fix articles 68839, salt
Solar Desalination with Brine Recovery Salt Pans Could Stop Desert Water Wars (tags)
If solar powered desalination plants had brine recovery salt pan attachments as in Point Paterson, Austrailia they would be a better option than trying to heist water from already overburdened aquifers as the SNWA has attempted for decades. The desalination plant of the future would be solar and wind powered and use the heat of the desert sun to evaporate the salt from the brine in salt pans creating zero waste. If our society can justify spending billions on unmanned CIA drones to bomb funeral processions in Afghanistan just to kill one Taliban we certainly can invest in our future here by replenishing our overtaxed aquifers through solar powered desalination.
Goshute Tribes Fight SNWA Pipeline to Vegas (tags)
The clock is ticking on the 60-day review period for the environmental assessment report on a controversial water pipeline along the Nevada-Utah border that the Goshute Confederated Tribes say would draw down their own water supplies and impede economic development as well as compromise sacred sites. The eight-foot-diameter pipeline would carry water 300 miles from eastern Nevada to Las Vegas, pumping about 84,000 acre-feet of water annually from Goshute and other tribal lands.
The Man Who Never Died: The Life, Times, and Legacy of Joe Hill (tags)
Joe Hill — labor organizer, musician, song writer, revolutionary — was executed in 1915 by the state of Utah for a crime that many believe he did not commit. Now there's proof.
UT; (1/26) Stop EnergySolution's Depleted Uranium Imports! (tags)
EnergySolutions already has imported railcars filled with depleted uranium that they plan to bury at undisclosed locations in the Western Salt Lake desert. For extra time before burial, environmentalists are asking the UT Dept. of Environmental Quality to support new rules that would prevent DU burials in state until (unbiased) public health studies and further research into groundwater, hydrological and geological process near burial sites can be deemed "safe".
Are California Gay Leaders Mis-Managing The NO ON PROP 8 Campaign? (tags)
Some Los Angeles Gay Leaders are telling they general GLNTQA community NOT to take their lawsuits to court, stating that they can serve them better from behind the doors of closed session board rooms, not open to public view.
The Mormons are no longer unanimously behind the war policy of their government.. Large actions sued Bush for crimes in office on April 28, Impeachment Day, in all 50 states with the support of a growing group of senators and representatives of Congress.
A way to drive with out ID??? (tags)
Hmmm.... Utah allows the undocumented to drive legally with a "driving privilege card." I bet that would be useful for Americans who don't have the required ID to get a drivers license
Salt Lake City Mayor Joins Demonstration Against Bush Visit There (tags)
[from the Seattle Times]
Massive Pro-Migrant Marches Sweep Nation: 2 Million to March Today (tags)
We are Millions
UFCW "Salt of the Earth" Benefit (tags)
Please join us this Thursday, January 22nd in Santa Monica for a benefit screening screening of the classic, blacklisted 1954 film, "Salt of the Earth." All proceeds will go to the strike funds of the UFCW Locals 770 and 1442. Tickets are $20, and advance tickets are available online at,012220041930,5,59,NR
History-makers reflect on Salt of the Earth: ‘Even more relevant now’ (tags)
Anita and Lorenzo Torrez were a young married couple thrown into the midst of the Empire Zinc strike in Hanover, N.M., in 1950.
Poor to March for Economic Human Rights During Olympics (tags)
On February 8, 2002, poor, unemployed and homeless people from across the United States will lead a massive March for Our Lives on the opening day of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.