for the Holocaust", documents how Bronfman used his post as President of the World Jewish Congress to make deals with the Honecker regime on behalf of his Seagrams liquor empire, and is accompanied by a picture of Bronfman receiving the highest state medal of People’s Friendship in Gold from Honecker in October of 1988.

The US and the Straitjacket (tags)

"According to Kyoto, the output of fuel gases should be lowered to under 95 percent of the 1990 emission level by 2012. Fuel gases are regarded as causal agents of a global warming of the atomosphere.. The US is responsible for 36% of carbon dioxide.."

The Crash has Already Begun (tags)

"The crash has already begun! Every crash comes inthree steps, the stock market crash, the banking industry crash and finally the real crash, the collapse of the economy, businesses, jobs and the financial system.. The coming depression is the correction.."

An Empire Falls: Chalmers Johnson's "Blowback" (tags)

"The US military, Johnson declares, is transforming into an autonomous system. The mammoth military establishment is an indispensable instrument for the American empire..The military regards its own interests as higher than the old ideal.."

The 42-Hour Week (tags)

"Two currencies exist for prosperity: money and time.. What we need is shorter full-time work for everyone, a new culture of contented-ness and an intelligent working hours policy oriented in the needs of people." translated from the German

Multi Lateral Matters (tags)

Why 30+ Years of Appeasing Muslim Terror Got the World Nowhere But Screwed

What Right Do Zionist Jews Have To Palestine? (tags)

What title-deeds do the Jews of today actually have to the land of 'Israel'? The idea that a people can possess some kind of ethnic ancestral right to a territory supposedly vacated by their forebears some millenia previously, implying a right in perpetuity, can have no legal basis. Or otherwise Americans of European ancestry, to name just one group of people, will have to pack their bags.

History- 17 Years Later (tags)

A wonderful piece by John Bennett in a time of conglomorate-controlled media.


Los Angeles Count Baord of supervisors apporved agenda item 48 which moves to gain support from President Bush and others to pay reparations to German Jews. Some citizens found this tio be racist and unfair to blacks seeking reparations and acknowledgement of the Black Holocaust.

U.S.'s 'Iron Hammer' Code Name 1st Used by Nazis (tags)

"Gott mit Uns" German Fascist slogan - 'God is with Us." The poster is from the Nazi war days... it reads, "This is how we fight, this is how we win!"

The Recruiters of 9/11 (tags)

In his landmark article, Chaim Kupferberg uses mostly mainstream sources to reconstruct the making of the Official 9/11 Legend.  Here, Kupferberg takes a closer look at the murkiness surrounding the stories of the two men who reportedly recruited some of the main 9/11 players in the U.K. and Hamburg.


new hampshire gazette reporter - tha last free journalist in the us - under 24-hr police "protection"

The Fascist Fraternity (tags)

A history of the colloboration of German and American capitalists in World War 2 to not only profit from war, but spread fascism as well.

Claims 911 Was An Inside Job Go Mainstream (tags)

Who'd a thunk?

"We are the Greatest Backwoods of the World": Interview with Norman Birnbaum (tags)

"I am astonished or shocked at this total submissiveness toward my country. Intelligent people fade out the shady sides of our country, the broad trails of blood of our military interventions and the cynical contempt of the govt for its own citizens.. "

Imperialist Excuses for War (tags)

A comparison of the excuses for wars of aggression used by Nazi Germany with those used by the United States.

Bluffs soldier witness to Nazi atrocities (tags)

As a member of an Army ordnance company, John Campbell remembers Gen. George Patton's words of advice about German soldiers in World War II: "If you SOBs meet up with a German, shoot him."

Bush "Feels Good" (tags)

Bush "Feels Good" after sucking French & German cock at the UN.

Bush Wants Corpses from Many Countries (tags)

"According to a congressional report leaked out several days ago, the US will be strained both financially and militarily in a few months in Iraq. No wonder they are looking for other sponsors and more soldiers. The UN must not serve as Washington's war chest."

Gulliver Calls and the Dwarfs Follow (tags)

"Imperial overreach threatens Europe's economic resources and military arsenals already strained to the limit.. The emperor and his people should quickly understand that the Imperium Americanum cannot subjugate the globe." Translated fr German

Is Bush the New Hitler? (tags)

Hitler's rampage of murder and war reached its end in 1945, but Hitler began laying the groundwork for his genocide approximately two decades before. Until Hitler began shoveling the bodies of gassed Jews, Gypsies, Poles, and dissidents into the ovens, many in the United States supported Hitler.

Timeline of Treason: The Bush Family Connections To The Nazis (tags)

The Bush family has willingly and knowingly associated themselves with Nazis for over 80 years spanning three generations of Bushes. Prescott Bush was Hitler’s banker in America and was referred to by the New York Tribune as Hitler’s angel.

Crisis and Wars (tags)

"Another world is possible and another economy is necessary, an economy in which massive social resources are used according to plan..`We are attacked as in the dying phase of the Weimar republic'." This review is translated from the German.

Deflation Threatens. A Specter goes about in Germany (tags)

"The IMF recently warned of a deflationary development and a dangerous intensification of the economic crisis in Germany..Deflation is characterized by a lowering of price levels.. The cause is a surplus of goods over the demand for goods.." Translated from German

On the Human Right to Laziness (tags)

"Paul Lafargue spoke satirically about the first sinister acceleration thrusts of early industry: "All individual and social misery comes from a passion for work. O laziness, be merciful with your endless misery!: O laziness, you are the balm for the pains!"

More State Intervention (tags)

"The German economy has skidded into a recession.. In a recession, the state must take a leadership role in solving the main problem, inadequate demand.." Translated from the German

Berlusconi Nazi Comment Triggers Outrage (tags)

German socialist Martin Schulz referred to Berlusconi's use of an Italian immunity law to sidestep bribery charges in a Milan court. "In Italy, they are making a movie on Nazi concentration camps," Berlusconi snapped back. "I will propose you for the role of capo,"

Revisionist historian ruled a racist in court (tags)

Director of the right-wing Adelaide Institute Dr Frederick Toben doubted the Holocaust on his website and claimed that Jewish people who disagreed with his views were of limited intelligence.

Makow - The Other Sideof Holocaust Denial (tags)

Although I am the grandson of Holocaust victims, I am embarrassed by some Jewish organizations that want to make the Jewish Holocaust the defining event of World War Two. ...Jewish powerbrokers use anti Semitism to disarm opposition to their political agenda. The promotion of the Jewish Holocaust maintains the Jews' status as the world's premier "victims." This gives them immunity from criticism.

Listen to the MOCKINGBIRD (tags)

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories. "Katherine The Great," by Deborah Davis (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991)

Court rules HIV not proven to cause 'AIDS'. (tags)

After years of claims by the AIDS establishment that a link between HIV and immune supression had been established a High Court found the claim without merit and a unfounded deception. This is the first legal trail of the HUV/AIDS hypothesis and a historic defeat for AID$ Inc.

The Other Side of Holocaust Denial Freedom As Hate Crime (tags)

Although I am the grandson of Holocaust victims, I am embarrassed by some Jewish organizations that want to make the Jewish Holocaust the defining event of World War Two.

Economy for Human Needs (tags)

"If the peace movement, globalization critics and unions unite their struggles, sand can be thrown in the gears of neoliberal globalization. Then changing direction will be possible." Translated from the German

Germany shifts military towards global peacekeeping (tags)

Leaked versions of the 22-page defence paper place resolution of international crises under UN leadership at the top of the task list, and add a new and unfamiliar role: helping the police fight September-11-style terrorist attacks.

Achtung!  Are We the New Nazis? (tags)

Presently, American military veterans—rank and file former soldiers mostly--are speaking out against American Imperialism, as well as ministers, artists, reporters, scientists and educators. But the powerful alliance of media monopolies and corporate-financed political leaders sway public opinion to war.

"The System is always Fair", the Cat says to the Mouse (tags)

"Behind closed doors, the WTO negotiated GATS, an agreement on liberalization of services. Health conglomerates all over the world can steal solvent patients. The existential necessity water could soon be much more expensive." Trans. from German

The Rise of the Third Reich and Bush (tags)

This is why he projects his shadow on Saddam Hussein.

When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History (tags)

To the extent that our Constitution is still intact, the choice is again ours.

Merry Shi'ites rejoice in front of reporters hotel - but what comes next? (tags)

The images of the statue being pulled down will probably become one of the iconic images of this war. Those destroying the statue were Shi'ites who had been kept in poverty and oppressed by Saddam. The protest took place, not coincidentally, right accross the street from the hotel where all the journalists were shacked up. Now we know that the extreme right wing in America has no love for the poor. How much did the CIA pay for that protest, and will it be enough for those impoverished Shi'ites to retire on (Uncle Sam, after all, doesn't do the charity thing)

"BLIND POWER" - Artwork (tags)

"Blind Power." Rudolf Schlichter 1937 Oil on Canvas

europe says Osama Bin Bush a religious fundamentalist (tags)

europe catches on to shrub's "crusade"

Disturbing Similarities of History - The Third Reich and the Presidency of George Bush (tags)

I just threw this timeline together, so it isn't perfect; I'm still working on it. However, notice the striking and horrifyingly blatant similarities between the two...

Boycott of American Goods Over Iraq War Gains (tags)

Europeans are boycotting American products in protest against the war. Maybe it's time for Americans to issue a call for foreign tourists not to visit the US, until we get our democracy back.

Old Europe greets New America! (tags)

Message from germany: I am one of hundred thousands antiwar activists in germany. Lets join together in a worldwide movement against war and capitalism! Together we have the power to smash the plutocracy and her servants worldwide! Lets work together to end this bloody war!


March 10, 2003 -- THE NEW YORK POST

The Hyper-Power (book review) (tags)

Noam Chomsky speaks of a completely de-politicized society that has left the monopoly of decisions to an anonymous leadership caste..The war against Iraq should be considered as a kind of domestic political necessity. Translated from the German

German conservative opposition leader Angela Merkel (tags)

German conservative opposition leader Angela Merkel visits US

Massive bombing! (tags)

We mercenary soldiers

Fascism and the Republican Party (tags)

The relationship between fascist individuals and groups from World War 2 with the Republican Party and the corporate connections between German and American corporations. Not to be construed as implying the Democrats aren't imperialistic

Remembering The White Rose (tags)

Not All voices remained mute under the Third Reich. Will you oppose the Fourth? Remembering the "White Rose" 60 years ago, on Feb. 22 1943, three students of the Munich-based resistance group “White Rose” were executed for inciting young people to rise against Hitler - a fact that many young Germans today are unaware of.



Secret project 'MIRAGE' (tags)

The secret plan to block out and to thwart the abnormal war ambitions of the Bush administrations

THOUSANDS protest Rumsfeld in Germany (tags)

Thousands of Germans protest the visit of Donald Rumsfeld.

The Spirit of Resistance (tags)

Why do men and women stand in opposition to tyranny? Why is it that some would rather die than bend their neck to the collar?


Whoever in Zurich reports (too) critically about police and authorities (1) or even institutes legal proceedings against fallible officials (2), doesn't have to worry about reprisals like f.e. illegal raid of editorial offices (3), illegal confiscations of editorial papers, negative films and videotapes (4), violent arrestations (5). Plus the usual little avalanche of charges & legal proceedings (5) under such intriguing titles as ...

Like, I care (tags)

What any European nation thinks about the US!!

Just For Bush Admirer/ Hitler's Bedfellows (tags)

Bush's Gradpappy, Hitler's Buddy

The Bushist Chronicle (tags)

German guiltiness!

Israeli Zionists collaborated with German Nazis in the 30's and 40's (tags)

"Zionism promised independence; it has produced a society in which the Prime Minister must periodically affirm to the people that the existence of the nation depends on the delivery of fifty or a hundred Phantom jets from the United States... Zionism promised physical security to the Jews; Israel is the most dangerous place on earth today for a Jew, and it will remain so as long as Israeli-Jewish society retains its colonial character and its function as an instrument of imperialism." -- the Israeli Socialist Organization, in 1972

Terrorism, Israeli Style (tags)

What follows are the two leading stories in the August 29, 2002, Israeli Ha’aretz newspaper. This is but another example showing how the racist Sharon government is joining America in the fight on terrorism.

Indymedia Nederlands summoned to remove Radikal site links (tags)

Indymedia NL refuses to remove links to Radikal site despite being summoned to do so by Deutsche Bahn (German Rail)

The Shortwave Report 12/21/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Spain, Cuba

Germany: nuclear waste train faces mass protests (tags)

Anti-nuclear protesters have staged blockades along the route a shipment of radioactive waste will take today to a long-disputed dump in Gorleben (northern Germany). The nuclear waste carried in ‘CASTOR’ containers (cask for storage and transportation of radioactive waste) left the French nuclear plant at La Hague at 7.30PM Central European Time on Sunday.

Germans say "STOP THE BOMBING!" (tags)

In Stuttgart Germany, more than 5 thousand demonstrate against the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan.

Germans fear neo-Nazi link with Islamists (tags)

German investigators into terrorist 'sleepers' have switched their attention to right-wing extremists who could join forces with Islamic fundamentalists

Sentence doubled for EU Summit "Rioter" (tags)

Gothenburg Sweden

Jun 20th, 8h00 (GMT) Online-demo against deportation-business (tags)

DOWNLOAD - NOW! since sunday night - 3 days in advance to the online-demonstration against Lufthansa´s dirty deportation business - the online protest software is ready for download on about 30 international websites. with the aid of the software, those, who are against deportation, will be able to overload the lufthansa server on wednesday, 20th of june 2001, 10h00 German Local Time (i.e. 8h00 GMT) through multiple requests to LH´s public websites.

Germany: nuclear protest as shipment leaves France (tags)

Protesters have massed in northern Germany to try to block a controversial shipment of nuclear waste on its way from a reprocessing plant in France.

Big German drive for Australian Aboriginal support (tags)

Big German drive for Australian Aboriginal support Cologne, 29 August - - Fifty thousand Germans, more than a hundred of their Olympic athletes and one of their top Olympic officials will be getting mail in the coming days asking them to support the Australian Aborigines.

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